(Author's Note)

This idea was sent to me by SouthernGirl1984, so thank you! I'm really sorry this took so long and that it isn't an update for 'Silent Treatment,' but I've had this idea for a while, so now I'm finishing it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Hawaii Five-0, and I don't own the idea that SouthernGirl1984 gave me. Unless, I went into her dreams and planted it there! I also don't own Inception, which is never again mentioned in this fic. Just being safe.

"Happy birthday, Danny!" Steve exclaimed, clapping his best friend on the back.

Danny smiled. "Thanks, Steve! Definitely the best birthday ever." The two of them had gone to see their favorite movie for a special showing at the theater, then had gone to play paintball; Steve winning as usual. He was just too damn good with a gun!

At the moment they were in Danny's bedroom, but they were going to leave later tonight for dinner with Danny's family. Danny was looking forward to it. But at the same time, he was worried. Not about the dinner, but about his best friend. Steve seemed distracted, he was constantly rubbing the back of his neck, a nervous habit of his.

"You okay, Steve?" Danny asked worriedly.

"Hm? Yeah, Danny. I'm fine. Sorry, just a little tired," Steve admitted, rubbing the back of his neck for the hundredth time today.

"If you want to skip out on dinner and just go home, I'll understand," Danny said, hoping that Steve's tiredness was all it was, and not anything more serious.

"Well..actually Danny, I'm..just nervous," Steve admitted rather sheepishly.

Danny looked at his best friend. "Nervous? Why the hell would you be nervous?"

Steve turned to look at Danny. "I didn't want to tell you before, and I know this is a terrible time to tell you, but..I'm joining the naval academy." There was a long silence while Danny processed this information.

"Why..why didn't you tell me before?" Danny yelled angrily. Was he being ridiculous acting like this? He certainly didn't think so! His best friend had just told him, on his birthday, that he was leaving! For who knows how long? No, he was definitely not overreacting, he decided.

"I knew you would act like this, that's why! I know I should have told you, I know..But I wanted to find the right time," Steve replied, sorrowfully.

"When is the right time for news like this? Geez, Steve! You could not have chosen a better time to be a complete ass!" Danny forced himself to calm down. Sure, Steve was stupid, but he was also his best friend. Didn't he deserve the chance to explain? "When are you leaving?"

Steve looked anywhere but at Danny. "A month."

Danny stared, then clenched his fists. He was pissed, but he forced himself to answer without punching Steve in the face. "When exactly were you planning on telling me? Never?"

"I don't know Danny. I'm sorry. I am so sorry! I don't know what I was thinking..I just..I didn't want you to be disappointed in me!" Steve explained.

"A bit late for that, isn't it?" Danny said sarcastically. Steve was leaving in a month...Danny couldn't believe it. He had always thought that they would go to college together, room together, do everything together. He had never expected his closest friend..his best friend, his confidant, to ever leave.

"Danny, I really want to make it up to you. Let's just go to dinner and try to make rest of the time we have amazing. And..I am really sorry."

"I know you are, Steve..I just wish you had told me earlier. I would have had more time to prepare to go with you. I mean, mom and dad want me to go to the community college here, but I think they'll warm up to me going to the naval academy!" Danny smiled. He already had everything planned out in his head.

"What? You're not seriously thinking of coming with me, are you Danny?" Steve asked, staring at his friend.

Danny feigned hurt. "You don't want me to come?"

Steve was silent for a moment. "Danny, I'm serious about this. It's something I really want to do, I want to make a difference, and I need to do that by doing my best. I'm not sure I can do that with you there." Steve rubbed the back of his neck. He wasn't sure how Danny would take that, not well he assumed.

"So you think I would screw you up, huh?" Danny felt his temper rise once more. Steve was really trying his patience today.

Steve sighed. He was so tired and..a little annoyed with Danny for not understanding. "Danny, you know you would. We're stupid teenagers. We would never be able to concentrate on anything, especially not together. If we're apart, I might actually have a chance to get out of here! Hawaii is great, sure..but I want more."

Danny's anger was subsiding. He could see Steve's point. He didn't want to, but he did. "I hate you Steve...I hate you for being right."

Steve looked at Danny. "I'm right? You mean, you're not pissed at me anymore?"

Danny shook his head sadly. "No, I'm still mad at you, but I see your point. We would only screw each other up. I want you to be happy. I know that sounds lame, but I do. And..I can see that you won't be happy if I'm just here stifling you."

Steve grinned before wrapping his arms around his friend. "I love you, Danny. I love you so much."

Danny coughed uncomfortably. "Okay. Happy moment over. Let go. This is overly weird."

A month had passed since Danny's birthday, and the time had come for Steve to be leaving. Steve, his father, and his sister were standing in the airport terminal, hugging, crying, and exchanging good-byes. His father was stoic, just hugging his son and telling him to call often. His sister, who had pretended not to care after she found out about his leaving, was crying and telling her brother not to go.

Danny and his parents watched them, feeling a little uncomfortable, until Steve noticed them and called them over. Steve hugged Danny tightly, wishing that he was coming, but knowing that this was for the best, for both of them.

Danny's throat felt tight as he hugged Steve, not wanting to ever let go. He loved his friend, Steve had been there for him for most of his life. Not having him around was going to be strange, quiet, and lonely. Like it was when Danny's mother died. At least he had had Steve there.

"I'm gonna miss you, Danny." Steve said, speaking through tears. He didn't even bother to wipe them away, still holding on tightly to Danny.

"I'll miss you too, man." Danny replied, not trusting himself to say Steve's name lest he throw him over his shoulder and take off, tying him down somewhere so he would never leave.

An outsider might see this relationship as being obsessive, and it sort of was, but they were best friend, had been best friends since..forever. Well, as long as Danny could remember anyway. Now Steve was being torn away from him. Not against his will, but according to his will. That part made it worse.

The two friends talked quietly to each other while their families chatted politely, not wanting to break the moment. Then Steve heard his flight being called. He looked at Danny, who was crying. "It's time to go," was all he said.

Danny nodded, then enveloped Steve in a final hug. "Take care. Don't get screwed over by anyone. Don't find another best friend or I'll kick his ass then yours."

Steve laughed. "Not sure I could ever find someone who could take your place." He reluctantly let go of Danny, turned to his family and hugged them, then shook Danny's father's hand. Danny's dad nodded at him, then said rather gruffly, "Take care of yourself, Steve. Not sure how Danny would handle you injuring or killing yourself."

Steve nodded. "I'll take care. Thank you. And..try to watch out for Danny."

Mr. Williams smiled. "I'll try, but Danny has a mind of his own. He's quite a stubborn one." The two of them glanced at Danny who was glaring at them like he knew they were talking about him.

Steve turned to Mrs. Williams. She hugged him tightly, remembering how he was as a boy. "Call your father often, he really cares about you. And don't forget to call us. We worry about you too."

Steve laughed. "I will, Mrs. Williams. Don't worry."

She pulled away from him. "I can't help but worry about you guys. Before I know it, Danny will be leaving home too.."

Steve heard the last boarding call for his flight. "I have to leave now. I'll call you guys when I get in." He hugged Danny one more time, then his father and sister, before handing his ticket to the ticket officer.

As he headed down the tunnel to the airplane, he turned and waved before disappearing.