Ok, so, I know I haven't updated in a long time but this I couldn't think of anything!

There's not a song in this, but it's my last chapter, so please, enjoy :)

Thank you for all of you who have reviewed or even read my story, it makes me very, very happy.

When I write my next one, please bother reading it :}


Vic turned and smiled as her cousin walked through the door. She was twenty three years old and he was almost seventeen. Behind him, her red hair falling gracefully around her face was Lily, the most cunning student Hogwarts had seen since Sirius Black. She was twelve years old, and had the world wrapped around her little finger "Hey Vic."

"Morning Lily."

James walked over and poked his cousin forcefully in the cheek. She hit him "Ouch!"

"You look terrible."



"You actually kind of do. Are you Ok?" Asked Lily, sitting beside her.

"Actually, I feel kind of ill."

"You look it." James grinned, before walking over to the large cupboard in Vic and Teddy's cottage that was always, no matter what, filled with food.

Lily rolled her brown eyes, before opening her bag "Do you know I'm nearly in my third year? It's gone so fast."

Vic smiled "It does. It'll slow down once you're in your fourth year, and then after your OWL's it starts to fly again. You'll be married with kids before you know it." Vic winked at her cousin.

Lily pulled out some sort of muggle device and pressed it against Victoire's forehead. "Yeah, you have a bit of a temperature."

Vic swatted her away "Fabulous. James, pass me that ice-cream."

"It'll do nothing for your figure." He commented, grinning.

Vic frowned "Considering what I do, you'd think I'd stay skinny, but I'm really into ice-cream at the moment, I can't get enough of the stuff."

Lily gasped "Oh dear Merlin with all his equipment on fire."

James raised his eyebrows "What the hell?"

"Victoire is this the first time you've been ill?"

"No, I've been feeling a bit funny for a couple of weeks, I think I caught something when me and Teddy went to the Caribbean, why?"

Lily grinned, her whole face lighting up "Oh, my, goodness."

Victoire kicked her, and James hit her around the head "What's going on?"

Lily elbowed her eldest brother firmly in the ribs, before turning to face her cousin "How much Quidditch have you been playing? Have you put on weight?"

"Yeah I have, but I've just been playing as many matches as normal."

"You feel sick, you've put on weight and you suddenly love ice-cream..."

Vic gasped, knowing that her life would never, ever be the same again.


Teddy stuck up his fingers casually, while opening his coffee, as a group of muggle teenagers walked past, giggling about his hair.

He hated London, but at the same time, loved it. The shops were all closing on Chiswick high street as he walked past, restaurants opening and the sun setting, causing the world around him to glow with an orange tinge.

He walked to the end of the road, before crossing and walking down the alleyway between a hair salon and Pizza Express. When he reached the backs of the businesses, he turned on the spot, and with a light popping sound, appeared outside his own front door in Surrey.

He walked in and saw his wife sitting at the kitchen table. She looked pale and scared, while Lily sat beside her, rubbing her back with an exasperated look on her petite features.

"What on earth?" He rushed over and held her close to him while she sniffed.

Lily stood up, quite cheerfully and smiled "I'll be round tomorrow morning, see you."

Teddy opened his mouth, but she had already walked into the fireplace and disappeared in a cloud of green smoke.

"Victoire what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, I just, I know you didn't want this yet..."

"Didn't want what? Come on, you're worrying me." He pulled up a chair but kept hold of her, one hand wrapped around her slim waist.

"I...Teddy...I...We're having a baby...Babies...twins according to Lily, if she's right with her psychic powers..."

Teddy gasped, his eyes bulging, but then he stood up and whooped at the top of his lungs, before picking up his wife and spinning her around "Victoire I don't care that we didn't plan it, seriously. I can't think of anything better than living here, with you, with a beautiful little baby. Babies..Mind you, they're going to be some amazing bloody children. Your Veela blood and my Metamorphagus powers...bloody hell." Teddy grinned, his hands absently messing up his hair.

Victoire grinned "You're seriously not bothered?"

Teddy hugged her "No, of course I'm bothered Vic, I'm over the bloody moon."

Vic sighed "Thank Merlin for that, I was worried you'd be all stressed about money and everything."

Teddy laughed "Vic, I have a good job at the Ministry, Hermione pays me loads, and you'll still get paid because you're an amazing chaser and they won't want to lose you."

"I know, thank you."

"I love you."

"I love you too, I would say let's have a drink to celebrate, but that's hardly appropriate."

Teddy grinned, putting a hand on Vic's stomach "No, anyway, if you're anything to go by, this one will love a nice portion of Fire Whisky anyway."

Victoire hit him playfully "Oi!"

Teddy grinned "Remember when you were like, thirteen, and I got you pissed, and we ended up snogging behind a suit of armour."

Victoire laughed "Yeah, I don't really remember that night much though, I just remember waking up and saying "You're a lucky man, you just slept with Victoire Weasley."

Teddy grinned "Yeah, me neither, even I was pretty drunk."

Victoire nodded "Thanks for the memories. I love you, I really do."

"I know you do, I love you too, and no problem, thank you to you too."

"We could always do something else to celebrate..."

Teddy smirked "You never lose it do you?"

"Lose what?"

And what it was exactly, he couldn't describe, maybe her overwhelming general happiness, maybe her ability to love him so much and never grow bored of him, maybe just the way she was herself. Whatever it was though, it was incredible.

"I don't really know."

Vic smiled "Well, no, and I never will."