A/N: I own nothing. Huge thank you for my beta Rae D. Magdon!

Rizzoli & Isles - Pick Me Up - Chapter 3

Doctor Maura Isles gathered the files she had just printed and stuffed them in a brown folder. She got up from her chair and smoothed down her pale green dress. She took a look in the window for her reflection and was satisfied with the way she looked. The strapless dress complimented her figure well. She looked stunning. Maura smiled at her blurry reflection and turned around to leave.

"Like what you see, Doc?" Jane smirked from the doorway she was leaning on. "I sure do." Maura blushed, but quickly got her composure back.

"Actually I do, I haven't worn this dress before. It's new and I quite like it. The stitching is impeccable, the colour is exquisite, and it fits my body really well." Maura twirled around. "Don't you think?" Jane stared at her fashionable friend with her lips slightly parted and nodded.

"Yes, definitely," she said slowly. Then quickly added, "the stitching looks just swell."

"Hmph. You don't have to make fun of me for liking to dress nice even though you can't tell cashmere and silk apart," Maura said defensively after catching her colleague's sarcasm. Jane tore her eyes away from Maura's stunning figure and noticed she had managed to offend the doctor.

"No, Maura, I was serious. It definitely fits you well." Jane tried to fix the situation. "You look breathtakingly beautiful." Maura's eyes shot up to Jane's. She tried to figure out if the striking brunette was joking, but found no trace of sarcasm. She could only see dark eyes that seemed to drill into her. She blushed again and lowered her eyes. It was up to Jane again to break the heavy tension that hung between them.

"Soooo…I came to ask if you're ready to go to lunch."

"Oh, already?"

"What do you mean already? I'm starving!"

"How can you be starving? We just ate huge breakfast, and you usually drink only coffee in the mornings. Which isn't good for you, by the way. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Most of the doctors in US believe that people who eat breakfast every day are a third less likely to…"

"Oh really?" Jane cut in and stopped Maura's rambling. "Then how come a certain doctor ate my share of eggs? As a doctor, aren't you supposed to take care of people?"

"You said you ate enough!"

"Hmm, you're right. I lied. I really burnt the first batch of the eggs," Jane confessed, shrugging. "I ate some of the very well charred eggs, but it wasn't too good, so I fed rest of it to Bass.

"What? Jane, what were you thi…?" Maura stopped abruptly and shoved the grinning detective.

"Rizzoli, 2 – Isles, 0."

"A ha ha. Very funny. You're hilarious." Maura replied dryly and rolled her eyes. She grabbed the folder from the table and held it out for Jane to take.

"I was just about to walk up to bring you these lab results you asked for earlier," Maura explained.

"Thanks, I had already forgotten about them." Jane took the folder and was about to open it.

"So, you came down here just to tease me?" Maura accused. "Why don't you go up to study those files? Then I have a chance of completing some work today myself."

"You're throwing me out? Again?" Jane acted aghast. "That's twice today!"

"You're too stressful to be in the same room with when you're hungry. Go! I'll come and get you when I'm done."

"Yes, Ma'am." Jane snapped a mock salute and walked out laughing.

~ x ~

When Maura walked up to the bullpen in order to take Jane to lunch, she expected to see her favourite detective lounging around. Usually, when Jane was hungry or restless, she came down to the morgue. If Maura wasn't there, she just sat in front of her desk, feet propped on the table, and was usually involved in a heated conversation with either Korsak or Frost. She said the bickering helped her to relax and it cleared her mind.

The brunette sat in front of her desk now as well, but this time she was focused on her paperwork. She had clearly got some work done already. Stacks of files were neatly piled up on her desk, and she was furiously typing something on her computer. Jane was so focused on the reports that she didn't hear Maura come in, which was a first, since the observant detective usually recognized the sound of Maura's heels from the other end of the hallway.

Maura walked forward and when the detective still didn't notice her, she was content to watch her work for a moment. Jane stared at the computer with her brow furrowed, rolling a pencil between her fingers. 'She really frowns a lot,' Maura thought, and made a mental note to keep her friend smiling more often.

Jane replaced the pencil between her lips and proceeded to type something, only to lean back and sigh a second later. Jane threw her pencil away and stretched, causing her shirt ride up from under her belt. Maura realised that Jane had rolled up her sleeves, which she had so patiently buttoned earlier, and now struggled to keep the hem tucked into her slacks.

"You shouldn't roll your sleeves in the middle of the day. They will be wrinkled for the rest of the day," Maura advised her less stylish friend.

"Maura! When did you get here?" Jane asked, surprised.

"Just a minute ago. Let's go have some lunch, shall we?"

"Finally." Jane jumped up eagerly, knocking over her chair. After lifting the chair back up, she moved to follow Maura out of the room.

Korsak, who had made no sign of recognition when Maura walked in, lifted his head and shot a look at Frost. The younger detective had not seemed to be paying attention either, but was now looking very alert. He returned Korsak's knowing glance and coughed something that sounded suspiciously like "whipped".

"Did you say something, Frost?" Jane questioned after turning around sharply.

"Nope, nothing, Jane."

"That better be true," Jane warned and shot a glare to both of her colleagues. Maura walked back to the doorway wearing her jacket.

"Jane, are you coming?"

"Yeah, let me grab my stuff." Jane hastily pulled on her jacket and shoved her keys and phone to her pockets, hurrying towards Maura.

"I don't think I have to watch cute animal videos today," Korsak announced loudly. "Ah, puppy love." He and Frost laughed when Jane stopped, clearly pondering whether to acknowledge the stab thrown at her or not.

"You better go, Janie. Wouldn't want to make Doc mad, would you?" Korsak continued. Jane stood in the middle of the room, trying to decide what to do. She took a look at Maura, who seemed to tell her to let it go. Jane smiled at her and continued forward, placing a hand on Maura's back and guiding her out. Before closing the door, she pointed both of the men with her finger and looked at them from under her brows as if to say, 'you're on my list'.

~ x ~

After both Maura and Jane had finished working for the day, they decided to go for a drink at a small but cosy bar called MacDougal's. The weather was lovely, so Maura thought it would be nice to walk since the bar was right around the corner. They walked leisurely, enjoying each other's company in the slowly cooling night. Maura talked about the body she had finished examining today. Jane listened, but didn't try to understand too hard because she didn't know half of the words the shorter woman used. She was satisfied just listening to Maura talk with such passion. It never ceased to amaze Jane how much Maura gave for the job. Jane was extremely dedicated to her job, but Maura was even more so.

Jane spotted a familiar sign just couple of meters away and turned to look at Maura, who was still going on about the case.

"As much as I want to hear about the rest of your day, what do you say we talk about work tomorrow and concentrate on other things tonight?" Jane asked after she had shushed Maura with a finger to her lips. Maura stared at the hand on her mouth and then raised a brow at Jane, who removed the hand immediately, thinking she had stepped over the line. Little did she know that Maura secretly enjoyed the brief touches between them.

"Other things such as?" Maura asked almost too sweetly, and expectant expression on her face. Jane looked down and rubbed her palms together nervously.

"You know…other things…whatever else. We have things to talk about that aren't related to work, don't we?"

"Oh, I'm sure of it. Can't seem to think of anything right now, though. Can you name a few?" Jane was taken aback. Did her friend really think they had nothing in common besides work? She opened her mouth to argue that Maura was wrong but nothing came out. Maura thought she looked lost and took pity on her.

"It seems like I'm catching up. Isles 1 – Rizzoli minus 3." Maura giggled as she saw a wave of relief wash over the detective.

"You little minx," Jane laughed and grabbed Maura's shoulder, pulling the doctor to her chest with one arm. She squeezed the petite woman in her arms a bit. "I think we need to revise the point system on your part." Maura just grinned at her and let Jane guide her to the bar. Jane politely opened the door for the lady and they stepped in.

~ x ~

The bar was dimly lit and quite noisy. Music was flowing from strategically placed speakers, but it wasn't too loud to prevent them from chatting comfortably. The atmosphere wasn't dull either, even though there weren't too many people there. Maura and Jane noticed Frost and Korsak playing pool, and went over to greet them.

Jane took Maura's jacket and set it, and rest of their stuff, in a booth the boys had occupied earlier. She shrugged her own jacket away and threw it on top of the pile. Then, she unrolled her sleeves and noticed that they were indeed wrinkled. Maura watched from afar as the detective fumbled with her buttons once again. When she noticed that her friend was wearing a shirt she had bought, she smiled. Maura was always trying to update her friend's style, and after dragging the reluctant detective along for a shopping spree, she noticed it was easier just to buy clothes for Jane to wear herself and present them as gifts. Jane didn't like to spend time with clothing. She didn't like buying them, trying them on, caring for them, or putting them on. Maura appreciated that Jane had gone the extra mile to please her, but knew it would be the last time Jane wore a button up shirt if she didn't soon win the fight against the buttons. Maura walked up to her suffering friend, captured the nearest arm, and skilfully buttoned the cuff.

"If this is how I can get you to wear fancier outfits, Jane, I will gladly button up your clothes every morning," Maura said innocently and sighed. Jane caught the slip of the tongue that Maura was totally oblivious to. She thought briefly how nice it would be to have Maura button up her clothes every morning. A sly smile curved her lips. Jane thought it better not to mention her thoughts or the double meaning to the doctor, who was done cuffing her sleeves and was now styling her hair.

"Much better." Maura nodded as if to agree with herself. "You're very welcome."

"Thanks," Jane said, just a little bit sarcastically.

"Now, I believe you owe me a drink, Detective," Maura reminded her, and brushed Jane's arms one more time.

"I hoped you wouldn't remember, but you always do, don't ya? I'll be right back with your order, miss." Jane winked and went to inspect the good stuff on the shelves, leaving Maura to stand there and follow her friend's backside with her eyes. She looked up and down Jane's lean form. She was really gorgeous, but clueless about her own attractiveness. Maura guessed that was half of Jane's charm. The doctor continued her gazing. Her friend had really captured her eye. Jane looked so good, even taller in her boots and well fitting black slacks, shirt tucked in under her belt. Maura just couldn't look away.

The second Jane turned away, Korsak paused the game and approached Maura with a gleam in his eyes. He followed Maura's gaze and realised she was staring at their colleague. The older man chuckled to himself. His suspicions were quickly proving to be true.

"So, how does it feel to have Rizzoli wrapped around your finger?" Korsak inquired. Maura was still lost in thought, and was startled when Korsak spoke.

"Hmm, what was it that you said, Vince?"

"I asked what it feels like to have one of the toughest detectives in Boston wrapped around your finger, doctor?" Korsak repeated. Maura looked up to him with a confused expression on her face, then down at her hands, seeming to study her fingers.

"You're not causing any grief to the good doctor here, are you, Korsak?" Jane interrupted and handed Maura a small glass. Korsak quickly backed away and went to continue his game, moving his pinkie finger in spinning motion towards Maura. Jane didn't see the gesture, and after catching the meaning of Korsak's idiom, Maura thought it wouldn't do any good to repeat it. Instead, she shifted her focus to the tiny glass in her hand, smelling the liquid inside.

"Jane, if you didn't have enough money to buy us decent drinks, you should have let me buy them." Jane's eyebrows shot up. There was something she knew that the well-educated doctor didn't.

"Maura, it's Tequila," she explained. "The drink's supposed to be small. It's hard liquor, it's almost ten times stronger than beer." Jane put her glass down and set slices of lime and a bottle of salt next to it. Maura watched her curiously.

"There's a certain etiquette when drinking this stuff. Usually they offer lemon with tequila, but I asked for lime, it tastes so much better. Now, do what I do." Jane wet the crook between her thumb and index finger with the fruit she had picked up. Then she shook some salt on top of it and picked up her shot. Maura's eyes followed her every move and she copied her friend's actions.

"Lick the salt first, shoot your drink, and then eat the lime. Cheers!" Jane instructed and knocked back her drink. She closed her eyes and relished the taste of the combination.

"Damn, that's good!" she exclaimed. The doctor was still standing there wide-eyed, her drink still in her hand. She had every intention of following Jane and completing the learning experience, but when she had seen Jane's lips closing over salted skin and suckling on it, her determination had wavered. She had never seen such a sensual way of drinking. That was before Jane had put the sliced citrus in her mouth and closed her eyes, humming a bit at the effect. Tequila was quickly climbing towards first place on the list of Maura's favourite drinks.

The doctor did not want to do any worse, and decided to make sure Jane saw what she had seen just a moment ago. Maura's tongue darted out to taste the salt, soon to be followed by her lips. She glanced at Jane to make sure the detective was watching. Then, without blinking or breathing, Maura nipped her own skin slightly and downed the drink, coughing a little because of the burning effect on her throat. She raised the lime to her lips and sucked on it greedily. Maura decided she liked the taste. The combination of the flavours really was exquisite.

To Jane, the combination of Maura licking salt and Maura sucking a slice of lime to her mouth was exquisite. She had a blank stare on her face, similar what she had just observed on her friends face. Jane felt flustered.

"That was a interesting drink you chose, detective," Maura pointed out when she was done with her fruit. "And judging by the burning in my throat, I'd say it was at least 40 percent alcohol."

"Yeah, well, I paid for it, so I get to choose the drink." Jane shrugged defensively, more to herself than to anything else, trying to get out of her fluster. "And you're right, Tequila usually has 40 percent kick."

"You shouldn't drink more than one of those. This liquor is 14.29 times stronger than your usual MGD," Maura wisely advised.

"How you do that, I'll never know," Jane said, shaking her head, although she was used to Maura solving mathematical problems faster than she could with a calculator. 'Leave it to Maura to know what beer I drink and how strong it is,' Jane mused.

Jane watched the boys play for a while. Frost was getting his ass kicked by Korsak. He had six balls left to his older colleague's one and the eight ball. There was really no point of continuing the game, Jane decided, not after seeing how her partner played, so she asked:

"Would you like to play some pool, M?" Maura observed the game for a moment and then nodded.

"I would. It doesn't look very difficult," she agreed.

"Wait, you have never played pool before?" Jane was surprised. "Then we definitely have to play a match so I can kick your ass!"

"Would you like to make a wager on that, detective?" Maura challenged. Jane was beyond surprised. Maura had never played before, and here she was, wanting to bet against her. Well, she was in for a surprise. Jane liked to think that she was more than proficient at pool and other bar games, having spent a lot of time in different pubs.

"If you insist, Doctor. How about the loser pays for the rest of the evening?" Jane suggested, trying to get free drinks for herself for the night.

"I was thinking more along the lines of taking a shot every time the other gets a ball in. What do you think?" Maura countered, throwing a smile at the baffled Jane, who just stared at her friend for the tenth time that day. She was acting so bold and flirty. The effect of alcohol couldn't be blamed yet. Then, a thought passed through her confused brain. She couldn't possibly lose, which meant more tequila for the doctor. A devilish smile flashed on Jane's face. Tipsy Maura was definitely fun, and drunken Maura would let Jane help her home and probably ask her to spend the night. The plan was settled then. Jane gave her full attention to Maura again.

"I think that you are gonna be drunk before it's your turn to shoot, Doc," Jane replied cockily.

"We'll see about that, Detective."