So I tried to make this 100 words…and failed. XD So it is a double drabble, with 200 words. I'm working on condensing my writing. It's harder than it looks :/

You never really hear about the Elvish guys being beautiful...there's Glorfindel's hair and Legolas being 'fair beyond the measure of men' but that's about it. So this is my attempt to even the score a little bit.

Hopefully it makes sense D:

Everyone belongs to Tolkien.


"A perfect representation of the best parts of her mixed heritage, Arwen Undomiel possesses exceptional beauty," Bilbo read, translating the Elvish for the young hobbits in front of him.

He became thoughtful. "It's the Maian that does it. But with each passing generation it gets more diluted. Everyone forgets to look to the previous generations, where it flows more strongly. How unfortunate that the true beauties of the elven race are not acknowledged, as legend only remembers the women."

Merry and Pippin exchanged a glance and then followed the old hobbit's gaze. Lord Elrond, hearing Bilbo stop talking and feeling their eyes on him, paused in his conversation to Glorfindel to glance towards the three hobbits.

The bright, late-afternoon sun illuminated three-quarters of his face in golden light, making the red highlights in his long sienna hair more pronounced, his skin seem almost luminescent and bringing out the silver flecks in his blue eyes. Presented quite literally in a different light, his beauty – which had hitherto gone unnoticed by the young hobbits – was breathtaking.

Elrond frowned slightly as he regarded the hobbits, and then turned back to Glorfindel, dismissing their staring at him as an odd quirk of the Shirefolk.


It just seemed to me that the relative beauty of different elves is something that Bilbo would think about. That's a history book he's reading, btw.

Why this prompt? Well, the name 'Elrond' comes from the Elvish el meaning 'star', and rond, meaning 'dome'. Star-dome, Heaven, there you go.* :P

For the record, my Elrond looks a little like Hugo Weaving, but younger and more classically good-looking. (Because as much as I love Hugo and as good-looking as he is, he shows his age a little too much for an elf - even one who is part human.)

*Reference to My Big Fat Greek Wedding. If you don't get it, never mind. xD