
By: Otaku Tess



"Hal!!" The shouts faded in and out of my hazy mind, "Hal! Help! HA~AL!"

It all came back to that... In the end... That was the deciding factor...

"Hal!" It came again, "Hal!"

"E.E...." I tried to call to her. "Emma..." I pulled myself into conciousness and slipped out of the chair I'd been proped in.

I'd been dreaming...

"Ouuww..." I groaned, standing slowly, my body cracked, I looked around. I was in my lab. "Oh..." It only took a few seconds for me to remeber what had happened before I'd passed out.

Without missing a beat I slid my finger to my ear. My CODEC beeped.

I waited, holding my breath, praying silently for a response.

There wasn't one...

"Wolf..." I sighed to myself, walking over to the one exit in the room. I pulled at the door. It didn't open. I took out my security card. That worked, just as I'd assumed it would.

Before I knew what was happening I was stairing down the barrel of a gun. "AHH!" I shouted, throwing my arms in the air. "Don't shoot!"

"Shut up, Doctor." The bearer of the gun snapped. "Go back in you're lab and there won't be any problems."

"Wh-what am I doing here?" I stammered, arms still raised as high as they would go.

"You'll be contacted by CODEC for help on Metal gear. The tests will go on as planned." He responded, "Now. Get back in there." I nodded, stepping back into the lab, the door shut after me.

"Four guards...?" I mummbled to myself.

Something was going on here. This Island had been taken over. That seemed obvious enough. The next logical assuption was that Fox-Hound was behind it. "What's going on here..." I mummbled to myself, returning to the chair I had been sitting in.

I hadn't had time to think about it much before my CODEC beeped. I rushed my hand to my ear.

"Wolf??" I asked, emphatically.

"No. Not Wolf. But close..." A voice that sounded like anyones or no one's smirked through the CODEC. It was the boring looking Fox-Hound member, I was sure of it.


He sneered... "Nevermind. You're help is needed. You're in for a long night..."


I was contacted several times early on for help on Metal Gear, which I hesitantly provided. Most often by the Nobody-Man and the Raspy Voiced guy with the spurs I remebered vaugly from before. However, a few times I'd been contacted by a man with a british accent, and occationaly a soldier.

I eventually came to understand that these people, Fox-Hound and all their Soldiers, were terrorists of some kind. But I was kept completly in the dark about what, exactly, they were trying to do. But considering all of the neuclear waste at this place, it couldn't possibly be easily prevented.

The longer I was couped up in that lab the more worried and anxious I became... I really wanted to speak to Sniper Wolf, but could do little more than sit around waiting.

Everytime my CODEC beeped I hoped and prayed that it would be Wolf. Then, I could ask her what was happening, and why I'd ended up locked in here, and what on earth she had to do with it all.

She couldn't possibly be deeply involved in all of this.... could she? Could she have been forced into helping them, as I had?

That MUST have been it. Hadn't she mentioned being scouted out by Fox-Hound? ... Maybe she'd had no choice, maybe they'd made her join...

I sighed to myself, turning on the computer infront of me for the first time all night. I glanced at my watch, sighing.

12:30. I glanced to the computer clock. 12:34 AM. It was past midnight, i'd been locked in here for a long time now. And to make things worse they han't called me in awhile... So now I was not only anxious and scared, but also lonely and bored out of my mind...!

I groaned inwardly, deciding to try contacting Wolf one more time before I resigned myself to an evening of Solitare and Minesweeper.

My CODEC beeped. I held my breath.

No response...

I sighed, and turned to the game I'd opened up on the screen infront of me. Solitare. How appropriate.

I looked over the cards. No visible ace. Redeal. No ace. Deal again. Got it. Ace of diamonds.

I never could play that game if I didn't start with an ace...

Who invinted this game? It's so boring. I'm sitting infront of a computer that's worth more than I am, and I'm playing solitare with it...

I finished the game several minutes later, and chuckled to myself as I placed the last card in it's stack. I watched boredly as the cards bounced across the screen. I'd always liked watching that, granted I was less than enthusiatic about it right now... But normally I enjoyed it. Maybe it was the one reason I'd kept playing it.

Play Again? It asked me, just as the last card finished it's bouncing.

"No thanks." I sighed, clicking it away and opening up Mindsweeper.

Smiles looked at me expectantly as soon as he was on the screen. "Stop stairing at me." I ordered it. He didn't, he just kept grinning at me, waiting for me to make a mistake. I wouldn't make a mistake though. I had all the high scores at this game.

"Childs play!" I murmered, just before I ran into a vexing problem among the mines. I needed to open up some more space. I licked my lips. I had to make a decicion. What box do I click?

"Don't die on me, buddy." I said, eyeing Smiles, who had absolutly no idea his life was in danger.

I slowly clicked down on the mouse, looking hopefully to Smiles. His jaw dropped and his eyes widened, now fully aware that my next move could be his last. I relesed the mouse. No Xs for eyes! No frowny face! Smiles was okay!

"Yes!" I grinned, continuing on. After that it didn't take long for me to see Smiles sporting a pair of sun glasses. I sighed, standing and streaching, now reminded of what was happeining around me.

"Wolf..." I mumbled to myself, pacing a little. Wondering if I should try again. No... She most likely wouldn't respond. Just like all those other times.

What could someone like Sniper Wolf have to do with what was going on here? What was going on here? I still had no clue.

I sighed. Finally, I have a friend and all this has to happen. What? Friend? Was she truely my friend? I hadn't had a friend in such a long time.... Not since Emma. I almost wasn't sure if I would remember what it felt like.

But this was it wasn't it? Two people that have something in common, and can talk to each other... Help each other out... Make each other feel better. She'd certainly done all of those things for me. Did I mean the same to her?

Emma had... She'd been my best friend ever, one of my only friends... She was all that had mattered to me, when it got right down to it. Could Wolf and I be like that? I sighed, sitting back down and shutting my eyes.

"Hal..!" My sister whined, looking up at me from the water, "Come swimming."

"Nah..." I sighed, "Why don't you wait 'til Dad gets home? He'll swim with you."

"I wish. He hasn't gone swimming with us in, about, forever." She groaned, as she braced her forearms on the cement and yanked herself out of the pool sopping wet. "Now, come on! Why put on a swim suit if you're not gonna swim?"

She bagan to pull at my writs in an attempt to drag me off the diving board, "I'll work my way in..." I protested, she kept pulling. "I'm sure if you bug him dad will swim with you." I tried reusing my old approch, when my new one failed.

She'd always loved swimming with my dad. It was about the only thing he actually did with us that made us feel like an actual family. Other wise it was just me and Emma. Like it was now.

"Liar." She continued, as I shrugged and allowed her to yank me into the pool with her, submerging me in what felt like ice water.

"Blah! Cold!" I exclaimed, shaking the water off my face as I bobbed back above the surface. "Why do I let you do that to me?" I asked, taking off my glasses and setting them on the cement.

"Because you love me." She smiled.

"... Yeah." I smiled back.

"Where were we?" She asked, latching onto my back, as I waded around the pool.

"I think..." I started, "That the beautiful mermaid had just rescued the shipwrecked sailor from the clutches of the evil pirate king." I grinned. Our latest game. She'd come up with the entire story on her own, too... I just played along.

We normaly played House, Emma's favorite, but recently Emma had started an outside game for the pool. The game had a habbit of starting over when Emma wanted to add something, so we rarely got much further than me getting rescued from a Pirate King.

But it was still fun. I never really felt too old for those kinda games. I'd never really had a reason too. I always felt that normal kids wouldn't grow out of that kind of stuff if it weren't for peer presure. Being able to play games with Emma without feeling self concious about it... It made up for all the years at home schooling without a friend, or even someone to talk to.

I'd never really had a friend my age, but I also never had anyone to tell me I was too old to pretend. I could still play with Emma, and that was all that mattered.

But.... since I'd lost Emma ---

All I could do was wait... Wait patiently for another friend. Wait... for such a long time. Just as I had waited for Emma.

A long long wait...

I was ripped from my thoughts as the door behind me slid opened, my eyes flashed and my head snapped over in its direction. "Alright, Emmerich." A guard said, looking in. "You get a break. Go on." He said, jesturing for me to enter the hall. I slowly moved out into the hall, and to my surprise at the end of the corridore stood Sniper Wolf.

"Wolf!" I exclaimed, gleefully rushing over to her.

She smiled slightly, "I thought you could use a break from all this. Come, I have only a short time before I have to go."

I nodded following her into a smaller room, then down the hall to the room with the elivator.

"Would you like to go outside, on a walk?" She asked.

I smiled brightly. "Yeah!" I nodded vigourously, "Yes, I would."

My long wait might finally be ending.

And it has been ........ A long time ....

NOTES: I liked the Minesweeper bit. Maybe I should write a Minesweeper story.

MORE NOTES: Sorry about the formatting. I'm lazy.

Well. It's been like a year and a half. But I was feeling low and so, I decided to update. Maybe I'll pick up my note book at home and finish working on this thing. There's alot of things I wanted to write out for this.

One thing tho. Can't promise that it will keep the same in depth following of the game. Might make it a little more flash back oriented, while focusing what Otacon does outside of the Game Play. Perhaps show mostly what we DON'T see.... stuff like that. I don't know. ^_^;