Disclaimer - Tessa doesn't own Metal Gear Solid... But when Tessa becomes a big director she's gonna blow a billion dollars and making it a big huge movie-after-a-video-game, like Tomb Raider, and Mario Brothers, and it will totally blow at the box office. MUHAHAHAHAH! *ahem* Seriously, though. Snake, Otacon, Emma, et al. are © Konami and Hideo Kojima. But Axe Nightingale belongs to me, that's right. Axe is © Tessa Cox. So there.


By: Otaku Tess


Never did a name suit a place like "Shadow Moses" does this forsaken little island...
The whole place is shadows. Here you are lead through the shadows of you own memories, your own past ... and your own future.
No one on this island is safe from the shadows. No one that comes here will leave the same way that they entered it. Even those who die here leave this world changed... More often for the better... But the journey is perilous, and those who survive it are blessed...
Like Moses led the Jews to salvation in biblical times...
Shadow Moses leads its victims through the hell of their own pasts and presences to salvation... To death ... or to a new life...


"Hey, Myra, want a soda?" I heard Dr. Elise ask, obviously bored.

"Yeah." Dr. Casnoff answered as we sat finishing up our work in the lab.

"I'll have one too!" I called, raising my hand slightly, without turning away from the computer. With that Dr. Elise headed out of the main lab, and into the break room.

There were only 3 of us left working that evening. Most people in my department had been sent home recently. Most of the heavy work on Metal Gear had been finished, it was down to testing at this point, which was precisely what we were doing.

"Hah. Done and done." I smiled, turning to Casnoff, who had just shut down her computer. I in turn shut down mine.

"Damn," Elise started, returning to the room with two sodas, "Those damn rats got into the break room again."

"Yeah... I hope Baker has something done about that when he comes here tomorrow." Casnoff said reaching for her soda, "They're everywhere. It's ridiculous. A person can't live in these conditions ... let alone work. Maybe if he sees for himself he'll have something done about it."

"Well ... you know ... at least when all this testing is over we'll leave here rich..." Dr. Elise said slyly.

"Hah. I'll drink to that." Casnoff smiled, rasing her soda.

I approached Elise for a soda, but he opened it to toast with Casnoff, letting out a chuckle. I lowered my outstretched hand self consciously.

"'Hem... Well... I'm not really in it for the money."

Casnoff cocked an eyebrow at me, Elise snorted.

"It's true..." I frowned. "Hey," I looked at my watch hastily, changing the subject, "We got done early today."

"Great. I'm outta here." Elise said, grabbing his coat and putting it on.

"We have to shut down the computers..." I said hastily. I didn't want them to leave yet. I had to stall... Somebody must have remembered...

"Yeah... Okay." Casnoff yawned, going to shut down the few computers that still remained on.

"Say, you guys..." I cleared my throat, "I was wondering if maybe you guys wanted to go to the mainland this weekend, or maybe next weekend ... or something... -- See a movie?" I finished, gulping in a deep breath, as I paused to adjust my glasses. Each second of silence cut into me like a dagger.

"Ah, uhmm..." Casnoff winced, "Well... I am gonna be kinda busy, actually... And I was thinking of heading home for March ... you know. Seeing as how Baker said this would be the time.... And--"

"--Oh..." I sighed. "Well. Th-that's okay." I shrugged, turning to Elise hopefully.

"Heheh. A movie...?" He chuckled, heading out the door, "Sorry, boss, I'm not much into cartoons." He smirked condescendingly.

I blinked as Elise started down the hall, "Huh?"

"Ah, don't listen to him..." Casnoff said nervously.

"Hey, you wanted to say the same thing and you know it!" Elise called defensively as the door slammed from down the hall. I looked over to Casnoff blankly.

"Well..." She stuttered, "I kinda do know what he means... I mean -- It is kinda childish and all... -- And you'll quote it sometimes... It's kinda embarrassing -- I mean, I'm sure it's not all you do, but -- uhm..." She paused, clearing her throat.

"Oh..." I sighed, "Well..." I turned to leave the lab.

"Sorry." She called sympathetically, as I exited down the hall.

"Don't forget to turn on the security system..." I mumbled back towards the door, as I made my way to the elevator.

I pushed the button for the elevator as I listened to Casnoff in the next room setting up the over-the-top security system, which consisted of electrified floors and video cameras.

Vrrrr! The elevator opened and I walked in. I sighed, going through the same motions I had everyday since I'd started working on Shadow Moses Island. Leaving the elevator, heading outside, crossing the freezing snow field to the scientist's dorms. Nothing ever changed. Not even today.

I walked silently down the dimly lit hall of the dorms on the far end of the island, I slid my PAN card into the lock and walked in. Everyone else in the building had either gone home or to sleep. I was alone.

Alone in my same old dorm room. A den with TV, a sofa, and book shelves, a bathroom, and a bedroom. No kitchen. For food you went to the mess hall. But it was a cozy enough little living space.

I took off my coat and shoes, then headed over to one of the book shelves that was home to my DVDs. I picked out an Anime and popped it in my DVD player and sat down on the sofa. The anime started up, the volume was low, but it didn't much matter. I'd seen it so many times, it didn't matter.

I sighed, flopping over sideways on the couch as I clutched a pillow to my chest and stared blankly at the screen.

"Well, Hal..." I muttered weakly, as I curled involuntarily into a fetal position, "Happy Birthday."

"Happy birthday, honey!" My mother smiled, giving me a kiss on the forehead, I smiled back at her.

"Where's dad?" I asked, looking up at her, as my party hat tried to slid into my eyes. I paused to fix it, as the lights went out. I gasped.

"Uh-oh!" My mother said with mock surprise, as I heard the voice of my father behind me begin to sing The Birthday Song. I turned in surprise as he approached me with a chocolate cake that had four candles, each representing a glowing bright future. I was four and the possibilities were endless!

My dad finished the song, and placed the cake on the table. "Now, blow them out and make a wish!" My father smiled, as my mother readied the camera.

What to wish for? I could wish for anything I want! Should I wish for flight or maybe something I could ride on, like an elephant, or a bear, or a really big dog? That would be neat. Too bad my dad would be allergic to a really big dog...

"Hal?" My Mom nudged me.

"I'm thinking! I'm thinking!" I cried, watching the candles of hope shimmer before me, beckoning me to make a wish. I couldn't have a dog... A brother or a sister? That would be perfect. But flying...-- Uh-oh! Gotta hurry!

I wish I could fly! And a brother or sister would be nice too! I concentrated as I blew out the candles, the camera flashed.

"Huh!" I gasped, sitting up, as various explosions on the screen lit up the den. I sighed, getting up to turn off the TV, then made my way into my bed room.

I walked over to my dresser and opened the bottom draw to pull out an old photo album, the only one I had. I was about to open it when I remembered something.

"My fish!" I sighed, walking over to the night stand, home of a small fish bowl containing five little gold fish. I smiled as I pinched some fish food into the bowl, watching them swim to the top to munch on the food.

"Well, you guys." I smiled, "Another year. Uhhn... I hope it didn't get to cold in here today. You almost froze that time the heater broke." I paused for a response.

"Yeah, I'm still sorry about that. So. It's my birthday again, did you guys remember?" I chuckled, "Of course you didn't. You're fish." I smiled, as I sat down on my bed. "You're only fish..." My smile slowly transformed into a frown.

I reached over for the photo album and opened it to the first page. There were a few pictures of me as a baby, with my father and mother, and my grandfathers. I had very few relatives. Both my mother and father had been only-childs, and only their fathers remained living, they had both lost their mothers around the time they got married.

Finally on the third page I found the pictures from my fourth birthday. A few of me opening presents, and the one of me blowing out the candles. I had gotten one of my the wishes I had made that day. I never did get my wings...

But I'd gotten a sister...--

No! -- I shook my head vigorously, slamming the book shut with a gasp. I didn't need those memories, not now. I didn't...-- I didn't deserve those memories.

I let out a heavy sigh, "Go to sleep, Hal... Just... Go to sleep. You'll feel better in the morning. No sense in letting this get to you..."

It's just one more night.... Alone...

NOTES: Chapter one, done. Be sure to tune in next week for the next exciting adventure of OTACON: THE ACTION MAN!! (Bumbumbum!) *ahem* Please review! ^_~
Golly. I'm gonna make this note now ... and occasionally remind ya. I don't like to be inaccurate with my information. So if my info conflicts with some facts of the game PLEASE tell me. Particularly if the part in question was directly mentioned. ^_~ Tankies.
Yeah, so I decided to serialize this instead of finishing the whole thing, then posting it. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. As I have a tendency to want (and need) to go back and change things. But I decided to try it this way. Blah.
Tell me what you think.

BTW, "Shadows" is a working title and is liable to change. ^_^ I just couldn't think of anything else, as of yet.
If you have any better ideas, give me a wire!