Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts and I am not making any profit from writing this story.

Author's Note: WOO! Can you believe I finally finished this? It only took me about three months. XD It's so loooong... but amazing. I'm quite pleased with how it came out. And just to clarify if I haven't already done so, Axel and Roxas are strictly friends through this series. But if you guys want to look at them as a couple, that's completely up to you. ^^ I will, however, be writing one more one-shot for this series. An extra that has nothing to do with their current relationship, but it might have something to do with pencils and pens. I was actually inspired by AnimeAddict1994 for this new one-shot. I'm amused greatly by their (because it was an anonymous review and I have no idea if they are male or female) suggestion and they will certainly be getting their wish to read said one-shot. ^^

Also, thank you very much to everyone else who read and reviewed this series, and for the alerts and favorites as well. I feel so very loved. It also gives me confidence as a writer. A nice big bag of sour candies for each of you!

Warnings: Language, very inappropriate name calling, suggestive themes, mentions of yaoi

"I feel…sullied and usual."

Axel received an irritated shush from the warden—oh sorry, the lucky teacher who got to watch over a bunch of delinquents and make sure they did the work they were assigned upon arrival. He snorted. He wouldn't even be here if it weren't for thing he called his best friend sitting across the aisle pretending to be working. He could see the smirk on Roxas's face, the kid was proud of himself. His stupid little ploy to get revenge on Axel for stealing his pencil went way too far landing them both in detention. Axel was actually surprised they didn't get expelled.

He heaved a sigh and rested his head in his hand as he doodled on the assignment sheet instead of working on it. It was boring stuff he already knew and didn't feel like working on it. So, after he was done his doodle, he made sure the teacher wasn't looking and folded his sheet into a paper airplane before aiming it hard.

Roxas yelped, holding a hand to his face. Aw, did the poor little devil bitch get a paper cut? Axel smirked. He had absolutely no sympathy for the blond. He watched as Roxas, scowling, rubbed his cheek and picked up the paper plane that crash landed on the floor beside his feet. He unfolded the paper, frowning at the message Axel had written below his lovely doodles.

I'm surprised he didn't file a complaint for sexual assault.

Roxas snickered and quickly wrote something back, crumpling the paper into a ball since he had little to no talent for making the planes like Axel. He tossed it across the floor and Axel leaned down to pick it up.

Oh calm down. I could have got you to give him a blowjob.

Axel shuddered at the thought. Ew. It wasn't like he opposed to the idea of giving a guy a blowjob, considering himself bi and all, but sucking on that dinosaur dick?

"I…feel sick…"

"Shh! If I have to tell you one more time—" The teacher didn't have even a remote possibility of continuing her lecture as Axel got to his feet, groaning and holding his stomach.

"Look, Peabrain, sorry for disrupting whatever the hell everyone is doing, but right now I—"

"Axel, it's Pebrin. Pronounced Peb-rin. And if you don't sit down—"

"Oh my fuck! I'm gonna be sick!" Axel didn't even wait for her to protest as he dashed down the aisle and out the door, slamming it shut behind him. Everyone blinked, and Roxas, feeling as though he finally got his revenge for the swiping of his pencil, snickered behind his hand as he finished his assignment.

Five minutes passed and Axel didn't return. No one said anything about the redhead's strange departure from the detention room, but Roxas knew his best friend. Either he was very grossed out and was really sick, or Axel was using that as an excuse to get out of detention. He was guessing it was the latter. Oh well, two could play that game.

"Mrs. Pebrin. I'm not really feeling that well myself. There's only fifteen minutes left of detention anyways. Can I go?" Roxas gave the woman his best I'm-sick-please-take-pity-on-me face. She looked like she was going to say no, but then Roxas used his ultimate weapon that could get him out of almost anything. He pouted.

"Oh…well, I suppose so. Why don't you check on Axel as well. I'm sure he'd appreciate that."

"Yeah. I'll do that," he feigned a groan as he gathered up his things and started for the door. "thanks."

"Just remember, you have detention again tomorrow. Tell Axel as well."

"Will do," Roxas smiled weakly, and headed out of the room slowly like he was too weak to go any faster. Once he shut the door and was halfway down the hall he sped up, jogging to the boy's washroom. The sound of someone getting sick made him wince. Hmm…


"Oh fuck…not you." Axel muttered from one of the stalls. "Haven't you tortured me enough?"

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you sick. But…yes, I am satisfied." Roxas leaned against the door of the stall Axel was in. "I think today makes us both even."

"If you say so," Axel chuckled. He got to his feet and flushed the toilet, leaning against the wall for support. "Could you do me a favor?"

"Depending on what that favor is, you homo." Roxas smirked, teasing him.

"Cute. You know the mouth wash that I have in my locker?"

"Pfft. How can I forget? I still haven't figured out why you bring it to school anyway." Roxas pushed away from the door, regardless, ready to go off and fetch the mouth wash like the good little puppy he was.

"Because little blond twats like you have extremely twisted minds and for that, I need my mouth wash." Axel said as he opened the door and weakly made his way over to the sinks to wash his hands.

"Oh please. You've had it since the beginning of the school year. It has nothing to do with me making you kiss Principal Highwind." Roxas crossed his arms.

"Maybe I enjoy having fresh breath during the day."

"Or maybe you discovered you liked guys too at the beginning of the school year."

"Roxas," Axel started, turning to face the blond, turning off the taps. "Are you implying I suck dick?"

"Me? Never." Roxas grinned. "Actually, the thought never even crossed my mind until you brought it up. Which makes me wonder, is that what you do in your spare time?"

"Just go get my mouth wash you little cock-sucker." Axel dried his hands on some paper towel and wadded it up, tossing it at Roxas.

"I should be saying that to you!" He called back as he raced off down the hall laughing while Axel shook his head and chuckled.

When Roxas returned to the bathroom, holding the mouth wash by the neck of the bottle, Axel was no where to be seen. He blinked and looked around, wondering if Axel was getting revenge on him and making him do pointless errands only to leave him hanging. But the sound of his friend's laughter made him think otherwise.

"Do I want to know?" He asked, putting the mouth wash down on the sink and walked over to the open stall. Axel was inside, grinning like an idiot as he pointed to the graffiti on the wall. "What is it?"

"Oh you know, all the shit people write about other people." Axel chuckled, looking up at Axel. "Do you have a pen or something on you?"

"You're not using my pencil." Roxas narrowed his eyes, still wondering what Axel was planning. "Why don't you just use your pen?"

"Oh…uh…I kinda lost it…in Highwind's office earlier."

"After all that you went through to get it back?" Roxas let out a snort of laughter. "Oh my God, you fail hardcore!"

"Thanks for reminding me you little shit. Now get your ass over here and give me something to write with."


"Stop grinning."

"S-sorry, can't help it." Roxas stifled another bought of laughter as he dropped his book bag and dug around inside before producing a black sharpie. "This good?"

Axel took it and examined it, grinning slowly. "This will work well. Thank you my good friend."

"You're welcome, asshole." Roxas replied affectionately. "So what are you doing?"

"Just watch."


And so, Roxas stood beside Axel as he uncapped the sharpie and started writing. When he was done, both boys were nearly dying of laughter, Roxas laughing so hard he was almost giggling. Axel lost his balance and fell against the toilet, making them crack up laughing all over again. Nothing could get them to stop. Not even when Axel accidentally dropped Roxas's sharpie in the toilet trying to get back up.

"Oh-oh my G-God! I can't believe you just did that! You-You even signed it!"

"I-I knooow!"

"He is so going to expel you!"

"It was totally worth it."

Roxas took a deep breath and wiped the tears from his eyes. His sides were aching so badly now. "Can I ask you something?"

Axel grinned at him. "Go for it."

"Why did you sign it anyway?"

"Oh," he turned to look at his masterpiece. It would be a legacy for years to come. "I figured, why the hell not? Might as well go all the way, right?"

"Love the wording."

"I thought you might. It works though."

"Yes, it really does."

Axel hoped the wall wasn't painted over after this. Well, time to go. "So, you still taking Namine out tonight?"

"Yeah," Roxas smiled happily, bending down to pick up his book bag. "Hey, can I have my sharpie back?"

"Your sharpie? Oh…uh…" Axel gave Roxas sheepish grin. "Maybe it'd be better if I bought you a new one?"

"Why…?" Roxas eyed him suspiciously. "Where is it?"

"Heh…heh…" Axel stepped aside, revealing the black sharpie floating innocently in the toilet bowl. He scratched his head nervously as Roxas' eyes widened in disbelief.

"Axel, you mother fucking cockwhore! I'm going to kill you!" Roxas all but yelled as he kicked his friend in the shin, which made him yelp and lean down to nurse that spot making him just the right height to whack Axel across the head.

"Get it out!"

"What the fuck, Roxas? I'm not putting my hands in there! How can you even want it back after that?"

"I don't want it back. I just want you to suffer for making me lose my sharpie." Roxas grabbed a fistful of Axel's hair and pointed to the toilet. "Now, get to work."

"Does Namine know what a slave driver you are?" Axel grumbled, wincing as Roxas's grip tightened. "Ow! Fuck! Okay! I'm going!"

"Good." Roxas released his hair and Axel reluctantly leaned down, mentally steeling himself for what he was about to do. "Stop taking so long. It's almost five and I still have to go home and take a shower."

"Alright, alright, don't get your panties in a twist, princess." Axel closed his eyes and stuck his hand in the cold toilet water, shuddering as he forced his long fingers to close around the sharpie and pulled it out. "There. Happy?"


Once Axel washed his hands a zillion times then used up half the bottle of his mouth wash, he finally followed Roxas out of the bathroom.


Author's Note: Just a few things I want to mention. One, this was extremely fun to write. Two, Pebrin, I named the teacher that because I wanted Axel to be able to make fun of her name. It amused me. And, I've been told by so many people that small things amuse small minds. Oh well. XD Thirdly, I left out what Axel wrote on the wall mainly because I want you guys to use your imaginations. I did plan on putting something in, and as amusing as it was, I decided not to.

So once again, thanks for the reviews and alerts and favorites. I love hearing what you guys think and I'm extremely curious to know everyone's thoughts on this one. So leave a review and I'll get to work on the extra one-shot. ^^