I do not own the hunger games or the maze runner

The Gladers enter the Games

(note: in book two, sequel of the maze runner)

Thomas Point of view

Thank god I shut down those shuck grievers. In the griever hole me, teresa and a few other Gladers go through a door and what we saw was surprising an arena with several other people in the middle, and hundreds in the stands. Screaming, yelling, hollering. Minho was standing behind me.

What the shuck is going on?" That was Minho. All the sudden a booming voice appeared out of nowhere that sounded like an old man.

"Welcome to the Games gentlemen. I, President Snow, am your leader, your Creator." oh no not the creators.

"Please step forward and meet your contestants." All of us walked to the middle of the arena and saw many sad depressing faces. I knew this couldn't be good. A girl caught my surprise and beautiful girl. She had braided hair, gray, striking eyes, and her skin was like mine kinda pale. I think teresa noticed and nudged me. And she thought,

Pay attention

A slight smile came across my face but I knew this was no time to be joking.

"I am very impressed with the results of the Maze and the Glade, you have done well. But now you are about to experience something much more difficult. Don't worry, you will be trained, although I don't think you need much more help. Hehehehe." The creators voice rusted as he spoke. We all acquainted with the contestants and i could already tell teresa and the gray eyed girl had some rivalry. I walked up to her.

"Hi, i'm Thomas."

"I'm Katniss, theres something you should know about me and the games. First it's a fight to the death, and I don't want to die. Second, tell your little girlfriend over there to stop eyeing me. Third... your very cute." nice way to end a death threatening sentence.

"Thanks, but we aren't, well, we're not-"

"Yes i'm sure." that made me gigle a little bit. This dude with blonde hair gave me a worried look, as if I was going to rob him. His blue eyes kept floating between katniss and I.

"Hey, do you know that kid?" I pointed to the strange boy.

"Yeah. He's Peeta." freaky names around here.

"Well tell your little boyfriend to stop eyeing me." I smirked.

"Oh, no I don't really know him, I mean I do, but , we're not, well-"

"Yes, i'm sure." she gave me a playful glare. I loved it. I was really starting to like the girl. "You still want to kill me?"

"I don't WANT to, but I can't die. I'm going to bring down President Snow."

"Wish I could help you."

"Please, you don't even know him, i'm glad you don't"

"Well, actually I do." so I explained to her about everything, the Maze, the Glade, everything that happened.

"Wow well then if I die, I need you to take over and kill him for me ok?"


"My turn to explain our relationship." she explained how North America was now called Panem, and was split up into 13 districts but the Capitol killed of 13. everything. Pretty different, our worlds. I offered my hand.

"Well good luck." she took it.

"You too Tommy." only teresa calls me tommy, but when katniss said it, it almost felt...
