Hey everybody! I know I already have a story in progress, but I think I'm canning it. Well I'm taking a huge risk here, and writing my very first BTR fic and my very first slash fic! Thanks to the ladies who won my contest (even though I was a little disorganized.) I want people to review like crazy, 'cause I want feedback, critiques, and even flames (bring it on!) So without further ado I present to thee a very predictable story about love….
Words: 3,212
Rating: Teen
Pairings: Logan/Kendall, Logan/OC, Kendall/OC, James/OC, Carlos/OC
Summary: 17 year old Logan Mitchell is your typical nerd. He's unpopular, unnoticed, and unappreciated. 17 year old Kendall Knight is your typical jock. He's popular, hot, and idolized. What happens when an unlikely romance blossom when they are paired for a History project.
Warning: This story contains slash. Its mild though. This story is unBeta'd, so there will be some mistakes.
Disclaimer: Big Time Rush belongs to Nickelodeon. Stacey Jane Johansen, Poppy Perez, Mariah Zadro, and Melhena Jones belong to their creators.
High School. Ten letters that make the acid in your stomach curdle at its very pronunciation. High School is either the best time of your life or the worst. You're either the popular kid who everyone idolizes or the background extra who nobody even notices. For seventeen year old Logan Mitchell high school is the worst time of his young life and he's nowhere near popular. His morning starts with his digital alarm clock going off; Logan without looking tries to turn off the menacing beeping. He then throws the velvet deep blue comforter off of his skinny body and sits on the edge of his queen sized bed. He's clad in just a white Hanes t-shirt and Jockey boxers.
He yawns dazedly and scratches at his short dark hair that even without a mirror Logan knows looks as if it were shocked by lightning. Little flecks of light from the window covered in dark blue drapes, lights the room to the tiniest degree. He decides not to turn on the light, he's sure his eyeballs would melt out of their sockets if he were to do so. He grabs his simple black rectangular framed glasses off of the nightstand and perches them on the bridge of his nose. He goes to his already opened closet and rummages through it in a lackadaisical fashion searching for clothes to wear. He rips a pair of pants off of a hanger and sluggishly pulls them up his scrawny legs. He continues his early morning journey by picking out a shirt. Since he can't see he relies on his sense of touch. He chooses his favorite moss green thermal judging on the feeling of its fabric. He finishes getting dressed by slipping into his favorite black and white Vans with no socks.
Logan opens the door to his room and bounds down the long carpeted hallway to the bathroom, which is conveniently just two doors down from his room. He switches on the light and turns the porcelain handle of the faucet in the opposite direction. Warm water begins to flow out, crashing calmly into the porcelain sink. Logan grabs his toothbrush from the cup holder and pours a straight line of toothpaste on the dry bristles. He wets it a little and brushes his pearly white teeth. He's always had perfect teeth considering his dad is a dentist. When he rinses his mouth, he can't help but look at his appearance in the oval shaped mirror.
His complexion is way too pasty; it's lacking any color, except for his cheeks which are always a faint rosy color. He has high cheek bones, almond shaped eyes with thick long eyelashes, a rectangular forehead that is way too high and uneven, elf like ears that are rotated out and pointed, and lips that are way too thin. He sighs to himself as he walks out of the bathroom. He's ugly and what's even worse is he doesn't have any male qualities about him. He doesn't like sports and hates gym. Thank god, gym is as easy as just showing up or his GPA would seriously be suffering. He has girly features for God's sake! He doesn't have an angular jaw, or six pack abs, or biceps that ripple at every movement. He's boring and unattractive. He's a nerd who would rather spend the weekends playing World of War Craft with his other nerdy buddies than go to the hottest party of the year. He's invisible and surprisingly he's okay with it.
He trudges down the spiraled steps and into the kitchen, where Mrs. Mitchell is sitting at the table as usual. She's already dressed in her uniform, sipping coffee from her favorite mug that says "World's Greatest Mom" and reading the Minnesota Daily. She has the same stern look on her face as she examines the paper. Without looking up she acknowledges her only son's presence.
"Good morning Logan" she says.
"Morning Mom" Logan replies heading for the fridge.
"Did you do your homework?" she asks peering up from her paper.
"As always" is Logan's answer.
"I saw your test grade" his mom says sharply.
Logan looks nervously into her direction knowing what's coming next.
He left the test on the table yesterday night before he went to bed, his mom got in at midnight from her emergency shift at Saint Elijah Medical Center. He was going to hide it and not tell her, but Mrs. Mitchell was pushy.
"A 92 Logan?" his mother arches an eyebrow expecting a rational explanation as to why her son only got a ninety-two on his AP Psychics test.
"I'm sorry… mom… I was a little careless" Logan hesitantly says.
Mrs. Mitchell neatly folds the paper in half and places it on the table. She purses her thin lips into a tight line and looks at Logan with a disapproving scowl. "How are you supposed to be a surgeon if you can't get a simple hundred on a Physics test?" she challenges. She's talking with her hands, something she only does when she's angry.
Logan casts his eyes to the tiled floor; he knows not to say anything.
Mrs. Mitchell gets agitated by her son's muteness.
"Why can't you be like your sister?" she scolds, slamming a hand on the table.
Logan bites his lip, it's a low blow and he knows she knows that. She uses that line every time he screws up.
His sister Lyndsey is twenty-one and is a pre-med major at Minnesota State University. She's completely perfect in every way and outshines Logan in every way.
"She would have gotten a perfect hundred on this" Mrs. Mitchell scolds.
Logan steals a glance at his middle-aged mother. Her face is red and he sees a dark expression devouring her light brown eyes.
She then rubs her temples with her index and middle fingers in a circular motion. "What am I going to do with you Logan? You're hopeless" she sighs almost inaudibly.
But Logan hears it loud and clear. He knows it's really girly to cry, but he can feel the tears stinging the back of his eyeballs.
He closes the fridge, losing his appetite. Pretending not to be effected by his mom's hurtful words, Logan grabs an apple from the fruit dish. He grabs his book bag that is lying in its usual spot by the coat rack in the foyer and heads out the door.
He gets into his 2007 BMW and turns the key in the ignition. It was a gift from his parents, when he got a 2300 on his PSATs, beating his sister by a mere hundred points. It is also a make-up gift, since he spent the whole night of his birthday studying for that test. He pulls out of the driveway and accelerates down the street.
Only one more year until he graduates. He has to deal with his parents for one more year. He's tired of trying to meet their standards and being compared to his perfect sister. When will they stop making him be someone he hates being? He doesn't want to be the freaky genius that gets picked on at school. All he wants to be is normal.
Lakeview High School is the epitome of a school people see in the movies. It's a huge school with a large lush green field and courtyard. There's a baseball field, a football field complete with a 400 meter track, and tennis courts. Lakeview may be appealing by its beautiful façade; however, the halls are dangerous, especially for people like Logan.
There's the main hallway which is always safe since the principal and dean's office is there.
The east hallway is where the science and math nerds hang out since the labs and math rooms are located there.
The west hallway is where the huge gym, weight room, and cafeteria are, so you'd be sure to see the juicehead jocks and their cheerleader girlfriends there. These are the most popular kids at Lakeview, and it's best to avoid them at all costs.
Then there's the hallway where the auditorium is, the drama geeks and stage crew can be spotted hanging out there either memorizing lines or playing theater games.
Lastly, there's the small back hallway, this is where the punks, goths, and emos hangout wallowing in their own self pity.
Unfortunately for Logan his locker is in the middle of the west hallway, where his common torturers are. The meathead jocks always pick on him, especially the despicable James Diamond. He's extra careful to look down at the ground and to be as invisible as possible. Logan almost makes it to his locker safely when he's pushed to the ground, by someone who's seriously been hitting the gym. His messenger bag goes flying in the air and its contents are spilled all over the hallway floor. Logan looks up and sees that James Diamond is the dickhead that pushed him.
James is the school bully, he gets a thrill out of shoving ninth graders in lockers, throwing the gay theater geeks in dumpsters, and beating up nerdy guys like Logan. He's also the biggest man-whore in Minnesota. He has a girlfriend that is as obnoxious as him, but that doesn't stop him from hooking up with other girls. James is standing there alone, which is weird since he's always with his two best friends Carlos Garcia and the school heartthrob Kendall Knight. James has been bullying Logan since kindergarten. "You know the drill Mitchell" James says starkly. James always takes Logan's lunch money. It's so juvenile and so cliché that Logan really doesn't care.
"What are we sixth graders?" Logan replies bravely.
James has been picking on him for more than ten years, so Logan really isn't afraid of him. He stands up and stares straight at James. James is at least four inches taller and has muscles the size of sandbags.
"Say it to my face smartass" James hisses in a threatening voice.
"Big bad James can't speak English?" Logan mocks in a deep cartoonish voice.
James is about to punch Logan straight in the jaw when a girl's voice tells him to stop.
"Leave him alone Diamond" she says.
It's one of Logan's best friends Stacey Jane Johansen. She has taken the liberty to pick up Logan's things for him off of the floor.
"What are you going to do about it?" James snaps at her.
"Last time I checked I can just tell my dad since he can whip your pathetic ass" she smirks.
James narrows his eyes, sneers at the girl, and backs away from Logan in defeat.
Stacey Jane's father isn't someone you want to mess with. He's six feet five inches and always has the same stern look plastered on his face, (kind of like Red Foreman from That '70s Show.) He's also one of the chairmen for the Lakeview School District.
She hands Logan his bag and they walk in the opposite direction, Logan forgets all about going to his locker.
"Thanks SJ" Logan says to his best girlfriend.
"No problemo amigo" she says with a bright smile.
SJ as she likes to be called is a small petite girl no more than five feet and three inches. She has long wavy brown hair, sparkling green eyes, and a milky white complexion. At the present moment she dressed in a long sleeved argyle sweater, a plain black skirt, maroon knee high stockings, and black flats. Her Nikon SLR camera is slung over her shoulder. She's one of the photographers for the school newspaper, The Lakeview Tribune. She's an avid member of the newspaper and takes it seriously, even though no one reads the paper.
They were friends since pre-K; SJ always protected Logan from the horrible James Diamond. In first grade, at recess, James forcibly made poor Logan eat a worm. Brave little SJ clad in her trademark argyle sweater stepped in, scooped the worm from Logan's trembling hands, and shoved it in her mouth. James was so freaked out that he ran away. In third grade, James pantsed Logan during gym, causing the weaker boy to cry in front of the whole class. A few days later SJ pantsed James in gym, except she pulled down his underwear also. James was so mortified he didn't come to school for a week while SJ was suspended for two days. She always had Logan's back no matter what happened.
She also is madly in love with Logan. It is obvious to everyone including Logan. She hung on his every word, worshipped the ground he walked on, and she always carries around the picture of her and Logan as kindergarteners. In the picture they were at a pumpkin patch, they're holding hands because they were partners that day. They happily chat with each other as they amble to Logan's AP Calculus class.
"What would I do without you?" Logan smiles at his best friend.
"Die from a mega wedgie in the hands of James Didork" SJ sarcastically says.
Logan laughs at this; he forgets that he's in a bad mood from what happened this morning. SJ always knows how to cheer Logan up, even if he's on the brink of incurable depression.
"Well Logie this is your stop" SJ says as they stop in front of Logan's first period class.
"Thanks again" Logan replies.
"Pish posh. You just owe me a visit to Starbucks." SJ pats him on the back and turns to leave.
The period that Logan hates more than gym is lunch, especially since all the popular kids inhabit the cafeteria during his lunch period. Logan is currently picking at his French fries as his friends are debating which sci-fi hit is better: Star Wars or Star Trek. His friends consist of Zeke Anderson, who is chubby with a chronic case of acne and is addicted to Naruto and Star Trek. Henry Parker, who is freakishly tall and gaunt, he's into computers and is in the process of creating his own video game. Ben Foster, who rarely talks and is always seen with a book. Then there's SJ, the only girl in the group.
"Logan dude you have to tell twin towers over here that Star Trek is better than Star Wars." Zeke exclaims pointing to Henry whom they teasingly call twin towers.
"How could you even say that Star Wreck is better than Star Wars? It's so fake" Henry obnoxiously defends.
"Dude and you think a midget green man and a hairy beast that makes sounds like this…" Zeke pauses and makes a really disturbing noise. It sounds like a whale dying. "Is real?" Zeke finishes.
"Guys everyone knows that Harry Potter beats those two by a landslide" SJ interjects.
This really sets Zeke off.
"That guy on a broom stick fighting a guy with no nose?" Zeke asks in a mocking way.
"What's so special about that guy with those elf ears?" SJ challenges.
"Logan what do you think is better?" SJ asks.
"I have to go with Harry Potter" Logan states.
SJ smiles and hi-fives him.
"Of course, you always take her side 'cause you love her" Zeke whines. Zeke secretly likes SJ, and is envious of Logan. Logan turns a bright red and SJ tells Zeke to shut his pi hole.
"You llllllloooooovvvvveeee her" Zeke makes these annoying kissing noises and Henry joins in.
SJ throws baby carrots at them.
Soon enough they are talking about something else and Logan is able to daydream again.
He's secretly watching the most popular kids at school. He finds himself fascinated with them for no particular reason. It's probably the fact that they could do anything and anyone they wanted. Or that they were the subject of everyone's conversations, the hosts of the hottest parties, and have more than two thousand friends on Facebook. They're untouchable, envied, wanted, loved, hated, and a hundred other adjectives. He watches as they talk to one another, laughing without a care in the world. Logan likes to call them the "Barbies." (Even though there are boys in the group.)They're so perfect and popular, that they're almost plastic.
Here's a little profile on this exclusive group: There's Mariah Zadro, the queen bee of Lakeview High School. She's also the captain of the cheerleading squad and Kendall Knight's girlfriend. She has chestnut brown locks with coppery highlights that are professionally styled, piercing cobalt blue eyes, and a sun kissed complexion. But don't let her beautiful looks fool you; she's mean and completely demanding. She's a spoiled little rich girl whose father owns the neighborhood mall complex. At the current moment, she's leaning her head on Kendall's shoulder.
Kendall Knight is the most popular boy at Lakeview High School. He's captain of the varsity hockey team. With dirty blonde hair, turquoise blue eyes, and peanut butter tanned skin, Kendall's also the hottest guy at school. All the girls practically throw themselves and their panties at him and all the guys wish they were on the same level of awesomeness as him.
Kendall's talking to one of his best friends Carlos, who is also on the varsity hockey team. Carlos is also one of the most "off the wall" people you'll ever meet. He wears a black biker's helmet and doesn't even own a bicycle. While he's talking to Kendall, he's also flirting with his girlfriend Melhena Jones. Melhena Jones or just Mellie for short is actually one of the nicest people in the "Barbies." She's genuine, kind; however, she's an airhead. Once, during freshman year Logan tutored her in Algebra. She seriously believed that a quadratic equation has four sides.
However, Mellie is a girl who could depend on her looks to get anywhere in life.
She's a small girl with big steel blue eyes; long pin straight auburn colored hair, and a freckled beige complexion. Mellie's trying to talk to Poppy Perez who's sucking face with her boyfriend James.
You already know that James is a dickhead and a conceited douche bag with great hair.
Then there's Poppy Perez, Mariah and Mellie's best friend, co-captain of the cheerleading squad, the unofficial gossip girl of Lakeview High, and James' girlfriend. Compared to Poppy, Mariah is as good as Gandhi. Poppy's basically the devil with perky C-cup boobs. She has long curly jet-black hair, deep brown eyes, and an olive skin tone that's always caked with dark makeup. She has the biggest mouth ever, telling her something is like broadcasting it on CNN. She and James have this weird open relationship. They flirt and hook up with whomever they want, and both of them are okay with it.
"Earth to Logie" a carrot smacks Logan right on the temple. He looks at SJ, who has another carrot ready to fire.
"You're staring at the "Icks"" SJ warns popping the carrot into her mouth.
Logan's friends aren't as nice when it comes to nicknames; they call the "Barbies" the "Icks."
"Sorry" Logan murmurs.
"Dude stop staring, it's not like you'll ever be one of them. No offense" Henry replies.
"None taken" Logan utters.
He tunes back into their conversation. It's about superheroes and super villains.
Somewhere deep inside Logan Mitchell's psyche, he can't help but feel a teeny bit offended.