Hey Guys!

Well Here's The Last Chapter Including The Epilogue!

Please Read The Ending Note Too!

Review Responses:

Jelly Babes 101: Glad To Hear I'll Have Someone Watching Out For My Other Fic!

Only One Review From My Last Chapter So I'll Just Start The Story!

Chapter 18: The End...Or Is It?

A few hours after Bolt had left Fairy Tail, in search of his dragon brethren, it was around midday in Magnolia. Being mid November, the weather wasn't the warmest and Lucy was happily cuddling up with Natsu at the bar while wearing her dragon-scaled scarf. Lucy loving the warmth that her boyfriend's arms brought her and glad that there was no snow outside. Natsu looked at the girl in his arms and noticed that she was holding her stomach "Hey Luce, you still not feeling well?" the fire wizard asked causing Lucy to lift her head to look back at him. Lucy sighed "Yeah, I dunno what's wrong with me. Must just be a cold or something" she replied as she snuggled further into his warm embrace. Natsu looked at her with worry in his eyes "Although I've felt like this since the S-Class trial, just on and off" she continued, causing Natsu to tighten the embrace while rubbing her stomach, in attempt to soothe it.

At the end of the bar, Master Makarov sat with a mug of beer and after overhearing Natsu and Lucy's conversation, signalled Mirajane over. When the barmaid came over, she bent down so that Master could whisper to her "Mira could you please send for Porlyusica" he asked and was given a smiley nod as a response. Mirajane then disappeared into basement and returned after a few minutes, giving Master Makarov a nod to confirm her task being completed.

About half an hour, Porlyusica walked into the guild and without a word of warning, grabbed Lucy by the arm. Then without stopping, she dragged the teenage warrior up the stairs of the guild into the clinic. Natsu sat in awe as his girlfriend was dragged away and the guild just watched as the elderly healing mage dragged the girl upstairs, ignoring her protests. Once Natsu recovered from his daze, he started to make his way towards the stairs "Stay down there boy, you'll only be in the way" Natsu stopped when he heard the healer's voice and went back to his seat with a defeated expression.

Lucy sat on the bed in the clinic with confusion all over her face "Right girl, tell me how you've been feeling recently" Lucy turned to face the source of the voice and saw Porlyusica standing there with her usual blank expression. Lucy shook off her confusion and focused on the healing wizard "Well I've been feeling ill at random times for about a month or so, I constantly get headaches and I've been feeling more tired as well" Lucy explained and the healer's eyes closed as she went into deep thought. After a minute or so of silence, Porlyusica's eyes opened "Well girl lay down I need to check you over" the old healer told Lucy, who willingly complied. The elderly wizard hovered her hand above Lucy's head and it glowed with a slight blue light as it slowly moved down her body. This process was done twice with the glowing hand going over Lucy's body quite slowly.

Once Porlyusica was finished with her examination and Lucy was given permission to sit up, the two wizard's eyes met "I've found what's wrong with you girl" Porlyusica bluntly told her. Lucy looked back at her with worry and fear in her eyes "Well what is it?"Lucy asked impatiently wanting to know if she was deadly sick or something. The healing mage sighed "You're a month and a half pregnant girl" she responded and her eyes widened at Lucy's reaction. Lucy screamed. It was loud enough for the entire guild to hear it causing them all to look at the direction of the clinic. Natsu, on the other hand, ran upstairs and burst through the door to the clinic "Luce what's wrong?" Natsu shouted while looking at her and puffing.

Porlyusica simply walked out the room after Natsu burst in and walked down the stairs "I'm leaving Makarov" the healer bluntly stated as she walked past the elderly master, towards the doors of the guild. The guild watched as the pink haired wizard walked out the guild, towards the east forest, without even mentioning Lucy's condition.

Back in the clinic, Lucy was shaking and Natsu simply embraced her in a hug "N-N-Natsu I-I'm P-P-Pregnant!" Lucy explained as she tried to calm herself. Natsu's expression went blank as he released the hug and slowly walked out the room "N-Natsu?" Lucy asked him as he went through the door and she followed him out to find him standing by the stairs, with the entire guild looking at him. Natsu broke out his trademark grin "I'M GUNNA BE A DADDY!" he shouted while lifting his arms above his head for emphasis.

Lucy turned a deep shade of red but shrugged it off as she walked over to Natsu and wrapped her arms around his neck when the guild let out a huge cheer. The two dragon slayers kissed passionately as the guild cheered with many people chanting "A Fairy Tail Baby!" the slayers released and laughed at the guilds response. The cheers soon died down to loud talking which seemed to focus around bets on what the baby would be, courtesy of Cana. Natsu and Lucy stood at the top of the stair and watched their guild mates. Natsu then placed his hand on Lucy's stomach "I can't wait Luce. I'm really happy that I get to have my own drago pup with you" Natsu told her as she nodded along with his statement while placing her hand over his on her stomach. Both dragon slayers nose's twitched and the two looked at each other in amazement. They could smell the pup in Lucy's stomach.

In time the Tale Of The Blonde Warrior went on to be the Tale Of The Lightning Warrior. The warrior along with her partner, the Fire Dragon Slayer, continued to wipe out many dark guilds across Fiore. In the space of four months, the two had defeated and disbanded thirty seven dark guilds. Only a small few dark guilds remain, hiding themselves from the two wizards. These dark guilds still remain and those around Fiore wonder why the two have suddenly stopped their search. The few remaining dark guilds live in fear of being found by the two every day. But the reason they've stopped is only known to the wizards of Fairy Tail and close friends of the guild.

As time went on, those few remaining dark guilds still remain hidden, believing that if they come out of hiding the warrior and slayer will find them. In Magnolia, the Fairy Tail guild is still as loud as ever but now whenever there has been flashes of red and blue, there has been a mixture of yellow not long after along with it, causing the red and blue flashes to disappear immediately.

A/N: It's Finished! With Many Questions Left Unanswered! But Don't Worry Guys! There Will Be A Sequel! Maybe Those Questions Will Be Answered There? Who Knows! Even I Don't...Yet!

It's A Happy Moment To See My First Fic Ever To Be Finished! But I Hope To Bring Out The Sequel When I Can! But I'm Not One For Spoilers So You're Gunna Have To Wait!

Thanks To All Those That Have Reviewed My Story And I Hope That You'll Watch Out For Any Other Fics I Release!

Quick Note: Along With The Sequel I've Been Working On A Whole Other Fairy Tail Fic But I'm Not Sure Which Will Come Out First! Maybe I'll Wait To See What You Guys Say!

Just So You Guys Can Understand The Story A Little Here's The Time Scale Of The Story In Total: Chapters 1-6: Mid-Late September

Chapters 7-11: Early-Mid October

Chapters 12-13: Mid-Late October

Chapters 14-18: Early-Mid November