Here's another plot idea I had for two of my favorite hedgehogs (yep, another Sonadow story). Very simple story, that probably won't be more than 10 chapters long. Inspired by the song Break You Open.

Rated T, and very likely to go up.

For now the King's and Queen are minor characters that are here to only start up the plot. So don't think too much into them. Also, the King of Vampires is probably a hedgehog considering Black Doom has no nose and Shadow has no real mother… anyway, just know they are not important, and therefore have no name or description.

The oracle is mysteriously concealed though, hehe!

Leave reviews to let me know what you think, and to feed my passion of writing more! Constructive criticism would be appreciated too!

Tell Me Why…

The birth of the vampire prince brought many visitors from across the nations, but none were as important as the oracle. As she walked up along the marble steps to the kings abode, people parted for her. She was not of Were or Vampire origin. She was simply a mortal, blessed with the powers of The Sight, who traveled between both Were and Vampire realms to give them what they wished or did not wish to hear.

The king welcomed her at the steps, smiling wildly and showing the impressive canines that allowed him to suck the blood from his victims. He had summoned her, it was only proper that he welcome her when she arrived.

The young rabbit bowed politely before resuming her way into the queens chamber. Her eyes were faded when she regarded the young child in the female's arms. Respectfully she lowered her hood and brought her hazel eyes up to the female patiently waiting for what she had to say.

"You're child will grow strong and powerful…" The young oracle paused as she thought of what she had seen in a dream, and she closed her eyes with a powerful sigh. "He will meet another who will bring him great joy." The queen, and the king who had now joined them, both looked pleased with each other, and they lowered themselves to nuzzle their noses together.

The oracle watched, wanting to pity the young prince for his terrible fate, but unable to. "Be warned, though he will make this war come to an end, he will fail."

With her warning, the oracle turned to walk away without another word, leaving the king and queen with a mysterious dark future for their young child.

Shadow quietly crept along the realm of the mortals. The moon was hidden, which meant it was safe for him out here without the danger of Were's attacking. It was the only night that his mother would let him out anyway, being the overprotective worry wart that she was. At least his father was on his side, allowing him out on his first hunt for fresh blood without supervision… without telling his mum.

His footsteps were silent as he crept along the ledge of a building, looking down at the scrumptious mortals walking about below. He could almost feel their heartbeat in his mouth he was so hungry; his stomach felt like it was curling into it's self. He knew that he needed to eat, and that if he didn't soon he would probably crumble into a pile of vampire dust.

As though hearing his silent plea, finally a mortal broke out from the pack, heading down the alley way while whistling a very annoying tune. Like a deadly cat Shadow followed from the ledge of the building, using his amazing grace and balance to silently stalk his prey. He watched with narrowing red eyes as his victim stopped to take out his keys.

The idiot had headphones on and was walking down dark alleyways in the middle of the night… This was going to be a piece of cake!

The keys dropping to the ground and a muttered swear was the signal Shadow needed. He leaped off the building and collided with the other. The bag and it's groceries were flown all about as Shadow dug his long nails into the tan arms of his meal, and opened his mouth wide to sink his pulsing fangs into warm inviting flesh.

Except he found himself grabbed and thrown instead. His back slammed into the door with a violent crack as wood broke. Dazed, he slid down to the porch and looked up at his prey now looking down at him with clenched fists.

"What th' hell are yah doin'!"

Shadow snarled and hissed, leaping to his feet with a grace that no creature should possess. His red eyes were alight with the idea of a challenge, and his fangs were pulsing so hard they ached from the adrenaline. "Eating you."

His prey's eyes widened in shock, and Shadow lunged. He anticipated hitting a wall of flesh, so meeting thin air instead was very frustrating. Shadow whipped around and found his target smiling cockily and leaning against the wall just a few feet away.

"Pfft. No body's gonna eat me!"

Shadow felt his muscles bulge with fury as he lunged again. He realized that his prey stepped out of the way just as his fist collided with the wall.

Brick broke under his paw and the other whistled in awe. "Sheesh! Who needs a demolition team when we've got you?"

Faced with the humiliation of actually failing his father, Shadow felt a desperation fill his anger as he turned to lunge again. He slashed and clawed, but only met thin air as his supposed victim kept one step ahead of him. Shadow could not believe a mere mortal could be so fast. He only thought vampires were the one's that could perform the ability of unnatural speed.

Suddenly the other had stepped to the side, whirled around, and brought a kick right to Shadow's lower back. He was flown foreword, clattering into trashcans with a violent crash. Shadow growled and pulled himself out of the rubble, feeling his body and sting as it tried to heal it's injuries, and glared daggers at the laughing hedgehog in front of him.

He watched the other stop a rolling lid with a red sneaker and rub under his nose with a gloved finger. "Who are you?"

"Me?" The other grinned and kicked the lid away from himself. "My names Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog!"

Shadow's expression never changed. Instead he flexed his hands and felt his strength draining because of his metabolism chewing away at what little reserves he had. He needed to eat, and he needed to eat now. "Well, Sonic the Hedgehog, this was fun but now the game is over."

Pumping whatever he had left into his next lunge, he exploded like a rocket towards the blue hedgehog. Sonic barely had time to react before his back collided into the wall with the sickening crack of a high speed impact. Shadow grabbed Sonic's arms and held them tight, the super human strength keeping the other from struggling.

Still, those emerald eyes, though filled with fear, were burning with the need to fight. "Get off of me!"

Still, that was not enough to draw Shadow away. He pressed his body into the hedgehogs and whipped the other's head back to reveal his neck. Nearly salivating, Shadow growled while his fangs slipped easily into flesh.

The oracle found herself walking into the cottage of the king. She had sensed the overwhelming sorrow from across the camp, and knew that he had lost both his wife and his first born son just simply from the dream she had been blessed with. She had not been summoned here, unlike with the vampire king. Instead, she came because she had some words that this man needed to hear.

"You're loss is great, but it will not last long." The oracle walked up beside the king who was on his knees. He barely looked up as she kneeled beside him and placed a delicate hand on his shoulder. "The vampire prince has just been born."

"What?" The king looked up in some shock now. The oracle was glad to see some kind of emotion in the king that had raised her since she had lost her mother. She had been blessed by the oracle with The Sight, who also happened to be a Were. Though she had chosen to accept the terms of being neutral, she had a kinship to the king who was like her father. She did not feel, because it would only alter what she shared, but she could almost imagine sharing the kings pain through his loss.

Still, she was here to deliver a message.

"You will gain a strong and powerful ally, but he will fall, and you will fail." She looked up, doing her best to put some sadness in her expression. "And this war will end."