Title: Something Unexpected
Chapter 18 – Destination – Disney World

Calleigh awakes the next morning to the smell of fresh coffee wafting through the empty bedroom that she now finds herself in. She slowly sits up, her eyes lighting and her lips splitting into a warm smile as she hears Kyle's soft laughter and Horatio telling him that he'd ruin the surprise by talking too loud.

"Mummy!" Kyle shouts as they enter the bedroom and he races for the bed and hops on, bounding into her arms, wary of the small wince she offers when his little hand pushes into her tender shoulder.

"Good morning," she kisses his cheek and then looks past him to his adoring father.

"Good morning," Horatio answers in return as he offers a breakfast tray.

"For me?"

"Yes," Kyle nods as he moves himself to her side to allow Horatio to place the breakfast tray atop her lap.

"Breakfast in bed," she looks up at Horatio and smiles as he leans in closer. "I love it," she whispers as she offers her tempting lips which her husband readily accepts.

"Well we wanted to do something special for you, right Kyle?"

"Right!" Kyle agrees as his little fingers greedily reach for a strip of crispy bacon. Horatio quickly offers him a napkin and then turns back to Calleigh who is enjoying one of the fresh ripe strawberries.

"You know for not much sleep, he looks surprisingly refreshed," Calleigh notes.

"Part of the reason for all this," Horatio nods with his head. "Sleeping in was moot for us. I am glad you got to enjoy it a bit longer. How is your shoulder?"

"Well I won't be doing any wrestling today."

"Pity," Horatio counters as he takes a sip of his dark coffee and then sets it back on the tray. The try only held the drinks, some bacon and fruit as the rest was waiting for them downstairs. With Kyle, a breakfast in bed adventure was out of the question. So Calleigh let Horatio pluck the nearly empty tray from her lap once again and this time it's the three of them heading downstairs, still clad in their pajama's.

"Looks mummy!" Kyle points to the already set table just as the three of them enter the eating area.

"Looks great sweetie," Calleigh praises, being instantly rewarded with a loving smile from the precious little boy.

"Yes it does," Horatio adds as he places his hand on Calleigh's back as she goes to sit down and then joins her, Kyle already reaching for a generous helping of scrambled eggs. "Easy does it," Horatio quickly takes Kyle's hand and stops him from taking more than he could possibly eat.

"So Frank is finally released today?"

"He texted me this morning and said he confessed to killing Rick in his sleep," Horatio chuckles.

"Oh no."

"Actually he said that Alexx joined them and so did Natalia and the four of them had pizza and just talked. He said Rick asked him about us but Frank pleaded the fifth and that was it. Rick knows better than to push Frank," Horatio concludes.

"Well I am glad that it's over for good," Calleigh's fingers caress Kyle's face. "Think um…Rick will give us any trouble?"

"He doesn't even know how long we have been married so as far as he's concerned we'll just continue on as the two professionals we have been and he should be fine."

"And we don't have to hide our rings," Calleigh reminds him with a bright smile.

"No we don't," Horatio agrees. They talk a bit longer before its time to clean the table, pack up some snacks and then head out to the park. "Kyle hold on," Horatio tries to help his very eager son pull on his small Velcro closing runners. "He gets his enthusiasm from you," Horatio smirks.

Despite the fact that they were both very well aware that Kyle wasn't her biological son, to hear Horatio refer to his quirks as genetic traits of hers, warms her heart in ways she could never express verbally. The love, the trust, the adoration he has for his son would translate into gestures toward her as his natural mother and for that she came to love him all the more; both of them. Kyle was her son; that's all that would matter in the days, months and years to come.

"Okay let's go," Horatio pulls out the car keys.

"YES!" Kyle shouts as he tries to pull open the door on his own and dart into traffic.

"Unfortunately he gets his leap before he looks impulses from you," Calleigh counters as she grabs Kyle's hand and yanks him back before he can do something they'd all regret. Horatio just chuckles as he locks the door and then hurries after them to the car; all three getting in, buckling up and then heading away.

"Did you call Rita about next week?"

"I did and explained a few details but that it was all over now and they would all be safe," Calleigh explains as they near the park. "But you know, we really haven't discussed all of us taking a holiday together and you did say you had some time off coming."

"Mmm that's true, what were you thinking Mrs. Caine?"

"Well I don't want to mention it now but I was thinking a few days in Orlando might be nice," she mentions, of course hinting at the location where the Disney World resort and theme park were located.

"I think I can arrange that. And good timing before the school lets out for the summer holiday's, less crowds," Horatio ponders as he pulls into a small spot. "I think that will work."

"I am looking forward to it already. But um…mum's the word on…" Calleigh gestures back toward Kyle with her head. Horatio twists his head to see his young son already peering out the window at the strange new world that awaits him.

"Yes definitely do not mention it to him before then," Horatio sighs. "We'll never hear the end of it."

Both of them get out of the car, Horatio getting Kyle and Calleigh grabbing a bag filled with a few goodies for the day.

"You know what I want to get him next, a tricycle," Horatio tells Calleigh as they pass by a few kids on their bicycles and Kyle's eyes are glued on the machines for a few precious seconds.

"Daddy wats at?"

"That is a tricycle Kyle," Horatio answers. "Do you think you'd like one?"

"Yes pees," Kyle turns to Horatio with wide happy blue eyes.

Horatio picks up his son and holds him close, Calleigh's arm looped through his as they slowly meander through the park, nearing the family area with lots of play things designed especially for children.

"This looks like a great spot to settle for a bit," Calleigh suggests. Horatio nods and then follows after her, finally lowering Kyle to the ground who wastes no time in rushing for the first and smallest set of monkeybars.

"Daddy helps!" Kyle offers a small frustrated growl when he can't get up to the second rung.

"That he gets from you," Horatio teases Calleigh as he leaves her side by the blanket and heads toward his now dangling son. He grabs Kyle's legs before he can slip and fall off the bars and steadies him while Kyle's small hands reach for the second level and he manages to pull himself up.

"Looks mummy! Looks!" Kyle calls out as he perches himself on a metal pole and then looks over at Calleigh who is happily snapping a few keepsake photos.

"You are doing so great Kyle," she praises, garnering a big smile from the darling little boy who quickly returns back to his task of climbing to the third and final level of the small metal contraption. Calleigh's mind starts to digest the tender looks of love and affection that Horatio is displaying toward his son, looks she's never really noticed before now.

He had changed so much since Kyle had come into their lives only a few short weeks ago; changed for the better. They had come through tough times and she knows that as Kyle gets older he'll have questions about Julia if that ever presents itself and he'll have to then face the hard truth. She was sorry for the fact that Julia was dead, any innocent life take was a waste; but she is thankful that Kyle survived and had come into their lives and that Horatio had chosen her to make the family circle complete.

"Come and join us mummy," Horatio playfully entreats as he and Kyle now sit on the swings.

"Didn't we try this once before?"

"Did we?" Horatio arches his brows in mock forgetfulness.

"Didn't we Kyle?"

"No," Kyle answers in haste as he looks at Horatio nodding his head and then turns to Calleigh.

"You are a bad boy," Calleigh winks at Horatio.

"Mmm will you punish me later?" He winks in return.

"You better believe it."

"And then can I return the favor?" Horatio asks huskily.

"You better believe it," she grins back.

The flirty sexual banter soon halts before they get too carried away in front of Kyle and are just happy to play on the swings, each taking turns pushing him and each other.

"And if this breaks?" Calleigh giggles as Horatio captures her in his arms and holds her on his lap on one of the swings.

"Then we'll sue them for inferior equipment," Horatio whispers as his soft lips nuzzle her ear, forcing her skin to slightly shiver at his amorous touch. Kyle breaks their moment by jumping off the swings and landing on the grass on his knees, rolling onto his back and then looking up and laughing at them.

"I don't know who he gets that from," Horatio smirks as they both hop off the swings and head over to Kyle, each taking and arm and hoisting his laughing frame into the air. They swing him back to the blanket where the three of them sit down to enjoy some snacks and just talk about the beautiful day and what the next few days would hold.

"Lots of rest," Calleigh reminds Horatio when he tries to hide a small wince when Kyle leans on his still tender chest.

"Ratted out by a three year old," Horatio grimaces, making Kyle turn around and look at him with a quizzical expression.

"Why daddy?"

"Why indeed Kyle," Horatio answers slowly, looking up at his son with a loving smile. "Want to play catch?"

"Yes!" Kyle answers eagerly as his small hand pushes into Horatio's stomach as he gets up. Horatio just shakes his head at his son's enthusiasm and then raises himself to his knees, resting on the dark denim pant legs for a few extra minutes.

"Can we someone bottle that energy for later?" Calleigh arches a brow.

"If only," Horatio retorts before he stands up and then holds out his hand. "Will you join us?"

"Love to," she agrees with delight.

And within minutes the three of them are involved in a game of catch with Kyle laughing and running after the ball, more than delighted to be chased by his parents. After the spirited game the three of them headed back to the blanket, packed up their things and continued on a ways into the park. Horatio and Calleigh took turns eyeing people around them with some mild suspicion, always reminding the other that Ron Saris was dead and they were indeed safe.

"Next time we'll bring the stroller," Horatio lightly grunts as he shifts Kyle's sleeping frame to his other shoulder as they head back toward the car.

They had just finished in another part of the park where Kyle had made friends with a toy poodle that he called fuzzy and two ducks he called eek and peek. Calleigh had taken small video snippets to capture all the joy that Kyle was having and as they tuck him into his car seat for the drive home, both hope that he'll now have happy memories to erase the tormented ones that he had had the night before.

They arrive back at home, Horatio carrying Kyle upstairs and then heading into his own bedroom where Calleigh was just resting on the edge of the bed.

"How is your shoulder?" He wonders in concern as he eases himself down beside her and then eases them both back so that her head is resting on his chest.

"Could use your arms to make dinner tonight."

"Done," Horatio answers as he kisses her on the cheek. "Just close your eyes and rest okay?" Calleigh happily complies and soon the two of them were joining Kyle in a short but much needed late afternoon nap. When Horatio next opens his eyes, Kyle was sleep beside Calleigh, curled up in her grasp. His smile warms as he closes his eyes, his ears delighting in the sound of contented sighs coming from both his wife and his son.

"Kyle can you help me with this?" Calleigh calls out from the kitchen some time later, after they had all woken up, enjoyed surprising Kyle with a tickle attack and then finally breaking apart and heading downstairs for dinner.

"Yes mummy!" Kyle shouts as he comes running from the living room. But just as he's about to enter the doorbell is heard and all three of them stop, Horatio and Calleigh exchanging surprised glances. Horatio sends Kyle to Calleigh and then heads for the door.


"Just a quick visit Horatio," Frank answers with a small smile. "Am I um…interrupting?"

"Not at all, did you want to stay for dinner?"

"I…are you sure?"

"We are," Horatio agrees as he closes the door behind Frank. "Everything okay?"

"For the most part. Was just at the lab, boy that was one hell of a beating that you guys endured."

"How's Rick?"

"Thankfully now driving the nurses crazy," Frank retorts. "Yeah he'll live. Did you know he actually took piano lessons as a kid?"

"Explains a lot," Calleigh giggles.

"He told you that?"

"Well when you are stuck in a room with no TV ah he's alright when you get to really know him outsida work…yeah anyways," Frank huffs as he looks down at Kyle. "You behavin' for your parents?"

"Yes," Kyle nods before he ducks behind Horatio once more. Soon the three adults were in the kitchen, sharing a few beers, talking about the aftermath of Ron Saris and the next steps for them all. Rick would recover, Frank said he was becoming closer friends with Natalia, they told him about their plans to take a family vacation and then once the lab was fixed everything would be back to normal.

"Do you two even know what normal means?" Frank smirks.

"Do any of us?" Horatio counters with arched brows.

"Fair enough. Well thank you again for dinner," Frank tells Calleigh a few hours later. "See you when you get back." They had originally thought they'd wait until the reno's were completed but upon hearing it would take longer than expected they decided to take their family vacation earlier than anticipated – neither of them of course minding.

The next night, while Calleigh was putting Kyle to bed, Horatio was looking at the computer and their final trip arrangements. It was just under four hours to drive to Orlando, a drive they would enjoy in the sunny weather. Calleigh had spent a good part of the day shopping for their trip, getting Kyle a few new things, but the young boy was still oblivious. Horatio takes a break from his trip booking, leaning back in his home office desk chair and reaches for a picture of the three of them taken a few weeks back.

He looks at the picture with a loving smile; how much his world had completely changed by the entrance of the small boy standing in front of him with his very own smile. Never would he have guessed that the next vacation he would be taking would be as a family; he as a father, and Disney World was something he would be actually excited to go and see. Ever since he was a small boy, emotionally scarred by his father, he never dreamed that he would have a son of his own; always telling himself that he wasn't fit and that no woman would want to help bring into the world a child she'd have to be afraid for.

Calleigh's loving strength and determination had forced him to put aside those tormented demons and come to terms with the fact that he had worked so hard and fought so long to rid himself of that stigma, that now it was time to enjoy the gifts he was now blessed with; an adoring son and an amazing wife; the family he had always dreamed of.

"Horatio?" Calleigh's sweet voice breaks his thoughts, pulling him from his mental stupor. He lightly rubs his eyes and looks up at her with a desiring smile.

"Come here," he entreats as he pulls her onto his lap. She looks at the screen and then at Horatio with a quizzical glance. "A few last minute surprises for my family."

"My family. I love the way you say that," she whispers as she leans in closer and kisses his lips. "I love you and I love the way you love us."

"You make it an easier task for me," Horatio confides. "I know I was scared at first but I know I couldn't have even gotten this far without you," he concludes before his hands cup her cheeks and his mouth is capturing hers once again. "So what else did you buy today?"

"A new swimsuit," she answers with a bright smile.

"One piece or two?"

"One of each," she counters.

"Ah. I can't wait to see them," he utters in a husky tone before his mouth reclaims hers for another heated round. But it's not long before the computer is left to fend for itself and the amorous husband and wife had long since vacated the now dark space; continuing their activities behind a closed and locked bedroom door.

But morning would beckon early, prompting both of them to get up and get their day started.

"So what did Rick say when you told him we were taking a week off and going to Disney World?" Calleigh inquires as she packs up her suitcase.

"You know Calleigh, Rick can be very understanding if given the right persuasion," Horatio answers with a cryptic smile. His mind instantly replays the moment from the previous afternoon that he dropped by the hospital to see Rick and inform him.

"Horatio, you come to spring me?"

"How much longer do you have to stay?"

"Well I don't have a lab to go back to so after this it's just home for the rest of the week."

"Speaking of that. Calleigh and I are taking the rest of the week off."

"Speaking of that, how long have you and Calleigh been married?" Rick counters.

"Long enough. Why nothing changed did it?"

"No but…"

"And we didn't act unprofessional or record any professional complaints have we?"

"No but…"

"So there is no problem."

"Does the Chief know?"

"Yes he does," Horatio stated firmly. "That you can ask him."

"No…bother," Rick resigned. "And who will be in charge of the cleanup?"

"Eric, and yes the Chief has approved that also. So are we all good then?"


"Thank you for your best wishes Rick," Horatio interrupted with a smile. "And Kyle wanted to give you something to help you recover faster."

"Kyle?" Rick groaned.

Horatio had turned to leave, knowing that the package of Lego with the card that read 'our little secret' Kyle would be well received.

"Yeah have a nice time with Mickey and Donald," Rick uttered with a small sigh.

"We will."

Horatio just smiled as he took his leave, knowing that he now had something, even something innocent that he could tease Rick with and knowing how much Rick values his privacy, everything would be just fine.

"Horatio you didn't," Calleigh stares at him in sudden realization.

"Well it does seem that Rick Stetler can be bought."

"With Lego?"

"Well every man does have his price," Horatio chuckles. "Should we wake him now?"


Calleigh watches Horatio leave the bedroom with a happy smile and feels her own heart start to settle as she follows after him. He was still worried and probably would be each time he had to get angry or scold Kyle; always worrying that his father's violent tendencies would take over. But that is why she was there, to lovingly help and remind him that he wasn't the same man and that Kyle would still love him. She hadn't expected to take to the roll as completely as she has but now reminds herself that really there is no other situation she'd rather be in, and no other man she'd ever want to be married to – Horatio was hers for life; Kyle her son and a new future for them all finally starting.

She reaches Kyle's room just as Horatio bends down to his son and kisses his cheek.

"Mooring dadda," Kyle mumbles in a lazy tone as his sleepy blue eyes struggle to open. Kyle flips over onto his back and rubs his eyes wanting to go back to sleep.

"Kyle do you want to go to Disney World and see Mickey and Donald?"

Kyle's sleep suddenly disappears as he bolts upright in bed and latches onto his father, shouting 'YES' for the whole world to hear and forcing both Horatio and Calleigh to laugh with delight.

"Okay I take it that's a yes."

"You two shower and I'll pack his suitcase," Calleigh suggests as she kisses Kyle on the top of his head, mussing further his strawberry blond locks.

"Now dadda now!" Kyle demands as he starts to tug on his father's hand, wanting to drag him to the bathroom so they could start their shower and then leave. Pretty soon the entire Caine household was buzzing as the shower was finished, breakfast was eaten, the house was left clean, the car packed up and soon the family road trip was underway. When they would get back, the lab would be redone, their team waiting for them to join them, Kyle going back to daycare and then family life resuming before the blip of Ron's disturbance.

Their conversations centered around the things they would see and do, the fact that neither had visited a Disney theme park ever before, happily listening to Kyle babble away about his new toys for the trip and anything else that a regular family might discuss; their high tension, crime filled jobs put aside for now.

"Oh come on Horatio, you have to get your face painted if Kyle does."

"Sweetheart that is the one thing that I will not do," Horatio answers firmly. "However, I do think you'd look very cute with your nose and cheeks done up as Minnie mouse."

"Only if you do," she counters with a smile. "Course I might not feel up to putting on my new swimsuits either."

"That is blackmail Mrs. Caine."

"Oh handsome you better believe it is," she winks and he can only laugh and shake his head. They had stopped for a brief snack, amid a few more bathroom breaks for Kyle before they finally reached their destination – Walt Disney World resort.

"DADDA LOOKS! MUMMY LOOKS!" Kyle kept interrupting them every few seconds as his attention would be diverted to something new and wonderful; his little brain now on sensory overload. But his enthusiasm was infections and soon both parents were taking as much delight in enjoying all the new sights and sounds around them. Horatio pulls up to the valet service at the Disney World resort entrance and stops.

"Well…what do we do first?" He looks at Calleigh; avoiding Kyle's obvious stare as they both know that he'll love whatever they have in store.

"Well…" Calleigh answers as they get out of the car and wait for their bags to be loaded onto the cart, Kyle already talking to a mascot dressed up as Goofy. After taking a myriad of fresh pictures, they head into the hotel, check into their room and unpack a few things.

"Wow, Horatio this place really is amazing," Calleigh whispers as she stares out the window with the theme park below and before their view. Horatio comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist and gives her a loving squeeze.

"Anything for you," he smiles as he kisses her ear with his warm lips. "Speaking of which, anything special you want to bring home from here?"

Calleigh twists around in his grasp and looks up at him with a tender gaze before her hand rests on his cheek and she draws his lips down to hers and kisses them warmly. "A little girl?" She suggests with arches brows. Horatio's lips break into the widest smile he can muster before he pulls her even closer and kisses her mouth with firmer determination.


"Yes Horatio, really. A child of our very own."

"I think that can be arranged," he tells her with a soft tone. "I would love that."

"I guess we'll have to just make sure he doesn't nap during the day," Calleigh suggests.

"Shall we get started?" Horatio arches his brows. "Kyle!" He calls, making Calleigh giggle once more. Kyle comes bounding out of the bathroom and rushes up to his parents, grabbing onto their legs and looking up with a wide smile.

"Let's go daddy!" Kyle insists.

"Let's indeed," Horatio agrees before he picks up his son and with his other arm around his wife heads for the door. A little girl, his mind muses over and over. That was one wish he would gladly help her fulfill; a child of their very own together; a true loving bond between them. He knows it'll be hard work, but in the end it would be worth it.

"You know," Horatio's voice is heard just as the door is about to close. "This really is the happiest place on earth."


A/N: Well how did you like it? Hope it wasn't too sappy or boring at the end with all the fluff but hey had to give them a very happy ending after all the angst I put them through! :D Not sure if I'll come back to this but left it open ended so I could. So please review and let me know how you liked this chapter, this story and if you'd even want another (either sequel or new story). Thanks again everyone in advance.

PS: To those without accounts that I cannot reply to, a very special thank you (dollydarlwoo, Arlene) and a few others, thank you for your continued support and great feedback, always much appreciated! :D