It's B's wedding. The day one of the partners is supposed to get married the other is having trouble understanding the decision. B&B, a wedding day and a twist;)

Disclaimer: Bones belongs to Fox.

Booth stared up at the ceiling in his bedroom.

Today is a 'big' day.

He couldn't help but feel that by the end of the day a part of him would die. With a sigh he left his bed and headed towards his bathroom.

As he washed his hands and face he stared at the man reflected in the mirror. He had a day old beard and his shoulders were slumped; he felt defeated.

Booth walked to his kitchen and after a quick scan of his food supply decided on a beer. His fingers curled around the bottle, but he instantly thought better of it. Drinking wasn't going to stop this day from continuing.

He sat on his couch, slouched as he flipped through the TV channels.

"Today's the big day," A pretty brunette informed. He watched as the reporter gestured behind her, a spectacular garden was on display. "This is where it will take place. The most talked about wedding."

Booth groaned. It was the most talked about. The damn thing was everywhere.

"Several months ago the world renowned Forensic Anthropologist and bestselling author Dr. Temperance Brennan and rising politician Arthur Ritter met during a charity event hosted by the Cantilever group. The rumors about the heated romance began..."

Booth hadn't given much credence to those rumors. He knew those gossipy magazines and shows didn't have the whole story. Booth also knew that deep down he'd wanted those rumors to be false but after the fiasco his relationship with the ex war correspondent ended in, he couldn't expect Brennan to drop whatever she was having with the politician.

"The union will be in a very intimate setting with just family and very close friends present. The press won't be allowed..."

Booth ran a hand over his face. He remembered when Brennan invited the squints, and how she had awkwardly also invited him. The thought of her getting married was beyond his understanding. It wasn't lost on him that he was being selfish, but just thinking that she'd marry another man and not him…

We missed our moment.

He thought with sadness.

"The wedding news was an unexpected surprise. Pregnancy is rumored to be the cause of such a hurried wedding..."

Booth gritted his teeth. Though he knew Brennan had wanted to be a mother for a few years now, he couldn't see her getting married because she was pregnant.

She's not like that.

And the more he thought about the stupid wedding, the more he couldn't make sense of it. Brennan, his Bones, thought marriage was an archaic ritual, blah, blah, blah…but why? How?

He couldn't wrap his head around the idea of her getting married…with a man who wasn't him.

He angrily punched the power button on the TV remote and as silence filled his apartment, his eyes landed on an old picture of the two of them. He rose from the couch and walked over to the picture that rested partially behind a mess of books and papers on his rarely used desk.

As he passed through all their good and bad times, he knew what he had to do.

Be a friend and partner.

A quick glance at the clock told him that if he wanted to catch her before the wedding he had to get a move on it.

He showered in record speed, shaved and suited up.


Booth knocked on her front door, like he had many times before in the past years.

"Booth?" She asked as soon as she opened her front door. She had one earring on and she looked utterly surprised to find him at her door. He also noted she seemed nervous.

"Heya, Bones." He couldn't blame her for being surprised to see him since he'd only made up his mind about attending the wedding a little over an hour ago. With a head nod in her direction he silently asked if he could come in. She opened the door further for him to enter.

He followed her to the living room and watched as she put on her other earring and bent to collect her keys and cell phone from the coffee table.

She's not wearing white. Now that is more like Bones!

She was wearing a knee length dark dress and Booth wasn't questioning her choice.

With a smile he offered her his arm as he informed he was there to drive her. Brennan gave him a questioning look before giving him a crooked smile.

He could tell it was a real smile as they exited her apartment.

As he drove his chest was filled with pride. He grinned as he replayed how she'd informed political-man's bodyguards that she was riding with her partner, Special Agent Seeley Booth from the FBI.

People were already seated on chairs, waiting for this to begin.

Booth walked by her side and didn't miss the sigh of relief her husband-to-be let out when he spotted her.

"Temperance." The man touched her arm and walked off to the side with her.

Booth spotted Angela and the bug man already seated in the first row.

He took the empty seat next to Hodgins' as he asked Angela where their little bundle of joy was.

The artist cut her eyes to him and muttered something before she turned away.

"Our baby girl is being well taken care of at home." Hodgins answered and Booth appreciated the gesture.

A tap on his right shoulder made Booth turn to face the people in the row behind his.

"Are you really going to sit there and watch her get married?" Cam's incredulous question showed that it wasn't just him who found the marriage so incomprehensible. Without answering with words he straightened in his seat and faced forward.

Brennan and Max walked past him and Booth didn't miss her dad's comment that if she was only getting married because a baby was on the way she had his support and shouldn't have to go through with it for that sole reason.

"Dad!" She silently hissed at him before taking her seat.

Booth watched as Max turned towards him, eyes narrowed and a finger pointing in his direction. The older man mouthed the word 'you' before he hurriedly took the seat next to Angela's.

The agent followed her every gesture.

She slid a discrete look his way before she whispered something to the man seated next to her. The politician glanced Booth's way before he nodded at whatever she'd told him.

The next minutes seemed to move in slow motion for Booth. His gut alerted him that something wasn't right. Before he could put his finger on it, he spotted a man moving towards Brennan and Mr. Ritter.

It happened fast, but Booth was instantly on his feet before Brennan even hit the ground. He was by her side in two long strides. He instantly recognized fellow agents as they took a hold of the mysterious man that only moments ago lunged at Brennan.

The surprise and questions were evident in the faces of the people who were there to witness a wedding. But when Booth spotted none other than Caroline Julian speaking with one of the agents, he knew something was going on here.

Brennan was brushing grass off of her when one unhappy Special Agent Booth turned to face her.


She stormed to her apartment with Booth hot on her heels.

She sighed as she heard him repeat the same thing for the seemingly hundredth time in the past hour.

"I already told you." She ground out as she threw her front door open. "The FBI approached me and explained the situation." He slammed the door after himself as she said there was a protocol she had to follow.

"Oh, now the protocol is important." He stated sarcastically as he reminded her of his fake death and how she'd been pissed at him for not breaking the protocol and informing her personally that he wasn't really dead. "I don't care who the hell was targeting that idiot. It was stupid for Hacker to get you involved in this."

The politician was threatened and warned that on his wedding day he'd pay. The rumors about Brennan and the politician were put to good use.

"It wasn't Andrew's…" She was cut off by his additional statement of how dangerous the whole thing was and what could've potentially happened to her if the man had gone after her before the 'wedding'.

"You are not an agent!"

She hated when he used that tone and took the position where squints belonged in the lab and not in the field. She was quick to point out that she could make her own decisions and take care of herself.

"Yeah? Well…" Booth clenched his fists. "Just so you know I won't be attending your next wedding." To him she turned impossible when she took the 'I can take care of myself' position.

"There won't be a next one." She crossed her arms across her chest, shooting him a hard stare.

"Fine." It sounded so juvenile, he knew, but he couldn't help himself. He was a grown man, but she had the power to make him feel like a hormonal teenager all over again.

"Fine!" She shouted back.

He slammed the door on his way out.

"Uggg!" He heard her exasperated grunt as she moved away from her front door.

As he stalked down the hall he didn't know if he should be happy that the so much talked about 'wedding' was a phony cover up for a secret operation or angry at the risk she took by going along with it.

It is a oneshot. If there's interest I can do a follow up with Brennan's 'side'.