
In the end, things went back to normal. Not the same as before, but still normal. It took some time, of course, but normality has a way of emerging intact.

Alice left for Makai soon after Netese's force withdrew. I don't know precisely how things are in Makai, although the last I heard, the situation was stabilizing. I understand that Alice has been coming to Gensokyo frequently to consult with Byakuren; rumor has it that she's even created a portal between the Myouren Temple and Pandemonium for the purpose of these visits.

Netese did indeed take up residence at the Scarlet Devil Mansion. I don't know much about that situation; she's never seen outside the mansion, and the other residents generally refuse to discuss that situation.

The Lunarians remain at Eientei. I understand that Kaguya and Mokou are making significant progress in their relationship; last I saw her, Keine said that they were down to an average of one killing a week.

Yuugi has visited a few times. She tells me that fighting in the underground city had been The last time Yuugi visited, she was accompanied by Parsee; I'm told that their relationship is going fairly well, although Yuugi says there are occasional jealousy-related issues.

Despite the risks I had Utsuho take, Satori is much more friendly with me than she is with Kanako. I think it's because I actually went through her, whereas Kanako bypassed her entirely. Satori visits me fairly frequently; I think she likes having found a non-animal who isn't uncomfortable around her.

Tenshi returned to heaven, where I understand her reception was less than enthusiastic. They did not approve of her participating in a war. She managed to talk them down, though, mainly thanks to the fact that she fought only in Gensokyo's defense. They still didn't like it, but I'm told there were no actions taken against her for her role. I spoke in her defense, too, which may have helped.

The mountain hasn't changed much. The situation with Seina could have been very awkward, but it wasn't. I was her biological mother, yes, but the way she saw it, her parents were Kanako and Suwako. And that's fine, I think.

Kanako and Suwako are still trying to gather as much faith as they can, and I think Kanako's a little irritated by how easily I can gather faith. Aya is continuing her usual 'reporting', and I'm told she's still trying to get one of Nitori's optical camouflage suits. Nitori, of course, is still tinkering with whatever contraption she's working on at the moment.

As for me, I set up my shrine in the Forest of Magic; it seemed appropriate for me to reside there. I ended up taking in a magician youkai as my shrine maiden, which also seemed appropriate. I'm often visited by people who want me to give them power; Reimu's assistant, Nol, has been by multiple times. I haven't done it for anyone; there are so many ways doing such a thing could have unpleasant results.

I don't use the name 'Orphan' anymore. Orphan was a woman searching for her lost past. Not that I have found it, that is no longer who I am. I'm someone different now, not Orphan and not who I was before losing my memory. I have not, though, taken on a new name; I may not be the same person I was before losing my memory, but I am still her, if that makes any sense.

I am a descendant of a god, and one who became a god. I am one who found my way back to Gensokyo after being gone for five years. I am the one who led Gensokyo against Makai's attack. I am a god of magic.

My name is Sanae Kochiya.

And done. Sorry it took so long.

Let me just give a thank-you to everyone who read this, and a bigger one to anyone who submitted one or more reviews.

As for what's next, well, I already have another Touhou fic ready to write. It will be its own story, unrelated to this one or Broken World, although once again, some elements, particularly certain character pairings and backstories, are likely to show up again. I plan to call it 'Radiant Decay', and it will be up as soon as I get the first chapter written. I hope to see you all there.