Hey everyone, sorry for the long wait. Had a little writers block for the further story line, and decided to wait till I officially graduated before continuing.
I want you all just to know, that I will be twisting some of the Greek mythology to fit the theme of my story. And so you know, there are several variations on the Greek myth's, so understand if one of the things you read seems different from what you originally know.
One example, is that I will be using the God of War version for Atlas' punishment, where he is holding the Earth above Hades or whatever. In the original myth, Atlas was to go to the East, and to hold up the sky from the ground, forever separating the two lovers, Gaia and Uranus.
Well, anyway, it's good to be back, and I hope that some of my fans are still amongst the living.
I feel like a broken record, but please contribute ideas. I can only take this on for so long without new ideas. I may not be using your idea exactly, but I would most likely use elements from each one to come up with something. And it doesn't have to be small details or anything, but could be, preferably, a filler or an arc series. I only have a couple of those, and I don't think that their really good.
Thanks for the reviews, here are some responses to some of them:
Cookie- Thanks for some of your reviews, really helps with the self-esteem.
Story Reader-Of coarse there will be others! What the hell will be a challenge to Ichigo if their weren't?
Well, I kept you all long enough,
"Uuuuggghhh", was the only sound that was made, other than the rattling of chains, and the ominous, thunder like sounds that came from the crimson clouds below.
"How long...", came the great giants thoughts. He couldn't tell time, never could, not down here. For all he knew, he could have had that thought two days ago, or it could have been just a minute ago, and he could have it again in the next ten seconds.
Down here, there was nothing that he could do. Chained to the slab of Earth that he was cursed to hold up for eternity, so he could never run away from this fate. It would always be held above his head, as a constant reminder for what the Titan's have done. Or rather, what one of them had done.
Much like his other brothers and sisters, scattered all throughout the world to fulfill their own punishments.
"So long..." he began to think to himself again, the only thing that it felt would keep it occupied, from descending further into madness. "Name..." He began once more, "What was my name...?"
After all this time, the great being began to forget his name. He made it a habit to think or say his name as often as he could. To at least never forget who he was. Who he is.
But as time went on, he grew sick of saying his name. He grew tired of having the words slip threw his mouth, leaving a bad taste every time. Like a mortal would get sick of only eating one thing all the time, having the thing that brought them so much joy at one point, becoming bland, and later hated, to them.
"A-...At..." The being tried, the words at the tip of it's tongue, "At...lassss" He finally managed to draw out, letting the word roll out at the end, as though he was relieved.
Urrrggghh!" He grunted out in pain once more. He looked up to one of his four hands. He once again saw the dreadful sight of those viscous, rusted chains wrapping over his palm. He knew he should have gotten used to these things digging into his rock like flesh, that the sight of blood dripping down should not have bothered him.
But it did.
The pain never seemed to cease. It would never dissipate, never waver. At one time, he was sure the pain got even worse, growing in power, and even spreading throughout his arm. A trick of the Gods. He was sure of it.
Even his legs burned. The fires of whatever Hell he stood above ever searing off whatever flesh he could have had left after all these years. Ever present, ever haunting.
As if his torment wasn't great enough.
But there was nothing he could do about it. He knew that there was no possible way to break through his chains of torment. And even if he could, what would he do? Go against the Gods? In the state he was in, there was no way he could possibly fight ever again.
"Could it have been any different...?" the Titan thought, "If he was here... could it have been different?" He always had the thought. What would have happened if his friend hadn't disappeared. "Would you have aided us? Or would you have left us be, to fall as we did?" He truly wondered what he would have done. Only befriending two of the Titans, and the rest as enemies, he wouldn't be surprised if he would have just left them.
He still worried for his friend though. He met with him one last time, telling him that he would be going somewhere for some "business", as he called it. He said that he would be gone for a decade or two, but as time went on, decades turned to centuries.
"Will you ever come back..." He began, hoping that his friend would start another war for their sakes. The anger he held for them, after all that had past. The hatred burned his chest, his pride, more than the mist below. He wanted revenge. He wanted judgment, his judgment, to pass, for them to feel his wrath, and return his pain a hundred fold.
And he hated himself for it.
After all that time with him, a little bit of his friend's ideals rubbed off onto him. He was, after all, just about the only being that he could respect. He knew his friend would be mad, no, furious at what they have done to them. But the humans depended on the Gods. They were their strength, their hope, and their belief. His friend would never be able to bring himself to do unto them what they have to the Titans.
And Atlas could never hold it against him.
"Ichigo" He whispered out, shutting his eyes and tilting his head down, wishing to give him one final request, in memory of the Titans.
That is when he saw it, a flash of blue. He tilted his head, not having the care to do much of anything else.
The chains began to fall, unravel from his hand and arm. There was a phantom pain of what was left, pulsing. But that was all. There was no more sorrow for his well being, no anger or depression. It was like he was free.
After releasing a sigh, one that he felt like he was holding since the pain began to set in. He clenched his fist, and brought it down. The lack of support from that one arm quickly fell upon the others. But, he felt no extra strain on them, like he could hold it all up with one arm, and could lift more.
He felt like his old self.
Bringing the fist down to his face, and narrowed his eyes. He never had to strain them like this. Centuries of just looking within one focus has it's effects. But, as a Titan, his eye's quickly began to adjust to the closeness and size of the object he held in is fingers. All he could really see was a tan colored figure. He felt something was off. Not by instinct, but felt that there was something that was physically weird with the object in his hand. He squeezed, thinking that the action would give him a clue as to what felt so wrong.
That's when his eyes widened, a slight shock over came him.
His hand tightened it's grip, the fingers snaking around with the power to crush anything.
Instead, his hand never tightened, the fingers not budging, and began to be opened by what ever he held within.
He then felt the object disappear. He didn't even feel it move, just like it fazed out of existence. But in that instant, a figure appeared on his finger. Just one quick glance, and he noticed the tattered cloak. Next was the conical hat above the figures head. And finally, Atlas saw the giant of a sword wrapped in bandages.
He knew who it was immediately.
Atlas was filled with a few emotions at a time. But, since he was not braced himself to confront this figure once again, he went with the first thing that came to his mind.
Bringing down a second hand, not caring about the trouble he now had with balancing the object above his head, and rammed his fist into the figure. The figure was a little stunned with the Titan was swinging a fist at him, and was sent flying, leaving a trail of dust in his wake.
"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!", was the only natural thing the Titan could say. He never knew that this was how he would greet his old friend, with a sucker punch made of blind fury.
The figure then reappeared, some distance from the giant, and at eye level, standing on the air itself. "WHAT THEY HELL! I COME HERE TO GET YOU OUT AND THIS IS HOW YOU THANK ME?". Well, apparently, the feeling's mutual.
"OF CORSE IT IS!", Atlas yelled back, sounding like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Well, it ain't exactly my fault. Turns out the problem was bigger than what we expected."
"Like hell anything could take that long!" Atlas was still irked by the whole thing.
Silence fell over the two beings, the human sized figure not having anything to say afterwords. Atlas began to get his temper under control at this point, bringing his hands back to holding the slab of Earth. He was beginning to go over what the figure had said.
"You can't get me out", was all that the Titan could say.
The figure tensed, Atlas guessed, and asked in as calm a voice he could muster,"What the hell are you talking about?"
"You can't get me out Ichigo. This is the punishment for the wrongs we Titans have committed. Let me have my pride and see this through, rather than be a coward and run from it". This was mostly truth to Atlas. After the chains were gone, it felt as though that what he was saying was the easiest thing ever, clearing his mind from anything negative.
Yep, those damn chains were definitely a trick of the Gods.
"To hell with pride! I don't know what's happened while I was gone, but I am not leaving you down here", was Ichigo's reply, somewhat loosing the edge in his voice.
Atlas did not respond, merely looking down on the being with a determined look in his eyes. Atlas only focused on the area between the conical hat and the cloak, knowing exactly where the eyes were. They stayed in that stand off for several minutes, neither wavering.
After a while Ichigo let out a sigh, a sign that he had bowed down, "Fine, I won't break you out. But at least tell me what happened with..." He raised his arms to either side of him with a shrug, looking around, gesturing to everything.
"Very well. You'll need this knowledge, as your the only one who doesn't seem to know", Atlas said, Ichigo taking the last part as a jab of some sort.
"Cronos had several children with a human woman. She was said to have had pure blood, that which was considered perfection. As she had his children, his power passed on to them. This was the creation of the Gods. They had powers, much like out own.
"But, before their birth, Cronos went to the Sisters of Fate. They told him that his own children will rise up against him. He started to become paranoid, and began to swallow them all, to be forever imprisoned within his stomach. But, the woman grew to hate Cronos more and more with every one of her children he consumed, so, for the last one, she replaced with a rock, and gave the child to an eagle.
"Eventually, the eagle found a suitable place for the God, and gave him to Gaia, who raised him to take revenge on Cronos. She admits to this day that what she did was a mistake. Zeus went out, and freed his brothers and sisters, and waged war against us. Some called the war the end of days. The Gods won the battle, and sealed most of us in tartarus, while the rest were given other punishments.
"They made themselves a castle, called Olympia, to house themselves. The one who rose up and started the war became the king of the Gods. His name is Zeus. You must be careful. These Gods are easily swayed with their emotions, and hold more pride than any Titan, and will take the smallest insult with a vice."
Ichigo stayed silent for a second before commenting, "Well, their arrogant, I'll give them that. But I have one question."
There was a pause.
"How the hell did she survive?"
Another pause.
"How did she survive?"
"The woman who bared Cronos' children. How the hell did she survive?
"Survive what?", Atlas was confused, not really following where Ichigo was going with this.
"You know. I've seen Cronos, and how could anything human survive anything remotely that size?"
It took Atlas a few seconds to understand where Ichigo was going with this.
"Oh for the love of... get your head out of the gutter and get the hell out of here. You need to figure out what your going to do after this, and now you have an entirely new enemy after you. They know of your existence, and they will find you. They may not go after you themselves, but they'll send their army after you, and they will take down a city if they have to. Their wrath is beyond any of our comprehension", Atlas explained. Even after being the oldest being in existence, he still thought like a teenager.
Ichigo took a mock step back and raised his arms up in defense, "Alright Alright, calm down, just trying to lighten things up down here," Ichigo paused, before continuing, with a more serious tone of voice, "Thanks for the heads-up, really appreciate it. Wish you would let me repay you."
Atlas caught the hint, "I'll be fine, I don't need you to set me free. Besides, what am I supposed to do after I get out? The Gods aren't gonna have much trouble searching for me when they notice that I've escaped."
"Alright, your choice," Ichigo said, before turning, and began to walk at an angle towards the rock that Atlas was holding up.
Before he left through a crack in the Earth, what Atlas presumed to be they way Ichigo got in, stopped, and turned around, "You sure you don't want out? You looked a little worn out there when I came in."
Atlas grew a smirk, "Hah! You doubting my strength kid? As if this thing could even poses a challenge for me! I ain't known as the strongest Titan for nothing!", Atlas bellowed out, shaking the Earth a bit as a gloated.
Ichigo grew a smirk, "Guess so. Well, I'll see you later then", he turned around, and began to walk up the wall of the hole, before yelling out one last thing once he was out of sight.
"And I'll be sure to give those Gods a little hell!"
Atlas couldn't help but to laugh at that. He laughed for a good ten minutes before he got enough control to say anything. "Yes, go Shinigami! Show the Gods true power!"
He tilted his head up, as though looking into the Heavens themselves, before continuing, "You hear that Zeus? The God of death has returned!"
Poseidon, God of the sea, was an easily swayed man. He could never help himself when it came to beautiful women. Especially mortal women. He could never help himself with them, always led by their intense beauty, fair skin, and above all, their warmth.
He could never understand why they always cried, or when they ran. He was a God. They should be thankful, to be honored to have a God be dazed by their beauty.
He thought that they deserved it if it hurt.
He currently had his sights on one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. Golden hair, the rarest of any kind, a gorgeous face, and what's more, a virgin. Yes, he would be sure to thank Athena for giving this woman to him.
Who knew that Athena could become jealous of a mortal woman when it came to beauty. To him, it makes this girl even sweeter.
"Medusa", he said in a soft voice, a hint of lust within.
"Soon, you shall be mine"
Well, finally done. Let me know what you think. And for most of you, the possibility of a Medusa(not a psycho homicidal snake bitch) pairing is highly unlikely.
Ya, Ichigo's somewhat OC in here, but it's tough to do him.