Spoiler for chapter 202! So if you hadn't read it go read it first.

This one-shot is just an intake on what could have happened to Junior.

/Please, please let it actually happens/


The boy sat on the chair like a puppet cut from its string. His body was limped and his head was bowed forward at an uncomfortable angle. Tyki Mikk watched silently from the shadows as Fiddler pulled the red hair back so the boy's head was laying on the back rest revealing the boy's pale face that was scrunched in pain. The spying noah knew what was coming next and eagerly watched as Fiddler slid his parasitic tongue between those two red lip to release his parasites. Tyki knew it was not meant to be an intimate procedure so much as the normal process. But when the boy unconsciously whimpered into the forced kiss, Tyki couldn't help the excitement that the scene was eliciting from his Noah self. He wanted to be the one over the boy. He wanted to be the one the boy was moaning at. He wanted the boy.

To touch him. To ravish him. To break him. To be his.

Deeming enough, the pride of Noah straighten again, licking his lips like he had just tasted the sweetest cream there ever was. Was the boy that sweet? He wanted to taste it too.

"Fiddler," Tyki stepped into the light unable to take it anymore. "Leave us."

The Noah looked up when his name was called and was only partially surprise to see Joyd. A glance at the maniac grin and the nearly bulging excited eyes, Pride knew that Joyd had been taken over by his Noah side completely. He sighed exasperatedly wondering if he should prevent the events to be unfold if he left. "The Earl wants the boy alive."

"I know" Joyd answered simply, stalking closer like a predator cornering his prey. The maniacal grin grew wider when the boy moaned something incomprehensible in his delirium. The boy was really too cute too resist for his own good.

Well, can't say I didn't try. Pride shrugged before turning to walk out of the room.

"Try not to break him too much, Joyd"

Tyki didn't hear it. He was too far gone in his craziness as he caressed softly the boy's sweaty cheek and watching the boy shiver under his touch. But he did register the soft click when the door was closed.

Alone, at last.

Where should he start? What should he do first?

The boy continued panting for air not realizing the danger he was in. Momentarily, Tyki attention was caught on the boy's chest – how it rise and fall so rapidly and the lovely soft whimpering sound the boy made every time he drew his breath. Curious and on impulse, Tyki laid his hands on the boys chest, admiring how he could feel the muscle underneath the clothes. He could tell the boy was very fit. Perfect. It almost made him wanted to rip the shirt apart and mark the boy. Almost. Moving his hands upward, he cupped the boy's face. He was amused when the boy leaned in to his touch, whimpering again something incomprehensible.

"Don't worry" He whispered into the boy's ear. "You'll enjoy it too, Lavi"


Really looking forward to chapter 203.

Please read & review.