Disclaimer: I have black hair and brown eyes – I am not British, either. Furthermore, I am in no way connected with Scholastic (yet), Warner Bros, or anything of the sort. Guessed yet? I DON'T OWN HARRY POTTER! (Wish I did…)

AN: Warning: This is supposed to be written by a small child. Thus, spelling mistakes. They ARE ON PURPOSE. Don't kill me, please, they were difficult to make!







My naym is Harry Potter

Red Oranj Yelo Gren Blu Purpl

Red is payn

Oranj is screems

Yelo is –

Yellow is a brokn arm

Green is Its him Lili take Harry and run

Blue is cant breeth

Purpel is Padfut that thing lux redikyulus on yu

Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purpel


Why dont I have a Birthday?

Padfoot is a big black dog.

Moony is tired tired tired.

Wormtail is bad bad bad.

Dudley hates me. Why does Dudley hate me?

Theres no such thing as magic. Or flying motrsikles.


Sirius is a star. Sirius is laughing. Sirius is Padfoot.

Miss Willow says that I made Padfoot up. Peepel cant chaynj into dogs.

People can't change into dogs.

Poems talk about what we feel. What we remember. I rote a poem and Mister Burns called it imajinativ. This is my poem.

Green is avre kedavre kills Lili

Padfoot do not now come back

And also not Moony

This is sad and I am alone

Because Lili and Jayms is gone.

Why do not Mister Burns like my poem?


I know theres a k in know but you say it no.

We have to rite stuff we love today.

I love spidrs.

I love Padfoot.

I love Moony.

I love Lili and Jayms even tho I dont know who they are.

Spiders. I have ten spiders in my cupbord. One two three four five six seven eight nine ten. I find names for them in books.

1Arachne 2عنكبوت –An-ka-boot 3Եռոտանի – Yerotanni 4蜘蛛 – Ji-ju 5Edderkop 6Spinne 7 עכביש – Akh-veesh 8 मकड़ी – M'gri 9Ragno 10クモ – Kumo

Do people dy from being hungry?

Im hungry.

Edderkop dyd. I ate him.

Spinne and Ragno dyd.

Im never going to get out of my cupbord.

Evrything I owen is for Padfoot and Moony even if they arent reel.

My name is Harry Potter.


A letter would slide through the slot on the Dursleys' door, and it would take weeks before someone came to investigate why Harry Potter had not responded to his letter.

An uproar went up, when Potter was discovered missing, and everything related to the Potter family was overturned.

In the process, Sirius Black was found innocent and freed from Azkaban. He and Remus Lupin tore Number Four Privet Drive apart, but Harry Potter was nowhere to be found.

They did, however, find his cupboard – painted in blood with sentence after sentence written by the missing boy himself.

They cut the cupboard out of the wall.

Sirius Black received Potter's family inheritance, and Remus Lupin received the Potter-Evans library.

But, for some reason, they treasured a piece of wood with a painstakingly painted lightning-bolt in blood, more than anything else.

AN: Well... maybe I just feel a little bit morbid? REVIEW!