Okay this is the first fanfic I wrote so if its not as good as the others I'm sorry. It probably should be longer or something but oh well.
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or the characters. I do own the ideas and the character Lexie Andrews
Kurt leaned against the kitchen bench and sighed. He'd spent all afternoon shopping with Mercedes and he was almost dead on his feet. He slowly spooned in vanilla yoghurt, desperate for energy.
The clock read 6:30. The doorbell rang briskly and Kurt jumped, but he didn't move to get it. He was too tired. His father moved from the couch with Finn to answer it.
'Hello, how can I help you?' Burt sounded like he was talking to a scout girl selling cookies.
'Is this where Kurt Hummel lives?'
'Yep hold on a second, KURT! SOMEONE AT THE DOOR FOR YOU!'
Kurt groaned and made his way to the door, stretching out his tired muscles.
A short tomboyish girl was standing in the doorway, looking a bit uncertain. Her eyes were passing over everything and they stopped at Kurt.
'You're Kurt right?' She asked roughly. There was something familiar about her, but Kurt couldn't put his finger on it.
The boy nodded tiredly. 'Yeah, who are you?'
The girl straightened and held out a coarse hand. 'I'm Lexie. Lexie Andrews.'
As soon as the word "Andrews" passed through his mind, Kurt's eyes widened. That's why she looked familiar. 'Blaine has a sister?'
Lexie nodded. 'Yeah well I think Blaine needs you.'
Kurt frowned. 'What's wrong?'
Lexie shifted on her feet, looking at Burt. 'Your father knows about….you as such right?'
Kurt nodded. 'He's fine with it.'
Lexie smiled sadly. 'Unfortunately my parents aren't like that. You see Blaine came out when he was 11 and…they sent him to a special camp and burnt his stuff while he was gone. Ever since he's pretended he was straight but for some reason he came out this afternoon. I don't know if you too are just friends or more but he kept muttering something like courage and just blurted it out. And Dad got like super mad and, shit I don't even know if he's hurt or-GOD DAMNIT!' The girl balled up her fists and looked ready to hit something.
'Woah are you okay-'
'It pisses me off when I can't beat the shit out of someone and solve the problem.' Lexie hissed through bared teeth.
Kurt leaned back. 'Okay so what happened to Blaine?'
Lexie sighed. 'He locked himself in his room and won't let anyone in. Please, I've never seen my brother before like this and I know him well so if I can't fix this I better bloody hope you can.'
Kurt nodded. 'Can you drive? I'm tired.'
Lexie frowned. 'I'm 14 silly. I'm with a friend but yeah sure.'
Kurt grabbed a coat. 'Dad I've got to go. One of my friends has got some parents who aren't nearly as understanding about the gay thing as you. No offence.' Kurt added to Lexie, who shrugged.
Burt looked up. 'Are you staying the night?'
Kurt looked at Lexie, who nodded. 'Yeah is that okay?'
Burt paused, looking at Kurt to see if he was really staying over at his boyfriends-which Kurt really wish he was-but could see the worry on Kurt's face so he nodded and went back to his football.
Kurt, hesitating for a split second over coats, dashed out of the doors, rather worried.
*2 Hours Later*
Kurt glanced at the clock in the huge BMW Lexie's punk friend drove. 8:29. Hurry hurry hurry, his mind silently shouted.
They got there a minute later. Kurt, quite worried by the fact Blaine wasn't answering his phone, didn't even notice the fact that Blaine was filthy rich, and lived in a huge mansion. Lexie walked in front of him, but instead of going through the front door they crept round the back like criminals.
'Blaine lives on the second floor, so either you climb up to that balcony via the tree or you go through the house and get caught. Your choice.'
Kurt didn't even pause. This was Blaine we were talking about. He would do this for Blaine. He loved Blaine.
Lexie nodded, popping her shoulder. 'I'll go first.' Kurt worried that her baggy jeans would slip or her giant shirt would get caught but she slipped through like she'd done it a thousand times.
Lexie knocked on a door, but no one came. She sighed. 'I'm sure Blaine will buy you knew clothes if those get ruined.'
Kurt shrugged. There was a rope ladder that he grabbed and struggled with for a moment. Lexie grabbed his struggling hand and her friend pushed him up.
'Thanks.' Kurt whispered, panting.
Lexie grinned. 'I have the feeling you'll do that again.' She winked, making him blush.
Lexie knocked again. 'Blaine would you please open the door.' Kurt strained to hear any noise but all he could hear was….sobbing.
'Kurt-' Lexie tried to stop him.
'Blaine, open this damn door. I just climbed a freaking tree in good clothes so if you don't open this door I am going to kill you.'
He hoped that noise was a laugh. A moment later the door creaked open. Blaine's face, handsome as ever, was bloody and one of his eyes was black.
'I'm gonna kill-' Lexie darted away, looking like a monster. Her friend followed, sighing.
Blaine sighed. 'You shouldn't be here Kurt, you could get hurt.'
Kurt, filled with love and compassion stepped into Blaine, cupping his face with one soft hand. He noticed Blaine swallow nervously.
'You were there for me.' Blaine's eyes started filling up. He stepped back, and Kurt came in, but his hand never left Blaine's face. He moved closer, and Blaine started to cry.
'Kurt…If you got hurt…' His forehead fell against Kurt's'.
'Shh it's going to be okay. I'm here. It's okay.' Blaine started sobbing harder, gently clutching Kurt's small face.
'Oh Blaine.' Kurt sighed. 'Why did you do it?'
Blaine sniffed and leaned back. 'Because, I'm in love with a guy and I can't keep it a secret anymore and I want to be with him so much but how could I bring him home…' He drifted off, and Kurt's face fell.
Kurt looked at Blaine. He was in love with Blaine, and Blaine was in love with someone else. Great. Heartbroken much?
'Who?' Kurt suddenly demanded.
Blaine looked startled, before relenting. 'He is beautiful in every way possible. He struggled with bullies and-' by now Kurt was starting to cry, 'he came to Dalton and I helped him.' Kurt just stared at his feet, his shoes soaked with tears. He felt Blaine lift his chin.
'But he is blind, so very annoyingly blind and isn't seeing how much I love him.' Kurt still hadn't gotten it.
Blaine sighed. 'He was the only person I was going to let in my room, and my sister travelled 2 hours to get him and he came in here with his perfect hair and perfect clothes and told me it would be alright and held me as I cried.'
Kurt shook his head. 'I-I need a name…'
Blaine looked him up and down, in disbelief. 'Kurt Hummel.'
Kurt's head jerked up, 'Wait..what?'
Blaine gave a small sad laugh. 'You're so blind Kurt. I love you, and I just spent five minutes trying to tell you so and you thought I was talking about another guy. You are the only guy I love, and I'm really hoping you love me too.' Blaine's sad brown eyes searched his.
Kurt stepped closer, eyes fluttering, and grasped a piece of Blaine's shirt. He tilted his head slightly up, and his lips found Blaine's. After a moment of slight awkwardness they broke away.
'Of course I love you Blaine. How could I not?' Kurt stroked his bruised face.
Relief flooded across Blaine's face, and he pulled Kurt into his arms, tears of joy running down his face.
'Don't cry..' Kurt whispered as his own joyful tears slid across his cheek.
Blaine gently held Kurt's face and kissed him full on the lips, giving Kurt his two real first kisses. Kurt's arm had slid around Blaine's neck, trying to pull him closer when he could get no closer.
When they finally surfaced for air, Blaine had the goofiest grin spread across his face. 'I love you.' He whispered, leaning his forehead against Kurt.
'I love you too.'
'Hmm…time to confront the parents…' Blaine murmured.
Kurt sighed. 'I guess.' He linked arms with Blaine, straightening his coat and heading out the door…
kinda lame I know, like I said it's my first one. I wanted to emphasize hoe blind the two are to each others love. :)
reviews please