I knew

Chapter One-

People were often categorized by their age and the ones usually doing the categorizing were adults. They often looked at kids and never would give them enough credit for what they were thinking and feeling and for what they were able to understand and process. While it is true some kids are simply that just kids, however sometimes you come across an individual who through their environment and experiences grows up sooner than they should. That was the case for one Stephanie McMahon who at the age of 13 had more running through her mind then most adults.

Stephanie knew from early on her family wasn't like the typical family. Her parents were often in and out of town building the family business. Of course at first she didn't understand why her parents, especially her father, were often missing from events of her life. As she got a little older her parents tried to explain why they were missing her dance recitals and class plays although being told business was more important than her was little comfort. To try and make up for the time lost while Shane and Stephanie were in school during the summers they were often pulled from city to city with their parents. Vince and Linda thought that being together was better than being apart while Stephanie was missing out of being in summer camp with her friends.

As Stephanie got a little older it seemed like she was being the one pulled all over the place. Shane was now old enough to decide if he wanted to come with the family from city to city or stay home with the nanny and do his sports during the summer. Naturally Shane chose to be with his friends and doing something he enjoyed during his summer vacation leaving Stephanie with no one around her age.

However, Stephanie only had to put up with one summer of Shane not being there as the next summer her mom let her stay home. Stephanie certainly thought as summer vacation approached she would have to beg her mom to let her stay home and attend dance camp but that was not the case. Linda almost demanded that Stephanie not go on the road this summer and the tension she felt whenever her parents were in the room was unmistakable. Something had changed and again her parents didn't give her enough credit that she would figure it out. She had seen this happen before and she was fairly certain she knew what was happening.

"Steph, Paul is coming by in a few minutes but I have to run out and get the pizza. If he gets here before I get back just let him in and tell him I will be back in a few," Shane said grabbing his keys.

"No problem….don't crash," she teased.

"Hey I am a pro at driving."

"You have had your license for less than a week I wouldn't call 3 days experience professional status."

"And the 3 months of having my permit," he jabbed on his way out the door.

Stephanie just laughed as Shane left. It was the third day of summer vacation and so far it was the same. Her parents were out of town and once again Paul was coming over, not that Stephanie minded. Shane and Paul had been friends since pre-school and he was one of the few people that never treated Stephanie like a little kid. He was always real with her and never tried to lessen things because of her age. Stephanie had a crush on Paul almost from day one. Paul always took a liking to the youngest McMahon and would flirt with her giving Stephanie her first and only crush. Shane wasn't blind and knew it was only a matter of time before his best friend and little sister were more than friends and he was ok with that, but until than he was going to live in ignore bliss.

"Come in," Stephanie called out knowing it was Paul.

"What I am no longer important enough for you to actually get up and answer the door," Paul chuckled walking in?

"Ehh you know your practically living here now I should just get you a key or make up the guest room then you will never have to leave," she laughed.

Paul chuckled but it wasn't the usual happy chuckle Stephanie was used to. No this was his chuckle where he tried to mask something deeper inside him. He tried to make people believe he was happy when really something was wrong. Stephanie noticed this about a year ago and since then had been trying to figure it out but so far was unable to.

"You know you can tell me if something was wrong," Stephanie offered always making the offer when she heard that sad chuckle he offered.

"I know and same for you."

"What makes you think something is wrong with me," she asked?

"I don't know your parents just up and leaving you here can't feel pretty good and maybe Shane had some concerns too."

"About me," she questioned?

"No…well maybe but really just about the family."

"See now that is no fair….I am going in blind trying to figure you out but your cheating your getting inside information from my brother."

Paul flashed her a cheesy grin.

"What is that I hear all the time….oh right girls are always so complicated…I gotta use every resource available to me."

"Well maybe I have to do the same."

"Sorry Charlie I am all you have…my sister moved out after she graduated."

Unknowingly he only added to her curiosity, but couldn't grill him anymore as Shane walked in with pizza in hand.

"Sorry man had to run out and get the pizza."

"Don't lie I know your just using any excuse to drive right now," he ribbed.

"Well, yeah that too but seriously we have no food in the house…at least no real food like pizza and soda."

"Ohh nice and don't worry about it blue eyes over there kept me company," he winked at her openly flirting again.

"And I am sure she was a gracious hostess," Shane said rolling his eyes.

Everyone in the room knew what was going on but no one said anything. The inevitable seemed to be approaching soon then Shane thought. However, until it happened Shane wasn't going to worry…besides Paul was a good guy.

While the boys went off to eat pizza and then hang out Stephanie went up to her room to get ready for her dance camp. While she would have loved to stay and annoy her brother, she knew he could only take her in small doses and she didn't want to push her luck especially this early in the summer. Besides she really did have to get going for dance and she didn't want to be late. Dancing to her was so relaxing and fun. She loved learning all the different types of dance and some of her closest friends took dance classes with her. Plus her mom while not wanting her on the road did not want her laying around the house all day either and required her to do something over the summer.

By the time Stephanie got back from dance Paul's car was still sitting out front. It was almost dinner time and she assumed he would probably be staying for dinner tonight too….same as last night. It was a bonus for both Stephanie and Shane that Paul was a good cook and didn't seem to mind making dinner as long as they had food available to do so.

"Oh god what smells so good," Stephanie asked walking into the kitchen?

"Well on the menu tonight we have a salad in a balsamic dressing followed by a four cheese ravioli and garlic bread," Paul said with a smile stirring the sauce.

"Hmmm god that smells amazing," Stephanie said her mouth practically watering.

"Well it will be done in about 10 minutes."

"Great just enough time to grab a quick shower."

"Yeah I can't have you stinking up my great dinner."

"Ohh har har."

Paul smiled as she dashed out of the kitchen. Being here with Shane and Stephanie…and the nanny was always so much fun. Him and Stephanie obviously had something going and Shane was his best friend…he couldn't think of a better place to be. In a way they were like his family his brother and….well not his sister but still close to him.

"So you think I can crash here tonight," Paul asked after dinner?

"Like you really even have to ask…I mean seriously half your clothes are in the guest room I would be worried if you didn't crash here," Shane said joking.

Paul smiled trying to give a laugh but just let it drop.

"Thanks bro."

"No problem and you don't have to ask stay whenever…just make sure it is in the guest room," Shane said giving a joking but serious warning.

"Why Shane I have no idea what you mean," he laughed.

Shane looked around and saw no signs of his sister.

"All right so I have been ignoring it long enough and since I know you're practically going to be living here this summer….how soon?"

"How soon what," Paul asked genuinely confused?

"How soon before you make a move on my sister?"


"Paul relax…it's not exactly a secret that you two like each other and she is older now….I see the writing on the wall and just would like a little heads up ya know….believe me she could do a lot worse."

"Thanks," he said jabbing him in the chest. "And I guess I don't know when it is going to happen but soon I hope. I really like her I guess I am just a little nervous about it all….what if she sees me as just a friend."

"Dude you gotta be kidding me….if you asked her out I am sure she would run up and start writing her married name in her diary…Stephanie Levesque," he laughed.

"Shut up dude….we all can't date the same girl since diapers…..it's just we have been friends for so long what if she just wants to stay friends."

"You're really nervous about this aren't you," Shane said seeing a new side to his friend?

Paul suddenly found his feet pretty interesting and scratched the back of his head…as sign Shane knew for certain Paul was indeed nervous.

"I care about her a lot and I could just so easily see us make the transition to more than friends but I am nervous…I don't want to mess this up and I don't want to mess us up either dude."

"Well, as long as you don't do anything stupid we will be cool…however you break her heart I'll break your legs."

"Point taken."

"You gotta take the chance man….just like you said Riss and I were friends since diapers we went through a your gross period and then I made a move an asked her out and it has been great ever since…no guts no glory man."

Paul just nodded knowing he was right. If it were up to Paul he would have already been going out with Stephanie. She acted a lot older then she really was which Paul often forgot about. That was the biggest reason Paul had waited so long since he was 3 years older than her. Now though nothing was holding him back except himself and hopefully the right time would happen soon.

"All right man I am heading up to bed I have an early workout tomorrow."

"Good luck with that…I am all for working out just not in the AM hours," Paul said with a chuckle.

"Yeah well coaches orders I mean gotta keep these guns polished so I can fire from first to third," Shane said flexing.

Paul burst into laughter giving Shane a friendly shove towards the stairs.

"Just remember your door is on the left."

"Dude relax I am not going to sneak into your sisters room and have my way with her."

"Oh now there is an image I want to go to bed with," Shane said sarcastically heading up stairs.

Paul just laughed as Shane went upstairs. Paul was glad he didn't have to wake up early for a practice or lifting session but in a small way he was jealous of Shane. Paul could never play sports as much as he wanted too. He missed out on being part of a team and having guys around him that he could call brothers, right now the only person he could call a brother was Shane. Paul flipped open his cell phone and saw it was just after midnight. He sighed knowing he should go up to bed but not really wanting to just yet.

"Hey night owl."

Paul jumped spinning around to see Stephanie standing there.

"Geeze give me a heart attack why don't you."

"Sorry," she said with a giggle, "I didn't realize you were so jumpy."

"Well, I didn't think anyone else was creeping around here."

"Who is creeping? I came down for a glass of water and found Mr. Leering in a dark corner."

"Hey if you're not creeping than I am not leering."

"All right fair deal. So why are you still down here? You know your bedroom has a TV in it."

"Yeah I know I guess it is just quiet down here….nice scenery," he said pointing out back to their pool and garden.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah…grab your water I'll walk back up with you."

Stephanie smiled walking into the kitchen to get two water bottles. She walked back into the living room and handed a bottle to Paul before they headed upstairs. Stephanie and Paul lingered by her door for a minute.

"So I guess I will see you in the morning," Stephanie said almost hopeful.

"Yeah, I am not rushing out of here unlike your crazy brother."

"Oh ok good so see you in the morning."

"Night," Paul said leaning down to kiss her cheek before turning and heading to his room.

Stephanie smiled and gently touched her cheek where Paul's lips briefly grazed just seconds ago. She felt like she floated over to her bed before crawling under the covers. That was the first time he had ever shown her any attention that might be more then friendly. Maybe there was a chance for them and maybe that chance was coming sooner then she thought. If this past week was any indication she knew Paul would be spending a lot of time at her house this summer and hopefully something would happen. She just wished he would open up to her about other things…what those other things where she didn't know. There was something going on with Paul that much she knew.