This story has heavy angst and is not a happy fic but does have a happy ending. I repeat it does have a happy ending….all my fics do no matter how they start out :) :)
Title: Price of Fame
Author: Cindy Ryan
Pairings: Caskett eventually
Spoilers: everything is fair game
Timeline: set between season two and three
Notes: This is set in my Dustbunnies and Badges universe. Not completely necessary to have read Detectives and Dustbunnies but helpful.
This story despite my best intentions has not been beta'd. Both of my betas got sidetracked by real life. I've gone through this and did my best to catch errors so hopefully you'll forgive the ones that do slip through. Thanks to everyone who gave Detectives and Dustbunnies such wonderful support this is dedicated to you. :) This fic is not yet complete but I hope to have it finished within two to three weeks. It is over halfway written.:)
Richard Castle skidded barefoot across the hardwood floor of the living room of his vacation home. The weather was perfect for late summer in the Hamptons. New York was getting a much needed break from the scorching heat and humidity.
It was nearing six in the evening and Castle smiled in anticipation of the party he was throwing that night. Just a small intimate gathering for thirty. The caters were busy setting up tables and food.
The doorbell could barely be heard over the band practicing on the patio. It was the second ring Castle had heard as he slid across the floor. For all he knew it could be the fourth and he could have a very impatient delivery person on the other side.
"I'm coming, hold your hor….."Rick trailed off as he flung open the door and saw the last person he expected to see.
Detective Kevin Ryan stood grim faced and exhausted.
Cold fear gripped Rick's heart and took the breath from him. There could only be a handful of reasons why Kevin was standing on his doorstep. They all involved something bad happening to somebody he loved.
"What happened?"Castle prompted barely able to get the words out.
Kevin stepped forward and placed a gentle hand on the writer's right shoulder ushering him back into the house. "Let's sit."
Rick's mind was spinning with possibilities.
Possibilities that all ended one horrible way.
His daughter….his baby was hurt.
Castle planted his feet his left hand still gripping the door. "Just tell me….what happened to my daughter?"
Kevin swallowed hard and ran a hand through his short dark hair. "She's in critical condition….her roommate found her not breathing."
Captain Roy Montgomery's right ear was bruised from how long he'd been holding the phone to it.
Or at least that's what it felt like.
The Mayor had been talking his ear off for the past half hour.
Time that Alexis Castle may not have.
Politics were one major pain in the ass.
Especially when they got in the way.
Roy stood and walked around his desk. "I assure you, Sir there is no other squad working harder on this case. We will find out what happened. Yes as soon as I know anything you'll be my first call."
Barely resisting the urge to slam the phone down Montgomery replaced the receiver. Grabbing his coat the Captain quickly left his office.
If he didn't reach the hospital before Rick Castle all hell was about to break loose.
Knowing what little he did about Alexis's condition Roy wouldn't blame the writer one bit.
Kevin Ryan was again wondering how he'd drawn the proverbial short straw. How was it that he was delivering this horrible news instead of Kate Beckett?
She could handle Rick better than anyone.
Kate would never admit it but Kevin knew Castle had broken her heart.
Not that either would acknowledge that they had feelings for one another.
None of that mattered today.
What mattered was the teenager fighting for her life in Intensive Care. Someone who had integrated herself into Kevin's life in a short amount of time.
Someone who he couldn't picture his life without.
Alexis had become an adoptive kid sister. Kevin had made an unspoken vow to her father that he'd always look out for her.
He'd failed miserably at that promise.
Now as Kevin stood watching the spectrum of emotions play across Rick Castle's face he prepared himself for the worst.
If Rick wanted to slug him Kevin wouldn't stop him.
If he wanted to yell he'd take it in silence.
It was nothing that Kevin hadn't done to himself in the past couple hours since they'd gotten the call.
"This wasn't an allergic reaction was it?"Castle asked his voice barely above a whisper.
Ryan shook his head sadly. "We're waiting on tox results. There was mail near her when the roommate came in. Envelopes are at the lab now."
"Does my mother know?"
"She's with Kate at the hospital."
Castle nodded slowly. As if in a daze he grabbed a Blackberry off the kitchen counter, a jacket from the closet and keys from the small table by the door.
Kevin held a hand out to take the car keys. "My car's outside. I'll drive."
Rick shook his head as he fished the phone out and shut the door behind them. "You can drive….I'm flying. Neighbor has a helicopter."
"Let's go."Kevin acknowledged as they headed down the sidewalk.
Detective Kate Beckett stood in the small waiting room just down the hall from intensive care.
Martha Rodgers and Alexis's roommate Emily Benton were the only other occupants.
Kate pulled the dark brown suede jacket tighter around herself. More than anything she hated doing nothing. She wanted to be canvassing Princeton. Montgomery had over ruled stating that Esposito could handle it. Until they knew more Alexis and Martha needed to be guarded.
Glancing at the actress Kate knew Montgomery had been right. They needed her as much as she needed to be out there finding the bastard that did this.
Walking over to the window Kate wondered how Castle was handling this. All Ryan's text had said was they were coming by helicopter.
She wasn't surprised by the helicopter it was the Hamptons after all. Plus Kate knew as sure as the sun came up that Rick would get to his daughter as soon as possible.
Taking out her cell phone Kate pulled up the picture message Esposito had sent. It showed the letter that had been found near Alexis.
In bold print on white paper had one simple chilling phrase:
"The lady sleeps"
After a moment Kate closed the picture message and hit Lanie's speed dial. She knew her friend had put a rush on the tox screen. At the very least they should have the preliminary results back.
They needed a break….and soon.
She didn't want to face Castle empty handed.