Okay! So this is only my second fanfic, the first one I did not complete. It was one for Harry Potter and I loved writing it but after a while I was not into it anymore. If any of you were one of the readers of that story that enjoyed it I am truly sorry that I abandoned it! This story takes place during VODT and continues after, where the plot will become my own. Other than that, I own nothing! The rest I give credit to the genius mind of C.S. Lewis. I will do my best to write everything correctly, but please forgive me if I write anything wrong that doesn't agree with the book. I have never actually read any of the Narnia books I've just seen all of the movies. I will do my best to be accurate, and will be looking things up as I go. I cannot figure out how old everyone is supposed to be in VODT so that information I will makeup...so here is the character age outline:

Caspian is 20

Edmund is 17

Lucy is 15

Peter is 20

Susan is 19

(Peter and Susan won't be major characters but I thought I'd include them as well as far as ages go.)

Also, since I have not read any of the books, all character's physical descriptions wil be solely based on the movies. Let's face it, Ben Barnes is hot. (:

One final note: I know that we all like changing the story that C.S. Lewis wrote, making it into a more personally favorable version, but I hope that no matter how much we all change it, we remember the message the original author was trying to get across. Remember what the story is truly about, and do not write anything that would bring shame to that message.


Chapter 1


Lucy Pevensie let out a great sigh as she stepped through the front door to her Aunt and Uncles house witht he groceries, her brother Edmund following closely behind, holding a few bags as well. It had been with much sadness that she had agreed to live here upon learning that her mother, father, and sister Susan would be off to America, leaving Lucy and Edmund behind. As the siblings made there way into the kitchen to put away the groceries, ignoring the fact that they had been ignored by there Aunt Alberta and Uncle Harold, they reflected on the sadness and disappointment that they were forced to live here with rotten relatives instead of learning the wonders of America. They especially resented the feeling of being treated like burdens, when they knew there value held themselves much higher than the Scrubb's as they were High King and Queen of Narnia. Lucy attempted to be civil with there less than polite family members, seeing as Lucy always tried to find the good in everyone, but this was a hard task. Edmund however, was very upfront with his disapproval. After they had finished putting everything in its rightful place, Lucy turned to Edmund.

"Go get yourself washed up, I'll be starting dinner soon," Lucy said flatly. She was still quite angry with Edmund for attempting to enlist in Service, being that he was still only 17. Although she knew that Edmund could handle himself in a war, having fought alongside him in two already, she was troubled that he could have possibly left her alone at there Aunt and Uncle's house while he was off fighting.

"I'm sorry Lu," He grumbled, looking to her for forgiveness. Edmund watched his sister's eyes soften, and she put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's quite alright. Dinner will be ready within the hour, do ask Eustace to wash up as well?" A smile broke on her face as Edmund's expression turned sour.

"I don't think any amount of washing could diminish the smell..." He caught her disapproving glare as Edmund spoke illy of there cousin Eustace Scrubb, whom Edmund was made to share a bedroom with. Eustace, like Edmund, did not hide his dislike for his cousins, and was a rather ungrateful and rude boy. Yet, Edmund knew of Lucy's wishes to be as civil as possible, so he stopped his insult and added quickly:

"But I'll let him know."

Lucy nodded to him curtly, before turning and beginning dinner. As she prepared the meal of vegetable soup and bread, she could not help but wish that Aslan would find a reason to bring Edmund and herself back to Narnia; to their home. A small smile graced her lips at the thought of the warm, crisp air, whipping through her hair with the wind. She could still feel the sun on her face as she settled on her back in the field covered in lilies just outside of Cair Paravel, her favorite spot. She missed more than the land's beauty, but also the friends that she had made. Reepacheep, her little mouse friend, although he looked small and frail, he was fierce in his faith and in battle, just like herself. Her thoughts wandered to Caspian, the handsome young prince herself and her siblings had met upon there second arrival in Narnia, he was actually the one who had brought them there. She had been but 12 the last time she saw him, not yet a teenager but almost there, and he being 17 at the time. Although they were five years apart in age, they had a rare connection and were fast friends. Now, three years had passed, Lucy was 15, and several inches taller and with wavy auburn hair that came down to her waist with soft curls at the bottom. She had big, hazel eyes with long eyelashes that swept over milky white skin as she slept. Her cheeks and nose were dusted with freckles. Lucy knew she was not ugly, but she felt rather plain looking, especially when compared to her sister. Lucy was most commonly overlooked my boys when in the presence of Susan, and she could not help but feel jealous as she watched Caspian drool over her during her last visit to Narnia. She didn't exactly feel as if she had a crush on Caspian, he was simply her best friend, but she did wish that she could feel the pride in being noticed by a boy like Susan. She wished she would see Caspian soon. He was one among many friends that Lucy had met during her adventures in Narnia. Her heart ached. She missed them all.

After a relatively quiet dinner consisting of silence rather than the clanking of spoons hitting the bottom of the soup bowls, and Edmund and Eustace's random glares at one another, Lucy and Edmund decided to take the opportunity to have some rare alone time together, for there was barely a moment where Edmund was not out doing yard work and Lucy, house work and errands. So the two siblings made their way up to Lucy's room. The Scrubb's had not really taken the time to decorate any of the rooms of the house, and Lucy's bedroom was no exception. Surrounded by white walls, the room consisted of no more than a small bed with light blue covers, and a wooden wardrobe. The only thing Lucy liked about the room she slept in was the painting hung on the wall opposite her bed, the only painting in the entire house, of a single ship sailing the sea. A very simple picture that most would not read much into, but Lucy and Edmund noticed how Narnian the ship looked, being shaped like a dragon and having crimson sails and royal looking flags. The two siblings often came to Lucy's room to gaze at the picture, and hope that one day, Aslan would find use for them once again in Narnia. This particular day, they were "graced" with the presence of their cousin Eustace, who followed them after hearing the familiar talk of Narnia. The portion of Eustace's brain that contained his imagination could cover less than a teaspoon, for he often surrounded himself with the knowledge gained in Encyclopedias. He leaned against the doorframe, watching the brother and sister with a disgusted look on his face. They jumped when they heard his voice, for he had gone unnoticed until now.

"You two ninnys still going on about this imaginary world of yours?" Edmund shot him a glare before turning back to the painting and opening his mouth to speak.

"It isn't imaginary. Now would you be so kind as to leave? You're stinking up the place."

"Edmund!" Lucy whispered, elbowing him in the side.

"Oh come of it. You two need to learn that if you continue to believe in this nonsense, that you will end up in the loony bin. You need to be more like me, and spend time actually reading useful information. Unlike the fairytales in your books, cousin." He directed the last part at Lucy, who squinted her eyes at him and turned away, nose in the air, refusing to listen. Eustace took a few more steps into the room and turned to the painting the siblings were studying.

"It's a God awful painting anyway." Lucy turned to him.

"It is not. It's beautiful. It reminds me of my friends and my home. The things that I love. This painting is extrodinary, sometimes it looks as if the sails are acually whipping in the wind, and the waves are actually moving..." Eustace didn't reply, but instead made a rude snort at Lucy's comment.

"You won't see it from the other side of the door." Edmund retorted, not looking at him.

"It's my house. I can do as I please. You're just guests. Ungrateful ones at that." Edmund shot up at Eustace's words, and stormed towards him angrily.

"Us? Ungrateful? How dare you refer to us in such a way while we are spending all day taking care of this house while you and your lazy parents lounge around? This is the most ungrateful family I've ever met!" While the two continued to fight, Lucy noticed that now more than ever, the painting looked as if it were coming to life. She swore she could see the waves lapping around gently, as well as the crimson flags on the ship.

"Edmund, look! The painting!" Lucy nearly shouted, pointing to it. Edmund and Eustace turned to look, Edmunds hand still holding a fist of fabric of Eustace's shirt at the collar. Lucy was smiling. The painting was coming to life! The tips of Edmund's mouth slowly curved to a grin. Lucy and Edmund knew what was happening. Not only was the painting now moving inside its frame, but water was beginning to drip out, and begin to cover Lucy's bedroom floor. By this point, Eustace's jaw had dropped, and he started to try to fight his way out of Edmund's grip.

"What in the blazes is going on! If this is some sort of trick, I'll tell Alberta and Harold!" The two siblings ignored him, and Edmund had let go of Eustace's shirt out of awe. They simply stared at the water coming out of there favorite painting like a fountain, and smiled in anticipation of what was to happen. Eustace pulled them out of there thoughts.

"I'll just smash the darned thing!" With that, Eustace shot forward, taking the painting off of the wall.

"Eustace no!" Lucy shouted, as Edmund fought with him to pull the painting from his grasp. But by now, the water that was coming out of the painting was too forceful for Eustace to do much of anything, and he let it go in realization that there was water up to the three relative's hips in the room.

"What are you two doing? Stop this! Or I will call the British Consul!"

"Eustace shut up!" Lucy shouted, making Edmund laugh, seeing as she rarely spoke to there cousin in a foul way, but he was acting foul. In a matter of moments, all three of the children were under water, fighting there way back up to the top for air. Lucy noticed that while looking up to the surface, she no longer saw the dull white ceiling of her bedroom, but the shining sun. Lucy took a huge gulp of air as she reached the surface, and spoke in gasps.

"Edmund! Were here! Were home!"

"In Narnia! Lucy look!" Edmund shouted, pointing behind her, the Narnian ship from the painting was coming towards them. A few feet from him, Eustace emerged from under water frailing his arms about and screaming.

"What have you done! I want to go back to England!" Edmund laughed, as did Lucy before a strong wave took her under. The water was strong, and she was having difficulty getting to the surface again as waves pounded back and forth. Worries raced through her mind at the thought of the ship advancing on them. Although the ship looked friendly, they could not be certain, for they did not know if there was still peace in Narnia. She finally fought her way back up, hearing Edmund's cries of "LUCY!"

"I'm alright! Now swim!" The three starting swimming as fast as they could away from the dragon ship, Edmund pulling Eustace along with him because he was so hysterical. Lucy heard several splashes behind her before being sucked under again. No matter how hard she fought, she could not find the surface, and she could feel her throat stinging from lack of air. Above the water, she could hear a familiar voice calling her name, before moments later feeling a strong arm wrap around her middle and hoist her up to the surface. Lucy tried to fight the stranger off, before turning to look into his face. At first she thought her eyes were decieving her, for there was so much water in them. But after a few moments she recognized his face.

"Caspian!" A smile broke across his face.

"Lucy." He said simply, tightening the arm he had around her, to be certain that her head would stay above water.

"Edmund stop! It's Caspian!" Edmund had been attempting to fight off the man that had grabbed him, but stopped as he looked to Lucy's rescuer. Another man had grabbed Eustace as well, and was grinning at the poor attempt of Eustace to get away.

"Let me go! I don't want to go! I want to go back to England!" Caspian laughed with Lucy as he pulled her towards the ship, and they were pulled up on board. A crew member handed Caspian a blanket, which he wrapped around Lucy's shoulders, and then left his hands on her shoulders as he smiled down at her.

"How in the world did you get here?" He asked. Lucy's face turned to confusion.

"Didn't you call us?"

"Not this time."

"Caspian!" The young King turned to Edmund with a smile, who had just been pulled on board and given a blanket of his own.

"Edmund!" Caspian clapped him on the back as he made his way towards Caspian and Lucy.

"I don't know why you two are back in Narnia, but I'm certainly glad that you are." Lucy smiled at his words, and blushed as he put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. Now a King, since he had gone through his coronation while they were away, Caspian was more handsome than ever. Three years had passed, making him 20 years old, and he had grown not only taller but more broad. His skin still was tanned, and his dark hair still fell to his shoulders. His brown eyes were as warm as ever, and Lucy smiled at the slight stubble he had grown, it made him look very manly. "But what are we to do with this one?" Caspian asked, nodding towards Eustace, who was still insisting that he be taken back to England, not understanding that the crew did not know where that place was. Caspian let go of Lucy, walking towards Eustace, an amused smile on his face.

"What are you to do with me? Don't you dare try anything! Kidnapper!" Caspians smile widened.

"Kidnapping was it? I thought we saved you from drowning."

"Saved me? You forced me upon this forsaken ship! I will not stand for this! Take me home! Or I'll contact the-"

"British Consul." Edmund muttered under his breath. Caspian's smile had not faltered. He turned to Rynelf, a member of the crew.

"Look after him, won't you?" Caspian whispered to him, eyeing the hysterical boy. Rynelf nodded, smiling at the young King. Caspian returned to Lucy and Edmund's side.

"You two should get changed out of those wet things. Lucy, you can have my cabin, Edmund and I will sleep with the rest of the crew. This way," He led them down below deck to his cabin, which Lucy instantly fell in love with. The main colors were gold and crimson, with shelves of story books, a nice bed and a magnificent golden carving of Aslan on the wall. She ran her hands over the golden mane, she wished she could see Him. Caspains hand on her back pulled her from her thoughts, he was looking down at her with a worried look. He seemed to know what she was thinking.

"In time, Lucy. We both know Aslan cannot bear to stay away from you," She smiled, he lifted her mood.

"I'm so sorry but we do not have any women's clothes on board. You will have to make due with some of mine. The will be big though," He smiled at her as she scrunched her nose at him at the pick at her small size. Small was always his go to insult when they were picking on each other.

"It'll be fine."

"Edmund, you'll have to use some of my clothes as well. But if we run out, we both may need to start borrowing from the crew." After being handed some fresh clothes, Edmund left the room to go change. Caspian pulled some clothes out for himself and for Lucy, and set them down for a moment while he turned to her. He raised an arm in invitation, and Lucy smiled softly as she moved to him, wrapping her arms around his waist while he wrapped one arm around her shoulders and let the other hand rest on the back of her head. She breathed in his familiar scent, and marveled at his warmth. She was happy to be back with him, he was her best friend. She looked up to see him smiling warmly down at her.

"I've missed you, Lucy-love." She giggled at the nickname Caspian had given her during her last visit to Narnia. She was so used to "Little-Lucy" from her family that she loved the special name even more.

"I missed you too." Caspian gazed down at her for a few more moments before pulling away gently, and handing her some clothes.

"I tried to find the smallest ones that I could. I'm going to go change and then I want you and Edmund to join me in the study, it's just two doors down on the right. Come there when you're finished. I want to tell you two the purpose of our voyage, try to make some sense of why Aslan has brought you back to me." He gave Lucy one last smile before taking his own clothes and leaving her, closing the door behind him. As she dressed, Lucy thanked Aslan that she was back home, and prayed to Him that she and Edmund would be able to stay for a long while. She pulled on the black pants and white shirt that Caspian had picked out for her, and laughed at the fact that she was practically swimming in them. She tucket in the shirt and pulled a belt through the loops of the pants, closing it as tightly as it would go. Last, she pulled on a maroon tunic that he had handed her. It was huge as well. She laughed at her reflection before running her hands through her now dry hair, which fell in the soft waves and curls that it always did, reaching her waist. After looking around the cabin a while, Lucy made her way to the room of Caspians instruction, excited to learn of the adventures they would be having.

So there is chapter 1! I hope you like it! I update quicker with reviews...so let me know what you think! Thanks for reading!