Hey guys, this is my first! I'm not good at writing in New York accent, so just imagine it!! Sorry! Another thing: Disclaimer, I don't own Newsies only the characters that I make up… the ones you don't know.

Allison had lived in New York all her life. She always thought she was higher than all the working kids. She never thought she'd end up one someday. Her mother and father had died in a train wreck and hadn't updated their will, she got nothing. Most kids go to a relative when this happens but no one wanted her. She started at a kitchen, cleaning all the dishes, but there the pay wasn't too good and her boss hated her. She then went to the next best thing. She arrived at the Newsgirls Lodging House at 5 o'clock that evening and went to see the owner. She paid all her savings so she could live there for five months. Mrs. Ragsdale, the owner, led her up the stairs

" Now Allison, you have to get up at 5 o'clock every morning when I wake you. "The other girls will show you around tomorrow."

"Thank you Mrs. Ragsdale" Allison replied as she set out her stuff. At around seven the first girl entered.

"Heya," she said "you new?"

"Yeah, My names Allison, what's yours?"

"Well my real name's Samantha but everyone around here calls me LoudMouth cause I got the best call."

" Oh ok," Allison answered

"Do you have a nickname? Your name's kinda long."

"No, not exactly" Allison told LoudMouth

"Well, How about Alley, short for Allison and since you probably slept in alleys at one point in time…?"

"Yeah I like that name" Alley agreed. After they finished talking about five more girls came in Mousy, Summer, Speedy, Yeller, and Emerald. To Alley they were all nice but they didn't seem to welcoming. Late that night Alley was trying to sleep, She kept wondering what the next day would bring.