In Death Secrets are Revealed

By: Nikkii-Love706

Warning: Smut, Abuse, Rape, Munipulation, Cutting, BoyxBoy, Fluff, Cursing, Death, Dumbles/Weasly-Bashing, etc. This story can cause teary-eyedness!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.





Chapter 3: Gringotts part 2

We had just sat down with tea and discussing why he couldn't remove miss Nex from the access list for the vaults or properties when Laroak came back. And with her was Hogwarts own Potions Master, Severus Snape. "Hello Harry, I asked Severus here to help me since I didn't have a few of the potions I needed, soooo I trick – I mean asked him to help me." He must have looked panicked because she quickly added, "And don't worry Harry we don't have to tell him what the potions are for alright?" He still looked apprehensive but she ignored it.

"Well, here is the first one." She extended the potion to him and he was about to take it but Snape decided to speak up then. "You will not get these potions with out telling me why you need them. Do you understand?" His infamous glare in place as he snatched the potion from Laroak. Harry growled as his eyes flashed black for a moment, "No Snape, I don't think you understand. I want to keep this private, so you are not going to be told." The Potions Master crossed his arms. "Then no potions." Harry stood up quickly knocking the chair over in the process. "No. I'm not telling you! I don't need you having another thing to taunt and torture me with." With that said both Malraw and Laroak glared daggers at the annoyed Professor. He completely ignored them though. "Mr. Potter you will tell me or I will find out on my own."

Harry flinched slightly and intensified his own glare before dropping his gaze and handing the man the medical sheet. Snape almost immediately started reading them out loud in a taunting tone that slowly turned in to a confused and quiet voice the further he read. "Legs had broken 6 times, 8 fractures. Arms had broken 9 times, 3 sprains. Collarbone twice. Nose broken 3 times. Cheek bone broken once. All ribs broken uncountable times. Severe malnourishment. Repeatedly torn ana – ," He abruptly stopped. "Mr. Potter, how long has this been going on?" Harry refused to look anywhere except at the floor in what looked as shy manner, but when he spoke his voice was as cold as a dementors kiss. "Why Snape it sounds as if you care. Do you really want me to tell you how I have basically been my relatives slave since I could walk? Or how I was my cousin and uncles punching bag since I was 5? Or maybe you would like to hear about how I was my uncles stress relief or toy as he liked to call me? Hm? Is this the sort of thing you wanted to know? Or were you expecting to hear about a bunch of accidents that resulted in me being treated as a king in my nice tiny as bedroom also known as a broom cupboard under the stairs to normal people?" His voice was completely composed and calm but non-feeling in tone. "Well, I will not tell, Mr. Potter. Here are your potions, good day and see you September first." He handed the bottles to Laroak before slinking out of the room, closing the door behind him. If Harry would have been looking he would have seen the sad and worried expression on the Professors face.

Harry let out a sigh of relief and sent apologetic looks at the two goblins before him. Malraw left quickly to burn the extra keys and cards, leaving Harry and Laroak alone to complete the unblocking. After drinking the first potion, which was a healing agent, Laroak led him to a neutralized room. According to the female goblin it was a special goblin made room that cancels out all extra magic release. She handed him the first potion and he downed it no problem.


18 potions later and Harry was looking a bit green. He has taken one potion to unblock each block and a potion to bring up his mental energy levels, as well as a calming draught. He pushed some of the hair that had fallen in front of his face behind his ear, the glamour long gone by now, as he listened to Laroaks instructions. "Alright, well done Harry that was record timing. 18 potions in 20 minutes. Wow. Well I must leave so stay in here for another 10 minutes or so to let the energy ease, if not it could destroy your magical core and your body if you leave. Have a good day Harry." He smiled and nodded his head in thanks before sliding down the wall to sit. She left with a faint chuckle. "Hm, now what? I have 15 minutes – just to be safe – hm." He mumbled to the room.

"Ah, I can figure out what I am going to do after. I'm too tired to look at," he paused calculating the amount of vaults, "83 vaults. Damn, that's a lot. I guess I will get some shopping done or I could just go pass out. What to do? What to doooo? Ummm." He chuckled, "I should probably stop talking to myself."

Standing up and stretching, he glanced at the clock, 2:36, it's been about 14 minutes. Exiting the room he felt his body tingle and looking down at his hands he could see his skin had a faint glow to it. "Harry, you look splendid." Turning to his right there was Malraw waiting. "Thank you, and while I was waiting I figured out my schedule for today, thank goodness." The goblin nodded his head and gestured for him to continue. "Well there are too many vaults to go through today and I am exhausted anyway, so I plan on getting a new wardrobe. And we will go over and through the vaults tomorrow after the will reading, is that ok?" Malraw nodded, "And if I can, before you leave, give you your lordship rings and your permission to contact the house elves at your homes to get them cleaned up." The goblin showed the 5 shiny rings to him. "That would be wonderful Malraw." Harry said taking the 5 rings.

The first was of the Potter crest: a maroon phoenix in a golden flame, the silver ring was simple but elegant. Harry placed it on his right ring finger. The second ring was the Hogwarts crest, symbolizing all 4 founding houses. Each section was the color of the 4 houses: red, blue, yellow, and green. He placed it on his right pointer finger. The third ring was a gold band with pure magic in Elven written on it, it must have been the Merlin house ring. He placed this one on his right middle finger. The fourth ring was a crest with a ball of fire with wings sketched in silver on an onyx band. 'This must be the Nex house.' Harry thought as he placed the ring on his left pointer. And the final ring was a simple silver band with the Black family crest on it which he placed on his left ring finger. "Thank you, Malraw. I hope your gold be bountiful." He gave a low bow. "See you tomorrow." The goblin was once again shocked but returned the gesture. "And your day be joyous and successful." And with that Harry left.

Authors Note: Hello readers im back! Chea! And I would like to start off with apologizing for not updating sooner but I had a shitload on my platter this past year and I havent had the time for my stories that were more then a random thought while at school, but im back and this is a new chapter! The next one should be real soon!