Fuck His Life he was tired! Coach Beiste had been riding them hard all week at practice and even making them run extra drills and laps because Boy Wonder couldn't get his head out from between Satan's legs and in the game. Thank Moses for the showers and the soaking tubs in the locker room or he would be a lot worse off. All he wanted to do is get home and relax in his own special way. There was nothing wrong with a little rub and tug session as long as Dani(his little sister) was being taken care of and he was locked away in his room. His mom told him that she got a new girl from Temple to care of the little monster and that dinner should be ready when he walked through the door. All he wanted were his three grilled cheese and milk and he would be happy, all he had to do was text Dani that he was on his way home and they would be waiting for him on the counter so he wouldn't have to interact with whatever troll his Ma wanted to set him up with this week. She is like fucking Hitler in her quest for Jewish grand-babies with his hazel eyes. Yeah like that was gonna happen, like EVER.

"Dani, I'm home, I'm tired, and I don't wanna be fucked with unless it is an extreme emergency under penalty of death!" He hollered into the house not really checking where she was upon seeing his food. Damn whoever this girl was, was good there was his grilled cheeses(not burned), a huge glass of milk and even some tomato soup. He was in heaven, she even included some Oreos which were his favorites at the moment.

"Kay No...I love you!" Dani screamed back as she giggled as only little girls having fun did. He shook his head and thought it was kinda cute that she still called him that even tho she could say his name now.

"Squirt you have five minutes to come up and see me before I lay down starting now!" The girl even put his food on one of those breakfast in bed type of trays. He didn't even know they owned any of those. He wondered who the hag was and how old she was.

He took the tray of food up to his room and sat it down and plugged in his mp3 player to his system. He crossed the room to his dresser and pulled out a pair of sweats and a wife beater out of his drawer. He got changed and put his first sandwich in his mouth, it was heaven! He thought it must have like three different cheeses on it. This girl knew how to cook! Maybe he should find out who she was. She was prolly husky with all the food she put on his tray and how well she made it. He was about to settle into bed and get comfortable when there was a knock on the door.

"No? You still wake? Can I come in? I wanna hug before you lay down...coz I dun know if you gonna be awake before I go to bed." She said slowly pushing the door open with her eyes closed.

"I'm dressed shorty. C'mere and gimme a hug before I pass out. Soo, is the sitter hot?" He asks with a grin.

She nods "She's really pretty, like a Disney princess! You should marry her so she could be my sister. She is really smart too, so she might not wanna marry you tho. So you're gonna hafta make her wanna marry you No... Please for me!"

"Wait a sec squirt I'm not getting married anytime soon so just slow your roll. And you need to get off of mom's crazy train with the whole me getting married and having babies. I am only 17 monster, I don't need a wife and kids at 17, certainly not to give you a sister." he says. "Now Scoot! I am tired and I have some stuff I want to think about! Go have fun and see if the sitter will make some cookies with you."

"Kay night No. Love you!" she says as she races back downstairs.

He does have alot of things to think of, like Berry and the return of those criminally tiny skirts, or how the fuck a midget like her got legs that were like 2 miles long, and what lay under them. He knew one thing he wanted to go to that promise land! He had had glimpses of it and it was GOOD! It had been two months since the douch had broken up with her and even by bro code she was fair game. Of course the douche hadn't went by bro code either time he had poached Satan from him. He wanted her. He knew he had hurt her when he had left that day, but he knew it would have been worse if he had taken her virginity while with fucktard. She would have hated him then and the thought of that made his chest ache and feel empty inside.

He finished off his food, fuck it was good! He could cook but the shit he made wasn't that tasty. Between the food and his almost pure thoughts about her he was already at half mast. He needed some vibing music. He stood and crossed to his laptop and brought it and his mp3 player. He thought he would go for some old school r&b a little Marvin, Barry, Teddy, Johnny, and Luther should do the job. Now all was left to do was to get comfortable. Door was shut and locked, pillows were stacked(he really needed to find out where she got hers from because they were so freaking much better than his of course so was her bed.) He wishes he were there right now. Off comes the shirt and the sweats, he pulls his sheet up to mid-thigh. He pops his ear buds in so he can tune out the rest of the world. He wishes he had some music of her singing she always had him standing at attention no matter what it was once those lips opened and he could hear her start to sing and see the little pink tongue of hers forming the words he was gone off in his imagination, wondering what she would sound like during sex and having those perfect lips trailing up and down his body.

He knew he had an awesome bod, he worked hard for it. He was like on every team the school had to offer, he ran the track and worked out everyday. So yeah to say that he had noticed even her ogling him it made him feel good. He looks down at his chest and abs and wonders what her cute little hands would feel like drifting over his pecs and nipples and down to his groin. Would she be to shy to grab his cock or would she go for it. This was driving him nuts. Did he smell cookies? Holy shit now he was going to have to find out who this chick was so that he could scope her out. Lately though it seemed that nothing could compare to that tight little body. Hell he even started going to all of his classes so he could possibly make something of himself so that one day he might be worthy of her. He knew that he was a long way off but he was going to try his hardest.

Rachel and Dani were just cleaning up the kitchen and letting the cookies cool, when Rachel thought she heard a groan coming from upstairs. She was going to get Dani into her movie and go see what Noah was doing, he sounded like he was in pain. Once everything was put away and Dani was watching The Little Mermaid she looked up at the the clock surprised that so much time had felt like only a few minutes had went by since she heard the noise.

"Hey, Dani I am going to go use the bathroom and see if Noah needs anything." Rachel said getting up.

"No said that he was tired and needed to sleep so if knock lightly and if he doesn't yell don't bother him coz he won't be happy" Dani said still looking at Ariel and Flounder.

"If I am not back in about five minutes I am talking to your brother." Dani nodded and waved her off.

Rachel made way upstairs to the bathroom and went about her business. She was very nervous about approaching Noah in his own home let alone his own bedroom. She slowly approached his door not wanting to wake him if he was indeed sleeping. As she got closer she heard what sounded like chanting, Noah was saying what sounded like... HER NAME over and over. She raised her hand to knock softly on the door and as her hand connected with the door it popped open about 3 inches or so. She could see into the room Noah was there on his bed naked in all of his glory with her name on his lips! Her hand went to her mouth as she squeaked, shut her eyes and flushed all at once. She whirled around getting ready to bolt downstairs when she heard him say

"OH GOD RACH, why can't you see what you do to me? I want you so fucking bad that I can't see straight most day. You will never know how sorry I am for leaving and hurting you that day. It took all my strength to do so babe, I didn't want you to hate me."

It wasn't that she had never seen naked man before, she had(her daddies had taken her to see Equus with Daniel Radcliffe) but she had never experienced one. This may be her only shot to do so while she herself was not being watched. She opened her eyes and really looked at Noah for the first time. He was beautiful, a work of art really. He had his head thrown back and it looked like he had his earbuds in, so he probably wouldn't have heard her knock anyway let alone her squeak. She really wanted to go in there and kiss those full lips of his. He looked like his face was in a contortion between torture and bliss. Her eyes moved down to the cording on his neck and that jawline was meant to be worshipped by some lucky person. Down further to his clavicle and then his chest she saw he had gotten his nipple repierced and it looked like he was tugging on it gently before running his hand down his stomach and circling his belly button lightly and down. Her breathing sped up and she felt something that she had never felt before, a heat pooling below her stomach. Was this what desire felt like she wondered. She watched his hands one firmly stroking his cock and the other sensuously gliding along his body. He didn't seem like he was in any hurry. She heard him saying

"God I just want to worship your pussy for days Rach, I just want lick it, caress it, finger it, caress it, suckle it, eat it like the juiciest wettest peach in the world, which is just what it would taste like. Would you let me? I would make it so good for you baby. When I was done you wouldn't even know your own name let alone any of those other fucktards that have hurt you, and if you didn't want to go any farther thats ok because I would be able to die a happy man because I would have gone to heaven between your thighs, but if you do wanna go farther I swear that I would be the gentlest man for your first time I would make sure that it was special for you babe. I would make it everything you would want it to be. I want this to be more than I have ever had before. I want you to be my endgame babe. You and me against the world."

Wow that was just wow. She knew that he found her attractive but this was just mind blowing. Would he even be saying this if he knew she could hear him. This was Noah, would he totally Puck out and put on a front like he did at school. What was she going to do?

He felt like he was going out of his mind. He was straight going crazy because it felt like she was here. He could smell her scent, her hair smelled like apples, her skin like peaches and she always smelled of sugar cookies and he could for real smell it in his room. Maybe that was why it felt so intense and why he started talking to even though he was more open and honest than he could be on the real. He could in his mind see that she would be so adorably nervous, because she wouldn't know what to do and he would have to talk her into even doing the smallest things like touching her boobs. He would start off slow with making out and move on into kissing her ears and that spot on her neck behind her ear close to her hairline. He would kiss and lightly suck there for a few minutes and if she pushed him off by then he would slide his hands up and down her sides going higher and lower. Inching his way up and down and sliding his hands under her shirt and around her back at first so she could get use to the feel of his hands on her skin, then making his way around to the front slowly caressing her stomach so she doesn't bolt. The circles going wider as he stroked her stomach until he gently grazes the underside of her breast. She would tense but he would soothe her and calm her fears that this would not be just a hump and dump type thing. He wanted her for the long haul. If she was kosher with his hand on top of the bra then he would see if she would let the top go, and once that was gone he could really get to work. He knew she was sensitive about the size of her breasts he had heard Finn tell her that they were too small and that she should have a boob job like Santana. He was crazy Satan had a boob job because she was jealous of Rachel's boobs, he should know they had been hitting it for the past 3 years. He would reassure her that her breasts were beautiful just like the rest of her body. "I just want to touch you Rach, you are so beautiful. Every time I see its everything I can do to not jump you and drag you off to your bed, because I like it better. I want to touch every inch of your body and taste right behind my fingertips. If you ever gave me another chance I would be so good to you. I always chose you first, because babe that is what you deserve. You have my heart and don't even know it."

He ran his hands back up his body and back down imagining they were hers and firmly grasping his cock in one hand and gently tugging and rolling his balls in the other as he stroked. "Fuck Rach, I want to make you come so hard just for me. I want to fuck you so hard that you're crossed eyed and sleepy cuddled next to me afterwards. I want you to scream my name so loud they can hear you through your sound proofed walls." He speeds his tempo and then slows a bit. "How do I show you Rach? How do I make you believe in me when all the others have broken you? I just want to love you with my body mind, heart and soul. You are my musical soulmate. You make me want to be a better man, so that one day I can walk beside you as an equal. I am not perfect Rach, I am human I will make mistakes, but I promise I will never hurt you on purpose." He goes silent as if to concentrate on the sensations running through his body. He speeds his tempo up as his feet go flat against the bed and his knees draw upward. He starts thrusting into his hand where before he was just stroking, now he is fucking his hand. All thoughts have left his mind except the feeling and the thought of her on top of him, riding his cock with her head thrown back. Every sound out of her mouth is like a symphony to him, to him she is perfect. "Oh god Rach, so soooo sooo close." He sees her smile at him eyes full of light and mischief as she starts to rotate on his cock. He comes undone. "I'm coming GOD I'm comming Rach!" He spasmed as his cock twitched as he came. His come landing across his belly and chest as he just lay there for a minute enjoying the afterglow.

Rachel just stood there in awe and shock. That had to be the most magnificent thing she had ever seen. As thought came back into her head she quickly closed the door and headed back downstairs. She didn't know what to do with all that she had seen or heard. She was almost dumbstruck. She never knew that Noah had thought of her that was or so deeply. She started pulling out the bowls and ingredients that she needed for the icing for the cookies that she and Dani had made. As she worked on the cookies she tried to think of what she should do if anything at all. She had to do something, but what? This was really out of her comfort zone and her league really. It wasn't as if she had any friends especially experienced friends that she could call. Kurt said that they were friends now even with the way things had ended with Finn. He didn't like how Finn had handled things and thought that he was a hypocrite and said she could do better. But she didn't think he would be able to help her with this. The only two people that could possibly help her were one up in that bed and the other was both hated by her and loathed her at the same time. Suddenly looking at the cookies she had an idea. "Dani, I am getting ready to decorate the the cookies, where did you guys put the stuff I brought over the last time for decorating?" Rachel said.

Dani came bounding into the kitchen and pointed to the cabinet over the refridgerator. "No said that I shouldn't mess with the stuff unless the sitter, which is you, were here. And then he put it up there like you could reach it." She said shaking her head.

"Dani, I don't think Noah knows I am your sitter. He might not like it too much. I am not sure. But let's get a chair so I can get the supplies down and we can decorate the cookies for them ok?"

"Rachel, you guys are in glee together, and you guys went out for a little bit why wouldn't he like you? I mean you're nice and sweet and pretty and you make the bestest cookies in the whole world! And you have eyes like Princess Jasmine. I want you to marry No so you can be my sister! And momma says that No needs a girl like you to keep his head on straight." Dani said hugging Rachel hard.

Rachel squeezed the little girl back tightly. "Oh, Dani I wish I knew everyone doesn't like everyone. The kids at school don't seem to like me to much. I am not sure why. And I may have hurt your brothers feelings a while ago and I don't think he has ever gotten over it fully, because he hasn't really just talked to me in a long time. Please don't tell him that I am the sitter Dani, I will, I will tell him and write him a note to come and talk to me at home, ok?" Dani nodded and they got the decorations and started decorating the cookies. "Dani do you have any tupperware that I can put a few special cookies for Noah into?" Dani nodded again and went to get a smaller container than the one they had out. Rachel started writing on the cookies away from Dani. When she was done she let the ink from the cookie markers dry and packed the cookies into the container and put a napkin over them that said please read the cookies before you eat them Noah.

Just as they were finishing up the clean up Mrs. Puckerman came home. "Rachel dear don't you look lovely today! I see you made cookies again. You are spoiling us. Maybe this time I will actually get to try some. Noah ate most of them last time and Dani ate the rest. They smell heavenly."

"You look lovely as well Mrs. Puckerman. I made a bigger batch today because Dani told me about Noah stealing all of the cookies, and I packed some up just for him."

"I have told you Rachel, please call me Avi. Now will you stay for dinner?"

"I really can't tonight, there are things I have to do at home, but maybe another time?" Rachel says pulling on her coat. She kneels down in front of Dani with the container of cookies and whispers for the little girl to hear only. "Now I want you to give these to your brother right after dinner. Don't open them or I will know. And make sure he reads them right away!" She hugs both Dani and Mrs. P and goes out the door.

Her first stop after leaving was to CVS to get some candles and the biggest box of condoms she can find. Then to pick up some dinner because she was truly starving and nervous. The truth was she had been ready for sex for a while. But never had felt like she had been truly wanted while she was with Finn. She had felt more of that today while she had been watching Noah then all of her time with him. Now she just had to wait, oh and eat. She stopped at Thai Spice because it was on the the way home and got a triple order of Pad Thai and was on her way home to wait and get nervous.

"Dani, go get your brother up for dinner. He doesn't need to sleep all night. And take him those cookies Rachel put aside for him. You don't need to keep worrying over them when he is right upstairs and dinner is about to be served." Mrs. P said. "Now Danika, upstairs and get your brother! Make sure you knock first and go in with your eyes closed like usual!" She said noticing the look Dani was giving her.
She had brought home dinner from Buca di Beppo's so she hoped everyone was hungry. She thought Rachel would stay for dinner. Maybe she could get Noah to take her's to her. She was going to get them back together come hell or high water.

"Mom, he wants to know what we're having!" Dani screamed down the stairs.

"Danika Marie, don't scream down the stairs at me. I can hear you just fine. Tell him I got Buca's and alot of it. And give him those cookies."

"No, mom said that she got lots of Buca's and that you need to get down there and eat. She also told me to give you these cookies that are especially for you from the sitter. She said you hafta read them before eating them No. It's important listen to me!" Read them before eating them."

"Okay, geesh squirt I will! Now get outta here so I can get dressed for dinner. Tell mom I will be down in a minute ok?" She nods and bounds down the stairs and he rolls his eyes. If he didn't know any better he would think she had been taking lessons from Rachel herself.

He pulls on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt (mom didn't approve of sweats and a wife beater for dinner) and one of his plaid button downs. He sits back down at the container of cookies. He opens them up and sees the napkin on top of them and rolls his eyes. Now he has been told 3 times to read the damn cookies. They say:

Dear Noah, (his eyes got big)
I want to thank you for the "SHOW" it was VERY stimulating and informative. I wanted to let you know that I feel mostly the same way. I think we need to talk and soon.

P.S. My Daddies are out of town all week so feel free to stop by anytime. If I don't answer the door I should be around back by the pool. I hope I see you soon.

He felt like he had been punched in the gut. She had seen and heard him. Fuck his life! He hadn't wanted her to know, not like that. Not before he even got up the courage to ask her out again. He hadn't even thought she liked him at all. She hadn't let on that she did, of course neither had he, but he had been watching her for the last year plus. Now she knew and wanted to talk. Fuck that meant that she saw him too! That thought was finally sinking into his head. Shit, how was he going to face her after that?

He got up cookies in hand and stomped down the stairs.

"Hello honey, nice for you to join us. I thought Rachel was staying for dinner tonight so I bought way too much food just for us. She said that she had a couple of errands she had to run but never said what she was doing for dinner. So I thought you could take her what I got for the two of you and have dinner with her. She shouldn't be eating alone poor thing with her fathers out of town so much."

His eyes bugged out at mom "Geesh, mom you do realize she is a midget and doesn't eat much right?"

"Noah Aaron Puckerman I got this part of the food for the both of you because you both like the same things and you eat like a horse! So be a good son and take it and have dinner with Rachel."

"Alright mom" he ducked his head. "But don't blame me if I come back with all this stuff for myself."

He puts on his shoes grabs the food and his cookies and heads out the door. What in the fuck was he going to say to her? How was he going look her in the eyes knowing that she knew exactly how he felt. Knowing that she watched him jack himself off as well. That shit was embarrassing. He may have well grown a vagina with all the feelings shit he had been spouting.

He made his way out the door and to his truck. He just sat there for a minute and then he saw his mom stick her head out. Shit, he knew that if he didn't get there and text his mom soon that he was there that she would call Rachel and tell her that he was on his way. FUCK! He guesses that he has to man up and go over. He starts his truck and pulls out of the drive and waves at his mother and Dani. Who are both standing at the door staring at him like the crazy Jewish women they are. Dani may only be in training at the moment but she was taking after their mom in everyway it seemed. Now she wanted him to marry Rachel so she could have a sister. Pressure...nah never heard of the word. And if he knew his mom as well as he thought he did she already had the Temple booked for the wedding and Rachel's gown being made since she didn't have a mother of her own poor dear. He could just hear his mom saying those very words.

It takes him about 10 minutes or so to get from his house to hers. He slowly gets out of the car and goes to the door and knocks.

When she answers the door he has one hand stuffed in his pocket and one hand on the cookies. He just stands there for a minute not sure of what to say. He thinks what do you say to a girl that has just heard your undying confession of love and affection and witness you jacking to her at the same time? He just stands there for a second shifting out of nerves. He looks up at her through his lashes, puts a big smirk on his face and says "Hey Rach, wanna cookie?