Well, this is the last chapter! Please Enjoy!
Well, I knew my ABBA influence was going to hit soon! (You'll see what I mean in just a few seconds.) Just scroll down!
Disclaimer: I think you all get by now that I don't own SA…
The Twin
Of Epilogues and Endings
Waterloo – I was defeated; you won the war.
Waterloo – Promise you'll love me forevermore.
Waterloo – Couldn't escape if I wanted to.
Waterloo – Knowing my Fate is to be with you.
"Waterloo" by ABBA
Suddenly, four bodies -Veronica, Dave, Becky, and Jeff- landed in the sand next to the couple. Balthazar, used to these things happening from being a sorcerer for so long, sat calmly when Izzie practically jumped onto his lap when the rest of their odd group appeared out of absolutely nowhere. They all slowly stood, eyes on one another.
When Balthazar gave Veronica a funny look, she murmured, as if in a trance, "Transportation spell."
Isadora and Dave were the first to break, rushing forward, their arms wrapping around each other as the boy hugged his twin sister close. Standing in the close embrace, they whispered softly and intimately to each other. If Dave hadn't been related to the redhead, Balthazar would've been terribly jealous.
Out of the blue, Veronica let out a broken sob and bounded a few steps forward, throwing her arms around her oldest friend in the world. They hugged for a moment, breaking apart to talk about what was to happen next. Isadora was beckoned forward by Balthazar, who threw a protective arm around her waist and pulled her close. Dave did the same with Becky; Veronica and Jeff stood alone. No one could think of anything to say.
"Morgana is dead," Dave declared with no ideas left.
Izzie snorted. "No shit Sherlock," she quipped, grinning as Balthazar whispered 'Good one' in her ear.
The tension was broken and the group engaged in a bit of small talk - Was everyone alright, where had Balthazar been all these years, and of course, some of his adventures with the twins. Finally, and unexpectedly, it was Becky who asked the foreboding question: "What are we going to do now?"
After a few minutes, the voice of reason came from Balthazar. "Find another adventure," he put simply. "I'm not going to have a powerful group of sorcerers sit around and do absolutely nothing as our world figuratively crumbles into pieces around us. Merlin wouldn't."
Dave raised his hand. "Yes?" Balthazar asked amusedly.
"What about us three non-magical human beings? What will we do then? We're a group, Balthazar; you're stuck with us," Dave smiled.
Balthazar seemed to think for a minute, then answered carefully. "Dave, I forgot to thank you," he offered, disregarding the question he was asked. "You saved my life."
"No big deal," Dave evaded the praise. "I wanted to be normal and be with Becky, and to save your life was an honor Balthazar. You're in love with my sister, and even though I don't have magic anymore, you'll always be master to me."
There was a pause, where the girls 'aw'ed and Jeff smiled. Balthazar actually had tears in his eyes. "Well, answer my question!" Dave exclaimed, blushing with embarrassment.
"Well, Dave, you're excellent with physics; from the show you put on at Battery Park, the principles of Tesla Coils could become a great weapon for future battles. Nicolai would be proud. -Dave smirked, silently thanking his master- And Becky has a lot of influence on this world and city, and her music could end up being essential" -he grinned- "you never know. Also someone is going to have to aid Isadora in introducing Veronica to the modern world. Jeff? I really don't know, but you can stick around." Jeff smiled.
"I have friends in high places," he remarked cynically, creeping the others out.
Isadora held out a hand, placing it in the center of the group. "To magic?" she offered.
The rest piled their hands on top of her's, even Veronica who had no knowledge of modern customs. "To magic," they recited.
As Isadora and Balthazar walked off, as did Veronica and Jeff, Dave turned to Becky. He pulled his girlfriend close, kissing her hard. She kissed back, glad they could finally be together.
"So," Dave said, breaking away from the blonde. "I believed I promised a breakfast in France?"
Becky was about to retort, but suddenly the ground vibrated. Becky threw her arms around Dave's neck, scared. Had Horvath come back? Would Balthazar and Izzie be able to get to them in time?
Dave nudged her lightly, tempting her to open her eyes. Becky peeked up, her eyes widening at the steel eagle looking down on them curiously. "I got us a ride," he joked.
Her arms tightened around his neck. "You're fun," she admitted, laughing as she buried her face in his jacket.
Once Becky's eyes weren't on him. Dave's expression changed to confusion. 'Who called the eagle?'
His gaze turned straight for his sister and his master, his brow furrowing when he didn't see them on the beach. He looked out onto the water, his jaw practically hitting the ground when he saw them. They seemed to be floating on the ocean, their hands entwined, kissing softly. His brotherly instincts told him to immediately go break them up, but his heart instantly melted when he saw the pure beauty of the couple. They slowly parted, Balthazar's arms sliding around Isadora, pulling her close to him. Her head on his shoulder, Dave could've sworn he saw her wink at him. Summoning up a little shred of magic -c'mon, he's the Prime Merlinean. Do you really think he'd have to use up all his magic to save someone's life?- he sent a short message to his master.
Balthazar head whipped towards his apprentice, his eyes narrowing. He seemed to spend a few seconds in contemplation, them nodded to the boy. He had to admit, Dave had grown so much more mature in the past few days.
'Take care of her.'
Dave and Becky had their breakfast in France. It was absolutely delicious.
Veronica and Jeff hit it off right away. They ate at an Italian restaurant -in since Veronica was just that- and caught a late movie called National Treasure.
"That man doesn't look anything like Balthazar to you?" Veronica asked, pointing vigorously to the poster of Ben Gates in front of the theatre.
"Nicholas Cage? Nah, you're just imagining it," Jeff blew it off, laughing. "Oh, the money we could get if he did..."
Hands entwined, Balthazar and Isadora entered the castle of King Arthur.
Of course, it wasn't known as such by most. Many of the English in the area believed it was haunted. Balthazar knew it was only the heavy presence of magic it had carried for thousands of years that had them spooked. And perhaps a ghost or two...
It took their combined magic to get only the giant, heavy doors open. Engraved flawlessly with golden depictions of Druids, Christians, and great battles, Izzie could've gazed at the history forever. Unfortunately, her soul mate gently pulled her inside.
Gasping at the magnificent beauty of the entrance hall, Isadora was absolutely entranced with the interior of the ancient castle.
"Many Merlineans come here sporadically, some to gather sorcerers for important battles and some seeking sanctuary. No one ever approached me; as Merlin's apprentice, they knew I had better things to do than to settle silly scuffles. And then after Merlin's death, all knew it was I who had been chosen to find the Prime Merlinean. No one has had any time to socialize since Merlin's death; some had to search in vain for ways to bring Merlin back, some had to go find potential sorcerers before the Morganians did, and some had to fight said Morganians. My point is, all of us were busy. Now that Morgana is dead, many threats will fade into the background. I supposed the old traditions will ensue," he sighed, looking a little reluctantly around him.
"What traditions?" Isadora asked from a blood-red sofa in the adjoining room. She was so surprised; Balthazar hardly ever spoke this much.
Balthazar looked around again the dusty, highly decorated room they had unconsciously walked into as he spoke. With a sigh, he sat down next to the redhead.
"Balls, banquets, basically parties every year. I automatically sent out a signal when Morgana was defeated, to all sorcerers. On December 17th, the day of the birth of Merlin, all will be expected to attend."
"December 17th? That's in three weeks!" she exclaimed, pulling him up with her. "We have to get this place ready! Oh God..."
Balthazar laughed, but before he could reply, Isadora's expression turned from stressed to horrified. He shook her by her shoulders frantically, trying to pull her out of the trance she was in. "Isadora, what is it? Answer me, darling! Please!" he yelled desperately.
Izzie shook her head, frowning. "It's nothing," she soothed, taking his hands off her shoulders and clasping them in her own. "Just a calling. I'll be right back." His expression still worried, she tried again. "I'm just not used to having someone in my head."
"I'm coming with you, then," he said decidedly.
"No, this is something I must do alone," she smiled, pushing him back down onto the sofa. With one last glance at her soul mate, she strode out the room.
Izzie wandered through the endless halls, searching through the also endless rooms. It was very monotonous, until she saw a door that was cracked open. Puzzled, in since all the other doors she had come across had been closed, she quietly slid inside, looking around. As soon as she was inside, the door shut behind her.
After about five minutes of desperately trying to get out, she realized it was practically impossible. The door had both a magical lock and physical one, and from reading part of the Incantus she had not learned anything about locks. She sank against the door for a minute, but then the curious side of her nature got the best of her, and she began to look around. What could be so important in this room that it would need a magical lock?
Neglecting to see what was directly in front of her, the girl began to search the rooms for small objects. A diamond or a emerald maybe? Possibly a trinket of sentimental value to the royal family?
Twenty minutes later, she collapsed onto a kingly looking chair, leaning her head tiredly on the huge wooden table in front of her. Suddenly, it hit her. Why was this table round?
Her eyes widening, she leaped up. She sank to the floor, stunned. She had been sitting in the chair of King Arthur, in the presence of the infamous round table.
"This is amazing," she breathed, standing slowly and approaching the table. She gently ran her fingers over the surface, reveling in the fact that she was touching one of the most ageless artifacts of all time, one that basically began the principle of democracy.
"Beautiful, isn't it?"
Izzie kept to her study of the table. There was no point in turning around; she knew the voice of her own blood.
"Did you feel any odd connections to the chair you were seated in only moments ago? It was my own seat, after all."
Isadora's eyebrows rose. So it wasn't King Arthur's chair she had sat in, it was seat belonging to the bearded sorcerer constantly by his side, giving him the most sought after advice and counsel of the age.
"Lord Merlin," she greeted, turning to face and bow to her ancestor. After all, spending four years studying had not made her unaware of the customs of this age.
She heard a sigh, then felt a cold touch raising her up. "There is no need of that, nor formalities, kinswoman. You are family, and I have observed this century long enough to know bowing is not needed in your time. Though, it has been a while since someone has bowed to me." He sighed again reminiscently.
The redhead stared at his form in surprise. "Why, Merlin, I thought you were dead. I mean, I knew it was you, but I'd thought you would be a... a"
"Ghost?" he laughed. "You are right. I am quite dead. However, you seem to forget I am also a sorcerer of the 999th degree."
The girl's eyes widened in understanding. "You're the ghost that's been wandering the castle for all this time?"
"God -or whatever you like to call The Holy One- deemed my job incomplete. Now that Morgana is dead, I must find my next purpose. Currently, I take it is aiding you."
"Ah," she realized, seeing the slightly dreamy expression that Merlin possessed when speaking of Morgana, "you loved her. I'm so sorry."
"I did," the sorcerer admitted. "But admissions like that are for times anon. Right now, you are searching for closure."
"I am," Isadora managed, gazing at the 'ghost' in amazement. How had he read her mind like that?
Merlin came forward, clapping his hands on her shoulders. "This is real," he intoned. "You are my descendant, a sorceress, and the soul mate of my most powerful apprentice, Balthazar Blake." He searched her expression for understanding, and though he found it, he also found fear. "The worst thing you can be afraid of is yourself," he advised wisely.
"Thank you," she said graciously. Merlin smiled, then disappeared.
'He'll be back to help train me,' she mused, watching as the door clicked open. 'But my place right now is with Balthazar.'
She traced her path back to her love, giggled as she came upon him. He was lying awkwardly on the sofa, one arm thrown off the side and the other clutching a pillow. He was snoring so loudly that it actually echoed.
Isadora approached him quietly, gazing at his familiar features. Only hours ago, he had been dead, her sobs against his prone body. Before that, a hastily scribbled note telling her that he loved her. Earlier, a desperate kiss on the ledge of a skyscraper. Protecting her from everything and everyone, holding her close, smiling at her... the list goes on.
"I have loved you before, I love you today, and I will love you again," she whispered softly to the sleeping body, repeating a lullaby her mother had once sang to her when she was alive and well. Somehow she knew she had heard it before that, even. She had no idea how many times she had told her love those three words today.
Tomorrow, they would probably be facing mortal danger, dealing with Merlin's ghost, saving the world... but for now, she was content to lay here beside her soul mate, revel in the way his arms felt around her, appreciate the little details of their love. Because, you know, time might matter a lot in the grand scheme of things, but it's the little things that seem to make life so hard, desperate, and sometimes really idiotic, but also so damn unforgettable.
Amor Vincit Omnia
Well, that's it folks!
I don't own the lullaby; it's the property of Kathleen McGowan, from her wonderful book, The Book of Love. If you get a chance, read it. It's amazing!
Did you really think I was going to let go of Dave's power? He might need some more training, but he'll be up and running! (Maybe a little less powerful, but still…)
Amor Vincit Omnia = Love Conquers All (Latin)
Finis = End (also Latin)
I want to thank all my amazing reviewers. You all completely astonish me, willing to encourage me and brighten my day with such lovely reviews, even the criticizing ones! Thank you all so, so, so much! Love you guys!
I hope you enjoyed my story!
*Izzie waves goodbye*