Date: October 31, 2552 ][ Location: Epsilon Eridani system/Reach/UNSC Pillar of Autumn

"What can you tell me about the incursion at Olympic Tower?"

"You already know what happened there"

"But you were one of the principal actors in that affair; our surveillance cameras captured you as a member of Shepard's boarding party."

"It was a rescue."

"But none the less, you assisted with the incursion."

"We did the right thing."

"How did Shepard feel about that so soon after the statement he gave to the press?"

Date: October 16, 2552 ][ Location: Epsilon Eridani system/Reach orbit/Quarian freighter Zeppla

The old Batarian freighter had been converted into a residential transport about 200 years after the exodus. Its original crew decided to embark themselves on a dangerous experiment to see if they could adapt their immune systems to respond to foreign environments. It was a dangerous practice that saw many killed over the years, and earn the ire of the entire migrant fleet.

Doctor Chase didn't really know what to expect when she set foot aboard, there was a brief decontamination sweep designed to protect from major contagions that might be sweeping though the fleet at any point. On the other side on the other hand, she was startled to see Quarians outside of their enviro suits. Most wore their family shawl wraps around their heads and bodies, along with suits similar to but not an enclosed enviro suit. Anna had sat in on a couple major surgeries and had read the medical codex, so she knew what a Quarian looked like underneath the suit. It was still a little disconcerting to see so many Quarians outside their suits knowing how important they were to their health.

"This is the last of your equipment from your shuttle," Teren'Dalo said as he and two of the Zeppla's crew finished unloading the crates bearing the UNSC logo onto to the ship.

"Great, I assume you have a clean room set up for me to begin?" She asked.

"We have a clean room for your equipment, down the hall"

She followed the Quarian through the main cargo deck, which functioned as a trading post and common area. Anna got several stares; like being out of your suit, being in an enviro suit like she was, was taboo aboard the Zeppla. Teren only got away with it as he had just returned to the ship with their guest of honor in tow. As she looked over the residents of the ship, she noticed several were impaired by sickness, and two rested on cots with a medic tending to them. In fact, very few of the ships company appeared to be one hundred percent in her eyes. The whole scene reminded her of the various refugee camps that had sprung up during the war, the only difference was these people were choosing to live in illness, and were not well supported by the rest of the fleet as a result. While the admiralty board was amicable to her attempting to research a way to improve their immune systems, they insisted that she conduct her research aboard the Zeppla and far from the "mainstream" of the fleet. Anna also conquered; the Zeppla crew had the most exposure to foreign bacteria of any Quarian in the fleet, their immune systems would be the best to study.

"We're here," Teren pointed to a small crew compartment with only a flimsy curtain to separate the room from the rest of the ship.

"I appreciate the thought, Teren, but I'll need to sleep in the clean room."

Deren shook his head, "there's no room for a bed in their once your equipment is inside. We only have the one room onboard."

"Then where exactly am I supposed to stay? I can't be in this suit the entire time, no offense."

"None taken," Teren said as he suddenly reached up and clicked his own mask off. Anna was curious as to how Teren looked, and she had to admit that for a Quarian he was fairly good looking. The angled nose and of course the light striping on the side of the face was of course in addition to the purple skin the only things from keeping him Human. The eyes were the most fascinating part, the light bioluminescence visible even when the masks were affixed. Anna didn't even notice when Teren reached up behind her and snatched the air hose from her helmet.

"Are you crazy!?" She yelled as the HUD began to display warnings. She fumbled to get the hose back in place, but a dull whine that would normally indicate an irreversible exposure to the outside air went off.

"That was incredibly reckless" she scolded as she was forced to remove the rest of her helmet. "You just exposed this ship to anything I might be carrying."

"And you're a guest on this ship, if you want to work with us then you'll have to live like us for a while. What's that Human saying? When in Rota?"

"Rome," Anna corrected. "Just give me some privacy."

Anna went into her makeshift cabin with her personal bag and closed the curtain to change. Teren simply chuckled to himself; he could already feel the sniffles coming on.

Date: October 17, 2552 ][ Location: Epsilon Eridani system/Reach/New Alexandria

New Alexandria was once the crown jewel of Reach; now half the city was nearly rubble. Fighting there had been some of the most intense thanks to the overwatch of Covenant corvettes over the city; the Savannah had taken care of those. Covenant troops fought to the bitter end against UNSC forces, causing massive damage to the city. Thankfully, the Reach bureau of Earth-Space News had been left intact and staffed from HQ on Earth for the big interview. In just a few hours, everyone in UNSC controlled space was going to know the truth about the Quarians, and it was up to Shepard to sell it.

He made the decision to do the interview in his combat armor; both the suit and the Cerberus uniforms didn't feel comfortable for him. He was also making adjustments to the speech Miranda had been kind enough to write, although it was filled with a little too much Cerberus propaganda for his tastes. Their origins would be formally released first, with a follow up interview with Shepard and some of his team.

"Haven't done one of these in a while," Garrus said as he adjusted his new armor, finally trading out his damaged set for one Shepard had acquired at their last port call at the citadel.

"You did media appearances?" Shepard asked.

"Press briefings on cases during my C-Sec days, nothing too fancy," the Turian replied. "I've never been the most photogenic person in front of the cameras." He gestured to the dermal patch on his face, "Especially not now. You sure you want me to be the first Turian these humans ever see?"

"Councilor Sparatus would talk them to death," Shepard joked. "These people are just getting used to the idea of humans and aliens working together, who better to show them how it's done then the team that saved the galaxy."

"Now I'd drink to that, assuming the Quarians had some fine Turian brandy", Garrus replied, "they could use some culinary advice with their nutrient pastes."

With the Normandy's supply of Dextro provisions ran out, they had to acquire Quarian nutrient pastes for Tali and Garrus. Tali didn't mind them; Garrus had a harder time adjusting to the simple and unappetizing food.

"Our pastes are healthier than anything they ever served you in the Turian military," Tali quipped. Although I could probably go for a dish of that Palaven spice pasta, with those green things."

"Ripe octuns," Garrus finished, "seems like you Quarians do have taste buds after all."

"Well when we get back to our universe, dinner at the Citadel is on me," Shepard said.

Garrus simply chuckled, while Tali blushed from beneath her visor "he meant it as a group dinner, as just friends" she thought to herself, once more cursing herself for having her romantic fantasies.

From the next room came Miranda, passing by where Samara was waiting with Grunt; Thane had politely requested to remain behind and the Quarians weren't sure it was time to introduce the UNSC to the Geth.

"Shepard, they're just about done with the official statement from Earth, you should get ready."

Shepard nodded and went onto the set of the news program; ESN: Reach. One of their reporters was already seated, an assistant finishing touches of makeup with a beautypen; Shepard quietly hoped that she wouldn't be as harsh as Khalisah al-Jilani.

"Commander Shepard," she said as she rose to greet him, "Cynthia Platte, host of ESN Reach. You prepared for the biggest interview of both our careers?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Shepard replied as he sat down in one of the four seats arrayed on the opposite side. Beyond them was a display flashing the symbols of the System Alliance, the Citadel Council, the Turian Hierarchy, The Flotilla, The Asari Republics, and at Miranda's insistence, Cerberus.

"We're going live in five," the sole crewmember said as the automated camera drones moved into position. He was in turn watched by two UNSC military personnel that Miranda had identified as ONI, likely there to make sure Shepard didn't reveal anything they didn't like. Shepard watched the other monitor broadcasting the time delayed feed from Earth where the UNSC's upper brass and the civilian government finished revealing the true origins of the Quarians, as well as the Normandy's presence. It was now on Shepard and the few members of his squad to sell to them that story of an entirely different Human civilization. With that thought, the stage lighting came up and Ms. Platte turned to a camera drone to do her introduction.

"Welcome to all our viewers on Reach, Earth, and across the colonies. I'm Cynthia Platte of Earth-Space News' Reach bureau. Two months ago, the UNSC fought perhaps one of the largest and most important battles of the war since Harvest. The Covenant attempted to strike at the heart of colonized space, but were turned back thanks to the timely intervention of the Quarians, the only alien race that extended a hand of friendship to humanity, rather than violence. The Quarians are a people without a home, driven from their world by their own artificial intelligences. Bringing to us a wealth of new technology and support in our war against the covenant. But even then they were an enigma, refusing to talk about where they came from, or their journey across the galaxy to our corner of it. Now we know why thanks to the briefing prior to this program. It seems almost impossible that a parallel universe exists, but here in our studio we have living proof to tell us about a human civilization that exists where the Quarians come from. An earth that has never suffered the horrors of the Covenant, and in fact is a member of a vast interstellar community. I'm joined today by Commander John Shepard of the Human Systems Alliance, the commanding officer of the vessel Normandy, who played a pivotal part of the Stand of Reach. Commander, thank you for joining us."

"It's my pleasure, Ms Platte."

"Obviously the question on everyone's mind is how you came to be in our universe, but as the admiralty has already explained that point I suppose we should just jump right into what your Earth is like."

"For most of our history it's not that different from yours until the late 2090s when events began to diverge. Various political and historical events that occurred in my time never happened in yours, or happened differently, and vice versa. The biggest difference being the discovery of the Prothean ruins on Mars, with it we learned about mass effect technology and discovered the mass relay buried inside Charon."

"So Tobias Shaw and Wallace Fujikawa never invented the slip space drive on your earth?"

"Neither man has even been born yet, assuming they ever will be in my time. The year is 2185 where I come from."

"It's amazing to see how far your Earth came at a time when we were in the middle of the interplanetary war. I understand though that your Earth was engaged in several conflicts with aliens shortly after you discovered this mass relay."

"The first contact war you mean?"

"Yes, when earth encountered the covenant of your universe."

"The citadel council and the Turians aren't like the covenant. It was the Asari that brokered the peace agreement between the systems alliance and the Turians. From there we became associate members of the council, and eventually after the alliance aided the council during an attack on the citadel, we became the fourth member of the council."

"But humanity is still a smaller power compared to the Turians and these Asari."

"Both have been spacefaring for far longer than humanity, and there are other non-council powers out there, the Quarians being one of them. There's also the Krogan, Vorcha, and the Batarians."

"Yes, according to your codex, which I will remind our viewers is available for download, the Batarians are a race of pirates and slavers."

"That's correct, which led to one of the alliance's most direct conflicts with the hegemony at the colony of Elysium."

The rest of the team watched Shepard speak from just off stage, Miranda taking note of the ONI spooks standing next to the cameras. Tali was fixated on Shepard's account of the battle of Elysium, the one he told her about in the mess. He was describing the battle in detail, but hadn't gotten to his participation in it yet.

"These people have no idea what he did there," she muttered to herself, just loud enough however for Garrus next to her to hear.

"Maybe you should be giving the interview then, you've probably read the extranet files," Garrus said.

"He's always so humble about what he did on Elysium; he saved all those colonists single handily and doesn't let himself get caught up in the hero worship…"

"You sound like you're in love with him."

Garrus meant it as a joke, but it sent Tali through a tailspin.

"That's not what I meant…. I mean I have a great… wow it's hot in here." she stammered, worried that someone was overhearing them.

"Tali," Garrus said, lowering his voice, "if you think I didn't already know then I'm either a really good detective, or you're painfully obvious."

She turned her head away "it's not like that, Garrus, it's just a stupid infatuation."

"Look, I'm not the most romantically inclined person out there, but I could tell you had something for Shepard toward the end of the mission to stop Saren. And we all thought he was killed for two years, that's a long time to hold onto an infatuation."

"He wouldn't want some woman in a suit, he'd be happier with someone like Miranda or Chief Williams…"

"That rumor's back again? The one where Williams and Shepard had a night of passion before Iilos?"

"You mean that didn't happen?" Tali asked.

"Alliance regulations, I'd be lying if I said she didn't want it, but they both knew their duty. Shepard told me all they talked about was if something should happen to him on the mission, taking command of the team, messages to his mother, that sort of thing. It made that conformation on Horizon all the harder on him."

"I didn't know he had been dealing with that…"

"It's just the kind of person he is, hell he could be attacked by a thresher maw or Batarian slavers and I doubt he would handle it in stride. But that doesn't mean he wants to deal with these things all by himself."

"I'm just not good enough for him, Garrus. I'm sorry; could we change the subject please?"

"Yeah, sorry Tali, I didn't mean to pressure you or anything. And I won't breathe a word of this."

Tali felt well and truly embarrassed that Garrus knew how she felt about Shepard, but at the same wondered if she was transparent enough that Shepard noticed…

"Keelah, you're about to be on a vid that will be seen by billions, pull yourself together" she told herself.

"…and I had help during that mission against Saren, some of whom are here with me now, others who joined me on my current mission investigating attacks on Human colonies."

"And I understand that some of your team has joined us today in the studio."

Shepard noticed one of the ONI spooks flinch when grunt walked out; even unarmed the Krogan was imposing. He noticed Ms. Platte also seem to be uncomfortable at the presence of so many aliens who weren't trying to kill her.

"I suppose some introductions are in order," Shepard continued.

Date: October 17, 2552 ][ Location: Epsilon Eridani system/Reach orbit/UNSC Pillar of Autumn

"Attention, pelican 419 arriving, starboard hangar deck."

"That'll be Fred and red team" Kelly said from her workstation. She and most of the Spartans were putting the finishing touches on their new Mjolnir Mk VI armor that had arrived from Earth. The Master Chief had been surprised to receive a new armor set barely 2 months after getting the Mk V, but wasn't complaining about the upgrades. Improve shield capacitors and automated biofoam injectors tailored for the new medi-gel that was coming off the manufacturing lines. Armor plating and reactive crystal layer had also been improved, but the most interesting upgrade had been the customization. When they had gotten the Mk V it was a uniform design without any of the individual and custom design upgrades the Spartans had added to their old Mk IV suits.

The Mk VI took that idea and ran wild with it, featuring components for stealth, recon, and close quarters combat. Kelly herself had opted for the Hermes variant components, while Fred was testing the Centurion design on the mop up operation on the surface. Even two months after the battle there were still sporadic Covenant groups in the Viery territory, the New Jerusalem operation had been a welcome respite form flushing out the Covenant stragglers.

"You know, I still don't understand why you're just sticking with the default armor."

"It's well-rounded," the Chief replied to the AI riding inside his newly upgraded neural interface. It had been a surprise to have Cortana come back to the Autumn for her intended purpose of assisting the Spartans. John wasn't complaining though, Cortana was an excellent partner and the two worked well together even if all they did was fight Covenant holdouts. If it hadn't been for Cortana last week they might not have been able to compromise the Covenant's makeshift battle net they were using to coordinate resistance on Reach.

Honestly with a few tweaks to the recon variant helmet you can get a performance increase of…. The AI stopped mid-sentence.

"Cortana?" The chief said, "what's wrong?"

"Sorry, recursive algorithm I was running in the background had to purge it." She replied.

John would have enquired further except Vinh cried out over the com "Admiral on deck!"

Nearly simultaneously the collective SPARTANs turned and snapped to attention towards the armory doors as Admiral Keyes barely cleared the threshold. "At ease" the admiral replied. He walked over to the Master Chief with a datapad in hand.

"Chief, I understand the rest of the SPARTANs have just returned from a cleanup op on the surface?"

"That's correct, sir."

"Good, a tender will be docking with us in an hour so we can reprovision. You have my authorization to requisition what you need for extended operations," he handed the datapad over. "We'll be departing in three hours."

"Sir, what is the mission?"

"Chief… I'm not exactly sure. Everything is in the briefing packet."

As the Admiral left, John stared down at the datapad which bore the ONI symbol on the screen.

"Fancy a look?" Cortana asked as John keyed the access.

Date: October 18, 2552 ][ Location: Zeta Doradus system/Onyx/Camp Curahee

It had naturally been Team Saber that had volunteered for the procedure; they and teams Gladius and Katana were among the top members of Gamma Company. If all went according to plan those two teams would be next to undergo what Colonel Ackerson was nicknaming SPARTAN IIIB, b for biotic of course.

"Lieutenant commander, we may have just surpassed the Covenant in ground operations," Ackerson said.

"I'll be more confident after the surgery is completed," Kurt replied.

They both looked into the surgical bay as the final process of the procedure began. The plan had been simple; first the biotic amp they had managed to fabricate was implanted in, followed immediately by the artificial element zero nodules implanted at specific points along the nerve system. A surgical dumb AI operated the robotic arms over each surgical bay, preparing to insert the element zero into the SPARTANs bodies. The locations had already been traced on their bodies and the laser scalpels moved into position, small red beams emitting and creating incisions on their skin. For Kurt it was like watching the augmentations all over again, even reminding him of his own. They were entering uncharted territory much like the initial SPARTAN II project all those years ago.

"The rest of Gamma will have to be rotated through the Mercy once they get to Reach. I want the three teams here for a special mission once their training is complete."

"We don't know how long that could take, sir. We only have limited information about the Systems Alliance's biotic acclamation and temperance program. We have to write the book on Spartan biotic training here." Kurt wanted his SPARTANs to have the best chance at survival, hence why he authorized the biotic augmentations to compliment the ones he made to Gamma's brain chemistry. If all went well, they might have finally surpassed Halsey's SPARTANs, surpass Kurt himself, which is all he could ask of his efforts.

"We'll need to explore the feasibility of biotic enhancement rolled into the general augmentations for Delta Company," Ackerson said.

"If that's the case then I'm going to need at least two of the biotics for training the rest of Gamma."

Before Ackerson could retort a bluish glow caught the attention of both men. The nodules had been inserted and were already being triggered by the SPARTANs nervous systems, generating biotic fields around their bodies.

"How are the biotic amps being triggered?" Ackerson asked.

Kurt shook his head, "doctor, what's going on?"

One of the medical technicians was at a control station, trying to make sense of the readouts the EM suite was picking up off the body of the Spartan.

"We're picking up increased neural activity, the biotic field is stimulating heavy brain activity through the amp."

"They aren't supposed to be able to manipulate a biotic field that quickly," Kurt remarked. "the simulations predicated at least a full day…"

This could prove advantageous," Ackerson said, "instant biotic abilities from the onset of surgery, we could cut the….."

Kurt's lightning fast reflexes kicked in and he pulled Ackerson away from the window and onto the floor just as the biotic shockwave smashed into the reinforced Plexiglas and shattered it. The two medical technicians weren't so lucky and were both struck by the surgical arms as the biotic shockwave washed over the room. Alarms blared as the Spartan on the center table sprung up screaming as the biotic energy flowed over his body. He clutched his head as another shockwave radiated outward and caused further damage to the room.

"Sir, we have to move, now!" Kurt said as he pulled Ackerson to the exit and pulled the manual release on the door. He pushed the Colonel through the hatch, and then turned to look back at the destroyed surgical bay. The other SPARTANs were beginning to stir, and their biotic energies were wrecking what was left of the room. The one who awoke first continued to writhe in agony as his biotic powers became more unstable.

Ash… I'm sorry.

Kurt had no time for further regrets as his Spartan training kicked back in and he followed Ackerson into the hall.

Date: October 17, 2552 ][ Location: Epsilon Eridani system/Reach orbit/Normandy shuttle

Legion's runtimes had finished all the calculations, and determined that now was the best time to take action. The Geth platform swiftly deactivated the shuttle's engines and removed itself from the pilot's chair, heading into the aft compartment to confront the passengers.

"Halsey-Doctor, Solus-Professor, this platform would like to know your true intent on this mission?"

Legion dedicated 200 runtimes to analyze their facial features as both stood up from their seats in the shuttle. Human and Salarian psychographic profiles were called upon from Legion's extensive extranet cache to extrapolate the probability of their plans having been exposed. 93.7% was the consensus.

"There's no plan other than to retrieve the plasma coupling from the Quarian freighter," Halsey replied.

"This platform does not believe that to be your likely intent. Calculations indicate your intent is surreptitious and knowingly without Shepard-Commander's knowledge. Presence of Goto-Kasumi also indicates covert intent."

Mordin's head quickly whipped around the small cabin, "Kasumi not aboard, I don't understand why that conclusion."

Legion's 75 runtimes dedicated to counter stealth recommended implementation of counter-stealth program 9877. Which a quick wave of the Geth's omni tool Kasumi shimmered into existence from her hiding place in the overhead rack on the opposite side of the shuttle from Mordin and Halsey.

"Come on, Legion, where's the fun of infiltration if you expose the infiltrator."

"Geth do not derive enjoyment from infiltration."

"I thought Geth didn't infiltrate at all," she teased as she jumped down from her hiding spot.

Legion returned its attention to Halsey and Mordin, "if neither of you are willing to explain your intent then this platform will pilot the shuttle back to Normandy, and place you into custody pending the return of Shepard-Commander and Lawson-Operative."

Halsey appeared to be resolute, but Mordin stepped forward first. Halsey made to stop him, but Mordin cut her off with a sharp glance.

"Legion, surely you understand that leak of Normandy's origins and subsequent disclosure was intention?" The Salarian asked.

"We believe this to have been intentional, yes, though the ill intent of such an action is negligible."

"That's because you don't know ONI as I do, Legion," Halsey said. "Our plan is to find out what their plans actually are."

"Well for a clandestine operation, you sure were transparent," Kasumi said. "If you want to steal information I figured you could use a real thief to help."

"This is not a mission sanctioned by Shepard-Commander, Goto-Kasumi." Legion's runtimes were running the calculations on what Halsey and Mordin were talking about. Without further input it was difficult to determine whether Halsey's warning was truthful, or deceitful.

If you can simply take us to the Quarian freighter we can get on with our mission," Halsey said. Whatever ONI's plans are it involves the Normandy, which means there is a threat against your ship. Surly you can calculate the odds yourself, look at what Shepard found on New Jerusalem."

Legion was confounded, although the amount of time that this occurred was only a few seconds; but for the 1183 runtimes in the platform it might as well have been an eternity. It had come down to an up or down vote to determine a course of action, whatever consensus the programs reached the rest would follow. Based on the evidence at hand, the psychographic profile of Mordin Solus, what had been gathered about Dr Halsey and ONI. It came down to 49.8% opposed, 50.2% in favor of assisting the pair in their operation.

"The creator vessel may not be sufficient for your task, if you will permit it, this platform will assist and coordinate your efforts. We have determined that there is the potential for danger to Normandy, Halsey-Doctor."

"And well I think you know where I stand on the issue," Kasumi said.

Not entirely unexpected, but more than welcome Halsey thought to herself. Her plan might actually stand a chance at success, if everyone else could be kept sufficiently in the dark of course.

Date: October 13, 2552 ][ Location: Unknown system/unnamed gas giant/Quarian survey pod

"Discover the single largest source of ezzo in flotilla history and this is how we're rewarded." Kal'Reeger groaned as he commenced a short range sensor sweep. Despite their recent fortunes Reegar and Veetor hadn't been transferred off their survey ship, and found themselves surveying yet another system. This one had several promising gas giants for further fuel refining that was going to be needed.

"The work we're doing out here is good for the fleet and our allies" Veetor replied "Helium 3 is useful for our engines and UNSC reactors. We're going to need it if the admiralty board wants to make an offensive with the humans viable."

"Huh, so you heard the rumors too?"

"After losing three ships to the Covenant protecting a human colony, there's a lot of people who want war."

Openly assisting the humans of this universe in their war was a polarizing topic throughout the fleet. Right now military support was fairly minimal; mostly under Admiral Gerell's command from the heavy fleet. A full commitment was rumored to be coming once the admiralty board filled its current vacancy. Just who would be the fifth admiral was one of the biggest pieces of gossip running through the fleet currently.

"Reegar, check your scanner scope," Veetor commanded as their scout craft rounded the large gas giant and came into view of a large object.

"What in the…" Reegar said as his scanner took in readings, "that thing has got to be a thousand time the size of the citadel."

"Its also habitable, look, nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere." Veetor said as he pointed out the reading on his own screen. "Who built this, the Covenant? This isn't Human and it's beyond anything the Protheans ever invented."

"Veetor… I honestly don't know."

"You think we've found that ticket off the ship you want?" Veetor asked.

Kal was still speechless by the construct in front of him that only seemed to grow bigger as they got closer. Both Quarians wondered who in this universe would build such a massive ring in space and go to the trouble of making it habitable. Little did they know that it was only a matter of time before that question was answered, and the fate of the galaxy would be decided.

Well, another chapter down. This one was a bit longer than I had intended to make it under my new format, but I didn't want to mess with the narrative. Now we've come to one of the key points of the story; the discovery of Halo, because it wouldn't be a Halo crossover without our favorite ringworld. Just what this means for the rest of the story? You'll just have to wait for the next installment.