Prompt: Archer, Pike - (Old dog,) new tricks

Wisdom of the Ages

At first glance, an ignorant bystander probably wouldn't think that Admiral Jonathan Archer, at over one hundred years old, would be able to offer much resistance to the rebel leaders guarding his cell and attempting to remove him to one of the interrogation rooms.

That is exactly, Chris surmised, what he'd been counting on, of course, and the Laxcritians were nothing if not ignorant of the true danger in kidnapping and detaining Starfleet officers of any age, size, gender, or race.

After watching Jon subdue all three guards and liberate their weapons, Chris raised an eyebrow when Jon took the time to straighten out his tunic and run a hand across the remaining wisps of his hair before marching over to his cell and releasing the locks. He knew better than to comment, however, and instead grabbed the offered phaser rifle and flash grenades Jon offered.

As they both stripped the guards of their communicators and passkeys, he couldn't help but comment aloud, ″Too bad we don't have a holo available to capture Kirk's face when we come riding to his rescue.″

Jon speared him with an impatient look. ″That's why we'll have Commander Spock copy the data iand/i security feeds onto his tricorder before we bust out of here.″

Not a bad idea at all, Chris mused as he took point and started down the hallway. ″I wonder what sort of cockamamie escape attempt we'll be interrupting when we release them from the other cell block.″

″Who knows, who cares? They could stand to learn a thing or two about simplicity.″

″Damn straight.″