Legolas and Middle Earth belong to Tolkien. Astrea is mine. There is no romance in this story.

Loss of Innocence

The old warrior stood silent, listening for calls in the forest. She was of a dying breed, though not a creature of this world. Her sharp green eyes rove over the land as she pushed back a lock of red hair streaked with gray from her face. She knew only half the reason of why she was there. Having received a summons from the depths of her heart, she had come, knowing an old friend had called. She knew that this was the world of one of her dear friends, but not as her friend knew it. No, this was a time when Men did not run everything, and machines did not plague the world. But she also knew this world for other reasons, and for those reasons, had stayed away until now.

Sighing softly, she sensed the presence of another being watching her, for warriors were sensitive to prying eyes. But she did not give it away until she grew weary of the game and looked up into the trees.

"I suggest you come down and tell me why you are watching me, or attack me. Either way is fine, as long as you do something," she said, a small smirk flittering across her lips.

For a moment, all was silent, and then a figure landed in front of her. She studied him silently as he studied her. He was an elf, a young one at that, though probably older then herself. He had fine long golden/white hair, and blue eyes that held an innocent look. But he also had a bow trained upon her, though she did not fear it.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I am a warrior, from another world. I do not feel I should revel my name till I know yours, dear sir elf," she said.

"I am Legolas Greenleaf, son of King Thranduil of Mirkwood. Now, your name?" he asked.

"Astrea, simply Astrea," she said.

"Then you must be the one I seek," he said, putting his arrow away, and lowering his bow.

"Then it was Thranduil's calling I felt?" she asked.

"No, it was my teacher and friend, Glorfindel of Rivendell, though my Father bid me come here," he said.

Her eyes flickered in surprise, "Well, perhaps Glorfindel has finally forgiven me. But why did they send you to me?"

"To learn, though I do not know what," he said.

"You know how to fight, do you not?"

"I do."

"Then what else do you need to know. Did Glorfindel or Thranduil say anything?"

"I think they only spoke that I am to learn about life."

"Wonderful!" she said sarcastically.

"What is the matter?"

"I am the last person that you would want to learn about life from."


"Lets just say that my motto used to be friends and enemies are the same, and a life is a life, nothing more."

"What is your motto now?"

"Leave things alone, they are better without your help. But if you wish to learn, I shall teach you."

"I do wish to be taught."

"Then lets get started."

She then held out her arm, and he grasped her arm just above the wrist as she grasped his arm. The deal was set, and it would change Legolas in more ways then one.