Okay, I have a bunch of different ideas for future dream pair fics… but the problem is that I have 2 OC stories (one of which I have to do a sequel for) that are multi-chapter ones. These are the stories I have pending (that don't necessarily have to be in this order):

#1-Title? (multi-chapter)

Fuji and Tezuka are in a steady relationship, or so it seems. When Tezuka dumps Fuji on Valentine's Day while at the same time Eiji breaks up with Oishi, Fuji is alone and helpless, making him recollect memories from his often unpleasant past. Will Eiji step up to help Fuji, or will Fuji's grief be too strong to counter?

#2- Déjà Vu (multi-chapter)

Fuji has two extremely worrying dreams involving his crush, Eiji Kikumaru, which give him the drive to confess his feelings. But before he has a chance, a horrific car accident occurs, sending Eiji to the hospital. Will the two ever see each other again?

#3-Calculator (oneshot)

Eiji and Fuji have an interesting conversation in study hall over calculator.

That's all for now. This is on my profile as well, just in case. Tell me if you have any suggestions for these, whether it is on which I should do first or things involving the plot line, but any feedback is well accepted. Thanks! :D