Chapter 2

Jessica arrived in the city to see it heavily patrolled by the Royal Guard and immediately ordered Captain Garavel and his unit to assist them.

She was amazed when several people immediately rushed towards her when recognizing her.

"It's the Warden Commander!" A woman cried out. "Our savior has come to help the king."

"I'll…do my best," Jessica said. "Thank you."

Jessica walked toward the entrance of Warden Compound that was across from the palace.

Turning back, she looked upwards and saw Alistair standing at the balcony. Their eyes met briefly but she turned away and continued on towards the compound.

Jess wasn't surprised to find her quarters and study already prepared for her.

As she stepped out of the room, Jess headed downstairs where everyone was waiting for her.

"Commander, of course you know the Wardens stationed here will be at your disposal. The king also hoped you would consider residing at the palace." Nathaniel said

"The compound is across the way, I see noneed to stay at the palace." Jess raised her voice.

"Yes Commander." Nathaniel winced.

"The king is in the safe room at the underground passage." Teagan said.

"Of course he is." Jess said in a bitter and resigned tone. "Let's get this over with."

The compound had an underground tunnel that lead to a secret entrance to the palace. It was also where the Grey Wardens had another vault and there was a safe room.


"I need to do this alone," Alistair stopped and looked at Wynne.

"Alright," Wynne stepped back and turned around looking pleased he made the decision to face Jess alone.

He closed the passage entrance and limped his way down the barely lit corridor, his steps mingling with the sound of dripping water and occasional how of the wind coming from outside.

Making his way into the safe room, he stood by the lit furnace which was prepared for their meeting, and waited for Jess.

From that brief moment of seeing her outside, Alistair could see she was as beautiful as he last saw her, but there was coldness in her eyes. It was obvious she did not want to be here and he couldn't blame her. Had he gone about things differently, they could have remained friends.

Alistair watched the flames and waited for Jess, praying that she could get past any bitterness to help him.

A chill went through Jess as she walked down the corridor with Fergus.

"I know I am doing the right thing to help him Fergus, but it's brought everything back. All the anger and bitterness, it was gone until now."

"Jess, you just buried those feelings. They didn't go away," Fergus said gently. "I know he hurt you and I don't think he expects you to forget."

"Good, because I will never forget," Jess looked up at Fergus. "You don't have to come with me. I can do this."

"I'll wait by the entrance for you."

Fergus gave her arm a squeeze and she continued to head to the safe room.

Jess felt her heart beat against her chest as she walked in the safe room. Alistair was standing close to the stove.

"I know I have no right to ask you for your help," Alistair slowly turned to face her.

Except for the extra stubble on his face and his hair a bit longer, Alistair looked basically the same. His eyes were a different story. The once vibrant spark they had was gone and they conveyed a mixture of weariness, grief, and regret.

"No you didn't have the right but I'm here."

Alistair limped towards her and automatically stepped away, making him stop.

"I am sorry for your loss. The queen was very kind and gracious when she came to visit Vigil's Keep after it was rebuilt and we even corresponded a few times."

"I know. She liked you a lot."

"We could have been friends had you gone about things differently."

"Alright," Alistair sighed. "Lets get it all out in the open now so we can work together to find my son. I know I did not end things right and that's another one of my many mistakes I will have to live with for the rest of my life."

"You know I was actually thinking the same thing and was considering ending things. And then I received your letter. I replied to that letter and never heard back from you. And then after weeks on the field, enduring the type of hell you will never understand, my group saved Amaranthine and the last vestiges of the Blight have been dealt with. You sent Teagan on your behalf. Now don't get me wrong, Teagan is a wonderful friend. I like him but can you even begin to understand how much that hurt me and how much that offended the Wardens and soldiers that survived the Vigil's destruction?"

"I just thought it was better for the both of us if we didn't see each other. Believe me Jess, I know now I went about the situation the wrong way."

"Did the taint in your blood go away when you became King Alistair?"

"No of course it didn't."

"It hurt me when you weren't man enough to personally congratulate us for our efforts but you dishonored the Wardens and Duncan's memory by that act."

"If I could go back and change things I would."

"What's done is done. I will help you get your son back but know this Alistair, when this is over with I am leaving Denerim and going back to my life."

"I understand and thank you Jess."

"I know the funeral is tomorrow. After it, we will get together with everyone who was involved. I need to know everything that has been happening and we must go back before the Landsmeet."

"I will start wracking my brain tonight," Alistair handed her a torn piece of parchment. "This was found on the body of the blood mage."

"Your Majesty," Jess read. "If you are reading this, my man is obviously dead as I expected. Good job. Your son will continue to be safe if you follow my instructions in the next note which will be sent at my discretion. Until then mourn your wife and run the country as you normally would."

"They didn't tell me about this note when they came to the Keep." Jess folded it.

"We didn't examine the bodies as quickly as we should have," Alistair admitted. "They were already traveling to the Keep when we discovered it."

"Where are the bodies?"

"In the basement of the palace."

"Good. I will want to see them."

"I figured you would."
Alistair and Jess stared at each other in silence.

"I just want him back Jess," Alistair's voice quivered.

He started to reach out but Jess backed away from him.

"I'll do my best Alistair, but I can't make any promises until I know more," Jess said. "I have to go. We'll talk soon."

Alistair watched as she turned and leave the room.

Wynne looked up from her book as Alistair came into the sitting room.

"How did it go?"

"Jess is going to help me find Duncan. She hates me but she's going to help us." Alistair poured himself a drink.

"I don't think she hates you Alistair," Wynne said gently.

"Maybe. But I did hurt her and she's never going to forgive me for that."

Alistair sipped his drink then set it down, turning to Wynne.

"Tell me Wynne. How after all this time, can I still love her? I am burying my wife tomorrow, yet I am thinking about Jess. I truly am a horrible human being."

Wynne sighed as she watched him limp out the room.