Hi,this is just a poem I decided to do to remember some cats that had passed away in Warriors.
Disclaimer:I do not own Warriors or the characters. Erin Hunter does,and man am I jealous.
I will remember Whitestorm,when I see someone strong and wise.
I will remember Swiftpaw,when I cross paths with someone with bravery and determination in their eyes.
I will always think of Cinderpelt when I see an animal protecting young,
I will be reminded of Silverstream,when i`m told loving him is wrong.
I will remember Scrouge,when I see a rat scurry by,
I will always think of Mosskit,when I think about a short life,
I will never forget how Tigerstar died,he got to carried away with his ambitions,
and now isn`t with his ancestors in the skies.
I will always think of the way Feathertail made Crowfeather`s heart melt when I see something romantic and sweet,
I will never forget what that retched Clawface did to Spottedleaf.
I will always think of Bluestar,when I think of sacrifice,
I will remember Tallstar,and how he was elderley,but wise.
I will think of Rainfur when I think about a cold death,
I will never forget how Hawkfrost was lead to his last breath.
You brave clan cats,you may be passed and gone,but never forgotten...
And to the evil cats who had died,I wish you chose a better path.
Hope you guys liked it. I know their was a lot more,but I just jotted down a few. Thanks for reading and please review and no flames.