Disclaimer: I don't own the song, or Glee. You think I would write fanfiction if I did? Wow. (;
If the lyrics are like this 'lyrics' it's Blaine.
like this 'lyrics' it's Kurt.
like this 'lyrics' it's both.
it'll be that way throughout the whole story. (:

Blaine's POV:

"Kurt, take a seat," I pointed to the couch across from the chair I was currently sitting on.

"What's this about Blaine?" Kurt questioned as he sat down on the couch.

"We've been dating for 3 years now, and they've been difficult, but we've gotten through all the rough times, and I love you with all my heart and my soul," I smiled and leaned over and grabbed Kurt's hand. I took a deep breath and started to sing.

I've been alone

Surrounded by darkness

I've seen how heartless

The world can be

I've seen you crying

You felt like it's hopeless

I'll always do my best

To make you see

Baby you're not alone

Cause you're here with me

And nothings ever gonna bring us down

Cause nothings can me from loving you

And you know it's true

It don't matter what'll come to be

Our love is all we need to make it through

I looked at Kurt, too see his reaction. His eyes were filling with tears, and his mouth was forming into a smile. I flashed him a smile back and started to sing again.

Now I know it ain't easy

But it ain't hard trying

Every time I see you smiling

And I feel you close to me

And I tell you

Baby you're not alone

Cause you're here with me

And nothings ever gonna bring us down

Cause nothing can keep me from loving you

And you know it's true

It don't matter what'll come to be

Our love is all we need to make it through

I still have trouble

I trip and stumble

Trying to make sense of things sometimes

I look for reasons

But I don't need'em

All I need is to look in your eyes

And I realize

I opened my mouth to continue singing, but Kurt started to sing instead.

Baby I'm not alone

Cause you're here with me

And nothings ever gonna take us down

Cause nothing can keep me from loving you

And you know it's true

It don't matter what'll come to be

Our love is all we need

I moved so I was sitting next to him on the couch, smiling at him I opened my mouth to sing once more. Kurt opened his mouth too. And we started to harmonize together.

Cause you're here with me

And nothings ever gonna bring us down

Cause NothingNothing Nothing can keep me from loving you

And you know it's true

It don't matter what'll come to be

You know our love is all we need

Our love is all we need to make it through

Kurt leaned over a gave me a peck on the lips. "That was wonderful dear, but why did you sing it to me?"

"Well Kurt, I want to ask you something, and saying my feelings in a song has always been my thing, as you should know by now, " I explained before taking a deep breath and getting on one knee on the floor. I pulled out a red velvet box. "Kurt Hummel, I love you, from the bottom of heart, everything about you, and I know that our love is the only thing I'll ever need in this life from now on," I looked up his face, where tears were starting to fall. "Will you marry me?" I opened the box revealing a silver ring with on diamond in the middle. Engraved into the side, was 'our love is all we need'.

"Yes! Yes! Of course Yes!" Kurt exclaimed and held out his hand. I slid the ring on his finger, and leaned in for a kiss.

"I love you Blaine," He whispered against my lips and gave me a kiss. He pulled away. "I got you something too, it's not as good as your present, but it's a little something I made," Kurt said, then he told me to stay here as he whisked off to his room. He came back a little bit later with a book in his hand. "It's a scrapbook, filled with all of our memories, inside jokes, and even some of the hard times," Kurt explained. "I wish I could add in this one, but the book is already filled!"

"Let's look through it together!" I suggested.

"Alright, well they way I set it up is each page has a song, a song that fit the memory it goes with, you'll remember as soon as you see the song," Kurt smiled as he said this. "Well, at least you should,".

I opened the book and smiled right away. 'Teenage Dream'.

AN: Hope you guys enjoyed it! I've been obsessed with Klaine lately, and I'll have plenty of time to write. I'm in.. a situation, one that my parents are not allowing me to hang out with my friends.. probably ever again. well, whatever. Enjoy! Reveiw! Next chapter will be up soon!(: