Title: Unbreakable Bonds

Author: Jamiexh

Disclaimer: Ryan Murphy owns Glee.

Rating: R/NC-17 (PG-13 this chapter)

Summary: Sequel to Lunar Spell. Young werewolves Brittany and Rachel face new challenges after their mates, Santana and Quinn, make their first change.

Pairings: Faberry, Brittana, Shell

It had been a long two months for Rachel. She found out that she was a werewolf, and met her mother, who passed on the gene to her. Her wolf claimed Quinn as her mate and bit her. She became good friends with Brittany, who was an alpha werewolf, and turned Santana. Santana and Quinn had had their first changes this full moon cycle, and Rachel happy to have that be over with.

Rachel groaned as she woke up. It was Wednesday, the first day after the full moon cycle and she was naked on Brittany's bed, with her mate in her arms. She could feel Brittany's bare body behind her, which didn't come as a surprise since they had all fallen asleep together in wolf form. But, what did come as a surprise was the smell of blood, specifically her blood, which filled the room.

"What," Rachel gasped. She got up and looked down to see that she had gotten her period. "What the fuck?"

Brittany, Santana, and Quinn all groaned at the intrusion to their sleep. "Baby, what's wrong," Quinn asked.

"I have my period. Sorry, Brittany. I'll pay to replace the sheets."

Brittany sniffed the air and her eyes widen. "Shit. Rachel, you're in heat. As if teaching these two to control their wolves weren't enough, fate has to fuck with us further."


"Just go put a tampon in, Berry," Santana grumbled. Rachel quickly got up and headed to the bathroom as the three girls got up and stripped the sheets. When Rachel came back in, they all got dressed as Brittany explained why Rachel being in heat was such a bad thing.

"This is going to suck," Brittany began. "Rachel, in a couple of days you'll be releasing pheromones that anybody that likes girls is going to pick up. They're going to be drawn to you and not know why. This isn't going to be good. Quinn is going to get real possessive over you and all you're going to want to do is mate with her. This makes things very difficult."

"I'm sorry," Rachel mumbled.

"It's not your fault. It's just your time. It just makes things harder. This is going to get real ugly fast. We all just have to try to control ourselves because we all need to get ready for school."

Quinn followed Rachel to her locker and kissed her hard after the brunette got her books. The brunette moaned, but then remembered where they were and pulled away.

"You have to be careful, Quinn," the diva warned. "Too much and you'll lose control."

"But, I need you," the blonde whispered back to her.

Rachel took a second, tapping into the psychic connection between herself and blonde before responding. "No, you don't. A few little touches can calm the wolf down, but too many will rile her up. And that's dangerous."

"What's dangerous," Jacob asked, butting into their private moment.

"How much I love Quinn," the brunette covered quickly. "Not that it's any of your business, Jacob."

"There is something more going on here. You've been different the last few months. Both of you have, as well as Brittany and Santana. So what's the big secret?"

Quinn let out a low growl and when Rachel heard it she pulled the blonde into her. "There is no secret, Jacob," the brunette replied.

"The four of you have all been hanging out, which isn't weird for Santana, Brittany, and Quinn, but it's weird with you, Rachel. Santana and Brittany are much more touchy than usual, and the two of you now suddenly being together? Something's up. And don't you think I forgot about your little tryst in the bathroom with Brittany, about two months ago. Actually, that's when the weird behavior started."

"Fine," Rachel spat. "You caught us. Brittany and I orchestrated a master plan to make Santana and Quinn jealous so that we could get them to start a romantic relationship with them. You happy? That's all it was."

"I don't buy it."

Quinn leaned down and kissed the brunette hard on the lips in front of him. Rachel eagerly returned the kiss and Quinn sighed into it. But, Rachel pulled away before the blonde could get too into it. "You believe us, now?"

Jacob gawked at the kiss, but quickly regained his composure. "This isn't over," he said as he walked away.

Quinn just smiled at her mate and leaned into kiss her again, but Rachel moved out of her embrace. "Don't make this any harder on yourself than it already is. I'm in heat. Next week is going to be hell on both of us. I remember when Brittany's mom was in heat. She smelt like sex all the time and it always made Brittany and me horny just to be around her. Try to keep it under control for now."

"You made Karofsky wet his pants once," Quinn reminded her. "And you were in control then?"

"Hey, you got everything all at once. I kept getting everything in installments. I would get used to one thing and then something else would happen. I became a werewolf and then I found you, which both helped and hindered my control. And yes, I'll admit I didn't have control with the situation with your mom and it was a struggle to stop touching you in the beginning, but I pulled away when you wanted me to. I didn't mate with you during my first two times before the full moon. I had enough control to abide by your wishes. And I'll also admit to not being in control when I bit you, but that wasn't my fault. If I was human it would have never happened. And I can't describe to you how much the psychic flood gates opened after that. You got to feel that more fully right after, I had to wait. And yes, I showed off a little with Karofsky, but I won't tolerate anyone hurting you."

"I can't either. And I see Jacob as a threat."

"He is a threat, but a minor, harmless one. He doesn't know anything and the worst he can do is spread rumors about us. Besides, I love you. And as long as no one else knows about us and Brittany and Santana, we'll be okay."

Quinn stole a quick kiss from Rachel. "I love you, too. I'll try harder to keep myself in check though."

They got through the day and Quinn and Santana kept up their control fairly well until Cheerios practice. Monday's practice was easy for the two girls. They just ran through different routines so their enhanced abilities weren't on exhibit. But today, Coach Sylvester's practice consisted of different drills and stunting. Quinn tried her hardest to make it look like nothing had changed with her. She slipped up a little, showing that some particular drills weren't a challenge for her anymore, but for the most part, she had everything under control. But, Santana was another story all together. She used all of her new skills to complete whatever the Coach wanted them to do. Brittany constantly reminded her to either slow down or not to work as hard, but the Latina refused to listen. And the Coach noticed. Santana was met with an uncharacteristic "good job," from Sue Sylvester and Brittany was pissed. The blonde alpha werewolf waited for the rest of the Cheerios to clear out of the locker room before calling Rachel in to have a talk with all the wolves. The brunette werewolf was watching the practice and Brittany knew that Rachel saw everything that happened.

"What was that, Santana," Rachel asked as she entered the room. "You're going to expose all of us if you keep this up."

"Watch it, Berry," Santana growled, eyes meeting the other girl's. Rachel stared right back at her. This was a test of dominance and her wolf would be damned if she lost to a mutt.

"S," Brittany commanded, "drop your gaze. Rachel's wolf is stronger than yours. Rachel's has always been there deep inside her, yours in just born. If this comes to a fight, she'll rip you apart. Drop your gaze, now." Santana listened and Rachel moved to hold Quinn. "You okay," Brittany asked the more experienced wolf. The brunette nodded and Brittany turned her attention back to her mate. "But seriously, Santana, you have to be more careful. Coach noticed that something was up with you and I'm sure some of the other Cheerios noticed too. You can't go from not being about to do those drills to performing them flawlessly. It exposes us all."

"No one thought anything of it," Santana countered.

"You don't know that," Rachel argued. "Jacob is already sniffing around because our behavior changed. If he noticed, what makes you think that others didn't? Obviously, Miss Sylvester noticed and believe me some of the other Cheerios were looking at you strangely too."

Brittany sighed and put her head in her hands. She was an alpha and as much as she hated this, she had to take care of the exposure risk before it got too big. "What's Jacob doing? God, this is a mess."

"He's watching us closely. He still remembers our little rendezvous in the bathroom. And he thinks that the way we've all been acting was a little strange."


"When you both had sex in the bathroom, Brittany," Quinn clarified.

"Oh. Damn. Fuck. Santana, you have to try harder to control the wolf. You can't show off. We can't be exposed."

"Why not," the Latina pushed. "What's wrong with people finding out what we are? Wouldn't it be better to not have to hide?"

Brittany looked up at her mate with concern and then over to Rachel. "I don't know the answer to that. I was always just told that it was a bad thing to be exposed. Can you help me out here?"

"Werewolves aren't exactly normal," Rachel started. "And I for one don't want to be experimented on because they don't understand us. The Nazi's did that with mentally retarded people during the Holocaust. If they find out, we'll be pricked and prodded like a pincushion."

"You don't know that, Berry."

"You don't know that either, Lopez. There is got to be a reason that all the other wolves try so hard to hide themselves in normal society. People are often cruel about things they don't understand. Look at all the gay bashing that still happens. I, for one, don't want to be part of the first generation of out werewolves. I've grown up with enough hatred just because I have two gay fathers."

"I'm sorry," Quinn said as she kissed her mate's temple.

"Not your fault. You were taught to hate that. And hate can breed more hate. Religions might make us out to be demons or something. It can get really ugly."

"Whatever," Santana scoffed.

"Sit down, Santana," Brittany ordered. The Latina had no choice but to obey her alpha's and mate's command. "This is serious. I don't know a lot about what Rachel is talking about. I'm not good with history or anything school related really, but I know that we take exposure really seriously. The wolf council's policy on exposure is simply to eliminate it. And usually that means to kill the wolf responsible and the humans that found out. I don't want to do that, but I will be forced to if this gets worse. Please, S," Brittany cried. "Don't make me do that. It would kill me to have to sit back and watch you die. Bad things happen when your soul mate dies. The person is never the same afterwards. I love you. Please, I don't want to lose you."

Santana just pulled Brittany into her. "You could never lose me." With that the Latina kissed her mate, and Quinn took the opportunity to do the same to Rachel. After a few minutes, they all left the locker room, never noticing that Santana successfully avoided the issue.