"Are you saying that New Spain is older than all of the Americas?" asked Puebla.

"Huh? What are you…No we used the enchantment in all of the Americas. In other words many of them, like your mother, are older," explained Quetzalcoatl.

"How will she remember who she is?" begged Puebla.

"Just ask me what you truly want to know," growled Quetzalcoatl, "you want her to remember who you truly are to her, don't you?"

"No, I just…"

"You are a lot like your mother, boy," smiled Quetzalcoatl, "that's good. I have to go."

"You can't leave just yet!" cried Puebla.

"I'll be back when New Spain gives birth to her next child. Trust me it won't be long," Quetzalcoatl murmured as he vanished into thin air.

Back at the Wedding Reception:

"Maldicion! Thanks to that crazy Bitch, my beautiful dress was ruined!" groaned New Spain as she bathed.

Knock knock! To New Spain's horror the door opened.

"I came here to apologize for Hungary's unsightly behavior. I ho-"

" . . AUSTRIA!" shouted New Spain in between breaths.

Austria just stood there frozen unable to move from the spot he was in. He knew that New Spain must have been shouting curses at him, and yet he couldn't even tear his eyes away from her body. He needed to get out of there before someone catches him staring at Spain's wife. He looked at her smoothed legs then to what was exposed of her breast. He was paralyzed by New Spain's beauty; it was no wonder that Spain had wanted her as a wife. Then suddenly he felt someone yank him from behind and shut the door.

"I don't think Austria should be looking at someone else's wife, da," commented Russia.

"I didn't do it on purpose," insisted Austria.

"Then tell me why you didn't close the door right after realizing your mistake, da?" asked Russia.

"I was in a state of shock," protested Austria.

"You should get back to the Ball," Russia suggested.

"What about you?" asked Austria.

"I am hiding from Belarus, da," shuddered Russia.

Back with New Spain's bath:

New Spain had gotten up and locked the door. Just she wouldn't have anymore unwanted 'surprises'. She grabbed a hold of the bar of soap and began to scrub the sticky mess from her arms. The moment it came off she lifted one of her legs straight up in the air and began to rub off the food that had gone through her clothes, then proceeded with her other leg then the rest of her body. She got up and watched as how the water glistened over her body. The water trickled over her soft skin, and pooled right underneath her feet.

"Spain, will come and truly make me his wife," New Spain blushed already knowing what to expect.

New Spain grabbed a hold of a towel and dried herself up. She got a hold of a night robe. Why bother even putting a nightgown it would eventually come off. Then she walked out of the room and walked to the Suite were both she and Spain would stay that night. Once inside the huge room her body wouldn't stop trembling. She sat down next to a window and looked at the moon.

Back at the Ball:

"Here, Shain, drink anosher won," slurred France.

"Hic, buf if I drink anosher glash I won'sh be able sho perform my dushy as a Hushband, hic," Spain protested.

"Kesesese, I can't believe you two can't hold your liquor like the awesome me," gloated Prussia.

"Really, Bruder, how many fingers am I holding?" asked Germany.

He showed Prussia two fingers.

"Well, how am I supposed to know if your move hand around like that?" protested Prussia.

"I see," sighed Germany slamming his hand on his face.

"Why?! Dish America have sho gesh indepensh! Ish nosh fair!" cried England, "Is ish because I am a horrible older brosher! Shell me am I thash baff, Ireland!"

"You really can't hold your liquor can you, England? Now get off me?!" growled Ireland.

"I think we should head home now," stated Wales.

"Your right," Scotland agreed.

"Traitors! Don't leave me with him!" growled Ireland.

"We just want you to be closer," teased Scotland.

"Don't mock me," growled Ireland.

"You know he is just teasing you," sighed Wales showing indifference to the situation.

"Shey, were is my wife?" asked Spain.

"She is already up shairs," slurred France.

"I guess hic thash she is impatient," smirked Spain, "I am going sho make sure thash she doesn'sh finish withoush me."

Many of the guests had already gone home after New Spain had run up those stairs. The only ones that were left were: Portugal, Brazil, France, Prussia, Germany, Scotland, England, Ireland, Wales, and Russia. Everyone had already gone home.

"I don'sh think hic I'll be able sho make ish Fo sososos," Spain laughed.

He stumbled all the way up the stairs. He began to search for the bedroom in which he knew that New Spain would be waiting for him. He staggered all his way to the bedroom at the very end of the hallway. He slowly opened the door, and saw someone he had seen a long time ago.

"Oh, Mexica," Spain gasped.

New Spain turned her head towards Spain, and instinctively pulled her legs closer to herself. She watched as Spain walked towards her. He picked her up from the settee in which she sat.

"Mexica, you have reshurned sho me," cried Spain.

"No, Spain, have you forgotten, I am New Spain," replied New Spain.

"I love you so much, Mexica," Spain lamented, "do you remember what you used to call me?"

New Spain just stared at Spain. The man before her seemed more like a child and for some strange reason it seemed familiar. Something told her that this wasn't the first time she had seen him so vulnerable.
'Danm! Why can't I remember?' New Spain cursed to herself.

"Mexica, let's perform an Eclipse," murmured Spain as he kissed her neck.

They kissed and New Spain undid Spain's shirt. More and more of Spain's layer of clothing were thrown off the bed. This time Spain was gentler than that other time. Almost as if he was afraid to touch her. He treated her like a glass figurine. Eventually he entered her.

"Oh, Mexica," groaned Spain, "my moon."

"Spain," moaned New Spain.

"I… missed… you, Mexica," groaned Spain.

"I've n…never l…eft," moaned New Spain.

He began to thrust into her going deeper with ever push. He came and filling her with his seed. He collapsed on top of her, their breathing becoming labored.

Australia looked up at the sky where he had just witnessed a Solar Eclipse. He scratched his head but quickly ignore it.

"That was strange," sighed Australia.

Mexicoaph notes: I so terribly sorry it took me to upload! Wahh! Pleaze don't hate me!