Disclaimer: Last time I checked I was not J.K Rowling, and I still am not. She get's to own Harry Potter, not me. :(

A/N: I am into writing Time Travel stories right now. This is a short chapter, but it just an introduction, so enjoy.

James and Fred were inseparable. It was almost impossible to find one without the other. They would always be with each other 24/7. There was a sleepover everyday with them. They were practically brothers. James and Fred had recently gone into Harry Potter's personal study.

"Dad left the door open." James said in an excited whisper.

"Perfect." Fred smiled.

They tip-toed into Harry's study.

"I know he has a few good things in here." James said. "I have heard him say it."

Fred opened up a drawer. And there was a shining gold thing in there.

"James." Fred hissed.


"Come and look at this."

James walked over, his grin became huge.

"Perfect. I'll hold it." James said. He put it around his neck and tucked it in.

"JAMES! FRED! LILS! IT'S TIME TO GO! GRANDMUM IS WAITING!" They heard Albus Potter, James' little brother, yelling from downstairs. So they walked down the stairs of Potter Manor.

"Where are we going?" James asked his little brother, who looked so much like there father.

"Grimmauld's Place." Albus said.

"Some of the cousin's are going to be there." Lily said, James watched her red hair bobbing over to them.

"I think so." Lily nodded.

Molly was standing at the fireplace waiting for the kids. Lily looked over at her brother and her cousin. They had the same look, which could only mean that chaos was about to happen.

"Wait Grandmum. Albus I need to show you something." Lily said, and pulled him away.

"What's wrong Lils?" Albus asked, but Lily didn't answer. She just dragged him as if he was a doll.

Lily pulled a purse out from under her bed and shoved it into Albus' hands.

"Shrink it! It has to be able to fit in a sock." Lily demanded. For a ten year old, she could demand things very easily.

"Reducio." Albus said, the pink purse became small.

"Thanks. Now come on." Lily said. She ran down the stairs with Albus running after her.

James and Fred had already gone through the Floo. Molly was waiting for them.

"Everything ok?" Molly asked them.

"Yes Grandmum." Lily smiled. "You said we are going to Grimmauld's Place right?"

"Yes Lily."

"Ok. Meet you there." Lily smiled, and grabbed some Floo. "NUMBER 12, GRIMMAULD'S PLACE!" Lily yelled. She was use to the sensation of using Floo Powder so it didn't bother her. Stepping out of the fireplace, she brushed her gold dress off, which had soot all over it. A second later Albus came out of the fireplace. He too brushed off his clothes, then ruffled his hair making the soot fly out of it. Lily slid her had through her hair. There Grandmum didn't come, but she was going back to the Burrow.

Lily walked into the house, and she saw turquoise hair in the kitchen.

"TEDDY!" She yelled a big smile on her face.

"Squirt!" Teddy said. He picked her up and spun her around. When he put her down she went over and hugged everyone else.

Victoire was there, Lucy, Hugo, and Rose. Along with herself, Albus, James, and Fred.

Everyone was outside. Lily and Albus joined them and Teddy and Victoire joined them not to long after.

Everyone was up on the brooms, the only ones on the floor was Fred and James. Which was weird, they were always up on the brooms when they had a chance. Actually they were always the center of attention. It was not normal for them to be on the ground. Teddy flew above them; he saw a glint of gold. Knowing, or at least having a good guess, what it was he flew down. The kids all followed him, thinking that it was time to go inside.

As he dismounted the broom he tripped, and his hair changed colors. Each time he fell it always changed, it was annoying, but he got use to it.

"James, Fred, where did you get that?"

"This?" James asked, pulling up the Time Turner.

"Yes that."

"I found it." James shrugged.


"What does it matter it's mine?"

"Where did you get it?"

"It doesn't matter Teddy, James found it. It's his!" Fred said.

"Where did you find it?" Teddy growled.

"What are you doing with dad's Time Turner?" Lily asked walking up to them.

"You took from Harry?" Teddy asked.

"I found it." James corrected.

"Did you find it in your dad's drawers in his office?" Teddy asked, growing annoyed quickly.

"So what if we did?" Fred asked.

"He stole, and Time-Turner can be extremely dangerous!" Teddy snagged it from James, but when he turned around, the broom was there. The Time Turner flew up and when it fell, it happened to fall on the one part of outside that was cement.

At first nothing happened. But suddenly a green smoke was coming out of it, circling all the kids, with a smell of dirty diapers. It immobilized all the kids, not one of them could move. With a very faint pop, one by one, they disappeared.

A/N: So what did you think? I know this has been done before, but as I said, I am really into writing Time Travel at the moment. Review and tell me what you thought about it, should I continue?