Set after Chuck versus The Best Friend. Will be updating at least weekly. Currently doing my GCSE's so.. Busy time but I am going to make time to do this because I enjoy it so much.
I don't own Chuck.
Chuck versus The Kidnap
It started off a day like any other, it involved him getting up, putting on his Buy More uniform and eating breakfast, all except for one little thing, he was planning on going straight into Castle that morning due to the General insisting on an urgent meeting. Which meant Chuck had to see Sarah again, not that he didn't want to - because God, it was all he lived for, but the emotional feelings he had for her made it too damn hard to even face her.
He didn't say too much at the table during breakfast, he just wanted to be alone with his thoughts. Chuck stepped outside, the LA sunshine was shining brighter than ever, the sky was cloudless and perfect. It was great just to be safe in his own mind, a place where he wasn't being recorded or constantly under surveillance.
He wasn't aware that he had forgotten to tie one shoelace, as he continued to walk, oblivious. He increased his pace when he looked at his watch, he heard Casey's door click open and suddenly Chuck stepped on his untied lace, causing him to stop abruptly and fall face forward onto the unforgiving concrete.
"God, you idiot, can't you even remember to tie your own laces?" Casey snarled with a sarcastic grin plastered onto his highly amused face.
Chuck sat himself up and rubbed his forehead. "I forgot to tie my laces, I'm half asleep this morning."
"You're like a walking zombie-geek, ha-ha!" He chuckled to himself. "Come on, urgent meeting at Castle, now!"
"I know, I got the message." He replied.
"What? General sends texts now?" Casey didn't get her number..
"No.. metaphorically. Ugh, never mind let's go." Chuck tied his laces and continued walking.
"Sarah, Casey and Chuck. A very serious matter has arisen." The General's small beady eyes peeked out over her glasses. "A group of terrorists New York have somehow gotten hold of a vast amount of weaponry. The name of their group is currently unknown, but their individual identity's we are certain of. They are planning on selling these weapons throughout America which will no doubt lead to an increase in our already high crime rate. However, they have contacted the CIA for a sum of money in exchange for the weaponry, they have asked for over ten million dollars. Our plan is to catch them before they hide away again."
"Right." Casey said seriously. "And where are they now?"
"Their current whereabouts is in New York, we would like to send the three of you there. We need Chuck to identify them with the intersect and leave the rest of the spy work down to you two."
"Ok, General." Sarah added.
"A plane will be waiting for the three of you at ten am sharp." With that her stern face vanished leaving the screen blank.
"Should be good, right?" Chuck smiled at Sarah, feeling his insides churning simply at her gaze.
"Yeah." She replied. "I'll pick you up in the morning, is that okay?"
"That's perfect." He couldn't tare his eyes away from her, she looked so beautiful today even in her Orange Orange uniform, her golden hair capturing her face like a frame, her eyes were big and blue despite the earliness of the morning.
"Okay, lover boy, we'd better get to work - come on." Casey grinned, gripping Chuck's shoulders with his huge hands and forcing him up the stairs.
He gave one last longing look at Sarah, then gave in and headed to work.
The next day wasn't a particularly bright one, but Chuck was ready and waiting with his big over shoulder bag, which contained all that he would be needing in the next few days that he would be spending in New York.
"I can't believe you have an offsite install all the way in New York." Ellie shook her head in disbelief. "And they requested you!"
"I know. I'm going to fix their problem and then spend a few days there with Sarah." He pulled on his jacket as a car beeped from outside.
"I'll see you, El." He hugged her quickly. "I'll call you, okay?"
"Okay, be safe." She said like a concerned mother.
Chuck ran outside to find Sarah waiting in her gleaming silver Porsche, she had a slight glint in her eye as he sat beside her.
"Hey." He pulled on his seat belt.
"Hi." She put her car into gear and sped off, trying to fight the butterflies rising in her stomach. She kepr gaze ahead as he turned on the radio.
"So, you like The Big Apple?" Chuck asked, turning to her.
"It's actually one of my favourite places to go, when I was a kid my… Yeah I like it." She was so close to giving information away then, not that it was a crime but it felt wrong to her, almost like she was giving herself away to him and she knew she was stronger than that. Sarah vowed that she would be totally professional on this trip and keep her feelings towards him on the down low.
She was angry at herself for letting these feelings develop because how the hell could she be a perfect spy when she was in love.. No she wasn't in love with him, she just cared about him a hell of a lot. Or if she was in love with him, she was still very deep in the denial cave.
New York - The Red Hotel
Chuck saw a group of five people walking past, they looked reasonably normal - but suddenly he started to flash, pictures stirring in his head of their previous prison sentences and mug shot pictures - these were the people who were doing the arms deal - he was sure of it.
"Sarah - that's them." Chuck nodded at his handler.
"Casey." Sarah said into her watch. "Chuck just flashed, he's found them."
"God, that was quick work." Casey said from the surveillance van. Well down Bartowski. He thought to himself.
"There's five of them and there's two of us, Sarah." Chuck worried, clasping his large hands together.
"I've got a plan, okay? I'm going to tell them that we've heard about their arms deal and we're interested, then - we get one or two of them alone, kill them and then bring back the others to Castle and torture them for information." She smiled at him. "Hey, don't worry, I've got your back and whilst we are following them I need you to tell me if you flash on anything, alright?"
"Alright." He said gravely, following her, dragging his arms behind him.
They kept a firm distance from the arms dealers, but on the fifteenth floor they disappeared into a hotel room. Sarah waited a few minutes and then, pulling Chuck closely behind her, she knocked on the door.
The door opened and a tall black man with a glistening earring stud answered, his bald head shone in the light making him even more menacing to Chuck.
Chuck spaced out as Sarah talked to the man in front of them. He was too busy thinking about how tall the man was and how the tall people standing behind him were and now Sarah was walking inside and.. No.. she was being dragged and so was he!
"What the hell are you doing?" Sarah shouted, trying to shake herself from the man's grip.
"People call me Agent Black and I'm afraid you have stepped into a Fulcrum trap." Agent Black pushed her further inside as one of the other men took the gun out of her back pocket and pointed it towards them.
"Casey!" Sarah yelled into her watch, but she couldn't hear anything but a faint crackling. Alarm bells started to ring in her head. Wait, she had a knife under her shoe! She quickly lifted up her leg to kick Black from behind but he caught her before she could. He reached for the knife, and twisted her leg around as she screamed in agony.
"Sarah!" Chuck whimpered. "Don't you dare hurt her. If you do I'll.."
"You won't be doing anything." Black smirked. Chuck felt his hands being cuffed behind him and the click as they locked around his wrists, the very things that were keeping him from his freedom. His hands were then tied again with rope, he could only watch as they did the same thing to Sarah, much to her protest.
Ten minutes later they were tied to hard steel chairs, and try and she might, Sarah couldn't escape, the knife that had been hidden under her trouser leg had been removed and the same for the one tied to her upper arm. Chuck gave her a panicked look as the Fulcrum agents covered their mouths with what looked like silver masking tape.
He looked at Sarah's face and he knew she was scared, he knew that she was panicking because she couldn't protect him, but how could she? Their limbs were stapled to the chairs and they had no way of contacting Casey. They were stuck.
"Oh God, I'm sorry we haven't all introduced ourselves." Black said, standing over the both of them. "These two are my right hand men, right here." He pointed two the tallest two men, one with strikingly black hair with pale skin and the other half-caste, with muscles bigger than the whole of Chuck's body. "I call them Rock and Roll. Rock being the buffer one obviously. And the other two.. Ah.. It doesn't matter. They're just the brains of the whole operation."
Sarah made an angry muffled noise.
"I suppose you're wondering what we want with you?" Rock asked, staring right into Sarah's very core. "We know Mr. Bartowski here is the intersect and we have great plans for him and, you, are just part of the package, but you also happen to be one of the CIA's best."
Roll removed Chuck's watch and placed it on one of the shorter men, they obviously knew it contained a tracker device.
He waltzed out of the room with the watch, planning on leading Casey somewhere else.
"We'll be back." They said in unison, following the one with the watch. Chuck and Sarah heard the door being locked and then looked at each other.
Chuck could read her mind, she was scared - almost. Probably more for him though, because that's how unselfish she was.
Sarah's stomach was filled with nerves, her heart was beating faster and faster, her whole body was tense as they just gazed at one other, partially in fear and partially in confusion of what they were feeling. It was a strange time for them to be exploring their feelings, but really had little choice.
Sarah was trying to say something beneath the tape covering her mouth. Chuck could just make it out, the third time she repeated it.
"I won't ever let anyone hurt you."
REVIEW! I have big plans for this story!