Tonight was the night, the moment when I would finally spend the night with the woman I had been with most of my life. But this time was different than the others, tonight I was able to be with her as my wife.

For a while I thought this day would never come, I was afraid that due to my stupid mistakes, I would lose her and never be able to be with her. Sarah was perfect, and still I felt like she could do better, yet she chose me over all of the men in the village that she could have. So many guys pined after her, however, I was the one who was lucky enough to end up with her, she was my everything and until the day I die, I will protect her and love her.

We were married earlier today, it was a great ceremony, Sarah was happy, and that was all I cared about. I was thrilled that the day had finally come, she had a knack for stressing herself out and the planning of the wedding was really getting to her, but now she can relax with me, alone, with none of our ridiculous friends to bother us. And we had the rest of our honeymoon to look forward to.

As I gazed out the window of our hotel room, Sarah was in the bathroom getting ready, I pulled out a photograph from my pocket. It was a picture of the two of us from a few years ago, when we first started dating. If my memory served me correctly, I recalled that Naruto was the one taking it. Sarah was leaning against me, smiling and attempting to hide her face in my shirt, she never did like it when people took photos of her, even though she was gorgeous. I had my arm around her, watching her with an amused smirk on my face, she was just about the most adorable thing I had ever seen in my life. My lips curled into a smile at the sight of us, we were different back then, young, clumsy and new to love. Neither of us had ever been in a relationship before so we weren't exactly sure how it was supposed to go, but I think we did pretty well considering where we were now.

This picture triggered so many memories within me, causing me to reflect on my life up to this point, on how incredible it was to be with this woman. Ever since I was a child, she was the one I wanted, I never even bothered with another girl. We lived one crazy life together, and I was grateful for every single second of it.

"Good luck at your first day at the academy, Sasuke!"

My mother smiled kindly at me, giving me a kiss on the cheek and sending me out the door, my older brother, Itachi was standing at the entrance. As he kneeled down he gave me his signature poke on the forehead and chuckled at my displeased expression.

"Hey! Why did you do that, brother?"

Itachi smiled at me.

"I only want to wish you luck, Sasuke. This is an important day for you, just remember everything I taught you, ok?"

I nodded rapidly, of course I would remember how else was I supposed to surpass him and get my father to pay attention to me. It was time for me to step out of Itachi's shadow and show everyone that I was just as capable and strong as he was.

"Right! I'll remember."

"Now run along, don't want to be late on your first day."

I grinned and continued on my race into town, waving to my aunt and uncle on the way, usually I would stop to talk to them at first but I couldn't afford to waste anymore time. My time needed to be spent on training and preparing to become a full fledged ninja, I needed to be better than my brother and show everyone in the Uchiha clan, including my father, that I was strong and able to handle just as much as my brother.

I saw many other kids my age flocking to the academy, but paid them no mind, I was going to beat all of them! Following their lead, I entered the large building and went to the designated classroom where I would be learning all of the essential ninja skills. It was a large room, filled with long tables and tons of chairs, a few of these kids looked familiar from the induction but I didn't know any of them personally. So where was I going to sit?

"Oh my gosh! That boy is such a cutie, what's his name?"

As I descended the stairs I could hear many of the girls whispering similar things around me, it was a little awkward seeing as how I didn't think that I was anything special. But then again the Uchiha clan was known for being born with incredibly good looks, so I shouldn't have been so surprised.

"I think it's Sasuke Uchiha!"

"He's an Uchiha?"


I opted for an empty table, not quite feeling comfortable with sitting near anyone that I didn't know. Setting my bag on the table I tapped his finger impatiently, waiting for the teacher to arrive so that I could begin learning. Finally, this was the day that I had been waiting for, I wanted to learn more about the ninja art and now it was time.

It took a while for the teacher to arrive, so in my spare time I took a good look around the room to check out my classmates, most of them were like me, quiet and just sitting around. A cluster of girls had formed on the opposite side of the room, and I noticed that they were all staring at me, giggling and blushing. My eyes turned to another spectacle, a blonde kid came stumbling down the stairs and raced to the girl with the short pink hair.

"Hey there Sakura!"

"Get away from me, Naruto!"

The boy pouted as the other girls glared at him, he was loud, that one. Nothing interesting or anything that at least sparked my intrigue was occurring so I went back to my finger tapping, that is, until I heard something unusual.

"Who is she? I've never seen her here before!"

Again I could hear the mindless chatter of the girls, except for it wasn't about me this time. So out of curiosity, I looked up again, only to see them staring at a new girl who was making her way down the steps. She had long, red hair that was strung into pig tails, and was wearing a little black romper and sandals, her eyes were big and a combination of blue and green.

"That's the new girl! She got here not too long ago..."

I blinked and the girl stopped, bashfully glancing at the group of gossipers, clearly hearing every word that they were saying.

"She moved here with her parents, I don't know where she came from though."

"Does it matter?"

I noticed her face turn a deep crimson, she was nervous and embarrassed, it was written all over her expression.

"She is pretty..."

"Not even!"

My brows narrowed at the girls, why were they being so mean to her, they didn't even know her? The girl was new, obviously, did they really have to treat her that way in a place where she was so unfamiliar?

I took a painful swallow and suddenly I felt a lump in my stomach, the girl proceeded to step forward and sat at the table in front of me and by herself. She was actually very pretty, a lot more so up close, and more than any other girl that was sitting in the corner. Her skin was pale, her eyes were sparkling and that hair was a lot more different than anything I had ever seen. This girl was unusual to me, but at the same time, she definitely sparked my interest. And something in my gut told me that it just wasn't right to leave her sitting alone, and no one else was nice enough to give her the time of day.

Without much thought I snatched my book bag up once more and moved down the table she was sitting at, I hesitantly approached her, and for some reason I could feel my heart starting to beat more rapidly as we got closer.


My voice quivered suddenly and the moment she looked up, my entire body stiffened. Ok, maybe she was way prettier than I originally thought, but why did she have this affect on me? I had never felt like this before, especially not around a girl.


She whispered in a gentle voice, her cheeks still read, I glanced around nervously.

"Mind if I sit with you?"

Finally, I blurted it out and she smiled, giving me a nod while biting her bottom lip slightly. With a relieved sigh I sat down next to her and got comfortable once more.

"My name is Sarah."

She quickly introduced herself, that was a nice name.

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha."

Sarah giggled, my heart practically leapt out of my chest, what was happening to me?

"Nice to meet you, Sasuke."