If there was one thing Elena was sure of, it was her popularity. Everyone at Mystic Falls High School liked her, and she was frequently given lots of attention by the boys.
One of these boys had won her attention a few months ago and Elena now dated him. His name? Stefan. Elena loved him, his dark brown hair and his beautiful eyes. She had never felt this was about anyone before and yet she still felt something was missing, she just couldn't put her finger on what.
Later that night, writing in her diary, Elena pondered this and wrote about her excitement for the next day, the first day back at school after Christmas. She was looking forward to seeing her friends, Caroline and Bonnie, and even Matt, her ex-boyfriend who she was still good friends with. 'I can't wait to hear about all their antics over the break, and to walk to class holding hands with Stefan again!' Elena wrote. Finishing this she placed her diary under her pillow, switched off the light and lay down to go to sleep. She wanted tomorrow to come.
Early the next day Elena stepped out of her car into the parking lot and was immediately graced with the presence of her best friend Bonnie.
'Elena! I have fantastic news!'
Elena looked down at her best friend, whose face was lit with excitement and happiness. As much as Elena wanted to ask Bonnie what the news was, Stefan had just pulled into the space next to her and all her attention was diverted. Bonnie seeing this, rolled her eyes and said, 'I'll tell you later.' and walked off toward the school building.
'Hey gorgeous!' Stefan said walking up to Elena. He grabbed her waist, pulled her towards him and landed a huge kiss on her lips. Elena nearly staggered with the force, but decided that after not seeing each other for a few weeks it must have caused a build up of passion for him, hence the roughness. Elena kissed him back and gently eased his mouth open with hers and within seconds their tongues were entwining. Elena moved her hands from around Stefan's neck to his hair as she loved to run her fingers through it. She was just gently grabbing a fistful of hair when the bell rang. Elena broke the kiss and smiled up at Stefan.
'Come on. We don't want to be late first day back!' Elena said happily, and grabbing Stefan's hand, she pulled him toward the school.
An hour later, all of Elena's happiness and excitement had drained away. Her first class was maths, which she detested. It was her worst subject and their teacher, Mr Lange, was awful, constantly shouting and setting tests all the time. Elena had luckily managed to get a seat at the back, so she was as far away as she could get without actually leaving the room. One of her best friends, Caroline, was in this class, sitting next to her. She was talking excitedly to Elena about her Christmas break which seemed to involve a lot of Tyler and sex, when she stepped mid-sentence and her mouth fell open.
'Caroline?' Elena asked, a little worried, as her friend could talk for America. She followed her friends gaze to the door and her own mouth fell open.
A young man, no older than 25, stood in the doorway. His dark, almost black hair fell forward into his startlingly intense blue eyes. He wore a smouldering, slightly cocky look and stood tall, surveying the class infront of him, who fell silent one by one as they noticed him.
'Good morning class. I am your new maths teacher as Mr Lange, suffered a bad fall over Christmas and won't be back for a few months.' Elena nearly fell off her chair at the sound of his voice. It was deep and incredibly sexy, and caused goose bumps to erupt all over her body. She glanced to her left and saw Caroline looking at him, like he was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Elena quickly looked back at him, and nearly fell off her chair again when she realised he was looking right at her. His eyes seemed to pierce right through her as her heart accelerated and heat flooded her cheeks.
'My name is Mr Salvatore and we are starting the day with a little test of your knowledge with equations and algebra.'
Elena shivered as his eyes never left hers. At the end of his speech he looked away and Elena sat there stunned, her heart rate returning to normal. She had no idea hotness on this scale even existed in nature. She gave a small start as a hand brushed her arm and a paper was placed infront of her. She looked up and saw Mr Salvatore staring right at her, his eyes appearing to stare into her very soul. Her breath caught in her throat as he slowly walked to the desk infront. Elena had just enough of herself left functional to get a good look at the view from behind before he walked back to his desk, and was pleased to note that it was every bit as impressive as the front.
'Start now.' Mr Salvatore said, his gaze surveying the class. Elena looked down at her exam paper and wrote her name, her mind constantly focused on one thing- the new teacher. Elena looked at the first question and had a shot at answering it. Her maths was awful, and the fact that her mind kept straying to this new teacher did not help. She skipped most of the questions, having no idea of how to answer them, and after answering the last question her attention wandered and her imagination took over.
She and Mr Salvatore were in a dark bedroom, candles and rose petals scattered all over the place. Her heart pounded as he leant towards her and pressed his lips to hers. Her heart took off like a helicopter as they fell on top of the bed. Elena could feel his hardness pressing against her, and could feel herself getting slightly wet. She gently slipped a hand down the front of his trousers and grasped hold of him, gobsmacked by how hard and how large he seemed to be. Mr Salvatore let out a low growl and his hands slid under Elena's sweater and cupped her breasts. He gently squeezed them and rubbed his thumb over Elena's nipples, causing pleasure to hum through her body and a small moan to escape her mouth...
'Time's up.' Elena jumped at the voice and was pulled from her imagination back into the classroom. 'I will collect and mark the papers while you do the work from page 57 to page 63. I expect you to finish it for homework. At the end of class come to me to collect your test papers.'
As Mr Salvatore walked past Elena's desk to collect her paper her whole body quivered and her face lit up with redness, as she remembered what she had imagined. Shaking her head she forced herself to open her book and start the work.
As the bell rang to signal the end of class there was a great surge of students up to the front desk to collect their papers. Somehow Elena ended up last in the line and had to wait a few minutes before she could collect hers. When she reached the table Mr Salvatore looked up at her and said 'You must be Elena.'
Elena smiled and said in a slightly shaking voice 'Yes.'
She swallowed as he continued to stare at her. Then he softly said 'I'm afraid more than half your paper was wrong, so I need to ask you to return here at the end of the day for some tutoring in order to bring your grade up.'
Elena was not too surprised at this result but when she realised that she and Mr Salvatore would be alone in a classroom together for around an hour her heart took off again and once more, heat flooded her cheeks. She managed to stammer 'Ok, Sir.' before grabbing the paper and hurrying from the room.
Outside in the corridor Elena leant against the wall and closed her eyes, taking a few deep breaths. She had just regained her composure when an arm wound itself around her waist and the voice of Stefan whispered in her ear, 'Isn't my brother a jerk?'
'Your brother?' Elena asked in a confused voice. She knew Stefan had an older brother but she had never seen him. And then it dawned on her. Stefan's last name was Salvatore and her new maths teacher's last name was also Salvatore. Elena's face drained of colour as she realised this. She had just fantasised about her boyfriends brother, and had reactions to him that Stefan had never caused. Elena started to feel uncomfortable as a feeling of unease spread over her body. She had a bad feeling that she was feeling something more for one Salvatore brother than the other. The one she wanted more just happened to be in the room next to her. Her new teacher who she was seeing alone at the end of the day. Mr Salvatore.