
Hey! I really hope people are enjoying this story. Okay, so Neville and Sofia might act a wee bit older than they actually are. I haven't been eight years old in more then a decade so cut me some slack, all right? Plus, they're both very bright and mature and then there's their upbringing to think about. I'm trying not to make them seem unrealistic but do feel free to tell me in a review or a PM what you think about them. For all you Sirius lovers out there, sorry but he doesn't show up in this chapter. Neither do the nasty brats-who-lived, not yet, at any rate. Don't worry, though, they'll be a major part of the next chapter, or at least a part. In this chapter, Sofia and Neville test their new cloaks, talk to some interesting portraits, and befriend Luna Lovegood, hence the chapter title. Also, Luna can be a bit hard to write so bare with me, okay? I'm doing my best. I love her character and I love writing her but I'm just afraid I'm not doing her any justice. Anyhow, I warn you now that there will be, like in the last chapter, a bit of mental/emotional abuse of Neville and Sofia by Alice and James as well as some slight physical, a slap each. That's about as intense as I'll go, however. If anyone gets violent it'll be their twins. There is also some passive Ron/Ginny/Caspian/Laurel bashing as well as mentions of hypothetical incest, not real incest, people, because that's just gross. Now I know that usually eight-year-olds don't know what the hell incest is but, like I said, Neville and Sofia are already much more mature and have read more books than most including old genealogies where, guess what? INCEST is shown. There will NEVER be any incest in ANY of my stories so don't freak, please. Neville was just picking up on Luna's odd sense of humour and making her laugh. And you'll notice that I mentioned Luna's mother; that wasn't a mistake. If you'll remember, she didn't die until Luna was nine, at least a year away from this point. I haven't decided, however, if I'm going to kill her or not. What do you think?

I also really appreciate reviews, they make me happy. I don't care what the devil you have to say as long as you say it, dang it! And if you wanna flame, go right ahead. Just note if you're too harsh you'll make some poor girl cry; do you wanna do that? (Sniff sniff?) Just kidding. Write what you want, I don't care. Why should I care what a total stranger says? Exactly! I SHOULDN'T! Anyway, PLEASE review. You don't have to and I'm not pressuring you to so I don't want to turn you off reviewing. Maybe I shouldn't ask for reviews, I seem to get less that way. Anyway, thanks to Harrymania 1978, Bluerock 7, (I think that's your name,) Kab-OldEnoughToDie, Christina-Tears, and all the others for their fantastic and much-appreciated reviews. And now, I say enjoy the story!

Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day!

Chapter Three: You May Call Me Luna

The next morning, both Sofia and Neville woke up to somebody knocking irritatingly loudly on their main door. Rubbing her eyes, Sofia stumbled into the main room, Neville coming out not long after.

"We're coming, we're coming!" Sofia called but it didn't seem as though they were heard.

"Oops...forgot to take the silencing charms down." Neville said. With a few deft flicks from both of them, the charms collapsed and they opened the door.

"Well it's about bloody time, isn't it?" James barked. This year, like every year, he was wearing red robes trimmed in gold. Neither Neville or Sofia would be surprised if there was a big lion on the back. His shoes were black and shining, his gold glasses perched on his narrow nose, his hair purposefully all mussed up. Alice was all dolled up again, her hair was put up into a plait which was then twisted into a bun. Like usual, she wore makeup. Also, her robes were red with little gold vines twisting through them. Sofia gave Neville a look as if saying: "Original, huh?" and he responded with a "They win the prize, yeah?" look. Both of them attempted to hold back their giggles but they couldn't help the slight smirks appearing on their faces.

"Don't give us that look, boy! Girl! Respect your betters." Alice demanded.

"Yes, Mother." Neville said.

"We're sorry, Mother." Sofia said. Both of the children exchanged disgusted looks with one another. Totally dishonouring Neville's true father and Sofia's true mother, James had forced Neville into calling him "Father" and Alice had forced Sofia to call her "Mother" ever since they could remember.

"As you should be." James said stiffly.

"Now it's about time you get properly dressed." Alice snapped at them.

"And no, you're not allowed downstairs to the party." James said, anticipating their question.

"You'd think the little urchins would realise that by now, wouldn't you, love?" Alice simpered, not even paying attention to the two children still standing there.

"Of course; they'll never learn. Their intelligence is nothing compared to Caspian and Laurel." James agreed. Sofia, who didn't have as much of a hold on her emotions as Neville, snorted and began to giggle.

"Two...plus...two...equals...FIVE!" she wheezed out, her giggles turning into a full-blown laugh. Neville, hearing her antics, couldn't help but snort and begin to laugh as well.

"Paris...is...the capital...of...HILTON!" he choked out, beginning to laugh just as hard as Sofia. These had really been said before. Neville and Sofia had spied on one of Caspian and Laurel's lessons a few months ago and they were still having trouble with basic maths and capitals. The two plus two equals five bit had been said by Caspian, the "Paris Hilton" crack was something Laurel had said as, apparently, Paris Hilton was also from a magical family so they would know about her. They weren't jealous of their twins' fame, really they weren't, but that didn't mean that Neville and Sofia didn't think that Caspian and Laurel deserved to be mocked; famous people were supposed to be smart, right?

"The thing that goes woof is a PADFOOT!" Neville gasped out, quoting something Caspian had said back when they were four.

"The world revolves around ME!" Sofia said in a mock-snobby voice; Laurel had said that when they were six.

"Three...times...three...is THIRTY-THREE!" the two finished together, their gales of laughter growing even louder.

"How DARE you!" Alice shrieked. Then, a snarl upon her face, she vaulted forward and slapped Sofia on her left cheek. At the same time, disgust written upon his face, James did the same to Neville's right.

"You FILTHY SQUIBS! Do you HONESTLY think you could EVER be SMARTER then the children-who-lived?" James roared as he and Alice stepped back from the children, both blinking pained tears from their eyes.

"As we've drilled into your minuscule minds over and OVER Again you are NOTHING! No more than FILTHY SQUIBS! DISGUSTING!" Alice growled furiously.

"We'd better not hear a PEEP of you OR ELSE!" James threatened, raising and shaking his bony fist.

"And to keep you in we will be LOCKING the DOOR! Do you UNDERSTAND?" Alice demanded sharply. The two children nodded, cheeks still smarting from their treatment. With one last glare at each of them, the Potters left the room. As the door slammed, they could here the lock sliding into place. As soon as their footsteps faded, Sofia spoke.

"As if we haven't got any magic? REALLY! Squib INDEED! Not that there's anything wrong with Squibs, of course, but if there's anyone in this family who's Squibs it'd be the terror twins." she said to Neville, magically unlocking the door. "And they used a flipping FIRST-YEAR SPELL! PATHETIC!"

"sofia, you shouldn't have done that. THE laughing and mocking. It's fine for us to joke alone but you know how much they hate when we do that around them. It just gets us in trouble." Neville said. "But yeah, the locking spell WAS a sad attempt.

"I'm sorry, Nev, but I just couldn't resist. And you laughed too, don't forget." I said.

"Yeah, it WAS kind of funny, wasn't it? They think we're the dunderheads; they ought to look at the golden children down there." Neville said.

"Yeah. I'm gonna get dressed and showered. See you in thirty?" Sofia asked.

"Sure. I'll do the same." Neville said. Turning in opposite directions, the two went into their rooms.

Half an hour later, they both were back in the main room. Neville wore a simple pair of black overalls with a light green top and slip-on trainers. Sofia wore a pair of flip-flops, denim shorts, and a light blue tank top. These were some of the clothes Sirius had bought them; they would rather not wear any of Caspian and Laurel's old clothes, thank-you-very-much, although they sometimes had to, especially when they were a bit younger and more the same size as their twins. Neville's hair was neatly combed while Sofia's was thrown into a messy ponytail, a few of her curls escaping from it.

"Can't tame your hair, Sofe?" Neville asked her.

"You'd think after all this time you'd know the answer, Nev." Sofia sighed.

"But I don't get it! You're a metamorphmagus! You ought to be able to tame it, right?" Neville asked.

"I'm not trained, Nev, and I'm only just eight. I can only do hair and eye colour, you know that. Someday I'll be able to do everything else but not now." Sofia said.

"Oh, all right then. I guess that makes sense." Neville agreed. At that moment, there was a pop and a house-elf with long, floppy ears and violet eyes appeared in the middle of the room.

"Your breakfast is being ready, Mister Neville and Missy Sofia. You is needing to eat now!" she said in a high, squeaky voice.

"What's for breakfast, Violet?" Neville asked curiously.

"You is having eggs and toast. Is that being okay?" the elf asked nervously.

"That sounds great, Vdrixna, thank you." Sofia said with a slight smile.

"You is needing to stop that, little mister and missy! Lowly Floppy is not being deserving of goodlier humany names or to be called by Floppy's elf name as if Floppy is being an...an EQUAL!" the elf said, twisting her tea towel between her hands nervously.

"But you are, Drix." Neville said softly.

"You are deserving of everything a wizard deserves, Vi." Sofia said, backing Neville up. Ever since they had started to read, Neville and Sofia had come upon books filled with bias towards many things; some of these biases were towards sentient beings such as house-elves, goblins, centaurs, and even Muggles. It disgusted them to no end what was put in these books. One of them was called: So You Have An Elf? A Creature Management Guide. One of the passages read: "It is unwise to fit these lower creatures with names resembling those of humans. Do not bother to refer to them by their elfin name as that gives the signal that you see them as equal. Also, giving them a normal human name to replace the elfin name would be catastrophic, giving the creatures a sense of self-worth." this made both children want to be sick. And from that point onwards, every elf they met they would either use their given elfin name, which was very hard to extract from the poor dears, or a human name that fit their personality or a specific trait. Violet was named for her vibrant violet eyes. It turns out that Violet was a human translation of the elfin name Vdrixna which was this particular elf's birth name. The elf, Vdrixna, said nothing; she simply led the children into the small kitchen/dining room where the elves always put their meals and where, upon their request a year ago, they had started teaching the two children to cook for themselves.

"So what do you say we do after breakfast, Neville?" Sofia asked after a few bites of toast.

"I don't know, Sofia. What do you think?" he asked her.

"I think...I think we should EXPLORE! Get out of the Cage for a while, huh? We won't have lunch 'til noon and it's only just 8:00 now and Sirius said he wouldn't be able to make it before then. What do you think?"

"But we could get CAUGHT!" Neville spluttered.

"Nuh-uh, Nev." Sofia stated smugly.

"Huh?" the boy asked confusedly.

"HONESTLY! Have you already forgotten about the Fidelius Cloaks?" the young red-head asked, exasperated.

"Oh...oops. I guess I did." Neville said sheepishly.

"Well then there's our solution, right?"

"No, not right. We don't know how well they work at ALL, Sofia." Neville protested.

"They can't be THAT bad, Neville. They were made by UNSPEAKABLES for GOD'S SAKE." Sofia argued back.

"Still, you never know, right?" Neville asked.

"Right! And you never know until you try, right?" Sofia shot back.

"I guess you're right. You never know until you try." Neville conceded reluctantly.

"So my plan is a go?"

"No, your plan is a no-go." Neville said.

"Oh c'mon!"




"It'll be fun!"


"We'll be right under everyone's noses!"


"For magic? For science? For ME?" Sofia asked cutely, brightening the colour of her eyes a bit.

"N-n-no." Neville stammered, trying not to give into that look. Sofia didn't need to change her eyes to puppy-dog brown to get the puppy-dog pout look to work perfectly on Neville. He'd cave, she knew he would.

"Oh c'mon, Nevvy! Pretty please? Pwetty pwetty pwease pwease PWEASE?" Sofia begged.

"FINE! We can go exploring, happy now?" Neville asked.

"YES!" Sofia cheered before promptly beginning to shovel food in her mouth.

"You know what gets me don't you, Fifi? And stop eating like that; you look like Ronald Weasley." Neville said. Sofia simply stuck her tongue out at him. The Weasleys were related to Neville through his mother; Molly Weasley was Alice Potter's sister. Both of them noticeably resembled one another in facial structure, height, and through the blue eyes but where Alice was blonde, Molly had a mop of orange-red hair. Where Alice was thin and twiggy, Molly was, to be polite, pleasantly plump. None-the-less, because of their relation, the Weasley children had come over to Potter Manor often. As they were not shut up on those days, for the Weasleys knew of the forgotten twins in the first place, both Neville and Sofia had had some run-ins with the youngest Weasley boy. He was a rude, boorish oaf and his little sister was nothing but a swooning fan-girl. The only Weasleys that Neville and Sofia could marginally tolerate were the twins although they had not met them more than a few times because they were often in trouble and grounded back at home.

Anyway, yes, she knew just how to get Neville to agree to things. Sofia was the more outgoing, extroverted one who was a bit hot-headed, adventurous, and a touch mischievous. Neville was often the calm, collected one, a bit more reserved and serious. However, whenever Sofia got angry or was insulted he could have a very nasty temper. Also, when Sofia got started on something, like her laughing fit earlier, Neville couldn't help but join in. Even if Sofia seemed a bit rash and impulsive she often thought things through logically before bringing them up to Neville; he knew that she almost always thought the best and worst case scenario of what would happen. Still, some of her ideas were just...so Gryffindor. If he wanted Sofia to mellow out a bit, all he had to do was say she was "acting Gryffindor" and she'd be quiet as a mouse. Then again, Neville did have his "Gryffindor" moments and Sofia had had to use that phrase on him nearly as much.

The two children finished breakfast quickly and their dishes automatically disappeared from the table. After standing up and pushing their chairs in, they went into the main room and the kitchen door clicked shut behind them. Going into their separate rooms, each of them pulled the Fidelius Cloaks off of their new trunks. To be safe, Neville shoved his trunk under the bed and Sofia lugged hers into the connected closet, shutting the door tight and using a first-year locking spell. After that was done, they met back up in the main room.

"I've got an idea." Sofia proclaimed.

"What's that?" Neville asked curiously.

"Before we go out, we'll take turns putting our cloaks on to see if we can detect each other. If not, then we're good."

"Sounds like a good idea. You wanna go first?"

"Sure." Sofia responded. Taking a deep breath, Sofia flung the cloak on. It automatically resized itself to Sofia's body, wrapping snugly around her.

"Neville! Yoo-hoo! Neville, can you hear me? NEVILLE!" Sofia called, screaming the last part. Neville just stood there, looking confused. Sofia then walked up and touched his shoulders, squeezing them slightly. He didn't even notice. Sofia then went running and skipping around the room, making to her what was a lot of noise.

"Okay...I know you're there...but you're spooking me a bit, Sofe." Neville said. Sofia grinned. Going off of what she knew of the Fidelius charm itself, Sofia spoke.

"Sofia Lillian Potter can be found by Neville Franklin Longbottom under this Fidelius Cloak." Suddenly, Neville's eyes snapped to her. "Did it work? Can you hear me?"

"Yeah. But it's just like you're under an ordinary invisibility cloak now." Neville said.

"I'm curious about something so just bare with me: Sofia Lillian Potter does fully hide the knowledge of the Fidelius Cloak from Neville Franklin Longbottom." Sofia said. Suddenly, Neville could no longer here her.

"WICKED! It works PERFECTLY!" Sofia squealed, throwing the cloak off. "Now are you up for some wandering?"

"Definitely." Neville agreed. After throwing on their cloaks and trading secrets, the two left their rooms, stepping out into the corridor. The Potter Manor was rather large and not all of the space was used. James and Alice always got nasty if they found the two in a place that was "out of bounds," which was basically everywhere but the corridor they lived on. It was sad to say but in six and a half years of living in Potter Manor they still hadn't had the chance to fully explore it. The two children meandered down the corridor, coming closer to the library. Suddenly, they were stopped by the speech of a full-sized portrait hanging to the left of the door.

"I SAY! What are you two doing? Sneaking around like that?" It was an old seventeenth-century woman. She wore a stiff-looking periwinkle blue dress that went well with her blue eyes. Her hair was an unruly auburn with black lowlights. Both children jumped, turning sharply towards her. She was young, about twenty-five or so but seemed much older in some ways.

"Aun-Aun-Auntie Trice?" Sofia stammered. "Auntie Trice," also known as Beatrice Potter, was Sofia's great-great-great-something-or-other-aunt. She had spent most all of her time doing research in the library and thus she was its guardian. She had died young, at the age of twenty-six, in an explosion of one of her experimental potions.

"How did you find us?" Neville asked her.

"It's easy, really. I am a portrait and thus not human." Auntie beatrix told them.

"So...so...so you mean ANY portrait can see us?" Neville stammered.

"Even that nasty one of Great-Uncle Aleric on the first floor and the one with Great-Grandmama Nadine? The one that's always talking down to us?" Sofia asked.

"Thankfully no." Auntie Beatrice told them. The children let out sighs of relief but the portrait woman was not done speaking to them. "Even so, you two, you ought to be more cautious. You should have thought about other variables that are not the live humans downstairs. What about the portraits? The elves? Could Lily or Frank have misguidedly told the secret of the cloaks to someone else? You are young yet and shall make mistakes but I must warn you to be more careful from now on, all right?"

"Yes, Auntie Trice." the two said, chagrined.

"Who does know the secret of the cloak? Do you know?" Sofia asked.

"No humans do. Even if they did before, from what Lily told me, the information would have died with her. The only reason I remember is because I am not living, strictly speaking." Auntie Beatrice explained.

"But how'd Mum ever get to talk to you? She, James, Caspian, and Sofia here all lived in Godric's Hollow, right?" Neville asked.

"Only until they went into hiding. In the early days of their marriage and of Caspian and Sofia's life, they lived here in Potter Manor. They only moved out because they thought this would be too obvious a place to look and James didn't want his ancestral home destroyed. Lily got to know many of the portraits and decided who she could and could not trust. I became one who she could. Only those trustworthy enough, and I think you know who, will be able to detect you." she explained.

"Okay. Thanks, Auntie Trice." Sofia said.

"Yeah. We'll make sure to be a bit more careful from now on." Neville said. Auntie Beatrice simply nodded.

"Go on, get, you little rapscallions, and have some fun!" the portrait smiled, making a shooing motion with her hands. Giggling at her antics, the two children walked on. For a while, they simply moseyed along the corridors of the old manor house, talking to the portraits that could detect them. Among those were mainly distant aunts and uncles of Sofia.

The Potter portraits were divided into two distinct factions. There was the faction that felt that James and Alice ought to treat all of their children equally and the faction that believed that neither Sofia or Neville mattered. Sofia didn't matter because she, although older, was female and had to be accepted, unlike a male heir, by the family magic as worthy despite her "lesser" gender. These portraits hoped that the Potter magic which was imbibed into the signet ring would not choose her so that Caspian, the male, would automatically become heir apparent. They knew that James could not disown her for fear of tarnishing his perfect image. Back in the old days, families had had "an heir and a spare," but there hadn't been a "spare" in more than a hundred years, all Potter generations since then consisting of only children. By the old rules, unless Sofia was not accepted, she was the "heir," or rather "heiress," and Caspian the "spare" to these particular portraits' eternal horror. They didn't care about Neville because he was not even a Potter. His situation was opposite; if the family magic rejected his older twin, he would automatically become the heir. As it was, he was the "spare" of the Longbottom family and his sister the heiress at the moment. The only way for Neville to claim heirship of the Longbottoms was if Laurel was rejected or denounced the Longbottom name. Anyway, these portraits looked upon Sofia and Neville with disdain as their parents did.

Auntie Beatrice as well as, surprisingly, the big portrait of Sofia's grandparents belonged to the former faction. Like the portraits of all former Lord and Lady Potters before them, Charlis and Dorea Potter hung proudly on the back wall of the entrance hall above the first landing of the main staircase. Both parents were extremely disappointed in their son's actions and highly disapproving of his second wife. They approved of Lily much more which, for Dorea, was saying something as she had been a member of the Black family, notorious in its hatred for Muggle-borns and Muggles. They felt that Alice was nothing more than a gold-digging whore out for the Potter fortune but James didn't care. Both Charlis and Dorea knew now that they had certainly spoiled him far too much as a child and so he had turned out like that. They wouldn't have spoiled James nearly so much but it had been very hard to conceive him. Dorea and Charlis were both 40 years old when he came into the world. Although 40 wasn't even middle age for witches and wizards, the pregnancy had been very hard on Dorea and she was told that she would not be able to have any more children. Children, to both of them, were precious gifts and how James and Alice could treat two of their own with such disgust and loathing was beyond them. Shortly after Alice had moved in with James, he and his painted parents had had a falling out and now the only people they would talk to were Sirius, the son they wish they had bore themselves, Sofia, their granddaughter, and Neville, who was as good as a grandson. Needless to say that at least Sofia knew of some Potters she could be proud to be related to.

Before they knew it, the two children were near the main family quarters where James, Alice, Caspian, and Laurel lived. They had taken the long way around to get there; ordinarily it wasn't too far off from the library's wing.

"Do you hear something?" Sofia said suddenly. Neville turned his head back and forth, listening. From a room further down the corridor, they could both here a muffled sobbing sound. Rushing towards it, they found it to be coming from one of Caspian and Laurel's many abandoned playrooms. Looking in, they saw a young girl, about their age, curled up in a red beanbag chair. Her shoulders were shaking with the force of her sobs. Pale hands were pressed up to her face and scraggly, dirty-blonde hair was falling into it. The girl was wearing a pair of canary yellow dress robes and matching shoes.

"She seems upset." Sofia said. Should we help her?"

"Yeah. Who knows what happened; she was probably teased or something. She seems the sort our twins would tease a lot." Neville agreed. Taking a deep breath, for they had very rarely interacted with other children before, they threw off their Fidelius Cloaks, tucking them under their arms. The girl jumped, her startled eyes, which were protuberant and bluish silver, looking up at them in surprise and a measure of shock.

"Hello!" Sofia chirped, coming into the room and plopping onto a beanbag chair next to the girl's.

"Yeah, hi!" Neville said, taking a chair for himself.

"Oh, erm, h-h-hi!" she stammered.

"Are you okay?" Sofia asked.

"You seem a bit upset." Neville observed.

"Oh, it's nothing; I am used to it." the girl said serenely, wiping away her tears.

"It seems like something. Anyway, I'm Sofia Potter and this is Neville Longbottom." Sofia stated.

"Nice to meet you." Neville added.

"Really? I was unaware that THEY, the children-who-lived, that is, had SIBLINGS! If you were a boy and you were a girl instead of being a girl and boy I would certainly say that you were clones created by the Rot-Fang Conspirators. But I believe you are genuine." she stated calmly.

"Oh." Sofia said, not knowing what else to say.

"So, erm, what's your name?" Neville asked.

"By your sister and brother and a few others I am called Little Loopy Loser Loony Lovegood, Loony for short. You, however, may call me Luna." the girl stated nonchalantly. Sofia gasped and angrily clenched her fists, Neville doing the same.

"Those...those...those...how COULD THEY?" Sofia snarled furiously.

"I...I just thought...it't would...be only us...that they bullied...but YOU? Someone not of the family? That's NOT RIGHT!" Neville stated passionately.

"But I am used to it. I am loony, they all say that. I don't mind, really." Luna said.

"Yes you DO! You were CRYING because of those prats, weren't you? And even if you DIDN'T mind you certainly OUGHT TOO!" Sofia said adamantly.

"It's not right! Nobody should be calling you that. Nobody should be bullying you either." Neville agreed.

"Nor should they bully you. You take what you do not deserve, they receive everything that you ought to have instead. Parents, love, friends and family. You are hidden in shadows but inner gold light shall weaken them, Neville Longbottom, Sofia Potter." Luna's eyes were dreamy and unfocused.

"H-H-How?" the two children stammered. Luna simply smiled serenely at them.

"The Shifting Warpidoodles told me so." she said. Neville and Sofia exchanged curious looks.

"Shifting Warpidoodles?" they asked her together.

"Oh, oh yes. They love to show me things; whether I should skip down the left path or the right path or choose a path to crab-walk down backwards or whether I shan't take a path at all. Quite fascinating creatures, really. They simply love showing off. You shift too, don't you, Sofia?"

"Erm, yeah. The Shifting Warpidoodles told you?"

"Oh yes. But they tell me that you're not entirely alone; you do have family. The pad-footed one." Luna told them. Again, Neville and Sofia exchanged looks.

"We don't just have him anymore, Luna." Neville started shyly.

"We've got you as a friend now, if you'll have us?" Sofia asked. Luna started crying again but this time she was crying happy tears.

"Shall I tell you of myself? Yes, I believe I shall. Mummy and Daddy named me Luna Celandine Lovegood." she said.

"I was fully named Sofia Lillian Evans." Sofia stated.

"And I am Neville Franklin Longbottom." her dearest friend told the young girl.

"It is a pleasure. I shall turn eight on September 2nd. It really is a shame; if Mummy had had me but a day or two sooner I'd have been quite clear to enter Hogwarts a year earlier than I shall be. Daddy says he might talk to the headmaster about early entrance but neither Daddy or Mummy or I think that anything will come of that. I shall be going to Hogwarts along with Ginevra Weasley. We live across the valley in Ottery St. Catchpole from one another. We were friends when we were quite small but have drifted apart. I believe the rackspurts have caused her to forget my name for she calls me Loony now." Luna said. Although she seemed quite calm and accepting of the whole thing neither Neville or Sofia were thick enough, as their twins and the two youngest Weasleys might be, to believe that it didn't hurt her.

"Ignore her, Luna. Ginny Weasley is nothing but a silly little fan-girl, fixed on my twin brother's fame." Sofia stated firmly.

"And have you seen that dumbstruck look Ron gets with Laurel? I'm sure he wouldn't be averse to incest." Neville said, showing his rarely-seen funny side, the side where one couldn't really tell whether he was serious or not.

"EW! Neville, that's absolutely DISGUSTING! I SO didn't need to hear that LOVELY description." Sofia burst out. Neville began laughing, setting Luna off as well with a shy little laugh that grew louder and more confident the more she giggled like the little girl she was, it wasn't time for her to be so serious yet.

"At least I got her to laugh, right?" Neville smiled.

"But like that, you bloody prat?" Sofia asked, reaching around the laughing Luna and lightly slugging Neville on the shoulder.

"Thank you, I do believe I needed that quite badly. Luna said.

"Glad to help." Neville and Sofia said together.

"So we're friends?" Luna asked shyly, her laughter slowly ebbing away along with that of the others.

"Of course." Sofia said.

"Always." Neville added. Smiling, Luna put an arm around each of her friends. It felt so nice to have children around who weren't teasing her, children who had gotten their fair share of teasing themselves. Also, Neville and Sofia were finally glad to have a friend who was their age, a friend who understood them, a friend who took them as they were.

"Always." all three children repeated with a smile.