Disclaimer: As we all know, and must accept, the characters in this fanfic are not of my creation or my imagination, but of J.K. Rowlings. As such, I will make no profit from this story nor will I expect to see this in print elsewhere excepting this only thing I own of this story is the plotline, and how the original intentions of J.K. Rowling have been changed by my design for her illustrious characters in this fanfiction.

Otherwise, please enjoy this story to the best of your abilities, and leave me a critical review of anything you find in need of change such as grammar, spelling, or unverified facts.

Thank you to those who have enjoyed my story thus far. I hope to not dissappoint you or myself, as I plan this story to be as long as I can possibly make it. Stick with me please.

As ever, READ&REVIEW is entirely up to you.

If you don't like this story or have issues with it's machinations, then don't read please.

Fred and George followed Bill out a fair ways into their family's gnome infested garden with all its memories, each contemplating the recent developments of their lives since the end of the Second War. Bill quickly perched upon one of the garden benches and motioned his younger twin brothers to do the same across from him, still looking at his brothers curiously.

"Alright boys, why did you send me the owl?"

George grinned at Bill mischievously, "We only wanted the simple pleasure of advice from a happily married man and soon to be father such as yourself Bill! In the interests of brotherly camaraderie that we all have for Hermione that is!"

Fred grinned at his older brother as he scowled at them, sweeping his hair back from his forehead and looking anywhere but at them for a few minutes. Then he turned sharply back to them and let out a long suffering sigh.

"Look, I know you two much better than you two would think. I am your older brother and I do pay attention you know. You two used to come to me for all of your advice back in the day, and I really miss that about our brotherly relationship boys. The problem right now is- I know you wouldn't send me that owl if you didn't have something you needed to talk about away from Mum or Ginny." Bill said tersely leaning forward and fixing the twins with his equivalent of an evil-eye and leering menacingly at them.

It seemed to work, for Fred and George both had a look of shock on their faces for a moment before their identical grins wiped from their faces and left uncomfortable silence for a few minutes in its wake. This time it was the twins who were avoiding looking at Bill.

Bill grinned inwardly at himself, knowing he'd caught them with whatever they had been hiding. He knew that they would most likely talk to him, but unless he took them un-aware they were not likely to spill the beans anytime soon. He waited patiently for them to gather their thoughts, while he thought dismally of the situation with Fleur at home.

He was happy that she was finally pregnant, but he had plentiful reason to believe that it wasn't his child. Fleur had gone home to visit her parents and sister in Paris just prior to her telling him of her pregnancy. And they hadn't been very physical with each other prior to that. Not for the amount of time she was claiming to have gotten pregnant in.

Bill shifted uncomfortably in his seat, knowing that if he told anybody that they'd all assume he was just being paranoid, but Bill knew that Fleur really didn't want him. Every time she looked at him, in his various states of dressed or undressed, all she saw was his scars and she winced. Nobody else noticed this. Nobody but his fellow Remus, and not even Remus commented on it. Bill suspected that Remus was waiting for him to approach the older werewolf before he said anything, but Bill was wary of admitting his fears yet.

He snapped out of his self-assessment and paid attention to Fred as his younger twin reflexively cleared his throat.

"Well, actually the reason why we wanted to talk to you is because-" Fred looked away, a sheepish blush spreading across his neck and cheeks.

"We had a few reactions to Hermione last night that were unexpected. We never really-" George looked to Bill, a pleading panic in his eyes that Bill had rarely seen in either of his independent and intelligent younger brothers.

"Thought of her like that." Fred finished this statement delicately, the flush on his face reddening again.

"Ah. I see. So we weren't wrong in assuming that you wanted to sleep with Hermione were we?" Bill said arching his brow suggestively at them.

They goggled at him for a moment stunned. Bill rather enjoyed how much his brothers forgot that he was more astute than their other siblings, much as they seemed to notice everything around them, nobody was better at reading the twins than he was- except perhaps Remus and he had heightened senses to aid him on that note.

"Look Bill. . . we're really confused about the situation here. For Merlin's sake she was dating Ron! Honestly not something we'd be proud of, but" George snapped stiffly.

"Yes, we absolutely wanted to ravish that woman silly last night when she looked at us. Her eyes. . . they were mouthwatering and so fucking dark. She was so kissable.. so fuck-able- last night that it threw us off." Fred's dazed glance at George, then back at Bill made it hard for Bill to clamp down on the desire to snigger. Honestly Fred couldn't be less like himself than if he'd switched personalities with George.

"Bill it took all we had to let go of her then and go upstairs to take a bloody long and fucking freezing cold shower. No girl has ever affected us like that. And we've honestly done quite a number of things with a fair few of them."

"Yes, but you two are still virgins. No matter how many girls you fool around with or how many times you get hot and heavy, until you see desire and lust in a woman's eyes that responds or resonates with your own lust and desires... it won't be half as gratifying. You won't feel half as much satisfaction in the purely physical things you do to each other."

"Bill when did you become so knowledgeable about these things mate?" complimented Fred in manly awe at his older brother's sage words.

"That's honestly not the issue here though boys. What I'm most curious about to be honest, is your perfectly gallant treatment of her last night." Bill looked from one to the other expectantly. "You know I didn't even take Fleur to that restaurant until the night I proposed to her. So we're all obviously quite suspicious of you two for that really."

The twins just grinned up at their older brother happily. Bill rolled his eyes and waited for one of them to crack. Finally George spoke up while examining his nails in faux fascination.

"We didn't think about it like that. Honestly we just wanted to make her smile and get her thoughts off of Ron last night. We weren't trying to seduce her or anything."

Bill laughed at Georges words and shook his head. Really he knew they weren't thick, but they had their moments.

"Yeah, and what else did you two do for her out of the ordinary?" he asked them grinning maliciously.

The look of confused consternation on their faces nearly set Bill off again until Fred captured his attention with his next words.

"What the Fuck Forge."

"Gred? What do you mean?" George asked concerned, looking as though he thought Fred had went around the loop.

"How many girls have we taken to Lee's place to drink with us?"

"None. Why?" George looked more confused than concerned now. Bill was shaking silently as Fred slowly revealed the revelation he'd cottoned on to.

"How many girls have we gotten smashed out drunk with, and still had a good time? Without babysitting I mean."

"None." George's irritation was starting to show through now, and Bill was stuffing his fist into his mouth in an effort to keep from throwing his head back and howling out his laughter at George's face.

"And how many times have we gone above and beyond to make a witch comfortable or happy?"

"Huh? We were just being nice this morning Fred. No need to talk like it's-"

"No George. Think. What did you do this morning for Hermione in the bathroom?"

"I transfigured the towels to make them more appealing to her, and I enlarged the tub, and I charmed the lights to dim, and I left all the different WonderWitch products. . ." George's voice trailed away as dawning comprehension made him slack jawed.

Fred nodded mutely at George adding, "And I left those flowers on the pillows for her remember?"

Horror now registered fully on both twins' faces in a sudden epiphany. Bill was now rolling around on the ground, beating the ground and gasping for air while his brothers ignored him for their newfound horror of realization.

"Holy shit Fred, what are we gonna do?" George asked quietly, seeking his elder and more dominant twins' assurances.

Fred shrugged helplessly, thinking over the new information and trying to digest it. A new horror occurred to him while watching a red faced and gasping Bill rolling about the ground laughing at them.

"George! Are we in love with her?"

Bill looked up suddenly at his younger twin brothers in shock. He hadn't drawn up that possibility, and he now wondered at why it was so funny to him that his brothers were unintentionally courting Hermione Granger. A shiver went down his spine, thinking of all the things in his life with Fleur and hoping fervently that Fred and George didn't notice his sudden tension. It was time to pay Remus a visit.

Hermione woke up stretching leisurely and smiling. She knew that it was over with Ron, but somehow after a good nights' sleep it seemed as though it had been a few days ago, in the distant past. She couldn't be too sure how she'd react when she saw Fred and George. After all, when she had seen them yesterday all of a sudden, she had thought it was Ron who was bending over her with concern in his eyes. A small pain in her heart made itself known at this sentiment and her smile turned to a grimace.

Granted, it may feel like distant past now, but that didn't mean she was over Ron. He'd been a complete and fixed presence in her life since the beginning of Hogwarts after their rock beginning. She had thought that they were a sure thing, a fixed point in her future that was reliable. Or had been anyways, until he'd sprung this damn thing on her and made her feel as though years of friendship, and an unspoken promise had been betrayed. Her trust, her love, her friendship were all in deep shit with him now. She didn't know how she'd move on, but Hermione was determined to move on as soon as humanly possible.

She opened her eyes with this thought, expecting Fred or George to be still asleep beside her on the bed and was startled to see a slight indent in the bed where a George sized body had lain all night long and the covers rumpled. On his pillow lay a card and a beautiful pink gardenia, its frothy petals exuding a sweet and subtle scent that she realized had enveloped her earlier on in her sleep. The tips of the petals lightly brushed the stiff card, and she noticed that the card bore a highly elaborate word on the front of it. Picking it up she realized it was her name, written in ink across the front.

Hermione smiled with happy surprise and opened up the card. She read it through twice and even laughed quietly at the snide little jokes that they couldn't help but write. She looked up at the desk and smiled even wider. There was one of their patented hangover potions just for witches. She'd had some before, but not often.

Hermione's favorite was the sweet strawberry flavored one, but she honestly didn't need the potions as often as she'd originally thought. She even surprised herself at how much liquor she could hold before getting smashed out drunk. She had really been only tipsy, borderline drunk when they got home last night. She blushed sheepishly at the line of thought that had brought her to tears before Fred and George hugged her, caressed her and made her feel so.. good. She blushed again, this time at memory of both of their hard cock's pressing up against her through their clothes.

Suddenly deciding that a hot shower was just what she needed to keep her mind off of such ridiculous things (and get washed up.. she didn't know how anybody hadn't cringed at her appearance yesterday without her taming her bushy hair) Hermione threw the covers off of her, scooted across the bed, and turned around to examine the bedroom.

She suddenly realized that George's bed had been pushed up against the wall and Fred's had been enlarged to accommodate the three of them and… there was another note and gardenia on the other pillow. Smiling at the twins' thoughtfulness she made her way around the magically enlarged bed to the bathroom, already longing to feel the hot water running down her body, caressing her skin and soothing away all the aches of yesterday. She grimaced… maybe not all the aches of yesterday, but certainly the bodily ones.

Hastily snatching up her purse on the way there, she started frantically searching for the Muggle shampoo and conditioner she had packed a few years ago while searching for Horcruxes with Ron and Harry. Her eyes began to tear up at the thought of those days so long ago, but she shook her head and swiped at her eyes angrily. She was not going to cry all damn day!

Her hand brushed up against her wand inside the magically enlarged bag and she immediately took it out. It felt perfectly at home inside her hand, and always made her feel more at ease. Instead of summoning her strawberry scented Muggle products and being lazy, she thrust her arm inside still allowing it to present to her all of the items contained.

"Not the empty bottle of dittany. I'll have to replace that soon… never know when I'll need the damn thing what with living with Fred and George now… That'll be my potions kit… the damn broom seat Harry gave me last Christmas… Parchment… quills… all of my ink… where are those blasted toiletries for Merlin's sake?" Hermione muttered, keeping up a constant monologue of her doings as she opened the bathroom door. Looking up absently from the bag and her arm shoved inside, Hermione stopped dead her jaw slack in wonder.

The bathroom was marvelous. It was soft, and warm, and the bathtub just begged her to soak inside it for eternity. On the counter beside the sink was a plethora of WonderWitch products the twins had developed. There was a breath-freshening potion; there were frizz-remover and hair straightening potions; there was a delectable amount of bubble bath choices, and there was an astounding amount of various other products, all of which Hermione couldn't wait to try. And all around the bathroom on every surface, perched candles of every shape, size, and color in random, but relaxed, groupings.

She glanced around the inviting bathroom, knowing instinctively that the twins would never keep their bathroom like this all the time. It just wasn't their style… although as she looked at the towels with her brow arched (they were so fluffy and inviting) she just had to wonder if maybe they did on occasion.

Hermione undressed quickly and selected a few of her favorite products, then chose a few of the other things she wanted to try... particularly the bubble bath that scrubbed your body clean automatically before disappearing. Then stepped across to the towel to run her fingers through the soft fur-like texture and shivered in unexpected pleasure. It was so soft to the touch. It made her feel as though she were running her hands through extremely soft and long fur.

A bubble of happy laughter sounded from her throat. Honestly, the twins really weren't as bad as they used to be. And with that thought Hermione skipped over to the Jacuzzi-like tub to fill the bubble-bath tray and run the water. As the water level rose steadily, Hermione practically danced over to the counter where her poor purse had been unceremoniously dumped and snatched her wand up from its side. She flicked her friendly wand once and all the candles danced with the beautiful blue-bell flames that was her specialty back in first year. She rushed over to the porcelain throne to relieve her bladder and surveyed her handy work.

She narrowed her eyes at the effect the dancing flames produced on the room and flicked her wand again, changing the colors of two-thirds of the candles to compliment and warm the beautiful blue color the flames naturally produced. Satisfied with her work, and done with emptying her bladder, she walked back to the bathtub and shivered in anticipation. All that was left for her to do was relax and enjoy the sweet scented bubble bath and be soothed by the deliciously hot water.

She lowered herself gingerly into the large tub full of scalding water and sighed in content when she leaned back against what was supposed to be the tub, but was in fact cushioned air. She placed her wand in a little niche beside the tub in easy reach, and closed her eyes to enjoy the soothing nature of the water.

Soon however, a curious tingling sensation spread across her body from her breasts outward, covering everywhere except her face and hair. Opening her eyes and looking down at herself, she realized it was the self-cleaning bubble bath at work and she smiled again. She liked how pampered she felt as a new sensation of deep massage spread outward across her tense shoulders and lower back, smoothing out knots and gently cleaning her body in sensuously slow circles.

Hermione thought critically about her attitude yesterday and her reactions to simple conversation between friends and sighed. It was still hard for her to discuss those things with anybody except Harry and Ron… hearing it all last night had made her think with ire back on the time spent with Ron, while he used her. She snorted angrily… She really needed to get over him if she was to have any sort of life in this amazingly magical joke shop run by his brothers.

She noted the sudden absence of the wonderfully relaxing and cleansing bubble bath and made a mental note to ask the twins how they had managed that. While Hermione was considering how long she would take in the bath before she finally got out and headed over to the Burrow.

Feeling a low rumbling growl rip through her midsection protesting loudly of her hunger, she opened her eyes to consider her wand and whether Mrs. Weasley would notice that she wasn't eating much at lunch if she had a few peanut butter and jelly sandwiches before leaving. However, when she opened her eyes, she was surprised to find that all the candles had either burnt up or were well on their way to being that way.

Shocked at how much time she had already spent in the large and comfortable tub, Hermione quickly hauled herself up out of its embracing depths, pulling the stopper as she did. After flicking most all of the moisture off of her body with her own hands, Hermione snatched the towel from its resting place, and hastily dried off. Dimly aware that she would have normally taken time to dry off with the luxurious towel if not for the fact that it was well past the time the Weasley's normally had lunch, Hermione snatched up her wand and did some hasty wand work, cleaning up the water that had pooled at her feet from her hair, dousing the candles, and summoning a set of comfortable but fitted robes to change into.

She dashed across to the counter, and grabbed the first hair potion that caught her eye: Sleakeazy's Magical Hair Potion. The same one she had used during the Yule Ball, and a few times since then, to straighten out her wildly bushy hair. Registering the fact that it may seem to everybody else as though she were trying too hard to make herself look nice after Ron in a petty sort of rebound effort, Hermione decided to use it anyways. She wasn't about to tell anybody that she'd merely relaxed so easily in the wonderful tub that she had nearly missed lunch and had rushed to get ready.

Deciding thus, Hermione dumped the bottle out on the top of her head, then gathered up her hair, working the potion through it until it was saturated down to the roots with the liberal amount of potion she'd poured on it. She then picked her wand back up, and bent forward so her hair was hanging down in front of her face, and performed the complicated little dance of her wand she'd used so many times throughout her Hogwarts career, to emit hot air in a steady stream from her wand. She directed this at her hair in layers with practiced ease, flicking it back into its normal position as she continued and letting the potion work its magic within her hair.

Finally Hermione's hair was blissfully straight, and completely dry. She quickly divested herself of her towel and climbed into her pretty fitted robes. Deciding it wasn't worth it to take the time to put her exceedingly long hair up, Hermione simply grabbed her purse, and Apparated to the Burrow.

She arrived in a swirl of silky lavender robes and she rolled her eyes in exasperation. She hadn't realized she'd put on these special robes that she had picked out for a few of the formal functions she'd been summoned to since the Final Battle of Hogwarts.

'Oh yeah. They were definitely going to think she'd dressed up to the nines today for rebound effect. Shit.' Hermione thought sullenly. Figuring that she shouldn't make them wait on her any longer, she strode purposely forward into the protective wards of the Burrow heading towards where she knew the majority of people would be congregated: the Kitchen.

Fred and George had noticed Bill go unnaturally quiet and rise to his feet as Bill thought of speaking with Remus. They were concerned about him until they all felt the tug on their magical core alerting them that somebody magical had entered the wards set up for the Burrow. Instead of investigating further into what had caused the abrupt change in attitude with Bill the twins set off towards the house at a trot.

They were all still wary because it was highly likely that an escaped Death Eater would come after the Weasley clan, as they were known friends with Harry Potter, and had had a major role in the defeat of their master Voldemort, but mostly the twins were hoping it was Ron and that they would beat Ginny, Charlie and Harry to him to get the first swing in.

Yet, when they rounded the corner they did not expect to see a beautiful witch with melted chocolate eyes and thick, lusciously long hair wearing lavender robes that hugged her body in the most delicious ways as she walked quickly and purposefully to the house, nor that she would stop suddenly as though hitting a brick wall and stare at their drawn wands in shock with her hands slowly raised to shoulder height.

Bill, Fred, and George all stared at this beautiful creature, torn between fascination with her gorgeous body, and wariness at who the hell she could be. A strong breeze rippled her robes around her body, lifting her robes slightly around her ankles, tossing her hair about playfully and causing a shiver to run the length of her body, hardening her nipples through the filmy material.

The breeze carried her scent to Bill, and he lowered his wand marginally as he processed the scent coming off of her. She was ovulating… she had used a hair potion… taken a bubble bath recently… and there was something else more familiar about her that sent his wolfish instincts into overdrive with desire. He lowered his wand to his side and took a step closer to her, opened his mouth-

Then a high pitched girlish squeal sounded behind him, which could only signal that his sister had arrived on the scene. She flew past him and threw her arms around the witch before them happily. The look on Fred and George's face was hilarious, and Bill- though highly disappointed- had to grin at his brothers looking as shocked and confused as he would've been if he hadn't known who it was already.

"Hermione! Thank god you're finally here! I have so much to talk with you about! Come on let's go inside." Ginny gushed to her best friend, still standing there with her arms wrapped around the older witch.

"That isn't Hermione!" blurted George suddenly, looking outraged at Ginny for saying something so ludicrous and angrily at Hermione as though it were all her fault that Ginny was harboring delusions of her being the woman he was now fantasizing about.

The woman in question tossed her head, whipping her hair back behind her and eyes snapping angrily at them. Hermione's voice issued from the gorgeous creature before them, in the exact way that they knew Hermione would, but it just didn't click that this was the same Hermione who had fallen apart before them yesterday and had requested their comfort throughout the night with their bodies pressed up close to hers.

"If you two don't think I'm bloody me than I have no intentions of proving to you that you're wrong! And you can forget about the Undetectable Extension Charm I was going to show you today because I don't think you'll really want to learn it from me if I'm obviously not welcome here by you!"

Harry and Bill threw their heads back and roared out their laughter, amused at the twins' identical expressions of shock and sudden realization painted on their faces. Ginny was obviously fighting to keep from even smiling as she soothed Hermione and assured her that they very much wanted her to be there. Hermione for her part looked haughtily away from the twins and stomped off towards the Burrow with Ginny keeping up with her easily.

'They have a lot of making up to do to her now.' Bill thought wryly as he made to follow Hermione, Ginny, and a still laughing madly Harry through the door into the Burrow's warmth and comfort. Bill glanced at his brother Charlie wanting to talk with him about what had just conspired, but noticed his brow was furrowed in thought. Taking a deep sniff covertly, Bill realized that Charlie was just as turned on by Hermione as he was, and fighting with himself over the morality of the situation. He sighed audibly, causing Charlie to glance up at him sheepishly from the corner of his eyes. 'Especially since now it seems like even Charlie and I have been sucked into the charms of this gorgeous woman. This is certainly going to be interesting.'