Please don't throw things at me! I am so sorry that haven't update recently and I'm also apologizing for BTFML too! School is just really hectic not only with school work, homework, and sport, but also boys uh don't even get me started. I'll try, emphasis on try, and update sooner on all my stories. I don't particularly love this chapter cause I finished it on a whim because of my malfunctioning computer which i need to get fixed. So on with the chapter!

Hermione rolled her eyes and giggled as she watched Harry try and fail to turn a dog bowl into an actually dog. The pair were in Transfiguration Class along with all the other Gryffindor and Ravenclaw 7th years. She put her hand over his and he looked up at her. "James, you're doing it wrong." she said nervously, grimacing.

She still hadn't forgotten what happened the last time she tried to help one of her boys. "Really?" Harry looked down at the dog bowl that was now sporting a nose and fluffy tail. "Can you help me then, Jean?"

"Of course I can." Hermione said a smile sliding onto her face. She held his wand hand and directed in the right movement. "You're flicking your wrist too hard it's supposed to be a swift movement, like so." She demonstrated by using her wand and her dog bowl turned into an actual dog.

"Now you try." Harry nodded and copied what she had done earlier and his dog bowl looked more like a dog than ever. Well, except for the fact it was still blue. Harry and Hermione laughed.

"Well it's close enough." he muttered glancing at Hermione. She blushed a bit and nodded.

"It was a nice try though." She insisted. She took a deep breath and smiled again. "Why don't we try again?" Harry nodded and the pair continued to try to turn the bowl into a dog.

From a couple tables over Luna and Talia were working on the same thing, and Luna was staring at Harry and Hermione. "They make a cute couple don't they." she said abruptly. Talia looked up from her dog bowl turned dog to stare at Luna.

"Who? James and Jean?" she asked. Luna nodded. "I hadn't known they were even dating."

"Oh there not." Talia lifted an eyebrow, confusing written on her face.

"Then why would you say they make a cute couple if they're not dating?" Luna smiled mysteriously and leaned her head to one side.

"Because they will date if I have anything to say about it." she said. Talia blinked a couple times and shook her head.

"You are an interesting girl Nebula Allbetter." she muttered. Luna turned to her the smile still etched on her face.

"Thank you." Talia decided not to respond and the pair continued in silence though a couple tables away Blaise and Clover weren't as lucky.

"De-Devon stop." Clover said a frustrated smile on her face. Blaise had been trying multiple times to put his arm around her waist and his arm kept getting in the way of her wand arm.

"Why what's wrong?" he asked innocently. Clover rolled her eyes, and put her empty hand on her hip.

"You know what's wrong. You keep getting in my way." Blaise pulled back a little, shocked.

"Gosh Siena no need to get testy. I don't what's wrong with you but you've been like this since we got here." Clover scoffed and glared at him.

"Devon there is nothing wrong with me." she said icily.

"Then why are you treating me like this then?" Clover was about to respond when the bell rang so instead she shook her head.

"Just forget it Devon." she said then she walked out of the classroom with Hermione. Malachi walked up behind him and put his hand on his shoulder.

"What's up with Siena?" Malachi asked curiously gesturing to where she just was seconds before.

"I have no idea what's going on with that girl." he replied, shrugging. The pair walked out of the classroom in silence. Blaise glanced over at Malachi, curiously looking him up and down.

"So the others told me you're Draco Malfoy's son?" he asked. Malachi nodded. "You look a lot like him, well except for the eyes of course." Malachi nodded again this time a small smile on his face as he ran his fingers through his blond hair.

"Yeah everyone tells me they're my mum's eyes." he mused.

"Who is you're mum anyway?" Blaise asked, continuing to interrogate the Malfoy heir.

"Oh um…I'm sure you know her, she's pretty famous." Blaise shrugged.

"Humor me."

"Clover Malfoy, ring any bells? Though some still know her by her maiden name. Knight I think it was." Malachi answered. However after he said "Clover Malfoy…" Blaise had an out of body experience. He couldn't even hear Malachi call his name.

"Devon? Devon? Earth to Zorn? Anybody home?" Malachi waved his hand in front of his face when Blaise snapped out of his stupor.

"Um Malachi did I hear you correctly are you sure you didn't mean Clover Zabini?" Malachi furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head.

"No. I'm positive I know who my own mother is. I've known her for seventeen years. Besides it wouldn't be possible considering the fact my Uncle Blaise is married." Blaise didn't get to ask to whom, as the conversation was interrupted by a feminine voice.

"Hey Malachi!" Malachi turned from Blaise to see Talia leaning against the corridor wall. "It's free period remember? We have a meeting with the prefects?" Malachi nodded and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

"Sorry Talia. I forgot." he apologized.

"Of course you did." she muttered. Malachi turned back to Blaise.

"Sorry Devon I've got to go. See you later though?" he said as he walked away and towards Talia.

"Yeah see you later." Blaise replied, though he wasn't sure either of them had heard him as they had already turned the corner. Blaise headed to the portrait of the raven, snake, and lion, said the password, and walked in to see Hermione, Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Draco sitting in the common room. He succeeded in trying not to look at Draco and instead looked at Ginny.

"Hey guys. Where's Clover?" he asked curiously.

"She and Luna are getting ready for the cheerleading tryouts." she answered.

"I still don't know why they're doing this." Hermione pointed out. "It's degrading to women."

"Mione have you seen the way those girls look in those outfits? If that's degrading to women you should try it." Ron mused. Hermione rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at him knocking him off the arm of the couch. Harry laughed lightly from beside her.

"Nice shot." he murmured into her ear. Hermione smiled.

"Thank you." she replied. Ginny saw this and narrowed her eyes at the two; she took off her scrunchy and casually tossed it in between them. They looked at her curiously and she smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry. I was trying to put my hair up and it just flew." she said. "I'll just grab that." Ginny rose from her spot on the arm of the red couch and grabbed the scrunchy then sat down in between Harry and Hermione. "That's better isn't it?"

"Hey ya'll what do you think?" Everyone's head turned to where they had head Clover's voice. There in the doorway of the girls' bedroom was Clover and Luna decked out in muggle trainers, muggle sofie shorts, and muggle tank tops. Ron whistled and Draco smirked.

"Wow you guys look good. I-I mean good for trying out for cheerleading." Ron said shocked as he stared at Luna.

"Thank you Ronald." Luna replied smiling. The girls walked over to Hermione and Ginny and began trying to talk them into coming for the second time. Meanwhile Blaise was trying to figure out a way to approach Draco about Clover.

"Hey Draco could I talk to you for a moment." Draco nodded slowly. "Excuse us." And the two walked away from the group.

"What are you doing Blaise?" Draco asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"No! No, what are you doing with my girlfriend, Draco?" he responded. Draco narrowed his eyes.

"I'm not doing anything with Clover, Blaise. Merlin, what is your bloody problem?"

"You! You're my problem! I found who the Malfoy kids' mother is. You want to know who?" Draco didn't need to ask as he had already figured it out. He looked over at Clover.

After a couple seconds, she had noticed and glanced at him while she was still talking. A blush crept up her cheeks and she smiled then turned back to the girls. Draco heard a snapping sound in his ear and turned back to Blaise who was glaring at him. "I want you to stay away from her."

"Blaise, you can't tell me what to do, mate. If I want to spend time with Clover, so be it. You can't stop me." Draco said defiantly.

"Well I can always stop Clover from talking to you." Blaise retorted. Draco rolled his eyes.

"Clover isn't Pansy, Blaise. She has a mind of her own, and if you knew her better you'd know that."

"I know her perfectly well, Draco." Blaise said more to himself than he did to Draco. Draco however shook his head.

"No. No you don't Blaise or wouldn't try and control her like you are." he said, then he walked away and took his seat on the grey couch.

"Well we're going to head out. Wish us luck." Clover said brightly and she and Luna left the room. Clover and Luna headed towards the Quidditch Pitch, and Clover turned to Luna. "You know you didn't have to come with me. You could've stayed with the Jean and Molly." she said. Luna shook her head.

"No I wanted to come. I think being a Hogwarts cheerleader will be fun and exciting." Luna smiled and Clover smiled back. "Now tell me what is a cheerleader exactly?" Clover giggled and led Luna over to the group of guys and girls in the middle of the pitch. They were just in time to hear Kapri start her speech.

"Welcome Hogwarts students to the fourth annual Hogwarts cheerleading tryouts. I'm sure most of you know me; I am Kapri Weasley, seventh year Slytherin, and current cheer squad captain. Beside me is Darcie Malfoy." Darcie smiled and waved. "She is a sixth year Slytherin and co captain. When I graduate this year, she will be the main captain and will pick one of you to be the co captain. Well, if you make the squad of course."

She clapped her hand and grabbed her clipboard off the bench behind her. "Now let's see if everyone's here before we start. Veronica Zabini, Odette Thomas, Avril Greengrass, Wendy Flint, Gabriella Goyle, Melinda Longbottom, Lyla Diggory, Jackson Creevey, Alabaster Longbottom, Elijah Flint, Siena Kings, and Nebula Allbetter. Are you guys here?" Darcie laughed nervously.

"Um yeah about that, Jackson won't be able to make it." she mumbled. Kapri's smile flashed off her face for a second and she turned to Darcie.

"Say what now?"

"Yeah he's not coming." Kapri gapped a little.

"Wh-why not?"

"His sister told me this morning that he had an accident in Herbology and he won't be able to make it today." she said sadly. Kapri took a deep breath.

"When will he be back?" she asked. Darcie shrugged.

"I have no idea; his sister didn't divulge too many details." Kapri groaned and stomped her foot. Then the pair heard a cough. They turned, their ponytails flying, to see the entire group staring at them. "Uh why don't we try some stunting. To see how well you work in a team. Siena, Veronica, Alabaster, Nebula you're one group, Odette, Avril, Lyla, Francis, your another, Melinda, Wendy, Elijah, Gabriella, you're a group. Now whoever I named first is leader so get started."

Clover turned to the group of teens in front of her and was suddenly relieved that Luna was in her group. "Okay guys why don't we try a simple lift? Veronica you get on one side, Nebula could you get on the other and Alabaster you wouldn't mind spotting from behind would you?" she ordered timidly. When they got into positions, Clover stood in front of Alabaster.

"Now Nebula you and Veronica will need get low and cup you hands in front of you. Be prepared to lift me up. And Alabaster your going to help me up by placing you hands on my waist, get you mind out of the gutter, and lifting me up. Are you ready?" The three of them nodded and the next thing Clover knew she was in the air.

"Great job guys!" she praised. From a distance, she heard a conversation between Gabriella and Lyla.

"I can not wait until Darcie gives us the answer." Gabriella said excitedly. Lyla nodded adamantly.

"I know right. Of course having her as a friend is a great advantage for us." she said. Clover had to blink a couple times to make sure she wasn't watching one of Lavender and Parvati's gossip sessions. "Because really what girls can say they've been to a Clover Malfoy concert?"

"Clover who?" Clover whispered to herself, eyes wide. However, she hadn't realized how shocked she was until, as quickly as she went up, she came plummeting to the ground. "Ow! Is everyone okay?" A good amount of groans were her reply as they all got up off the ground.

"Siena next time try and not jerk your foot." Veronica said holding her head.


"What happened up there anyway?" Alabaster asked.

"Um I just over heard Lyla and Gabriella talking about someone named Clover Malfoy?" she replied. The other two didn't notice Luna smile suggestively at Clover, and Clover roll her eyes.

"Oh yeah. Darcie's mum. My older brother, Nathaniel, likes her younger sister." Alabaster pointed out. Clover furrowed her eyebrows.

"What younger sister?" she asked.

"Imogene of course." Veronica answered. "Technically they're half sisters considering Professor Snape is only Aunt Clo's stepfather, but they consider each sister either way." Clover was too shocked from finding out she was married to Draco, to even realize that her earlier thought of her mum being married to Professor Snape were true. It took Luna snapping her fingers in her ear to wake her from her trance like state.

"Well we should continue practicing how shouldn't we?" she said. Veronica and Alabaster were confused at the sudden topic change but went along with it either way.

Meanwhile four very important first years were having a meeting in the Astronomy Tower. Scarlett tapped her foot impatiently as Nora walked in. "Merlin Nora! What took you so long?" Scarlett yelled glaring at her. Nora rolled her eyes.

"Chill out Scar. Professor Flitwick held us back until everyone had levitated there feathers." she replied.

"How long could that have taken?" Scarlett asked.

"Two words Scar. Fiona Finnegan." Scarlett and Jason cringed, however Dante smirked.

"Did it blow up like it did with Francesca?" he asked laughing a bit. The others looked at him as if he were insane.

"How the heck is that funny, Dante?" Jason asked wrinkling his nose at his brother. Dante shrugged.

"You have to admit it; it was funny when Francesca blew it up. It must have been funny when Fiona did." Scarlett rolled her eyes.

"I wonder where they got that habit from anyway?" Nora mused.

"You know what; we didn't come here to discuss the destructive Finnegan Twins. We came here to talk about a way we can sneak out and go to The Golden Snitch without the older kids finding out." Scarlett hissed.

"Technically Scar this was your idea." Jason pointed out. Scarlett lifted an eyebrow.

"And what difference should that make?" Jason rolled his eyes and Dante sighed longingly watching her. "Anyway there are only two possible ways for us to sneak out undetected. The invisible cloak and the Marauders Map. Both of which are in Lance's possession. Nora is there anyway you could get them?" Nora nodded.

"Yeah Dad's always been apprehensive about giving things of importance to Lance because he always loses them. I know where there hidden at home and he probably put them in the same place in his dorm." she answered.

"And actually Uncle Fred and Uncle George told us that there are secret passage ways that they've never told anyone about. We could us those too." Dante offered.

Scarlett smiled brightly and crossed her arms over her chest. "Perfect its all coming together."

Well what do you think? I would really appreciate the feeback you know. Now the next chapter will be all about The Golden Snitch sneek out and the first time you'll get to see the future kids in a non school setting. And if you want a little deeper info about a certain future kid just tell me and I'll do something about it. Ta-ta for now!