Hey guys~! This is my second fanfic so go easy on me, please!(: Thanks and I hope you like it….
"I would like to introduce to you, a new member of the flock."
I spit out all my soda bewildered.
"What, you accepted a new flock member without my permission?" I screamed at Jeb.
I look over to Fang and he shrugged. Iggy is having a straight face while Nudge was practically excited by the fact of getting another flock member and was rocking on her seat.
"I knew you would be alarmed by this, but she needs help in flying too and I think she will be a great support to your flock."
Psych, yeah right, aren't we already good enough?
I took a strand of my brownish-blondish hair and started curling it with my finger while thinking.
Well, I could always give her a chance...but if she does anything harmful to my flock, she won't live to see another tomorrow.
"She better be obedient." I muttered.
Jeb just chuckled.
"She will, don't worry." He assured.
He beckoned to the door.
"You can come in." Jeb called out.
The door opened and so did our mouths. Standing at the doorway was a...her. Literally. She had messy black hair all over her shoulders which came in contrast with her white complexion (big word alert!). The only thing missing wasan expression on her face which kinda gave her a scary aura. She gave all of us a glance maybe checking to see if were normal. Well good luck is all I have to say.
Is she another Fang? Come to think of it...
"This was our latest clone with the recombined bird genes." Jeb explained.
I looked at the flock. My temper rose when I saw Fang staring.
Just why would Fang would be staring?
Angel looked puzzled as she looked at the girl. Iggy can't see, but he'll soon start asking questions once Jeb leaves.
"This is clone 736947." Jeb says.
The girl flicked her head towards Jeb. They exchanged a look and Jeb nodded smiling a little. She then kinda smiled at us.
What in the world is my old man up to?
"I have a name." She said sounding a bit offended.
Girl has some attitude; I wouldn't blame her, who would like being called a number?
"Sorry, this is Isabelle, she's technically 15 years old, but was...made a month ago, and uh, she doesn't talk much." Jeb introduced.
Well no, duh.
The girl actually looked intimidating, even more than me, but I managed to say something.
"Hello, I'm Max, and this is our flock."
She blinked. I took that as an invitation to say more.
"I'm fifteen, this is Fang and he's fifteen and so is Iggy and Dylan," I continued, "And this is Angel, she's seven, this is Nudge, she's ten, this is Gazzy, and he's eight." I finished.
She nodded.
"Now, that you guys are comfortable, I'll leave." Jeb said.
Comfortable? Yeah, sure.
Jeb leaves and there is an awkward silence. Everyone was silent, even Nudge.
Isabelle just cleared her throat as if she was going to say something, but she just left instead. When she left, everyone sighed of relief.
"She's so quiet, it's weird." Angel murmured.
I nodded.
"She's the girl version of Fang!." Gazzy nodded with a small toothy smile.
Fang gave a thin smile that would still make those girls...um...what are they called- Ah, yes, fangirls squeal to their grave. I felt a bit of color rise in my cheek, but I quickly shoved it down.
"Max, how can someone be so silent?" Nudge asked incredulously.
I chuckled.
Of course she'll ask this question, she's the most talkative person in the flock.
"I don't know, Nudge, maybe she's because too shy."
"How does she look?" Iggy asked.
We laughed.
"We were waiting for you to ask that, Ig." Dylan laughed nudging him in the ribs.
Iggy huffed, "I just want to know how she looks, is she hot?"
I groaned while everyone laughed.
Iggy can be such a pig sometimes…
"Is she?" Ig repeats frustrated.
"She is pretty." Angel answered.
"I just want to know, I mean I'm blind." Iggy said stating the obvious.
No really?
"But Ig, you're getting your eyesight next Monday." Fang said shaking his head.
"You kidding, I can't wait that long, today is Friday." Iggy whined.
I rolled my eyes. All of a sudden, an idea came to my head.
"Angel, have you entered her mind, did you read anything, is something bothering her or something?" I asked.
"That's the problem. I can't." Angel replied looking confused.
I widened my eyes, "You can't read her mind."
"It gives me a headache even if I try."
"That's weird." Gazzy murmured.
"Everyone's weird in their own way, Gaz." I nodded.
"Like being 2 percent bird weird." Fang muttered giving me a small smirk.
Why can't he replace his smile for his smirks? He smirks more than he smiles! It's a bit...unfair. HOLY CRAP! What am I thinking?
Angel giggled and before I could turn bright red, I started moving the flock to the stairs.
"Oh whatever, go to sleep!" I shouted.
Grumbling, everyone goes to their beds. I scanned everyone's rooms; Angel and Nudge were both snuggled in. I went to the next room where Iggy and Gazzy were sleeping in. When I looked inside, they were both smiling...….deviously with their hands behind their back.
"Guys, what are you doing?" I asked slowly narrowing my eyes.
"Oh, nothing, Max, you know the usual, sleeping and stuff." Gazzy said.
Oh God…..
"Give it to me."
"We don't have anything." Iggy said quickly sounding anxious.
"What's behind your hands?" I said with hands on my hips.
Gazzy groaned.
"Here, Max." Gazzy said.
He held out a weird machine that was rusty and had 5 balloons attached to it along with a clock and a lemon.
What the living heck is this?
"What is this?" I asked.
"It's a surprise machine, it will be set to a certain time and the lemon will clean the rust which will set up off the sensitive balloons giving someone the most surprised time of their life." Gazzy explained making all these weird hand movements.
I groaned.
"I don't speak American Sign Language, buster. Now, goodnight."
"Can we have our machine back?" Iggy asked with hope in his blind eyes.
"Not until tomorrow." I replied leaving.
Gazzy and Iggy both groaned.
"Whatever, Max." Gazzy said sleepily before giving himself to sleep.
I walked to my room and saw Isabelle sleeping.
"Goodnight, Isabelle." I whispered as I entered my room.
Ugh, do I have to check on Fang? I want to sleep.
Then, I walked in and was about to sleep, but that's when I saw Fang.
"Hey." Fang nodded.
I rolled my eyes and he sat down on my bed.
"Hello and good-bye." I sweetly said.
He got up and I tried to push him out of my room, but he wasn't budging.
"What, no goodnight's kiss?" He said with a smirk on his lips.
I groaned, "Isa might be awake."
I rolled my eyes and tried to close the door, "Goodnight, Fang."
Fang stopped the door and then...um...kissed me on the lips.
When he let go, he smirked, "See, that's what I call a goodnight's kiss."
I just glared at him trying not to smile. It failed making him smirk again.
Why does this guy have to smirk ALL THE TIME?
"Goodnight, Max." Fang said in a sing-songy voice and left my room.
Is it just me or is he getting weirder and weirder?
The tingling he always gives me just kills me. I shuddered and hurriedly jumped into my bed and covered myself up. Then, I closed my eyes and started falling asleep. But I wasn't able to shake off one thought.
Why do I feel like I've seen this girl somewhere?
Review and tell me if you like it…..I'm an okay updater so, please keep reading. And no, Isabelle is not a Mary Sue or a "perfect person" Trust me, she's far from that. Keep reading and you'll see :)