A/N: xD So, I guess I don't really have an excuse this time. I've gotten into different fandoms and HAVE been publishing fanfic recently... I kind of got Writer's Block for this story is all :P But I'll continue it to the end! Please continue reading :-)

Keep an eye out for the paralleling situations, by the way! ;D It hopefully will get more obvious towards the end.

PLEASE keep reviewing and all! It's my only inspiration for continuing xD

Inside Out and Upside Down

- A Night Out Cold -

Dawn was hyperventilating.

She was blinded by the sudden darkness in the room, and everything has gone completely silent and still. Not a soul dared to whisper anything in the entire restaurant out of fear.

Of course, Dawn was a different story.

"Paul..." came a shaky whisper.

Even in the dark, Dawn swore she could hear his frown. "Now is not the time, troublesome," he whispered back.

What the hell is going on? If this is just a normal blackout... why is everyone so quiet?

Then, the lights flicked back on, illuminating the room once again.

Hell went loose.

To everyone's horror, there was a figure slumped on the ground next to the table with blood staining the carpet beneath her. The gory scene was enough to get children screaming and parents rushing to the exits.

"This... can't be real..." Dawn was frozen in place, quivering and desperately holding onto the table for balance.

Barry and Katherine exchanged the same frightened looks and then looked to Dawn and Paul as if to confirm it.

"There's been a murder," Paul said grimly.


May was sprawled across the living room couch, bored out of her mind. "Do you think those two are having fun on their date?"

Drew, on his stomach on the ground beneath her snorted, "If only Paul didn't run away in horror."

May threw a pillow at him. "Jerk. That's probably what Dawn should've done."

"Touche." Drew continued scrolling on his laptop.

"What are you even doing?"

"I'm tumbling."


The duo shared peculiar looks, and nothing else could be said before Julie burst into the room along with Max. "You guys heard, didn't you?"

"Heard what?" Drew asked without taking his eyes off the screen. Suddenly, they widened. "A murder? In this town?"

May sprung up and leaned over to take a look at the screen. "No kidding! At a family restaurant, no less!"

Drew shifted uncomfortable with the close contact, but his gaze unwavering he continued, "That restaurant name looks familiar..."

May froze. "It's..."

"It is," Drew said, alarm flashing on his face as he recalled dropping Dawn off. "Call them, fast!"

Julie and Max rushed over to the scene with bated breath in anticipation of May's call. May herself fumbled with the phone while it rung endlessly.



Dawn gawked at her cellphone. Who could possibly be calling at a time like this? Paul's gaze had turned irate at the ring however, and she hastened to pick it up and respond.


"Dawn! Are you okay? We heard what happened!"

Dawn let out a nervous laugh. "Ahaha, yeah... they're holding us as witnesses for the night, though."

"Thank god. Sorry your date was ruined!"

In any other circumstance, Dawn would have let it go, but she caught on to the double meaning. "You two are so dead for that! I can't believe you knew!"

"It was Drew's idea! ...May, it was yours, too... Fine, but peer pressure! ...Sigh."

Cracking a smile at her friends' antics, she felt her previous anger loosen. "It's fine. I'm okay anyway, I'll be home late, but thanks for calling!"

"Call us when you need to!"

Dawn hung up, stuffing the cellphone back in her pocket. It was nice having friends who cared... she aimed an accusing glare at Paul, who was seated to her left.

He hasn't said a word since everything happened. Heartless freak. Would it hurt for some comforting words? I was freaking out there!

"Does anyone know how long we'll have to be here?" Katherine tentatively asked, grasping onto the hem of Barry's shirt.

The four had been still at the table under the command of the police along with the rest of the restaurant's patrons as witnesses. There was some talk of the victim on the grasp of survival, but only talk. Dawn was still shaken, and Paul being stone cold as usual did nothing to help.

"Probably all night," Paul answered offhandedly, leaning back into his seat as if making a point.

Let me get this straight. I get set up on a date with my supposed crush by my friends, it turns out to be PAUL, I get humiliated, and now I'm stuck with him and Barry and Katherine for an entire night at a freaking crime scene?!

"This is insane. This is absolutely insane. I'm going to insane." Dawn continued muttering under her breath, eyes downcast and away from Paul.

"If there was any doubt about your insanity in the first place, I'm sure there isn't now," Paul snapped.

Dawn scoffed and gave him a look of pure disbelief.

What is his problem?

"Look, sorry that you have to spend your oh so precious time with me, but I can assure you this will be the last." Dawn glowered before turning away, her arms crossed defiantly.

She peeked out of the corner of her eye to see a reaction from him, but was met with nothing but a stoic face.

He is impossible.

"Oh my, is this a domestic we have here?"

Across the table, Katherine begin laughing with Barry at her side.

Trust her to turn this situation into something romance related...

Dawn opened her mouth to object, but Paul beat her to it. "We're just playing around."

Playing around?! Playing around!? What's he playing at?

Her mouth formed into a frown as she begin to retort, but interrupted again by a kick under the table from the same boy. Alarmed, she glanced over at him questioningly.

Quietly, he muttered, "Katherine will be at it all night if you don't play along."

Dawn's eyes widened as she was caught off guard. That was a sudden change of tune if she had ever heard one.

"Of course, Pauly." Dawn gave him the brightest smile she could muster and patted his shoulder affectionately.

There was no missing the flinch and the glare he aimed her way, but Dawn only smirked triumphantly.

Hey, we're pretending to be together. That means I'm allowed to be a jerk, too.


May was really bored, now.

"This is awful," May whined, bursting out into a comical fit of sobs.

Drew didn't bother to glance. "It's your own fault. You've been at that same spot for more than two hours, now."

May peeked out from underneath her pillow, frowning. "Well that's because there's nothing else to do. If you haven't notice, it's raining outside."

When Drew didn't respond, May heaved a sigh of exasperation and returned to staring at the floor in self-pity. It was a Saturday night, and she was stuck here with absolutely nothing to do.

That's when the power went out.

May screamed and latched onto the first thing she could find, which was a fistful of Drew's shirt. Dismayed, the boy tried shrugging her off but his dismay was no match for her fear.

"It's just a power cut, May, god." Drew rolled his eyes and gave up the futile struggle.

"Yeah, and I can't see anything except for your stupid head," May retorted defensively.

"It's not my fault I'm simply so alluring."

"Funny. You're a real jokester."

"Your words, not mine."

A voice from behind them coughed, "Ahem! If you two are done flirting -"

"It was not-" May began defiantly, turning on the offending comment from Julie.

"Sure it wasn't. But that's besides the point, both of you get up! May, why are you sitting like that?" Julie asked, raising an eyebrow as she shined her cellphone's light on the two of them.

To her defense, it was awkward. May was lying on the couch and her head was on Drew's shoulder, who was sitting cross-legged on the floor in front.

They both quickly retreated and straightened out awkwardly.

Ignoring Julie's chuckling and his own wounded dignity, Drew said, "What do you want?"

"Well, you're bored, right? Do you want to do something besides arguing with each other all night?" Julie asked.

"Do I ever!" May enthusiastically beamed at her savior.

"Well, I have quite the idea..."

Julie began cackling maniacally, and May smile's faltered as she backed away suspiciously.

Drew just sighed. "That's what you get for asking..."


"Okay, how about a classic game of I Never?"

It was an hour into the investigation, and Dawn and Paul were worn out already. Katherine was insistent on getting something out of the couple, and the two were anything but willing to give it.

"Why are you being such a stick in the mud, Dawn?" Barry asked, a comical pout on his face. "I mean, Paul I can understand, but you?"

Oh, god. Is Paul rubbing off on me?

"Fine." Dawn raised her head from the table with a serious look. "Let's go."

Paul looked to her and raised an eyebrow. "Who said you could speak for me, Troublesome?"

"You're not going to listen to your girlfriend?" Katherine mockingly gasped in shock. She then resorted to whispering in Barry's ear while throwing suspicious looks at the duo.

Dawn shot him a victorious smile. You'll have to listen now, Pauly...

Everyone taking Paul's lack of response as a sign of agreement, Katherine offered to begin the game and explain the rules.

"We don't have shot glasses, but we can use the glasses here." The brunette paused and frowned at the glasses on the table. "Water? This won't do..."

Dawn's face contorted into one of confusion. "You mean you want to drink? We're completely underage, Katherine..."

"Nonsense! A little bit won't do any harm," she claimed, smiling innocuously and waved her hands, as if dismissing the matter. Then, she reached over and grabbed ahold of a bottle on the next table, ignoring the defiant, "Hey!"

"You weren't going to drink it anyway!" Katherine called back, bottle clutched in her hands.

"Touche," the other person said in defeat.

Katherine gleefully poured everyone a half glass before settling the bottle back down. "Okay, rules: someone says 'I never' following with something that they have done, and everyone who has done it has to down a shot!"

While Barry responded with enthusiasm, she was met with blank looks from the duo across from her.

"Okay, I guess I'll start then!" Katherine paused to think before continuing, "I've never kissed anyone."

Of course. What was I expecting?

Katherine downed the shot, followed by Barry and a hesitant Dawn. Finally, all gazes turned towards Paul intently, all very curious to know the infamous ice cube's answer.

"Nosy bunch," Paul commented darkly at the stares. After stretching out the silence a bit more, he reached for the drink and gulped it down in one go.

No kidding! Paul? The ice cube? How?

Ignoring all the shocked looks, he retreated to mindlessly staring out the window, with the look that read "I'd be anywhere but here with these idiots."

How did I ever end up liking this guy?


"This was your brilliant idea?"

May, Drew, Max, and Julie were currently all seated on the large living room couch in various positions while a horror movie played on the television up front.

"Well... yes," Julie answered, ignoring Drew's persisting glare.

"This is what people do in rom-coms when they want the girl to scream and fall into the guy's arms," Max commented matter-of-factly.

"That would be the point," Julie replied smugly.

Max's eyes widened in alarm. "What!?"

Julie gave him a blank look. "What?"

"It's just...you...said...you...I..." Max spluttered, at a loss for words at the implication of Julie's plan.

With a raised eyebrow, Julie explained, "Do you want my brother and your sister together or not?"

Max raised a hand to his forehead. "That's what you meant..."

Julie didn't bother to spare him a glance; eyes glued to the movie. "What else did you think?"


The gang back at the restaurant had gone through quite a few rounds, and it was nearing two in the morning. Needless to say, they were extremely exhausted and the alcohol wasn't helping with that.

Whose brilliant idea - oh yeah, Katherine...

Paul seemed to share her thoughts as Dawn caught him aiming a deathly glare Katherine's way when she wasn't looking.

"That's right, Paul, you keep glaring, I think your laser vision is going to kick in soon."

Paul displayed no reaction that gave away he heard, but obviously he did and that was enough for Dawn.


They both looked up to Barry, who was hesitantly shaking Katherine's shoulder. "I think Kathy's out..."

"Ye - I mean yes, she can get a good night's sleep now..." Dawn said weakly, mustering up a smile.

I'd like to take a moment and thank everything holy above. For a second, I thought you didn't exist...

When she was met with silence, Dawn glanced back up at Barry - only to find he has conveniently fallen asleep on Katherine, judging by the soft snores being emitted from his mouth.

I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing...

She glanced at Paul, whose expression seemed lighter.

A good thing?

"Sorry about tonight..." Dawn said. Catching him in a semi-good mood was rare, and she knew better to milk it for all it was worth.

"I would say it's fine, but it's not," Paul scoffed.

"What?" Dawn's face scrunched up in annoyance.

This is what I get for trying to apologize?!

"I'm allergic to shrimp."


"You could've said so," Dawn weakly defended. Now the guilt was on her. Fantastic.

"You shoved it my mouth, Troublesome," Paul growled in response.

Dawn paused for a second, then laughed. "I bet I did."

Who ever said I was mature?

"What?" His gaze turned into one of annoyance as he caught on to her meaning. "For God's sake..."

"Anytime." Dawn smiled, a little more genuine than the last.

Paul only made an indignant noise, but it was better than the infamous death glare. Perhaps the blunette was making significant progress with him. Maybe, just maybe...

"Just don't bother me. I'm going to sleep."

He just can't resist ruining the mood, can he?


May's head landed mysteriously on Drew's shoulder, while Julie and Max high-fived in success.


Dawn was slumped against Paul's lying figure, while Katherine and Barry exchanged a victorious fist-bump.