I was hoping to update sooner, sorry but I've been pretty busy.

Talk about 'Happy New Year':/

But anyway; here's the new chapter – contains swearing – enjoy!

"Right, so here's the list I got, it's pretty pathetic to be honest." Claire handed him the list of songs that she had quickly shoved into her pocket when Eve walked in.

"Nice choice, I can play them." He winked at her. "They don't have to be Christmas songs you know, we could have anything."

"Yeah, uh, I really don't know." Claire chuckled and put her head in her hands.
"I really want this to be special." Michael sighed "Maybe we could write a song for him."
"Yeah, sounds good," She smiled as the thoughts and ideas flooded into her head. "Can we tell Eve? I've agreed to it now, so she can't harass me and she might have some ideas." Michael sighed.
"I wanted to do something for Eve too. If you don't mind, she could still know about it if you wanted though." Claire thought that was so sweet.

"Duh course I don't!" She shrieked. "We've got to think of some ideas! This is going to be awesome!" She jumped on the spot.

"Whoa, slow down!" Michael laughed loudly.

"Sorry, I'm just excited, but what if it isn't good enough? We only have one day to practice and that's it! I can't do this, I really can't." Claire was babbling now, she couldn't control herself the tears were stinging sharply in the corner of her eyes. "I love him Mikey, I really do!" With that Michael pulled her into a close hug and stroked her hair. "I love you as well, just not as my boyfriend." She giggled.
"I know Claire, shhh." He said comfortingly. "I love you, you are the best little sister in the world!" That made Claire smile.

"Why didn't he tell me?" Claire asked pulling away from Michael's hug his face showed confusion as if he had no idea what he meat. "About Alyssa,"

"Oh, uh, I honestly don't know Claire," He said shaking his head. She hugged him again and despite the fact that he was a vampire – who tend to be cold – it was full of love and warmth nothing could've ruined the moment until:

The door slammed.

Shane was home, and his dead, emotionless face charged past them into the kitchen.

"Someone's unhappy," Michael mumbled under his breath and Claire pulled away sobbing even more. "Stay here." Michael said protectively. Claire nodded and he slowly walked into the kitchen. Mumbling, Claire could hear the two guys mumbling, and then the sound of plates crashing that echoed throughout The Glass House like a sharp sword scraping against the outside walls. Claire slowly itched towards the door unsure of whether to go into the room.

"Dude chill!" Michael screamed.

"Don't tell me to fucking chill you son of a bitch, you have no idea what this is like!" Shane screamed back.

"We are here for you!" Michael screamed before calming down and lowering his tone: "Come one man, you need us. Just calm down and we can talk."

Claire couldn't cope with it. She curled up into a ball beside the door and cried into her knees, cried for Alyssa, cried for Shane, everything he's been through, a stupid song couldn't make up everything that's gone on in his life. They argued for a while, Claire wasn't sure how long it actually was – but it felt like forever. Finally Shane said something quietly and he barged through the wooden panel making it smack against the wall which reacted by shaking violently. Vampire-speed, Michael followed him pinning him against the wall. Shane sighed loudly and silence fell upon the house. Was he giving up? He had a small cut on the side of his head plastering his forehead in fresh blood.

"You know you want to." He teased wiping the fresh blood from his brow and shoving his fingers into Michael's furious face, Shane was probably right. Michael did want to drink his blood right now. Claire finally found her voice and spoke up:

"Shane!" She yelled. "Will you just stop it?" She stood up and glared at him from across the room, a single tear fell down his emotionless face and he glared back. He didn't look like Shane. At all. He looked lost, as if he'd just wondered from the homeless building. He looked as if he'd been released from prison – or escaped. He wasn't the real Shane, he couldn't be. Claire didn't know who this person was. She didn't want to. All Claire wanted to do was snuggle up in Shane's arms. The Shane that she knew and loved.

"What? He wants to drink my blood." He stated as he ignored his tears and smiled. "We all know he does, come on Mr Glass, dinner is served." Michael stayed silent. How was he restraining himself like that?

"You have been drinking." Michael stated.

"No shit Sherlock."

"Shane I know your hurting," She began walking towards him. "But just calm down. Please?" She begged walking towards him and Michael. Shane body relaxed and Michael slowly let his grip loose. The door slammed.

"What the fuck happened here?" Eve screamed.

"Come on Eve," Michael hooked her arm and led her into the kitchen. "I'll give you two a moment." He whispered giving Claire and Shane a sympathetic look. The kitchen door shut and Eve was shouting at him, it wasn't clear like it was with Shane and Michael, Eve's shouting was muffled.

"Shane, I'm so sorry."

"Just leave it Claire!" he said as he walked over to the couch,

"But Shane-"

"Leave it." He said louder and sharper that time.


"Do you not get the message Claire? How stupid are you? I thought I'd made myself clear! I don't want you here! I don't want anyone! Go away! Just go! How can you not get the message? It's simple. Now get lost!" Claire could feel the tears slicing down her cold face like daggers. It was as if she'd just been brutally stabbed straight in the heart. Claire rushed to her room, slamming and violently locking the door shut behind her. She heard another door slam louder than hers had, it was obviously Shane, he'd had practice at it. She slumped down with her back against the cold wall. Eve and Michael ran upstairs.

"Shane, what the hell have you done?" Michael shouted furiously, as Eve's clunky military boots ran over to Claire's bedroom door.

"Claire Bear open the door, please." Eve begged slamming on the door.

"I'm fine." Claire choked.

"No, Claire, open the door."

"I'm fine!" Claire snapped loudly. She didn't want to hurt Eve's feeling.

"For God's sake Shane!" Eve yelled slamming her fist into the wall. She let a quiet whimper escape her black lips. It hurt. "Claire was just trying to help you; you can't take your anger out on her! She has done nothing wrong, it's not like she was the one who killed Alyssa!" Eve instantly regretted saying that last part but she didn't stop her speech. "I know I sound like a real bitch but I understand your pain, you aren't the only one who's ever lost somebody, you know! You can't take this out on her, me and Michael, we don't care; be a dick to us not her. She's your girlfriend, she loves you and you love her! And don't you dare act like you don't Collins because I will kick your fat, lazy ass! You have no right to be mean to her. She wasn't even here when your fucking sister died, so don't take it out on her. I know I'm being nasty Shane but just apologize to Claire, you need her and you know you do!" Eve took a deep gasp for breath and at some point in her rant Shane had come out from his room. He quietly mumbled something Claire couldn't hear. "You son of a bitch!" Eve screamed as she lunged for Shane but Michael held her back.

"Don't do something you'll regret man. Your anger is controlling you."

"Shut up, both of you! I'll break up with her if I want to!" Shane yelled and at that exact moment the entire house went cold. Claire felt the whole World sink into darkness. Someone was banging on her door and shouting. Claire's whole life had been torn apart. She was heartbroken. "I'm breaking up with her Michael! You can't make me be with her! I don't want to!"


Sorry, I know it's short, I havn't had much time, as I said.

I don't know when I will update next because I want to stay a few chapters ahead.

And I would reaaallyy appreciate it if you could review, I'm open to negative or positive as long as it's a review I'm grateful because that means I can improve my writing(: yaaayyy!

Thanks for reading(:

Emily xx