Sonic Adventure: Epic Version

Disclaimer: I do not own Sonic of affiliates. He and his friends and his enemies and all that good jazz are owned by SEGA. I do not claim ownership to them, nor am I making this story for profit.

Warning: Rated T for violence and some descriptions of excruciating pain (nothing super visual, just the pain part). Please use discretion when viewing.

Chapter One: Back home

It had been two years since Sonic had left to go on what he would call a "chillaxing" vacation. That is, he was touring the globe, not stopping at any particular spot except to stay the night. During the day, he was usually visible by the thirty foot tall dust cloud that he kicked up behind him as he ran. People would try and catch photos or glimpses of the blue blur as he passed, yet no one had gotten any real photos of the new him. Not until recently, when he finally decided to stop by in a city known as Station Square.

Station Square was s rather large city, seated at the very edge of Emerald Ocean. The ocean itself spanned wide, connecting the continent of Terra to the continent of Mobius, or the largest continent on the actual planet called Mobius. The mobians, usually resembling versions of animals that carried some humanoid features, had been used to being the only race. Recently, however, humans had found the planet and were settling on it, and had made peace with such mobians. They called themselves Terranians, though they were just humans by the standards of just about anyone else.

Station Square itself was perhaps one of the largest cities that the humans lived in. It was also the main city where mobians and humans coexisted in peace and harmony. There were friendships commonly formed between the two races, as well as a few relationships, but nothing real serious. And this was where Sonic returned.

No one knew it at first. A rumor had spread and tongues were wagging about how Sonic had supposedly returned, yet no one truly knew until the night of his return. Some people could hear him, or catch brief glimpses of him, as he leaped from building to building, on his way to a very tall building that was near the coast. He settled on it and now was visible at the edge.

"Heck yes! This is what I'm talking about! Back home after a long time, and things are more lively than they ever have been! I guess that Eggman must have finally settled down?" he said, crossing his arms and looking around at the city below him.

Suddenly, something caught the attention of his ears. Sirens, police sirens. As he looked down, a force of police cars sped along the roads, heading towards the main building in the city. "Or...maybe I'm wrong? I wonder what's got them all frazzled. Usually don't see S.W.A.T cars going somewhere so fast..." he leaped down to ground level and dashed after them.

The cars had stopped in front of the mayor's building. It was a tall, red building with many windows covering the front of it, all of them square. The building had a small parking lot out front, with an entrance inward, guarded by a high wall. The inside had a nice, white, cobblestone courtyard that was lit up by tall lamps that shone down white light. At the edges, leading up to the double doors, were nice, well-trimmed bushes and a couple of ferns as well. The doors themselves were carved from quality oak, and it had a marble balcony hanging over it, which was supported by two large granite pillars.

Sonic had leaped up on top of the high wall and was watching what the S.W.A.T team was doing. They were barring the front of the courtyard, and aiming several guns at something. What it was surprised Sonic, and usually there wasn't much that surprised him. It was a mobian type being, made purely of water. It had two "quills" hanging back from its head, and it's eyes were large and glowing green. It had two large hands that were in the shape of claws, and its feet were large and strange looking, almost indescribable as any type of shape other than perhaps resembling roots from a tree's trunk. There were two things, however, that really got to Sonic. One was that there was a brain of sorts floating inside of the thing's head. The other was something that he ended up witnessing within the next few seconds.

A megaphone called out, "Halt, creature! You are completely surrounded! Surrender yourself or you will be shot!"

The watery monster flung its fist forward and punched one of the men that was in front of it. That man went flying out from over the cars, into the park outside. He was knocked out cold. As Sonic turned back, he watched all of the machine guns going off and the men firing their pistols at the monster. The bullets, however, were not doing anything. Rather, they were stopping inside of the monster before simply falling out uselessly.

One of them called out, "Stop! Our weapons are practically useless!"

All of them stopped, and something of a menacing grin appeared inside of the monster's features. "Commander, what should we do?" one of them called out. The fear in his voice was unmistakable.

That was when Sonic leaped down into the courtyard and called out, "Hey, you big blue freak of nature! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

The eyes turned to him, and stared right at his. It sent chills down his spine, but he shook it off and motioned his finger to beckon it towards him. He wanted it to pick a fight with him so that he could utterly destroy it. It did not take to his beckoning well and flung its fist at him. He watched it stretch out on the water, and he simply stepped aside. As it shot past him, the strand of water connecting it got shorter and shorter, and finally, it was short enough that Sonic easily snapped it by poking it with his finger.

It wasn't very happy about losing it's hand like that. If flung its other arm at him, as if thinking that it might help it hit him. He stepped aside, again, and then he rolled himself into a ball and performed his "spindash" maneuver that Tails and him had perfected in the past. He spun on the ground in such a fashion that he didn't move forward, yet he built up spinning speed until he was at the highest it could go. Then, before the creature could even move, he zoomed forward and blasted through it, making contact with the membrane of sorts that was floating in the creature.

It burst apart into a huge amount of small water droplets and Sonic landed near one of the bushes and looked back with a smirk. "That'll teach it not to-" he started before cutting himself off. All of the droplets and puddles of water had reformed into one, bigger puddle which was now forming itself into the creature again. This time, its eyes were narrowed into a glare, and it was looking right at him.

It lunged at him, bringing both its fists forward. To someone who was slower, it might have seemed impossible to dodge. But Sonic easily leaped above it and then propelled himself downwards towards it, pile driving into the membrane once again and sending the droplets everywhere. However, it was quickly trying to reform now, this time around him!

It took his full effort, but he managed to break away from it and skid to a stop near exact middle of the courtyard. When the creature came up again, the membrane was glowing a soft pink and the creature seemed perfectly enraged. Perhaps it was not happy that it was losing to what it thought should have been an easy battle for it.

"Come and get it!" Sonic called to it, grinning and getting back into his standard battle pose. For him, at this point, that he meant that he got fairly low, with his left leg in back and his hands spread apart. He looked ready to spring at any given moment.

As for the watery creature, it did not reply. Instead, it suddenly snatched one of the tall lights that towered about the courtyard, and leaped up to the top if. From there, it launched attacks with its fists, trying desperately to hit the hedgehog from a perch that it could not get him from. Sonic dodged every attack, and kept taunting it, hoping to annoy it to the point where it would come down to try and fight him. And that it did, the membrane glowing a blood red as it dove down towards him, attempting to hit him with one final attack.

Once again, this didn't work. The creature was outmatched by the blue blur. He simply leaped up, rolling into a ball again, and slammed himself through it. It spread apart into the separate water droplets and puddles again before reforming, but this time, the creature didn't pop out. Sonic grinned and knew now that he had defeated it.

But still, just in case, he watched it carefully. He could feel that it was still watching him for a second, but then it suddenly started dashing away from him as fast as it could, heading towards a street drain. "Hey, come back here!" Sonic said, dashing after it. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw that it slipped into the drain, disappearing from sight and leaving him just standing there.

After a while of just staring at where it had gone, he said, "Good riddance to you!" He turned around and headed to the police cars, where the officers were now coming back into the courtyard.

The commander of this small detachment, a tall man with a burly frame and wild red hair complete with a rather untamed beard and sideburns, came forward and grinned at him. "Thanks for the assistance, Sonic! We wouldn't have been able to stop that thing had you not come!"

Sonic shrugged and said, "Bullets don't often work against water anyways. What was it doing here, though?"

He pointed to one of the windows, which was broken. "It had broken into the building, looking for something. People said that it was searching the jewelry there for something. We believe that it was looking for the Chaos Emerald that had been stored there, but after getting caught, it jetted, probably trying to get away without a hitch. It's a good thing that you showed up when you did, Sonic!" the man said, and then he added, "Unfortunately, we're going to have to set up a police investigation zone around here. Some of the detectives want to have a look at what it was trying to do, and as much as we want to, we can't dissuade them."

"So that means I need to get out of here, then?" the blue hedgehog asked, crossing his arms.

The policeman nodded. "Unfortunately, yes. Heck, even we aren't allowed in unless it's on official business. They're that picky about this."

Sonic slowly nodded and he said, "Alright, then. I'll be sure to keep out of your way."

"By the way, your sister was looking for you, in case you're interested in finding her again," the man told him.

Sonic wasn't really interested in doing that. After all, he thought that his sister was perhaps one of the most annoying people in the entire world. "Nah, if she finds me, I'll talk to her. As of right now, I'm going to find myself a new hotel room and get some sleep."

"Just be careful, Sonic. Not everyone likes the fact that you're back," the guy said. There had been trouble recently with people actively proclaiming that the fact that Sonic was back had to easily be the biggest myth that had ever been spread about. There were also people destroying things that were simple merchandise sold with Sonic's name.

Sonic listened to some of the explanations of what had been going on of late and smirked. "They think they're so cool, don't they? Just wait until they come up against the real thing!" he stated before he left the courtyard and headed to the hotel by the ocean. It was a tall, five story building that was capable of housing nearly six hundred people. The rooms were always nice, complete with a comfy bed, a small TV, usually at least one window, and a bathroom. The best rooms, and the ones that people wanted to go to, were the ones that had balconies facing the ocean, for they had great views and the sea breeze was often great.

He very front door was a nice set of glass doors that seemed to crumple inwards as they opened up for him. On the inside, the first section was a nice area made with white tiles, and it was where the front desk was. Upon walking up, the man at the counter jumped up at the sight of him. "Why, if it isn't our very own Sonic the Hedgehog!"

Sonic frowned and he said, "You're very own? What's that supposed to mean?"

The man stood up and grinned. The grin showed his dazzling white teeth, which Sonic thought were unrealistically white. He was dressed in a nice suit, a tuxedo in fact, and he had neatly trimmed blond hair that was wavy and well combed. Sonic stared at him, thinking that he was rather ridiculous for dressing the way that he did. "Our entire hotel is almost devoted to you as a fanbase!"

Sonic shook his head and sighed. "Whatever, can I get a room? Preferably by the seaside?"

The man said, "We have a room at the top floor specially-"

Sonic put some cash on the counter and said, "I'm getting a different room. I don't trust reserved rooms."

The man let out a gasp of surprise. "But Sonic, how can you say that! What about the standings of our hotel?"

The blue hedgehog shook his head and said, "No exceptions." Besides, the guy creeped him out completely anyways.

The room that he managed to get was, of course, one by the seaside, on the second floor. Room 283, the room was. It was as nice as any of the hotel rooms that were there, and the balcony was a nice addition to the already rather serene state of the room. Sonic sighed as he looked out at the ocean, the waves flowing and crashing against the beaches, though no one was really there save for a few crazy people that liked being out in the waters at night.

He sighed as he walked back inside and laid on the bed. "This is going to be one heck of a crazy time..." he said before grinning and staring at the ceiling. "Which means that I'm going to have a heck of a lot of fun, aren't I?"