Though it's fairly obvious when you read it, I thought I'd better mention that the huge chunk of this chapter that's in italics is a flashback – therefore is purposefully in third person even though it's included in Debbie's POV. I hope you like the last POV I added; it was very fun to write.
Also, I got a little teary eyed when I first thought of the idea for the flashback, so if you cry easily – like me – you've been warned.
Debbie's POV
Where the fuck were those two at? Now there's a question that's easy to answer. I'd rather hoped they'd stop fucking like rabbits for one night though; we're supposed to be welcoming Sunshine home. I know our welcome won't be quite as appreciated as Brian's but that doesn't mean we're not gonna try. I got everyone here; Em, Ted, Blake, Drew... I even managed to drag Carl along. Shame I couldn't get through to Michael; I'd tried when my shift ended but he must have been out. The idiot – and the idiot's husband – both had their cells turned off too. He'll find out eventually I suppose. I left him plenty of messages... Melanie and Lindsay were out too; must have been a family outing I guess.
"There they are," I said as the door opened. "Or not," I finished, seeing it was only Jennifer and her boyfriend.
"Should someone call them?" Emmett asked.
"Like they'd stop long enough to answer," Ted replied, chuckling.
"Stop what?" Jennifer asked, the answer dawning on her when she realised who was absent. "Really?" She asked disbelievingly. "They're not here? I know they left in a hurry when they came to see me but I thought they'd have gotten it out their system by now."
"Stop sniggering," I told Ted and Emmett, smacking them round the head. I was too annoyed to join them; they'd left the diner in quite a hurry too. Their sex drive never ceased to amaze me. I elbowed Carl, trying to convey that he should go talk to Jennifer's boyfriend who was starting to look a little uncomfortable. I could just imagine his face if he saw Babylon... It made Woody's look like a children's playground.
"Fucking finally!" I exclaimed when they eventually showed up, both looking like they'd dressed hastily – probably too busy fucking to remember there was a party. "What the hell have you been doing all afternoon?"
"The other," Em chipped in from beside me. Sunshine just smiled knowingly, carefully avoiding him mothers gaze as Brian rolled his eyes at Em and Ted who were laughing like a bunch of school girls.
"Try not to think about it," Jennifer warned Tucker who was looking slightly confused.
As Carl offered to get the drinks in, everyone heading to the bar to place their order, I took the oppertunity to talk to Brian. "I told you so," I said, pulling him aside. He smiled, knowing exactly what I was referring to.
It was three weeks since Justin had left for New York. Three weeks since they'd last seen each other. Three weeks since they'd said goodbye at LaGuardia Airport after getting Justin settled into his new life.
The woman most concerned with this goodbye hadn't been present when it happened, but she didn't have to be. She'd been the first one to see Brian's face when he'd returned home; an empty apartment being too much for him to handle, he'd shown up on her doorstep at midnight, asking if he could stay. Like mentioned; that had been three weeks ago. She'd gotten him to go home after that, now the problem was getting him to leave.
As she rode the elevator up to his floor, all she knew was that if he didn't open the door when she got there she would break it down. Worry didn't come close to describing it. Who knew what the fuck he was doing to himself; she just hoped he was right minded enough to prevent something irreversible from happening. Bracing herself for the worst outside the door, she balanced the dish of tuna and macaroni she was holding in one hand and knocked three times. She counted to ten; nothing. She tried to keep calm, as she tested the door to see if it was unlocked...which it was. She pushed it open, her mouth falling open in shock at what lay beyond.
The loft, usually so immaculate in its upkeep, seemed to have fallen into the same despair that had become its owner. Everything was a mess; dirty dishes in the kitchen, clothes flung left right and centre, desk overflowing with documents, most falling to the floor... It was like Brian just didn't care anymore. Just when she thought her heart couldn't break enough, Brian appeared at the top of the steps to his bedroom, a hopeful excitement on his face which disappeared the second he saw it was only Debbie.
"I thought..." He said, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose; hiding his pain like he always did, though this time in vain. He turned to his right, pounding the wall with his fists before his knees gave out and he dropped to the floor. He sat on the top step with his head in his hands, trying control the shudders in his shoulders.
"Oh, Brian," she sighed tenderly. She put the dish on the counter, moving to sit beside him. She put her arm around his shoulders as he turned towards her; needing her shoulder to cry on. He'd always been like a second son to her, but this was the first time she'd felt like he was seeing her as a mother. She held him for a long while, letting him get it all out. It really did feel like the poor boy was pouring his heart out, trying to get it all out of him so he didn't have to feel the pain that came with having one. She'd always known he loved Sunshine, but she was still surprised to see how much.
"Tell me what's wrong, Chiquitita," she asked when it seemed he had stopped crying.
"Don't mention that song," he told her, sniffing as he composed himself. "Appropriate as it is all it does is remind me of...dancing in the street after he was... I promised he wouldn't forget that one."
"You miss him don't you?" She asked, to taken aback at his behaviour to realise the stupidity of her question.
"I think that's fairly fucking obvious at this point," he said, standing up and beginning to pace along the length of the kitchen counter.
"Then why the fuck are you sat here feeling sorry for yourself? Why isn't your ass in a plane to New York?"
"Because I'm scared!" He yelled, turning to face her. "I'm scared, Deb," he admitted softly. He took a deep breath, masking his pain again. He went and sat on the sofa so she wouldn't see what had become of him. She could only stare; never in all the time she'd know him had he ever admitted something like that, looking that vulnerable.
Mechanically she stood up and went to the kitchen, dishing him up a plateful of the food she'd brought. She took it over to him, thrusting it under his nose and forcing him to take it from her. "Eat," she told him sternly. He grudgingly took the plate and started to half-heartedly pick at it; anything for a distraction. When he'd finished she started on him again.
"Why are you scared?"
He should have known she wouldn't give up. "A few reasons," he replied.
"Like?" She prompted. She'd get it out of him whether he liked it or not.
"Well going there's all fine and dandy but what about coming home? Do you even realise for a second how hard it is to walk away from him? To leave him without knowing if I'll see him again, never mind when." He was being hard on her, he knew, but she could take it.
"And the actual reason?" She asked. "For I suspect there's only one really, and that wasn't it, Sweetheart. You can't fool me. You've said goodbye before and lived it's not gonna kill you to do it again. Now, why won't you go to New York? What are you really afraid of?"
He sighed, admitting defeat; he didn't have the strength to fight her on this. He was going crazy in the loft all by himself, he needed someone to talk to. Also he wouldn't be able to get rid of her till she was satisfied. "I'm scared he'll have moved on," he confessed. "And I can't pretend I don't care and that it doesn't bother me like I did the last time. I'm not that person anymore, Deb. If he has moved'll kill me."
"I know, Honey; you love him."
"I've always loved him," he admitted. "Ever since that second time I spent with him. I just don't fight how I feel anymore. Feeling sucks; and not in the good way."
"I know, Honey. But there's no pleasure without pain – I'm sure you know that."
He chuckled once. "Not very often."
"Brian, you need to go to New York," she told him. "I know it'll be hard, but at least you'll know one way or the other. Not that I think he'll have moved on. That kid fucking loves you; has since he was seventeen."
"No buts. Besides, he'll come back here someday; maybe not for a while, but it'll happen."
"What makes you so sure?"
"Because you're here, and he always comes back to you. He came back after the first time you fucked him, after he got kicked out his home, after his bashing, after his fiddler turned out to be an even bigger asshole than you, after his Hollywood dream died, after you pushed him away when you had cancer, after-"
"Okay, okay; I get it."
"Either that or you'll expand your business up there. What I'm saying is; you'll find a way of being together. Now, get your stubborn ass off this sofa and book a fucking flight to New York."
"And what happened when you got there?" I asked, reminding him.
"He ran at me so fast and hard that he knocked me down. Everyone was staring and we were just laid on the floor, kissing each other without a care in the world. Too happy at being together to worry about anything else." He'd stopped talking to me; he had that look in his eyes as if he wasn't looking at anything in front of him. I suspected he was lost in the memory...and the ones that – knowing those two – undoubtedly followed. "I'm glad he's back... How did you know?" He asked, his change in tone catching my attention. "You were so sure then, even when we lost contact you didn't waver. You still believed he'd always come back."
"Mother's intuition," I replied. "They all come home eventually."
We both smiled as Justin came bounding over, leaning up to kiss Brian before handing him his drink. "Thanks, Sonny Boy."
"Here you go, Deb," Carl said, handing me a glass of wine.
"Thanks, Honey," I replied. "Well, I think it's about time someone made a speech," I said, raising my glass in Brian and Justin's direction.
Finished with his drink, Brian set his glass down on the table behind him, moving behind Justin and wrapping his arms round his waist – basically volunteering him.
"Okay, I guess I'm making the speech. Thanks for that, Brian." He just laughed in response, kissing his jaw. "Erm...where to start? The beginning would be good I guess. So, I knew from the first time I met him that I wanted my future to be with Brian. I then spent the next five years wanting him to ask me to marry him-"
"Then he turned me down when I did," Brian commented.
"I said yes the second time," Sunshine replied. "So I'm very grateful that after I foolishly left for three years that he still wanted to ask me when I came home."
Brian turned him around in his arms so they were face to face. "And I'm grateful that he still said yes to an old man when he could have any guy he wants."
"I've always wanted you; I love you." They were about to kiss, their lips centimetres apart when...
"You've got to be fucking kidding me!"
"Michael!" Ben scolded. He wouldn't be the only one to scold him if that tone indicated what I thought it did.
"Surprise..." Hunter finished lamely.
Surprise indeed. I knew exactly who to blame; my suspicions confirmed when it seemed Ted and Emmett had conveniently disappeared for the moment. Boy would they be sorry when I was through with them. That reaction from Michael was exactly why I'd wanted to call him. This was going to be a long night...
Brian's POV
"Daddy!" Gus shouted, appearing from behind Michael and Ben and running full pelt towards me.
"Hey, Sonny Boy," I said as I caught him in my arms, lifted him up and hugged him close. Over his shoulder I watched as Mel and Lindsay appeared in the doorway. They both moved forwards, greeting everyone. Of course Debbie all but snatched her granddaughter, who until that point had been perched on Mel's hip. I put Gus down, hugging Lindsay.
"I told you so," she whispered before moving on to hug Justin.
"Melanie," I said in greeting.
"Oh come here," she said, hugging me, much to my surprise. "Congratulations. We knew he'd come back."
"What?" Justin asked, having overheard. "You all knew that I'd come back?" He asked looking at everyone.
"Pretty much," Hunter summarised. He was stood next to Debbie, trying to entertain his little sister - aka distract her. It wasn't up to Babylon's standards but Woody's wasn't exactly the ideal place for a four year old.
"Mickey," I said, noting he hadn't joined the party. "It's a family reunion; aren't you going to join in?" I asked for he was still stood resolutely in the doorway. Even Ben had moved to greet everyone.
"I don't believe you," he said, slowly stepping forward.
Please no, I thought. I desperately hoped he wasn't going to ruin the best day of my life, but I sensed where this was going, knew how it would end... Please let me be wrong. I leant down and whispered in Gus' ear. "Go see your mom okay, Sonny Boy."
I moved forward from the group, trying to get some distance between the happy celebration behind me and the contempt I could feel rolling off Michael. I'd hoped to protect Justin; he'd never really heard the things Michael could say sometimes, but I felt his hand on the small of my back as he moved forwards. I put an arm out, my fingers wrapping around his hip, keeping him slightly behind me.
"You're seriously forgiving him?" He asked disbelievingly.
"Michael," I warned. "Don't. Do. This. Not now, not again." He didn't seem to hear me.
"Have you forgotten what you were like after he left you?" He questioned, ploughing on despite the warning. "Again," he emphasised, rubbing it in. Justin moved from behind me, brushing off my arm as he stood by my side, showing a united front. "Or did you drink so much that you forgot that too? You're fucking blind Brian! Can't you see that? He's a little selfish gold digger that takes everything from you without a care, pretending it's 'love'. Like he knows what love is. And the worst part is you fucking believe him; you give and give and what does he do in return; leaves you over and over again."
Justin's eyes were on the floor, his expression guilt ridden. I was desperately trying to stay calm - I didn't want my son to see me like this - but Michael had no fucking right to say those things. If I wanted to give Justin things I would, if I wanted to forgive him for leaving after I'd pushed him into going in the first place then that was my business. If Michael still wanted to act like a jealous prick about it then fine, but I wasn't going to listen to him.
"Come on, Justin," I said, taking his hand. "Let's go."
"Yeah, go!" Michael yelled. Of course basically everyone was staring by this point. "You never cared one bit about Brian, you just came back to torture him some more. Like he hasn't suffered enough because of you! You just had to rub fucking salt in his wounds. Just do us all a favour and go back to your little twink in New York and get the fuckout of our lives!" He finished, shoving Justin.
The whole place went silent; that was one step too far. I didn't even try to control myself as my right arm came up and hit him square on; I felt his nose break under my fist.
He went tumbling to the floor, blood flowing down his face. No one rushed to help him like they did the first time. He'd never been that malicious before. They all just stood staring; some with their mouths open in shock, everyone had looks of disbelief upon their faces.
"When the fuck are you going to grow up, Michael!" I screamed, my rage reaching boiling point; hitting him hadn't been enough. "We're not fourteen anymore; fuck we're not even 29 anymore! You're not the most important guy in my life! I love Justin! So what if we've made a few mistakes? That's our business. You need to get over yourself, Michael. You're married now, you're a father now; stop acting like a spoiled brat, and stop telling me what the fuck to do with my life! Unlike you, I'm a grown up, I can make my own decisions! I don't fucking require your opinion and approval of everything I do. Just leave me the fuck alone! I don't want to see you again."
I didn't look back as I stormed out of there. I just kept on walking.
Debbie's POV
I didn't stop Brian as he hit my son. I didn't go and help him as he lay on the floor, blood gushing from his broken nose. And I didn't jump in as Brian verbally lashed into him before storming out in a rage like I'd never seen before. I didn't stop him because as far as I was concerned he was just saving me the job of doing it.
There had been times in my life where I'd been disappointed in my son, but I'd never been ashamed before. I'd never felt like telling everyone in the room that was listening - basically the whole fucking bar - that that wasn't the son I gave birth to. I wouldn't say I was as angry as Brian right now, but I'm telling you, it's pretty fucking close.
I looked to where Justin was still stood; frozen in place with shock. I walked over to him, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. "Go after Brian, Sunshine. Lord knows what he's doing out there."
He managed to nod. "I'm sor-" he started to say.
"Don't you dare! I don't want to hear that word from you," I said, cutting across him. "There's only one person here who needs to say that...and then say it again because I would be very surprised if it was accepted the first time. Now go, we'll see you soon."
He kissed my cheek before running outside after Brian. I turned to Michael, or the person who looked like Michael because the person at my feet most definitely wasn't my son at the minute.
"Michael Charles Novotny-Bruckner. How dare you. How fucking dare you! I'm actually ashamed to call you my son. And as much as I would love to stand here and give you a piece of my fucking mind, I'm not going to. You're not worth wasting my breath on." I said all of this looking straight into his eyes so I knew he knew I meant every word. I turned back to my friends. "Well, I'm going to continue this celebration at home. Anyone else who isn't my son is more than welcome to join me."
Ben's POV
Who had I married? That was the actual thought that passed through my head during Michael's 'speech'. I'd never known this side to him; never knew it existed, never knew it could exist! I was in shock. So was Justin. Brian had stormed out already and I really didn't blame him. Deb went over to Justin, telling him to go after Brian. Then he went to apologise, actually apologise!I'm glad Debbie stopped him. I completely agreed that the only one who needed to apologise - and much more besides - was Michael.
I'd always known Michael had a thing about Brian, and therefore Justin, but I thought we were past it. Apparently I was wrong.
Looking at him laid there, the blood running down onto his jacket, I found it very hard to pull up any kind of sympathy towards him. He'd crossed a line tonight, and everyone here knew it. When he told us after lunch that Justin had come home, I didn't suspect a thing. He looked normal, like he was happy for his friend. He told us we should fly down there - asked me to book the flights whilst he called Mel and Lindsay. I never suspected he'd do something like this.
As Debbie started on him I couldn't help but agree with what she was saying. I almost felt like telling her to leave the Bruckner off his name. I was ashamed of him, shame like I've never known before. I just couldn't get it through my head that he'd said those things with the amount of force that he'd had behind them.
"Well, I'm going to continue this celebration at home. Anyone else who isn't my son is more than welcome to join me."
I wanted to take her up on that offer, I really did. But unfortunately I'd made a commitment and loath as I was to staying behind, I knew someone had to, and that someone would be me.
Carl left first, following Debbie. Emmett and Drew weren't far behind, then Ted and Blake... Jennifer looked livid, her boyfriend having to restrain her as they walked past Michael. If looks could kill, Michael would be getting off easy. I didn't want to ever be on the receiving end of that look. Lindsay looked a little shocked at the state of Michael. Ted and Emmett had suggested that one of them might want to get the kids out the way and it must have been her. Mel on the other hand couldn't even stand to hold her daughter; she walked out of there with Gus in her arms looking disgusted, pulling Lindsay and J.R. behind her. Finally there was just me and Hunter left.
Hunter's POV
I wanted to go, I knew Ben was expecting me to, but I wasn't going to leave him like this. Not after what Michael had done. I couldn't believe he had just done that to his best friend. I knew Michael had a bad side - he wasn't exactly my number one fan to begin with - but I didn't know he was capable of that.
"Hunter, why don't you go to Debbie's," Ben suggested. "I'll deal with this."
"No. I'm not gonna leave you."
"Hunter," he shouted. "That wasn't a suggestion." His anger was getting the best of him; he needed me now more than ever.
"Dad; I'm not going. You're gonna need me," I said, walking forwards to where Michael was. "Get up!" I told him. "Your nose is broken, not your legs." I think hearing the resentment from his son made it more real to him, for he stood and started walking quietly towards the door.
Ben came forward, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Thank you," he told me, before following Michael outside.
Everyone was still watching. "What the fuck are you all staring at?" I yelled. "Show's over," I said, headed for the door.
I walked down the street, keeping an eye out for Michael and Ben. I eventually found them arguing by the car we'd rented.
"I swear to God, Michael; I thought we were through with this." Ben looked so hurt and betrayed as he said that.
"Through with what?" I asked. With their silence came realisation. "You've done that before?" I asked, turning on Michael. "What the hell, Dude?" I yelled, shoving him into the car. "He's your fucking best friend!"
"Hunter," Ben warned.
"No! And don't tell me to get in the fucking car either!" I was shouting but I didn't care. "How could you do that to him? Brian's your best friend, and he loves Justin - they're engaged again in case you didn't know. How the fuck would you like it if someone did that to Ben?"
"Hunter, stop!"
"I'm not surprised he hit you."
"Hunter!" Ben shouted, grabbing my shoulders. That finally got through to me; that and I'd run out of steam for the moment. "That's enough. Get in the car, both of you." I grudgingly got in the back as Michael climbed in the front and Ben got in the driver's side.
"Now here's what's gonna happen; we're going to go to the hospital and get your nose fixed, then you can go to the hotel. Hunter and I will be at Debbie's until either of us can stand to be around you."
"Ben, I'm-"
"Save it, Michael! I don't want to hear it, and neither does your son. Do you have any idea how ashamed of you we both are? I can barely stand to be in the same car as you right now."
We were just pulling up at the hospital when Michael spoke again. "Are we gonna be okay?"
Ben turned off the car, pausing before he answered. "I don't know," he replied. "I think I just need space... Take the car; we'll get a taxi," he said as he opened his door, leaving Michael and me in the car. I met his eyes in the rear view mirror then followed Ben out the car.