Okay, I just had to write this. I got the idea while reading a fanfic where Conan has a bad encounter with a dog and one I wrote but haven't posted with that same idea. Anyway, I was around cats and then I came home to my cat plush and Conan plush. With them in my arms, I wrote this fanfic.
Disclaimer-I do not own Case Closed/Detective Conan. I wish I did but I sadly do not. ~_~
Conan and the Cat
The afternoon sun beat down on Conan Edowgawa as he walked home from school. It had been a ridiculous day of repeating first grade. He hated this and missed his old life greatly.
There's a cat...well somewhere there was a cat. Conan brushed his black, uniquely cut, hair from his blue eyes and peered out of his fake glasses, looking for the feline.
Suddenly, a beautiful white cat with many silver markings randomly splashed all over her fur and silvery blue eyes ran up to Conan. It was skinny and didn't seem to have an owner at all.
"What do you want?" Conan asked the feline standing by him.
He kneeled down and petted the cat who licked his hand. Conan began asking passersby if they owned her, but no one claimed her at all. Someone said she was likely a stray. He liked cats, they were independent and were much more nice, intelligent, and less aggressive than dogs, mostly anyway.
Suddenly, she ran up toward an alley and gave a commanding meow. She sounded upset and almost seemed to be urging Conan to follow her.
"What?" he asked her.
The cat ran back and tugged on Conan's blue over top with her paws. Then she ran back to the alley and gave that same commanding meow. Curious now, Conan sighed and walked over to the cat.
"What do you-!"
There, back in the dark alley was a young woman being held against her will. She had long, reddish blond hair and green eyes. The tall, bulky man had a gun to her head as she foraged desperately in her small purse. Realizing now what this cat had done, Conan realized he had to help her. He turned on his shoes and kicked a large tin can, hitting the man squarely in the head and knocking him out. He ran down to the woman and grabbed a stray rope. Conan tied the man up while the cat sung cheerfully with her meows of victory.
"Thank you child. What a lovely kitty you have with you," the woman stated.
Conan was surprised. He had thought that the cat had found him, wishing to save her owner.
"She...isn't yours?"
"Meow-ow-ow!" the cat scolded.
"No, I'm sorry she isn't."
"Don't be sorry," he murmured as he called police.
Conan then instructed her to wait for cops.
"I have to go now," Conan told her.
"Thank you again."
"Thank this cat. She showed me where you were."
The woman reached out to pet her, "Thank you kitty."
Conan looked at the cat. He knew this cat was like him, only she had a better nose. She was beautiful with her randomly, yet strategically, placed silver spots and stripes. They were so faint, but so very noticeable. Conan bid the woman well and walked away, followed by the feline.
"You insane cat, you're just like me. Only you have a crazier sense for troubling distress."
"Meow! Meow!"
Conan petted her, "I wonder how well this will go with Richard and Rachel."
The cat widened her eyes and tilted her head cutely. Conan awed, he just couldn't help it. It was like Rachel when she blushed. When his best friend, a tall karate master with long brown hair and blue eyes blushed...she looked...almost like this cat. Conan started to cry a little, but he hid it well.
"That will get Rachel. No doubt she'll get detective wannabe, huh cat?"
"Mew! Meow-ow-ow! Mer-ow?" she put a paw on his hand.
It was like she wanted to know what was wrong with him. Why was her first human 'pet' crying?
"Right now...my name is Conan Edowgawa. But it's actually Jimmy Kudo."
The cat meowed sadly, as if it truly knew how Conan felt. He gently petted her and told her his story. She mewed sadly and rubbed her head on his leg.
"I'm sorry too. I practically ignored Rachel and now...it's like I'm being punished for it. For my ignorance and pompous ways."
She mewed sadly and then ran to another alley. Her commanding meow rang and Conan gaped at her.
"Are you serious? Did someone hang a sign telling muggers to all attack today?"
She meowed again, irritated at his sarcasm at this time. A tin can, rope, a phone call, and some thank yous later, Conan and the cat were on their way. Except now Conan had some little treats for her, just great, another reason for the tantei neko to follow him.
"What should I call you?"
"Meow-mew? What kind of stupid name is that?"
"Meow-ow-ow!" her meow was quite angry and Conan wondered what curse word she had just hurled at him.
"How rude of you. Well lets see, you are like a detective, so how about Tantei Neko, Detective Cat?"
"Meow!" she yowled mournfully.
"Yeah, too plain and obvious."
Conan snapped his fingers. Her fur was shiny and it was white with silver. She looked like a tenshi.
"That's it!You should be Tantei Tenshi! Thats perfect!"
"Mew!" she cheered, as she rubbed his leg and purred.
"You are cute...you're lucky I know Rachel or I wouldn't think that."
She stuck her tongue out at him for a moment and then licked his hand. They proceeded to finish the walk to the Moore Detective Agency, where Rachel stood outside sweeping.
"Welcome home Conan. Aw, you have a little follower!"
Tantei Tenshi looked at Conan and proceeded to sit down. She performed her special look and Conan laughed inwardly as Rachel fell for the look. Conan told the story, leaving out how Tantei Tenshi had saved two lives that day.
It took about two weeks, but she got a home. It took a vet visit and then no one claimed her. When the deal was sealed,Detective Conan sat by Detective Tenshi alone in the living room for awhile. Well sort of alone, Richard was there, but he was out cold. Tantei Tenshi watched him with cold eyes, mainly because he had thumped Conan's head again.
"That brown hair one, Rachel. Thats my other little tenshi. You're a lot like her, except she doesn't find people in trouble a lot. She doesn't care much for detective work. And," he began, following her glare "don't worry Tantei Tenshi, Richard can be a baka and he hits my head a lot, but he's usually too drunk to be a bother."
She really seemed to understand every word he said. That became clear when she walked up to Richard and slapped his forehead with her paw. Conan burst into laughter and Tantei Tenshi meowed with pure joy.
Tantei means 'detective'
As for 'tenshi', I'll let you figure that. If you find the correct translation, the word will fit my context clues. If you don't and you've honestly tried, just message me. I'll let you know the meaning I have for it, which fits how I utilize it.