Chapter 3 up yejj !

Read and review plz (:

Later that day, Grimmjow had already left the house and hit the city as usual. As he didn't live home anymore where his mom took care of everything, he had run out of groceries and was now making

his way to the local supermarket. Though Grimmjow had pushed the previous night's incidents to the pit of his brain, he still felt like his thoughts were covered with a thick fog. Everything was blurry;

he wasn't sure where he was going and he couldn't see the people on the street. And so, he didn't see the person passing by, and accidentally knocked him over.

-Watch it, a familiar voice came from the ground. That voice was enough to bring Grimmjow out of his thoughts, back to reality. The blue man's head turned slowly to face the guy lying on the ground.

His eyes went wide. He couldn't believe what he was seeing and he had to blink a couple of times. He had bumped into Ulquiorra Cifer.

When Grimmjow was little, one of his best friends was Nnoitra who happened to be Ulquiorra's big brother. Grimmjow and the tall boy lived on the same street and even went to the same day care so

they spent a lot of time together. They were like two peas in a pod; they had the same sense of humor and the same interests so sometimes it was like they were the same person. And if Grimmjow

had not had the electric blue hair even back then, people would have thought they were brothers. The two "brothers" would have had the time of their lives if Nnoitra didn't have his annoying little

brother; Ulquiorra. Nnoitra's hyper-energetic little brother was always butting in and threatened to tell their parents about everything Grimmjow and Nnoitra found funny. Ulquiorra was the exact

opposite of the two older boys; he was kind and sweet, the adults loved him. He knew how to please people even though he didn't like them, and that made Grimmjow think Ulquiorra was a terrible

butt-kisser. The only person Ulquiorra actually seemed to like was his big sister, Nel. And everything went well between the older boys as long as Ulquiorra had his sister. The concept changed when

Nel died.

Grimmjow was told that Nel had died in an accident, but he never bought that story. The blue haired boy tried to get some information from Nnoitra but was left without it as the tall boy became silent

and withdrawn after the incident. The sweet and happy times that used to connect them were gone. Not long after Nnoitra's family moved out from the neighborhood and Grimmjow never saw them

again. A few years later Grimmjow had forgotten he had ever even known the mysterious but interesting family. Up until now.

- Have you finally finished your epic never-ending monologue? the sarcastic voice rose from the ground. Grimmjow grinned, how well that repartee fitted the smaller boy's mouth. It brought the old good times back.

- Still having nightmares? he responded. Ulquiorra wavered, Grimmjow knew he had hit the hard spot. While they were little Nnoitra always complained about Ulquiorra and how he sometimes woke

the whole house up by screaming through the night. Nnoitra and Grimmjow tried to figure out what was it that Ulquiorra was seeing, and usually ended up having a good laugh. Teasing and making

fun of the little raven boy was a good way of killing time.

It seemed the nightmares were still hard to handle for the raven boy as his eyes now got a glazed look. Well, they almost always had had that look after the incident, but Grimmjow couldn't know that

since he hadn't seen the boy in years. As the absent essence didn't seem to leave the nowadays emo teen, the bigger man started to feel bad. It couldn't have been that bad what he had said, could it?

- Heeey c'moon I was just kiddin', he tried to make up his words. The moody boy returned to this world and lifted his face up, eyes piercing Grimmjow. Grimmjow shivered and immediately turned his

head away from the boy still lying on the ground. Then he remembered it was him who had knocked the emo down, so he offered him a hand.

- You think I'm actually going to grab that? Get real, trash, Ulquiorra stoically informed. That was enough to push Grimmjow over the edge."What the fuck is still wrong with ya?" he cried out "here we

are, not seeing each other in years and still ya haven't changed a bit! Why is it ya'r always such a bitch when it comes to me? Come on, we were stupid-ass kids back then! Why can't ya act a little

more grown-up?" Ulquiorra just stared and got up to his feet. "Excuse me", he hissed and tried to leave, only to be stopped by Grimmjow's hand grabbing the collar of his jacket.

-We're gonna' have a cup of coffee and ya'r gonna' say yes to it! Grimmjow exclaimed a little too loud. A few people passing by turned their heads giving them weird looks.

- Gee, fine… what a pick-up line, Ulquiorra sighed annoyed, even for his own surprise agreeing to go with him.

Soon after Ulquiorra found himself in the weirdest looking café he had ever visited. It was located on the edge of the city away from sight, and couldn't be found easily. The main entrance to the café

was on a hardy noticeable alley and the door looked like the one people used to bring out their garbage. But that was nothing compared to the inside; the floor was black, the walls were a light shade

of pink and the ceiling was covered with some pink furry fabric. The center of the room was dominated by a long stage with some metallic poles in it, and the cash was in the end of it. The room was

quite big and smoky and there were no customers, the only noise was made by a jazz-record the stereos played softly. A rough cough aborted the mysterious yet peaceful milieu.

- Hello sweeties what can I get for ya~~? Something HOT and CHOCOLATY or HARD and INTENSIVE? The singing seducing voice belonged to the cashier who had just jumped behind the cash. The man

was rather tall and thin, his hair was white and his eyes were narrowed, and he wore a smile that reached from ear to ear trying to look pleasing but ended up looking creepy and pervert.

- Shut up Gin, we're here to eat, not to get a room… Grimmjow voiced irritated. Ulquiorra's eyes flew wide in shock, was this place a…

- Don't be mean Grimmy ya know this isn't a strip club…! the fox-looking man whined supposedly hurt. Just by then Ulquiorra saw a big breasted girl wearing the most revealing underwear ever walking

behind the stage and enter the "staff-room". Ulquiorra gulped and turned his head away blushing. Grimmjow noticed that and decided to rescue the poor boy from humiliation so he quickly ordered

some tea for both and went to sit to the table furthest from Gin and the "Staff-room". When they were comfortably seated, an awkward silence landed on top of them. Grimmjow had never

actually believed Ulquiorra would come with him, so now he didn't know what to ask. Or actually he did, he just wasn't sure if it was appropriate. So he decided to start with the basics. What a bad

idea for the blue haired man who sucked in small talk.

- Sooo… what a nice weather, ain't it?

, Grimmjow thought. What kind of a shitty ice breaker was that? 'Nice weather'… Geez, he wanted to kill himself for saying that. And so did Ulquiorra as he had the 'Why-the-fuck-did-I-even-come '–

expression on his face.

- Yes, it sure is fine, Ulquiorra responded plainly. Why did Grimmjow ask me something like THAT? And here I thought he actually had something to say… Oh well… Ulquiorra wasn't pleased, and as usual he

started to study the texture of the table with his eyes.

The silence continued… and continued… and continued… It was like the worst date ever. Except that it wasn't a date. What was this meeting of theirs anyway? A business meeting? A meeting with a

friend? A reunion? All those questions bothered both Ulquiorra and Grimmjow as the silence became more pressuring by every second. And just when Ulquiorra thought he was going to be squeezed

by it, Grimmjow managed to open his mouth. Not in a nice way, though.

"What the fuck happened?"

Ulquiorra froze. Even though he had been expecting something like this, he still didn't have an answer to it. At least he didn't have an answer he could or wanted to share with the blue haired man

demandingly looking at him. Ulquiorra had to tell him something, so he gave him the basic explanation.

-You already know the story, he said keeping his voice flat as possible. He could see Grimmjow wouldn't buy that. A few seconds later the green eyed mans hypothesis was proved.

- I don't believe that crap. Tell me what really happened, Grimmjow claimed. Ulquiorra didn't bare to look into his eyes. The pressuring silence started creeping back, but was soon driven away by the sound of something clanging on the table.

- Here ya are, lovebirdies^^, Gin started with a far too happy voice but was quickly cut off by the murdering stares of the two younger men. "Ok, one tea for each, enjoy!" the fox-man quickly finished

placing the teas to the desk before leaping into the staff's room. Ulquiorra took advantage of the situation and quickly sipped from his tea avoiding the question. Just as Ulquiorra thought he was

saved, something horrible happened.

Because the café was located in a shadowy and hidden place, Ulquiorra hadn't noticed the sun was already setting. The stoic teen had thought he had all the time in the world, so he hadn't prepared himself for this to happen. He heard a loud crack.

-What was that? Grimmjow asked suddenly confused, looking around to find an explanation. Ulquiorra quickly sipped his tea trying to avoid the question, but then noticed he made a huge mistake. And Grimmjow noticed it as well.

-And what is THAT? he exclaimed fast pointing out Ulquiorra's hand holding the tea cup. The green eyed man looked at his hand seeing something porcelain-like covering a part of it. Panic conquered him and he jumped off his seat.

- I need to go, he hissed trying his best covering his feelings. He failed miserably. Grimmjow stood up too. Now there was only one thing Ulquiorra could do. He turned around and started running out of the café.

Ulquiorra could hear Grimmjow scream "Wait!" but he couldn't stop, that would've been the end of Grimmjow. Even if Grimmjow wasn't one of his favorites, he still didn't want to kill him. Ulquiorra felt

the white porcelain-like spreading wildly and covering his torso. It burned, but he dealt with it.

Ulquiorra could hear steps following him and he didn't have to guess who it was. The teen increased his speed and turned quickly to an alley to hide from the blue haired boy. A few more seconds and

he would be transformed. Three… two… one… Ulquiorra counted in his mind.

A white figure looking almost exactly like Ulquiorra shot up in the air. When Grimmjow finally reached the alley Ulquiorra had been hiding in, all he could see was a white figure vanishing to the navy blue sky.

what do you think? like it? Review if you want me to continue! ^^