So, Ladies and Gentlemen, here we are, final chapter in a story that should not have taken me as long as it did, and I am very sorry for the wait. I was attacked by my senior year of high school as some of you know, and it was exceedingly difficult to find time to write. Easter break proved to give me just enough time. Thank you all for your patience, and I hope it was worth it.

Megamind grasped his ray gun tightly, raising it to a guard position next to his ear, the infrared goggles placed on his eyes glinting, regardless of the small crack in one of them. He took a slow step into the room, head slowly moving to get a decent idea of what was around. His eyes narrowed, mouth twisting down at the corners, the ray gun was lowered slightly.

There was no one there.

Next moment with a flash of light and the infrared goggles flaring in the sudden brightness, a small human-shaped ball of flame threw itself at him. He ducked out of the way, his cape reacting immediately to protect him with a movement that almost tipped him. He dove out of the way, rolling slightly, the cape once again helping to make his own movement smoother. He finished his roll to find himself standing nose-to-nose with a grinning red head, the boy floating upside-down in front of him. With a yell and a reel of limbs he almost fell backwards, the only thing saving him that blasted cape. He was almost beginning to think that it was getting in the way.

Dash's laughter rang out at the ridiculousness of the scene in front of him from where he leaned against the box he was contained in. Megamind tossed him a glare. Next moment he found himself launched sideways as the cape flung him to the side. The reason for that bounced off of the forcefield keeping Dash encased and into the ceiling. Laser vision. Megamind examined the smoking marks quietly, and looked down at Dash with narrowed eyes.

This had just got personal. He was the only one who was supposed to use lasers.

"Well, Jack-Jack…was wondering when you'd finally show up." Megamind's voice was taunting, slowly moving himself in a circle around the boy who floated there silently, eyes narrowed as he tracked the blue aliens progress. The look that was supposed to be menacing looked more like a pout on the round young face. Megamind didn't let him know, continuing to circle, menace radiating off of him, mostly for show. He was going to treat him like a proper hero.

"Yeah, well…wouldn't want to keep you waiting." He shrugged, looping through the air lazily, a smile on his face.

"No, it could get messy for your family."

The smile vanished. "But…but it's just a game… You aren't really going to hurt them, are you?" The confusion in his voice and on his face was pointed, hovering upright as he stared at the blue alien before him.

Megamind hesitated and then slowly, pointedly, let a wide, deadly smile spread across his face. "Well…not much." The wink belied everything, completely friendly and teasing, but then he did something else. Laughter, tense, evil, completely insane laughter poured forth like smoke, and Jack-Jack attacked.

Laser after laser was fired, absorbed, and deflected, Megamind running backwards, fingers trailing over gadgets contained in his belt, a button pressed along his gloves. "Is that the best you can do?"

"Hardly!" Jack-Jack snapped, pausing and crossing his arms huffily.

"Yeah, well try this on for size; I'm tired of waiting for a change!" The security system went off at the press of another button, and it immediately attacked the flying boy. Jack-Jack hurriedly phased through the attacks, Edna jolting upright from her chair as the violence of what she was seeing shook her. It was a little boy, super powered or no, it was a little boy.

Jack-Jack, however, was having the time of his life. He was being treated like an equal, and he was going to show off to the best of his ability. Phasing powers turned to fire, shooting small fireballs at the guns, blowing them up. The short bursts turned to continuous streams as he attempted to engulf the villain-turned-hero.

"Then how about we turn up the heat?" The fire turned to an inferno, the boy careful not to set anything else alight.

"Actually I think you need a drink!" The cape protected him instantly and when it retracted, a blast of water came out and slammed into the young man with a hiss. The fire was out, and Jack-Jack reacted, vanishing through the floor.

Dash's cheers as he pressed himself against the barrier were aimless, not really caring who he cheered for. Megamind hesitated, blinking slowly, as he slowly turned, attempting to spot where the boy could be coming from.

"Now come on, is this really the time for 'hide and seek'? I really had thought better of your talents…" A moment later there was the faint sound of something above him. He slowly looked up, and hurriedly dove out of the way as a metal-shaped child fell down onto where he had been standing, the metal converted back to flesh as he phased through the floor again. Megamind ran instantly.

Again and again, the two clashed and broke apart, Jack-Jack's laughter echoing and giving Megamind fair warning of where the kid would be coming from.

"Come on, is that the best you've got?" Megamind shouted defiantly as he managed to smash the currently metal helmet with a chair. Granted, the chair broke, but it was a challenge if Jack-Jack had ever heard one.

"Well…you can always try this on for size." Next moment, with the only warning being a steady increase of vibration, Jack-Jack began morphing. Megamind backed away hesitantly as skin turned red, fingers lengthened to claws, teeth sharpened, and muscles increased.

Megamind froze for a moment, staring at the child before him with wide eyes. "You know what…I'm really not all that sure I want to…"

The chuckle that responded was almost demonic and Megamind let out a little 'eep' of fear, and ran. The clawed feet chased him, clicking across the tile, and finally, the child leapt. The cape instantly reacted, wrapping itself around the 'human' projectile, and unfortunately bringing it closer to the aliens face than he had wanted. Teeth bared themselves in a wide smile, only to blink as Megamind smiled in return, using the shadows to make himself appear all the more intimidating.

Dash really had to admit to being impressed. His brother could scare him with that grin at times, and he was his brother. Megamind really wasn't that bad…

Spoke too soon, the demonic looking creature tore itself through its bonds and landed right on Megamind's head, the villain letting out a girlish scream as he flailed, finally managing to bat it off. Jack-Jack didn't fly far, rolling over in mid air, and immediately landing in a crouch. Megamind looked around hurriedly for something as Jack-Jack leapt towards him, suddenly lifting a giant flowerpot from the ground, dumping what was inside it (decorative rocks) and using it to catch the exceedingly surprised child.

Jack-Jack wiggled around, his feet sticking into the air as he desperately tried to get out of the pot as Megamind hurriedly used the black bindings he had used for Helen to attach child to pot in a rather underhand move. Or, it would have been, had Jack-Jack not changed back to normal and phased through it.

"Oh, come on! That's cheating!" Megamind shouted out, stomping his foot and pouting.

"Psh, yeah right, says the guy that uses Miss E's security system." Jack-Jack answered, rolling his eyes.

Megamind rolled his own eyes. "I'm playing the villain; it's my job to cheat, duh."

"Yeah…well…you smell!" Jack-Jack sent a quick blast of laser vision at the blue alien, which was ducked, more scorch marks being scarred into the floor. Megamind gave an offended huff.

"I do not! I happen to have very good hygiene." Jack-Jack giggled slightly as Megamind crossed his arms in front of his chest with a pout. It was at precisely that moment that Megamind uncrossed his arms, revealed his ray gun, and fired. Jack-Jack gave a gasp, tried to phase out, only to realize he hadn't been the one shot at. He stopped attempting, raised an eyebrow at him, only to have a cube drop onto his head from the ceiling. He looked up and that was the moment when he was finally zapped.

Dash sighed and gave a brief roll of his eyes.

"Your brother is amazingly good, just so you know," Megamind said with a clearing of his throat. "He's just very easily distracted…"

"Yeaaah, I know…"

That said, Megamind went over to where Edna was waiting and easily and quickly entered her main room, smiling widely, only to have the smile slowly drop at the look of condescension she was gracing him with.

"I do hope you're aware that you will have to be fixing all of that…"

Megamind blinked, slowly turned around, and looked out at the interior of the building, blinking slowly as he removed the goggles, pressing another button to turn the lights back on. "Oh…" It was a mess, chairs were strewn everywhere, some of them in pieces, the ceiling and floors were scorched, various artifacts were scattered, and Dash was looking at him with equally wide eyes. He shrugged his shoulders finally and Megamind groaned.

"Well, that…was…sort of the plan…" He sighed out, and then shrugged in his own way. "Anyway, I shall get to work immediately."


"And your security system will be upgraded tenfold. Promise."

Megamind was as good as his word, restoring everyone back to normal by dumping the cubes into the water. They weren't happy to be wet, but they couldn't help but be congratulatory.

Megamind really wasn't buying it. He worked hard, the brain-bots he called in helping him easily and happily while Edna watched on, sipping tea contentedly. The rest watched him with slight smirks on their faces. Revenge was truly sweet.

"So, none of you are going to help me?"

"It was your fault; you were the one to suggest upgrading E's security." Bob shrugged carelessly, smiling slightly.

"Well, you were the ones that decided to challenge me," Megamind shot back, heaving an overturned chair upright.

"And you were the one that didn't let us win."

"Aw, come on, that's hardly fair!"

"But the heroes always win." Violet grinned at him widely.

"So we just made sure we did in the end!" Dash shouted out, and bumped his fist into his sisters.

Megamind groaned and got back to work.

Finally, after several hours of back-breaking labor the entirety of E's home was back to normal, and Megamind collapsed to the floor with a long-suffering sigh. The brain-bots nudged him, only for the alien to shoo them away with a glare, throwing a skinny arm over his face.

"That did not take you as long as I had expected."

"Ha! My record for menial labor has been two hours. This…this lasted longer, but it was worth it!" His finger stuck up in the air dramatically before falling back down with something of a plop. "I shall get to your security system shortly. I think I'm going to sleep now, though…"

Bob laughed quietly, shaking his head and smiled at Helen. "He's not that bad of a guy. Granted…he did kinda kick our butts, but still…"

"We really should have helped him…"

"Heroes do always win." Edna's voice reflected slight irritation and they knew it was mainly at the blue alien, they couldn't help but shrug. She would be the one to make super heroes back down…

"True…I suppose." They cleared their throats and looked away studiously, if only for Edna's benefit.

Eventually Megamind fixed the security system, amped up the codes and changed the weapons as Edna leaned back in satisfaction, and they all headed for home. The family was hesitant when they pulled into the driveway, mainly due to the sight of another car sitting innocently in the driveway. Megamind seemed to recognize it though.

Before they could truly react he had clicked his watch twice, turned into the form of the reedy human he was when he needed to blend in, and practically launched himself out of the car. They let out a brief shout of surprise and were quick to get inside to see what had caused the reaction. What they saw made them pause, before Violet, Minion clutched in her hands, gave a short 'Awww…'

Megamind had Roxanne Ritchi wrapped in a warm and nearly overpowering hug, the reporter laughing at his enthusiasm and kissing him once on his forehead before forcing him backwards. The introductions were polite and cordial, but eventually one question had to be asked.

"How did you find us?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, truly, I hadn't thought of that at the time. I just…know what Syx looks like when he tries to blend in. I saw him on the news with you and I knew who to follow. I'm really sorry, and I swear that your secret is safe; you were with him in the background of another shot. With his computer it really wasn't all that hard to find you."

"Alright, so there was nothing that really gave it away?"

"No. Believe me, you're good. And if they ask me, I'll just tell them that you're cousins. It's no trouble." Ritchi smiled at them, and the family relaxed.

"So, you're going to take him home then?" Helen asked, brushing her auburn hair out of her face as she did so.

"Yep, that was my plan," Roxanne answered with a nod of her head. "Thank you guys for taking care of him."

"Hey, it's no trouble; it was the least we could do to help out a friend in need." Bob shrugged, the lazy motion almost out of place on someone who was so tall and straight.

"He did save our lives you know."

"Yeah, and kicked our butts." Jack-Jack bit out, pouting slightly.

"Oh did he?" Roxanne had noticed the water in their hair, but had dismissed it as none of her business, now she wasn't all that sure. She turned a pointed blue eyed stare upon the cringing alien.

"Yeah…" Dash was grinning, the confrontation between the two of them was friendly, he knew there was no way he would actually get in trouble. Megamind didn't seem to know that, however.

"It wasn't anything! Just a little contest, I swear!"

"Hey, Syx, I trust you, really, it's fine." Her voice was soothing and Megamind slowly relaxed, smiling slightly.

"Oh…okay, good…"

"Anyway, I'm really sorry guys, but it's about time I took this guy home. Can I have my fish back, please?" Roxanne reached out for Minion, and Violet handed him over with a rueful grin.

"Here you go." Violet waved at them as they left.

"Do come back anytime, we'd love to have you over." Helen called out, the five of them leaning out of the doorway so they could watch them leave, waving.

"We'll take you up on the offer!" Roxanne shouted back, grinning.

"Most definitely!" Megamind went to get into the driver's side of the car, only to blink at the sight of Roxanne's glare and give her a sheepish grin.

Roxanne drove them home, Minion on Megamind's lap as they headed back to Metro City and home. But as they went, Megamind couldn't resist one last comment.

"Um…Roxanne, you wouldn't happen to know how to make BLT's, would you?"