Title: Providence

Synopsis: Some say that Providence had a hand in the birth of Princess Elizabeth Tudor, but that is as far as most take it. Though, Providence could have been responsible for so much more. What if Providence, by nature, had done something to change the course of history?

Universe: Alternate Universe, for reasons explained throughout the fic.

-Queen Anne Boleyn-

I gave birth to Elizabeth three years ago, and she is my only living child. I desperately wanted to give His Majesty a son, yet they all ended up as miscarriages. It is my duty, as Queen, to provide him with an heir. An heir, a male heir, is needed to ensure the strength of the royal blood line. Even at her present age, my daughter seems to be like her father. Her knowledge and understanding at a young age, above all else, resemble aspects of the King. She visits from time to time, and I am allowed to visit her at Hatfield. Thankfully, the Lady Mary is not around when I am there. I can tell that she cares for my daughter, but I am unsure as to how far that goes at this point.

"Again, I have failed to birth a son. My only fear is that this will cost me dearly, that something may happen to me," I admitted, giving voice to my most private thoughts.

Some part of me wished to visit Elizabeth, but another part of me went back to how disappointed the King was when I miscarried once again. 'Tis not likely that he would bring Elizabeth here, nor allow me to visit her at this moment I thought, sinking in to the chair next to me. The King has not spoken to me in several days, and I am starting to wonder what really is going on between us.

-King Henry VIII-

Elizabeth seems to be my only child from Anne, leaving me with another daughter that is eligible for the throne. It is unheard of, having a woman rule a country. I have heard of the Lord working in mysterious ways, through Providence, but this is bordering on obscenity. Not one to speak out against God, I keep all of these thoughts to myself. Catherine did not give me a son either, but Mary came from that relationship. She is devoted, not unlike her mother. Elizabeth, on the other hand, possesses some of the qualities that made me a good ruler.

"Perhaps it was Providence, and not mine nor the Queen's fault, that Elizabeth was born," I said, looking up from the work that I had on my desk.

Tudor blood is strong, seeming to carry the grace and power of many past kings. The Queen is impertinent, but Elizabeth does not seem to have that quality. The times that I have heard her at Hatfield, the Lady Bryan is venturing to teach little Elizabeth French and Latin. It is to be commended, trying to teach a toddler Romance languages. The subject of Providence entered my mind again, words spoken by Thomas More going through my mind.

He had said, "You, better than any other man, know what powers God has. he works through Providence, Devine Providece, to alter Fate and destiny. Henry, if some unexpected event occurs, it is Providence at work."

Providence gave me a daughter three years ago, a lion's cub rather than a lion. Perhaps, the Queen really deserves no blame if this was all God's will. She did nothing wrong, so there is no reason to condemn her. From what I have gathered, she has done nothing wrong and has always been faithful.

"I must speak with the Queen."

-Queen Anne Boleyn-

My ladies began to talk amongst themselves, keeping their voices low. My mind, as it has been for quite a long time, was on my darling daughter. I had long given up on the embroider that I was working on, for fear of pricking my finger. Doing anything is purely senseless, mainly because I cannot seem to concentrate on much more than Elizabeth I thought, sighing dejectedly. I rose from my chair and walked over to a wall, soon leaning against it.

I laid my hand on the wall and whispered, "These, surely, are the pains that all mothers must feel at one point or another."

There was the sound of footsteps and a man said, "Madam, I would like to talk with you."